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ImagePLB 🐘

Official PyTorch-based implementation of Paper "An Image-based Protein-Ligand Binding Representation Learning Framework via Multi-Level Flexible Dynamics Trajectory Pre-training".


[2024/06/28] Repository installation completed.


1. GPU environment

CUDA 11.6

Ubuntu 18.04

2. create conda environment

# create conda env
conda create -n ImagePLB python=3.9
conda activate ImagePLB
pip config set global.index-url

# install environment
pip install rdkit
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu116 torchvision==0.14.1+cu116 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url -i

pip install biopython==1.79
pip install easydict
pip install tqdm
pip install timm==0.6.12
pip install tensorboard
pip install scikit-learn
pip install setuptools==59.5.0
pip install pandas
pip install torch-cluster torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-spline-conv -f
pip install torch-geometric==1.6.0
pip install dgl-cu116
pip install ogb
pip install seaborn
conda install openbabel -c conda-forge
pip install einops

Data preprocessing

We use PyMOL to genearte multi-view ligand images from molecular conformations. Here is the PyMOL script to get the multi-view ligand images, you can run it in the PyMOL command:

Click here for the code!
sdf_filepath=demo.sdf  # sdf file path of ligand
load $sdf_filepath;bg_color white;set stick_ball,on;set stick_ball_ratio,3.5;set stick_radius,0.15;set sphere_scale,0.2;set valence,1;set valence_mode,0;set valence_size, 0.1;rotate $rotate_direction, $rotate;save $save_img_path;quit;

Note that we used 4 views by setting the following parameters:

  • rotate_direction=x; rotate=0
  • rotate_direction=x; rotate=180
  • rotate_direction=y; rotate=180
  • rotate_direction=z; rotate=180

Of course, to save you time on data preprocessing, we also provide download links for all data for your free access.

Pre-Training ImagePLB

1. Pre-training Dataset

Name Download link Description
multi_view_trajectory_video.tar.gz BaiduCloud ligand trajectory with multi-view images.
pocket.tar.gz OneDrive pocket trajectory with 3D graphs.

Please download all data listed above and put it in datasets/pre-training/MISATO/processed/ if you want to pre-train ImagePLB from scratch.

The directory is organized in the following format:

|   |   train.npz
|   |
|   +---1A0Q
|   |   +---x_0
|   |   |   mov0001.png
|   |   |   mov0002.png
|   |   |   ...
|   |   +---x_180
|   |   |   mov0001.png
|   |   |   mov0002.png
|   |   |   ...
|   |   +---y_180
|   |   |   mov0001.png
|   |   |   mov0002.png
|   |   |   ...
|   |   +---z_180
|   |   |   mov0001.png
|   |   |   mov0002.png
|   |   |   ...

2. ❄️Direct access to pre-trained ImagePLB

The pre-trained ImagePLB (ImagePLB-P) can be accessed in following table.

Name Download link Description
ImagePLB-P.pth OneDrive You can download the ImagePLB-P and put it in the directory: resumes/.

3. 🔥Train your own ImagePLB-P from scratch

If you want to pre-train your own ImagePLB-P, see the command below.


usage: [-h] [--dataroot DATAROOT] [--workers WORKERS]
                            [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
                            [--max_len_pocket MAX_LEN_POCKET] [--center]
                            [--n_dim_graph N_DIM_GRAPH] [--lr LR]
                            [--momentum MOMENTUM]
                            [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--weighted_loss]
                            [--runseed RUNSEED] [--start_epoch START_EPOCH]
                            [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch BATCH]
                            [--imageSize IMAGESIZE] [--resume RESUME]
                            [--n_ckpt_save N_CKPT_SAVE]
                            [--n_batch_step_optim N_BATCH_STEP_OPTIM]
                            [--lambda_next_mol LAMBDA_NEXT_MOL]
                            [--lambda_next_pocket LAMBDA_NEXT_POCKET]
                            [--lambda_next_complex LAMBDA_NEXT_COMPLEX]
                            [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--tb_step_num TB_STEP_NUM]

run command in pretrain folder to pre-train ImagePLB:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python \
	--workers 16 \
	--batch 128 \
	--epochs 30 \
	--lr 0.001 \
	--dataroot ../datasets/pre-training/MISATO/processed \
	--log_dir ./experiments/pretrain_ImagePLB \

🔥Training ImagePLB on Downstream Tasks

All downstream task data is publicly accessible below:

Datasets Links Description
PDBBind OneDrive Including PDBBind-30, PDBBind-60, PDBBind-Scaffold.
LEP OneDrive Dataset of ligand efficacy prediction.

⚠️Please download the dataset provided above and organize the directory as follows:

|   +---ligand
|   |   +---1a4k
|   |   |   x_0.png
|   |   |   x_180.png
|   |   |   y_180.png
|   |   |   z_180.png
|   +---30
|   |   |   train.npz
|   |   |   valid.npz
|   |   |   test.npz
|   +---60
|   |   |   train.npz
|   |   |   valid.npz
|   |   |   test.npz
|   +---scaffold
|   |   |   train.npz
|   |   |   valid.npz
|   |   |   test.npz
|   +---ligand
|   |   +---Lig2__6BQG__6BQH
|   |   |   x_0.png
|   |   |   x_180.png
|   |   |   y_180.png
|   |   |   z_180.png
|   +---protein
|   |   |   train.npz
|   |   |   val.npz
|   |   |   test.npz
  • run command in finetune folder for PDBBind:
python \
	--batch 32 \
	--epochs 20 \
	--lr 0.0001 \
	--egnn_dropout 0.3 \
	--predictor_dropout 0.3 \
	--dataroot ../datasets/fine-tuning/pdbbind \
	--split_type scaffold \
	--resume ../resumes/ImagePLB-P.pth \
	--log_dir ./experiments/pdbbind/scaffold/rs0/ \
	--runseed 0 \
	--dist-url tcp://
  • run command in finetune folder for LEP:
python \
	--batch 32 \
	--epochs 100 \
	--lr 0.0001 \
	--dataroot ../datasets/fine-tuning/lep \
	--split_type protein \
	--egnn_dropout 0.5 \
	--predictor_dropout 0.5 \
	--resume ../resumes/ImagePLB-P.pth \
	--log_dir ./experiments/lep/rs0/ \
	--runseed 0 \
	--dist-url tcp://

💡Reproducing Our Results

We provide detailed training logs and corresponding checkpoints, you can easily see more training details from the logs and directly use our trained models for structure-based virtual screening.

Name Download link Description
PDBBind-30 OneDrive The training details of ImagePLB-P on PDBBind-30
PDBBind-60 OneDrive The training details of ImagePLB-P on PDBBind-60
PDBBind-Scaffold OneDrive The training details of ImagePLB-P on PDBBind-Scaffold
LEP OneDrive The training details of ImagePLB-P on LEP

The files include training logs and checkpoints for training ImagePLB-P with three random seeds (0, 1, 2).


If our paper or code is helpful to you, please do not hesitate to point a star for our repository and cite the following content.