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File metadata and controls

947 lines (617 loc) · 30.1 KB

AST API Reference

Our AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is a tree formed by homogeneously-typed Node objects. The AST is language neutral: the same Node constructs are used for every language, be it C, Python, or Javascript. We also use one unified parser, with minor customizations, to parse every language.

Not all language constructs are supported, though. Unrecognized language constructs will be parsed into raw nodes, which packs node or token sequences verbatim. We always interpret parenthesis so even raw nodes can still form a tree more useful than raw code strings.

Creating an AST

The AST is usually parsed from strings or files in Javascript with one of the following APIs:

ParseCode(code, [options]) parses the provided code string into an AST. This function is also available in C++.

ParseCurrentFile([options]) parses the current file and returns an AST. The .data field of the returned root node stores the file path.

require('depends').LoadFile(name) loads a file and returns its AST, or undefined if the loading failed. The .data field of the returned root node stores the file path. Once a file is successfully loaded, the result is cached and later calls will return the same AST even if it were modified. This is useful for maintaining a partially-edited state.

Alternatively, we can also create an in-line AST by wrapping raw code with @() in an ama script.

Parsing Options

The default parser options are listed by the __global.default_options assignment in module/_init.js:

__global.default_options = {
	//The default_options tries to be generic enough for any language.
	enable_cpp_comment: 1,
	//whether to enable `#foo` comments
	enable_hash_comment: 0,
	symbols: '!== != && ++ -- -> ... .. :: << <= === == => >= >>> >> || <=> ** .* ->* <<< //',
	shell_string_quotes: '`',
	//we treat # as an identifier character to make C stuff like `#define` more idiosyncratic
	identifier_charset: '0-9A-Za-z_$#',
	number_charset: '0-9bouUlLfFn.eE',
	hex_number_charset: '0-9A-Fa-fx.pPuUlLn',
	exponent_charset: '0-9f',
	//could use 'dgimsuy', but a later JS standard could extend it
	regexp_flags_charset: 'A-Za-z',
	//we don't really look up the Unicode tables: enable_unicode_identifiers means "all high bytes are treated as identifiers"
	enable_unicode_identifiers: 1,
	//if enabled, auto finish dangling strings / parenthesis
	finish_incomplete_code: 0,
	//flags controlling individual features
	parse_operators: 1,
	parse_pointed_brackets: 1,
	parse_scoped_statements: 1,
	parse_keyword_statements: 1,
	parse_colon_statements: 1,
	parse_cpp11_lambda: 1,
	parse_declarations: 1,
	parse_cpp_declaration_initialization: 1,
	parse_destructuring: 1,
	parse_c_conditional: 1,
	parse_labels: 1,
	parse_air_object: 1,
	parse_indent_as_scope: 0,
	parse_indent_as_scope_but_merge_cpp_ctor_lines: 0,
	parse_c_forward_declarations: 1,
	parse_comma_expr: 1,
	parse_typed_object: 1,
	parse_arrow_as_dot: 1,
	parse_triple_quotes: 1,
	parse_c_style_cast: 1,
	parse_python_multi_word_things: 1,
	parse_js_regexp: 1,
	struct_can_be_type_prefix: 1,
	//enable_c_include: 1,
	//enable_js_require: 1,
	//enable_python_java_es6_import: 1,
	auto_create_params: 1,
	//binary operators, each \n denotes a change of priority level, it must be followed by a ' '
	//the 'of' operator is a hack to improve JS for-of parsing
	binary_operators: '||\n &&\n |\n ^\n &\n == != === !==\n < <= > >= in of instanceof\n <=>\n << >> >>>\n + -\n * / %\n **\n as\n .* ->*\n',
	prefix_operators: '++ -- ! ~ + - * && & typeof void delete sizeof await co_await new const volatile unsigned signed long short struct union',
	postfix_operators: 'const volatile ++ --',
	lower_than_assignment_operators: '? : , ;',
	cv_qualifiers: 'const volatile',
	//the JS `void` is too common in C/C++ to be treated as an operator by default
	named_operators: 'typeof delete sizeof await co_await new in of instanceof as const volatile',
	//unlike generic named_operators, c_type_prefix_operators only make sense when used before another identifier
	c_type_prefix_operators: 'unsigned signed long short struct union',
	ambiguous_type_suffix: '* ** ^ & &&',
	keywords_class: 'class struct union namespace interface impl trait',
	keywords_scoped_statement: 'enum if for while do try switch',
	keywords_extension_clause: 'until else elif except catch finally while',
	keywords_function: 'extern function fn def',
	keywords_after_class_name: ': extends implements for where final',
	keywords_after_prototype: ': -> => throw const noexcept override',
	keywords_not_a_function: 'switch case #include # #define #if #else #elif return',
	keywords_not_variable_name: 'static const volatile private public protected final noexcept throw override virtual operator',
	//`case` is better treated as a part of a label
	//`template` is parsed by the non-scoped statement parser, but it's created as N_SCOPED_STATEMENT
	//the standalone `#` is for things like `# define`
	keywords_statement: 'return typedef using throw raise goto #pragma # #define #undef #if #ifdef #ifndef #elif #else #endif #line break continue template package',
	keywords_operator_escape: 'static virtual final case operator auto in of as const volatile',
	keywords_numerical_qualifier: 'unsigned signed long short',
	tab_width: 4,
	tab_indent: 2, //2 for auto
	auto_space: 1,
	auto_curly_bracket: 0,

The Node Class

The Node class represents an AST node. It's available in C++ as ama::Node and available in Javascript as Node.

The Javascript Node global name refers to a prototype object and cannot be used directly for construction. Nodes have to be constructed with node_class-specific nFoo global functions, or created with the parsing functions.

The AST makes extensive use of doubly-linked lists. The links are exposed as mutable fields of Node with one-letter names: .c .s .p .v. Modifying those fields is not memory-safe, even in Javascript. We recommend mutating trees with methods like Insert and Unlink instead of modifying the fields directly, unless the task is really creative,


node_class is the node type, must be a N_FOO constant.

indent_level stores delta-indent with respect to parent node. For example, in:

int main(){
	return 0;

The return 0; node has .indent_level=4 (default tab width) while all other nodes have .indent_level=0. Using this relative indentation representation can keep the formatting sane while moving nodes around.

tmp_flags pack temporary flags that must not affect code generation

flags are persistent flags affecting code generation.

For N_RAW, it stores opening_char|closing_char<<8, for example, @([]) is nRaw().setFlags(0x5d5b)

data stores the string content of the node, like the operator string for N_BINOP, the variable name for N_REF.

comments_before store comments and spaces before the node.

comments_after store comments and spaces after the node.

c links to the node's first child.

s links to the node's next sibling.

p links to the node's parent.

v links to the node's previous sibling, or PackTailPointer(last_sibling) if this==this->p->c

children is a Javascript-only property which returns an array with all child nodes.

Common Methods

Unless otherwise specified, the following methods are supported in both C++ and Javascript:

  • nd.setData(data)
  • nd.setFlags(flags)
  • nd.setCommentsBefore(comments)
  • nd.setCommentsAfter(comments)
  • nd.setIndent(indent_level)

Chainable property setters

  • nd.AdjustIndentLevel(delta)

Equivalent to nd.indent_level+=delta; plus clamping

  • nd.FreeASTStorage()
  • nd.DestroyForSymbol()

Nodes are garbage-collected by ama::gc() in C++ or Node.gc() in JS, but you can also free them manually with nd.FreeASTStorage() or nd.DestroyForSymbol(). Debug build checks for double-frees, but no guarantees.

nd.FreeASTStorage() frees the entire tree under nd. DestroyForSymbol additionally returns the

  • nd.CloneEx()
  • nd.Clone()

Create a clone of the subtree under nd. CloneEx is only supported in C++ and additionally returns a mapping between original and cloned nodes.

  • nd.Unlink()

Unlink a node from its AST. After unlinking, the .c, .p and .s fields are guaranteed to be NULL.

  • nd.ReplaceWith(nd_new)

Replace the nd with nd_new in the AST containing it. It has no effect if nd is a root node. If nd_new is NULL, nd is unlinked instead.

ReplaceWith has a quirk -- you can't directly replace a node with something that parents it. For example, this is invalid:

nd.ReplaceWith(nParen(nd)); //will fail!

Instead, use GetPlaceHolder():

Node* nd_tmp=GetPlaceHolder();

  • nd.ReplaceUpto(nd_upto, nd_new)

Replace all nodes between nd and nd_upto with nd_new. nd_upto is inclusive, set nd_new to NULL to unlink the nodes instead. nd_upto must be a sibling of nd. The sibling links between nd and nd_upto are retained.

  • nd.Insert(pos, nd_new)

Insert nd_new in a position relative to nd. pos controls the positioning:

  • POS_BEFORE: nd_new will be the previous sibling of nd
  • POS_AFTER: nd_new will be the previous sibling of nd
  • POS_FRONT: nd_new will be the previous sibling of nd
  • POS_BACK: nd_new will be the previous sibling of nd
  • POS_REPLACE: nd_new will be the previous sibling of nd

nd_new can have sibling chains, i.e., if nd_new.s != NULL, the linked siblings will be inserted as well.

  • nd.Root()
  • nd.RootStatement()
  • nd.ParentStatement()
  • nd.FirstChild()
  • nd.LastChild()
  • nd.Prev()
  • nd.Next()
  • nd.Parent()

Find a node with some relationship specified by the method name to nd, return NULL if not found.

The definition of statements are lexical: they are immediate children of N_FILE or N_SCOPE

  • nd.isRawNode(ch_open, ch_close)
  • nd.isMethodCall(name)
  • nd.isStatement(name)
  • nd.isSymbol(name)
  • nd.isRef(name)
  • nd.isBinop(name)

Test for specific nodes. They are cheaper than the Javascript-only nd.Match.

  • nd.isAncestorOf(nd_maybe_child)

Return true if nd is an ancestor of nd_maybe_child

  • nd.Owning(nc)

Find an ancestor node with node_class nc, return NULL if not found

  • nd.Owner()
  • nd.CommonAncestor(b)

Find the owning N_CLASS or N_FUNCTION, return nd.Root() if neither is found

  • nd.Find(node_class, data)
  • nd.FindAll(node_class[, data])
  • nd.FindAllWithin(boundary, node_class[, data])
  • nd.FindAllBefore(nd_before, boundary, node_class[, data])

Find all nodes with a particular class and optionally a specific .data.

boundary is a bit mask specifying boundaries not to cross:

  • BOUNDARY_FUNCTION prevents searching into functions
  • BOUNDARY_CLASS prevents searching into classes
  • BOUNDARY_NODEOF prevents searching into N_NODEOF constructs
  • BOUNDARY_SCOPE prevents searching into scopes
  • BOUNDARY_MATCH prevents recursion into children of already-matching nodes
  • BOUNDARY_ONE_LEVEL limits the search to one level

nd.Find returns the first match or NULL if not found. nd.FindAll... return an array with all matches. nd.FindAllBefore searches in pre-order traversal and stops before visiting nd_before.

  • nd.GetStringValue()

Returns the string content for N_STRING.

The default parser keeps quotes around source code strings, so parsing "hello world" gives a node with {data:"\"hello world\""} You need GetStringValue() to get the content "hello world". Once you call GetStringValue() though, the original textual form is no longer preserved. For example, "hello \u0077orld" becomes "hello world". That's why this function is not const.

  • nd.GetName()

Get a best-effort "name" of the node. For example, the .data field of N_CALL is always empty, but .GetName() on such nodes return the callee's name if it's N_REF or N_DOT.


Create N_DOT with this node as the object

  • nd.toSource()

Return the full source code of a node. The result can be parsed to ParseCode to recreate an equivalent AST.

Implemented in src/codegen/gen.jc

  • nd.dump()

Return an abbreviated string dump of the code, useful in error messages.

Implemented in src/codegen/gen.jc

  • nd.InsertCInclude(name)

Insert a #include with the specific name if it's not already in the code.

  • nd.InsertCommentBefore(s)

Insert more comment before nd

  • nd.MergeCommentsBefore(nd_before)
  • nd.MergeCommentsAfter(nd_after)
  • nd.MergeCommentsAndIndentAfter(nd_after)

Move their comments into nd before merging another node.

  • nd.Validate()
  • nd.ValidateEx(max_depth, quiet)

Validates the pointer well-formed-ness of the entire AST under nd.

Validate prints some message and aborts when there is error. ValidateEx returns the errors count instead of aborting if quiet==1. max_depth is the maximum allowed AST depth. Anything deeper is considered ill-formed.

  • nd.ValidateChildCount(n_children, quiet)

Return true if nd has exactly n_children children.

  • nd.BreakSibling()

Break off all siblings after nd as a linked list, starting from nd.s, and return its head. Unlike nd.Unlink(), the broken-off nodes retain their sibling pointers. Also it's valid to call nd.BreakSibling() when nd.s is NULL. It just returns NULL.

  • nd.BreakChild()

Break off all children of nd as a linked list and return its head.

  • nd.BreakSelf()

Break off nd alongside its siblings as a linked list, and return nd.

  • nd.toSingleNode()

Convert a node with possible chained siblings into a single node. Usually used in conjunction with nd.BreakFoo. The created node can be N_RAW, nd itself or N_AIR.

With -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks, NULL->toSingleNode() returns nAir().

  • nd.PreorderNext(nd_root)
  • nd.PreorderSkip()
  • nd.PostorderFirst()
  • nd.PostorderNext(nd_root)

Recursion-free AST traversal. For a recursion-free preorder traversal of the subtree under nd:

for(Node* ndi=nd;ndi;ndi=ndi->PreorderNext(nd)){
	if we want to skip ndi's children {

For a postorder traversal:

for(Node* ndi=nd->PostorderFirst();ndi;ndi=ndi->PostorderNext(nd)){

  • nd.Unparse()

Unparse turns a node back to a less-parsed state (usually N_RAW). It's mainly used to correct mistakes in an earlier parsing step.

  • nd.FormatFancyMessage(msg, flags)

Format a clang-style message, referencing this. We intentionally limit our messages to warnings and notes.

  • nd.ComputeLineNumber()

ComputeLineNumber currently traverses the entire AST up to this

  • nd.GetCFGRole()

Return the role of nd in a CFG (Control Flow Graph):

  • CFG_BASIC: if nd is a basic expression / statement
  • CFG_BRANCH: if nd is a branching statement
  • CFG_LOOP: if nd is a loop
  • CFG_JUMP: if nd is a goto statement
  • CFG_DECL: if nd is a declaration that does not map to executable code

  • nd.isChildCFGDependent(nd_child)

Return 1 if whether nd_child gets executed depends on nd, nd_child must be a child of nd.

  • nd.ComputeChildCount()

Compute the number of nd's child nodes.

  • nd.FindAllDef()

Return a list of all N_REF nodes with the REF_DECLARED flag under nd.

  • nd.ComputeMaxDepth()

Compute the max depth under nd. Returns 0 for leaf nodes.

  • nd.NodeofToASTExpression()

Translate @() to Javascript node construction expression. Useful if we eventually run the AST in our own scripting context.

  • nd.AutoFormat()

Format the AST with sane indentations. Useful on generated code before dumping.

  • Node.GetPlaceHolder() (Javascript)
  • ama::GetPlaceHolder() (C++)

Get a placeholder node required when adding code around an existing node, see nd.ReplaceWith for details.

Javascript Methods

The following methods are only supported in Javascript:


Create N_CALL with nd as the function and args as arguments.

  • nd.enclose(s_brackets)

Return an enclosure of the current node in s_brackets. s_brackets can be '[]' or '()'.

  • nd.then(f, ...args)

Chainable syntax sugar for f(nd, ...args).

  • nd.toJSON()

Callback for JSON.stringify(nd). The resulting JSON is for human inspection only and not useful when parsed back.

  • nd.Match(nd_pattern)
  • nd.MatchAll(nd_pattern)

Match a code template specified by nd_pattern. nd.Match only checks nd itself. nd.MatchAll matches the pattern against the entire subtree under nd and returns an array of matches.

The returned match objects have the shape {nd:<matched node>}

  • Node.MatchAny([node_class, ]name)
  • Node.MatchDot(nd_object, name)

Wildcards for template matching. You can invoke the patterns with nested @() inside @().

MatchAny matches any node of an optional node class and saves the result in the name property of the returned match.

For example, this code:

let nd_source = @(test(3));

will return {nd:nd_source,val:nd_source.Find(N_NUMBER, '3')}.

  • nd.Subst(match)

Substitution a match into the code template specified by nd. @(foo) under nd will be replaced with

For example, this code:

let nd_source = @(test(@(val)));

will return @(test(3))

  • nd.Save([options])
  • nd.Print(options)

Save the node. options can be:

  • A string starting with '.' interpreted as a new extension
  • A string specifying a full path
  • An object with saving options, see Parsing Options. is the full path

For example, nd.Save('.audit.cpp') saves the current AST into a new file with the same file name as nd.Root().data and extension '.audit.cpp'.

  • nd.StripRedundantPrefixSpace(aggressive)

Remove redundant spaces from the AST, if aggressive is true, also remove newlines.

  • nd.TranslateTemplates(match_jobs, is_forward)

Perform template substitution. match_jobs is an array with objects in the form {from:Node, to:Node}. Each match of the from pattern will be replaced with its parameters substituted into the corresponding to pattern with Node.Subst.

If is_forward is false, do it backwards.

  • nd.GetFunctionNameNode()
  • nd.SmartConvertIndentToScope(options)

Return the name of N_FUNCTION. Returns an empty string if the function is unnamed.

Node Classes

Here is a list of all node classes, i.e., possible node_class values. The AST stores each node's children in the same order as the constructor parameters listed here.

  • Node class: N_RAW
  • Constructor: nRaw(...nodes)

Reserved for token sequences we cannot exactly parse. It can have any number of children. The textual form is the concatenation of its children, optionally enclosed by two ASCII characters:

  • .flags packes the enclosing characters: opening_char|closing_char<<8. A character value of 0 means it's omitten.

  • Node class: N_SYMBOL
  • Constructor: nSymbol(string)

Reserved for symbol tokens unconnected to surrounding nodes:

  • .data stores the symbol string.

  • Node class: N_REF
  • Constructor: nRef(string)

An identifier, likely a reference:

  • .data stores the identifier string.
  • .flags can take a combination of the following values:
    • REF_WRITTEN signifies the identifier is being written, like the foo in foo = bar;
    • REF_RW signifies the identifier is being updated, like the foo in foo += bar;. Must be used with REF_WRITTEN.
    • REF_DECLARED signifies the identifier is being declared, like the foo in int foo;

  • Node class: N_NUMBER
  • Constructor: nNumber(string)

A number:

  • .data stores the original textual form of the number.

  • Node class: N_STRING
  • Constructor: nString(string)

A string. C characters are also parsed as strings:

  • .data stores the original textual form of the string if .flags==0, or the string content if .flags==LITERAL_PARSED

For example, parsing 'a' gives {node_class:N_STRING,flags:0,data:"'a'"}. While nString('a') gives {node_class:N_STRING,flags:LITERAL_PARSED,data:"a"}.

  • Node class: N_NODEOF
  • Constructor: nNodeof(nd)

Our own extension to switch between script code and code templates in scripts. The syntax is @(foo). Example uses:

  • nd.Match(@(JSON.parse<@(Node.MatchAny('foo'))>)))
  • nd_root.Insert(POS_FRONT, @(#include <stdio.h>))
  • nd_paramlist.Insert(POS_BACK, @(int @(nRef(name))))

In normal code, @() enters the code template mode: it evaluates to an AST node corresponding to the @() contents. Nested @() switches back to normal code, where one can put in non-verbatim content like nRef(name). Nested @() supports sibling chains, like nd.Insert.

  • Node class: N_SCOPE
  • Constructor: nScope(...nodes)

A statement block:

  • .flags can be:
    • 0 to indicate a {}-enclosed block.
    • SCOPE_FROM_INDENT to indicate a Python-like indentation-based block.

  • Node class: N_FUNCTION
  • Constructor: nFunction(nd_before, nd_parameter_list, nd_after, nd_body)

A function declaration:

  • nd_before packs everything before the parameter list, e.g. int __cdecl printf in int __cdecl printf(char* fmt,...);
  • nd_parameter_list is a N_PARAMETER_LIST (documented later) storing the parameter list.
  • nd_after packs everything between the parameter list and the body, e.g. const override in virtual void foo()const override{}
  • nd_body is the function body. It is usually N_AIR or N_SCOPE,

but can also be an arbitrary expression for lambda expressions like the x+1 in x => x+1.

  • data stores the deduced function name

  • Node class: N_CLASS
  • Constructor: nClass(keyword, nd_before, nd_name, nd_after, nd_body)

A class declaration. Take the following code as example:

struct __attribute__((aligned(16))) Quaternion: Vector4 {
  • .data stores the keyword declaring the class, like struct in the example.

It's provided to the constructor with the keyword argument.

  • nd_before packs everything between the keyword and the class name, like __attribute__((aligned(16))) in the example.
  • nd_name is a N_REF with the class name, like Quaternion in the example.
  • nd_after packs everything between the class name and the body, like : Vector4 in the example.
  • nd_body is the class body. It is usually N_AIR or N_SCOPE, like {...} in the example.

  • Node class: N_POSTFIX
  • Constructor: nPostfix(nd, operator)

A postfix operation:

  • .data, provided by operator, is the operator string.
  • nd is the operand.

  • Node class: N_DOT
  • Constructor:

A dot notation:

  • .data, provided by name, is the member name.
  • nd is the object.

  • Node class: N_ITEM
  • Constructor: nItem(nd_object, ...subscripts)

Array item fetching expression in the form of nd_object[...subscripts]. subscripts can be empty and nd_object can be N_AIR. If subscripts contain multiple nodes, they are assumed to be comma-separated.

  • Node class: N_CALL
  • Constructor: nCall(nd_function, ...parameters)

Function-call expression in the form of nd_function(...parameters).

  • Node class: N_CALL_TEMPLATE
  • Constructor: nCallTemplate(nd_template, ...parameters)

Template instantiation expression in the form of nd_template<...parameters>.

  • Node class: N_CALL_CUDA_KERNEL
  • Constructor: nCallCudaKernel(nd_function, ...parameters)

The parameter binding portion of a CUDA kernel call in the form of nd_function<<<...parameters>>>.

  • Node class: N_DEPENDENCY
  • Constructor: nDependency(...nodes).setFlags(flags)

A node with dependency information, like #include in and require in Javascript_

  • .flags can be:
    • DEP_C_INCLUDE stands for C #include, if we also have .flags&DEPF_C_INCLUDE_NONSTR != 0, it's #include <>.

In any case, nodes packs one string. However, it can also be an arbitrary expression in presence of advanced C preprocessor techniques like #include ADD_FANCY_DIRECTORY("name." HEADER_EXTENSION).

  • DEP_JS_REQUIRE stands for Javascript require, nodes packs one require argument

Obsolete since 2022/02/23

  • Node class: N_BINOP
  • Constructor: nBinop(nd_a, operator, nd_b)

A binary operation:

  • .data, provided by operator, is the operator string.
  • nd_a and nd_b are the two operands.

  • Node class: N_PREFIX
  • Constructor: nPrefix(operator, nd)

A prefix operation:

  • .data, provided by operator, is the operator string.
  • nd is the operand.

  • Node class: N_ASSIGNMENT
  • Constructor: nAssignment(nd_target, [symbol, ]nd_value)

An assignment in the form of nd_target symbol= nd_value:

  • .data, provided by symbol, packs the assignment symbol sans =, like the + in a += 1.

Use an empty string for plain assignment.

  • nd_target is the target.
  • nd_value is the value.

  • Node class: N_MOV
  • Constructor: nMov(nd_target, [symbol, ]nd_value)


  • Node class: N_SCOPED_STATEMENT
  • Constructor: nScopedStatement(keyword, nd_parameter, nd_body[, ...extension_clauses])

A special statement that canonically takes a statement block, like if:

  • .data, provided by keyword, stores the keyword, like for in for(;;){}.
  • nd_parameter packs everything between the keyword and the body, like the (;;) in for(;;){}.

It can be N_AIR for statements like try{} or do{}while().

  • nd_body is the statement block. It can take values other than N_SCOPE in C when the scope is omitten.
  • extension_clauses pack follow-ups after the body, like else clauses for if and catch clauses for `try.

  • Node class: N_SSTMT
  • Constructor: nSstmt(nd)


  • Node class: N_EXTENSION_CLAUSE
  • Constructor: nExtensionClause(keyword, nd_parameter, nd_body)

An extension clause. Parameters and fields are similar to N_SCOPED_STATEMENT.

  • Node class: N_PARAMETER_LIST
  • Constructor: nParameterList(...nodes)

A list of parameters:

  • .flags can be:
    • 0 stands for a ()-enclosed list
    • PARAMLIST_TEMPLATE stands for a <>-enclosed list
    • PARAMLIST_UNWRAPPED stands for a free-standing list
  • nodes are a list of N_ASSIGNMENT nodes, the target of each represents a parameter while the value of each represents an optional default value.

Parameters without a default value have it set to N_AIR.

  • Node class: N_CONDITIONAL
  • Constructor: nConditional(nd_condition, nd_true_value, nd_false_value)

C ?: construct in the form of nd_condition ? nd_true_value : nd_false_value.

  • Node class: N_LABELED
  • Constructor: nLabeled(nd_label, nd_value)

Generic labeled construct in the form of nd_label: nd_value. It can be a number of things, including but not limited to:

  • A C goto label with a statement like end: return;
  • A C case or default clause like case 0: break;
  • A Javascript field initializer like the inside of {foo:"bar"}

  • Node class: N_AIR
  • Constructor: nAir()

An air node that stands for something grammatical but generates no code, like the namespace in ::foo.

  • Node class: N_FILE
  • Constructor: nFile(...nodes)

A source file. Must be the root node:

  • .data stores the file name when available.
  • .flags can be:
    • 0 stands for a tab-indented file
    • FILE_SPACE_INDENT stands for a space-indented file

  • Node class: N_SEMICOLON
  • Constructor: nSemicolon(nd)

A trailing semicolon: nd;. The node is assumed as purely syntactic, i.e., it doesn't "do" anything.

  • .flags can be:
    • SEMICOLON_COMMA means it's nd, instead of nd;

  • Node class: N_DELIMITED
  • Constructor: nDelimited(nd)


  • Node class: N_PAREN
  • Constructor: nParen(nd)

A pair of parenthesis: (nd). The node is assumed as purely syntactic.

  • Constructor: nKeywordStatement(keyword, nd_parameter)

A special statement that cannot take a statement block, like return:

  • .data, provided by keyword, stores the keyword, like the goto in goto end;
  • nd_parameter pack whatever that follows the keyword, or N_AIR if there is no follow-up, like in break;.

  • Node class: N_KSTMT
  • Constructor: nKstmt(nd)


  • Node class: N_JS_REGEXP
  • Constructor: nJsRegexp(string)

A Javascript regular expression in the form of /foo/flags.

  • .data stores the original textual form of the regular expression.
  • .flags can be REGEXP_ERROR for detected erroneous regexps

  • Node class: N_COMMA
  • Constructor: nComma(...nodes)

JS / C / C++ comma expression

  • Node class: N_ARRAY
  • Constructor: nArray(...nodes)

JS / Python [] array

  • Node class: N_OBJECT
  • Constructor: nObject(...nodes)

JS object / C++ initializer

  • Node class: N_TYPED_OBJECT
  • Constructor: nTypedObject(nd_type, nd_body)

C++ Foo{} object

  • Node class: N_IMPORT
  • Constructor: nImport(nd_import, nd_from)

Python / Java / ES6 import statement


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