This Project Pythia Cookbook covers an analysis of the ARM NSA (Alaska) and ANX (COMBLE campaign) sites.
The Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE).
Hannah Seppala, Shivesh S., Jordan E., Nirmal Mathew , Ines Zabala, Oye Ideki
- How do aerosol (concentration, CCN, IN) conditions vary between the sites?
- How do boundary layer (surface fluxes, turbulence) and cloud structures (cell type, characteristic size, phase) vary between sites?
- Identification of areas of similarity or difference for CAO cases at the two sites
- CCN and aerosol concentration will be smaller than average the day after events due to precipitation scavenging
- Cold air outbreak index will be positively correlated with surface flux and wind direction/intensity
- Clouds at NSA will have different physical formation and be less glaciated due to younger age
- Aerosol concentration, CCN, IN
- Fluxes + turbulence
- radar/lidar cloud profiles
- Model output regarding microphysical processes
- The season for cold air outbreaks varies between sites; early spring for COMBLE and late fall for NSA