diff --git a/dist/js/vex.combined.js b/dist/js/vex.combined.js
index 41a580d..37dd32b 100644
--- a/dist/js/vex.combined.js
+++ b/dist/js/vex.combined.js
@@ -1271,348 +1271,348 @@ module.exports = plugin
}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
-var vex = require('./vex')
-module.exports = vex
+var vex = require('./vex')
+module.exports = vex
-// classList polyfill for old browsers
-// Object.assign polyfill
-// String to DOM function
-var domify = require('domify')
-// Use the DOM's HTML parsing to escape any dangerous strings
-var escapeHtml = function escapeHtml (str) {
- if (typeof str !== 'undefined') {
- var div = document.createElement('div')
- div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str))
- return div.innerHTML
- } else {
- return ''
- }
-// Utility function to add space-delimited class strings to a DOM element's classList
-var addClasses = function addClasses (el, classStr) {
- if (typeof classStr !== 'string' || classStr.length === 0) {
- return
- }
- var classes = classStr.split(' ')
- for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
- var className = classes[i]
- if (className.length) {
- el.classList.add(className)
- }
- }
-// Detect CSS Animation End Support
-// https://github.com/limonte/sweetalert2/blob/99bd539f85e15ac170f69d35001d12e092ef0054/src/utils/dom.js#L194
-var animationEndEvent = (function detectAnimationEndEvent () {
- var el = document.createElement('div')
- var eventNames = {
- 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
- 'MozAnimation': 'animationend',
- 'OAnimation': 'oanimationend',
- 'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd',
- 'animation': 'animationend'
- }
- for (var i in eventNames) {
- if (el.style[i] !== undefined) {
- return eventNames[i]
- }
- }
- return false
-// vex base CSS classes
-var baseClassNames = {
- vex: 'vex',
- content: 'vex-content',
- overlay: 'vex-overlay',
- close: 'vex-close',
- closing: 'vex-closing',
- open: 'vex-open'
-// Private lookup table of all open vex objects, keyed by id
-var vexes = {}
-var globalId = 1
-// Private boolean to assist the escapeButtonCloses option
-var isEscapeActive = false
-// vex itself is an object that exposes a simple API to open and close vex objects in various ways
-var vex = {
- open: function open (opts) {
- // Check for usage of deprecated options, and log a warning
- var warnDeprecated = function warnDeprecated (prop) {
- console.warn('The "' + prop + '" property is deprecated in vex 3. Use CSS classes and the appropriate "ClassName" options, instead.')
- console.warn('See http://github.hubspot.com/vex/api/advanced/#options')
- }
- if (opts.css) {
- warnDeprecated('css')
- }
- if (opts.overlayCSS) {
- warnDeprecated('overlayCSS')
- }
- if (opts.contentCSS) {
- warnDeprecated('contentCSS')
- }
- if (opts.closeCSS) {
- warnDeprecated('closeCSS')
- }
- // The dialog instance
- var vexInstance = {}
- // Set id
- vexInstance.id = globalId++
- // Store internally
- vexes[vexInstance.id] = vexInstance
- // Set state
- vexInstance.isOpen = true
- // Close function on the vex instance
- // This is how all API functions should close individual vexes
- vexInstance.close = function instanceClose () {
- // Check state
- if (!this.isOpen) {
- return true
- }
- var options = this.options
- // escapeButtonCloses is checked first
- if (isEscapeActive && !options.escapeButtonCloses) {
- return false
- }
- // Allow the user to validate any info or abort the close with the beforeClose callback
- var shouldClose = (function shouldClose () {
- // Call before close callback
- if (options.beforeClose) {
- return options.beforeClose.call(this)
- }
- // Otherwise indicate that it's ok to continue with close
- return true
- }.bind(this)())
- // If beforeClose() fails, abort the close
- if (shouldClose === false) {
- return false
- }
- // Update state
- this.isOpen = false
- // Detect if the content el has any CSS animations defined
- var style = window.getComputedStyle(this.contentEl)
- function hasAnimationPre (prefix) {
- return style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-name') !== 'none' && style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-duration') !== '0s'
- }
- var hasAnimation = hasAnimationPre('') || hasAnimationPre('-webkit-') || hasAnimationPre('-moz-') || hasAnimationPre('-o-')
- // Define the function that will actually close the instance
- var close = function close () {
- if (!this.rootEl.parentNode) {
- return
- }
- // Run once
- this.rootEl.removeEventListener(animationEndEvent, close)
- // Remove from lookup table (prevent memory leaks)
- delete vexes[this.id]
- // Remove the dialog from the DOM
- this.rootEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.rootEl)
- // Call after close callback
- if (options.afterClose) {
- options.afterClose.call(this)
- }
- // Remove styling from the body, if no more vexes are open
- if (Object.keys(vexes).length === 0) {
- document.body.classList.remove(baseClassNames.open)
- }
- }.bind(this)
- // Close the vex
- if (animationEndEvent && hasAnimation) {
- // Setup the end event listener, to remove the el from the DOM
- this.rootEl.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, close)
- // Add the closing class to the dialog, showing the close animation
- this.rootEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.closing)
- } else {
- close()
- }
- return true
- }
- // Allow strings as content
- if (typeof opts === 'string') {
- opts = {
- content: opts
- }
- }
- // `content` is unsafe internally, so translate
- // safe default: HTML-escape the content before passing it through
- if (opts.unsafeContent && !opts.content) {
- opts.content = opts.unsafeContent
- } else if (opts.content) {
- opts.content = escapeHtml(opts.content)
- }
- // Store options on instance for future reference
- var options = vexInstance.options = Object.assign({}, vex.defaultOptions, opts)
- // vex root
- var rootEl = vexInstance.rootEl = document.createElement('div')
- rootEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.vex)
- addClasses(rootEl, options.className)
- // Overlay
- var overlayEl = vexInstance.overlayEl = document.createElement('div')
- overlayEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.overlay)
- addClasses(overlayEl, options.overlayClassName)
- if (options.overlayClosesOnClick) {
- overlayEl.addEventListener('click', function overlayClickListener (e) {
- if (e.target === overlayEl) {
- vexInstance.close()
- }
- })
- }
- rootEl.appendChild(overlayEl)
- // Content
- var contentEl = vexInstance.contentEl = document.createElement('div')
- contentEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.content)
- addClasses(contentEl, options.contentClassName)
- contentEl.appendChild(options.content instanceof window.Node ? options.content : domify(options.content))
- rootEl.appendChild(contentEl)
- // Close button
- if (options.showCloseButton) {
- var closeEl = vexInstance.closeEl = document.createElement('div')
- closeEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.close)
- addClasses(closeEl, options.closeClassName)
- closeEl.addEventListener('click', vexInstance.close.bind(vexInstance))
- contentEl.appendChild(closeEl)
- }
- // Add to DOM
- document.querySelector(options.appendLocation).appendChild(rootEl)
- // Call after open callback
- if (options.afterOpen) {
- options.afterOpen.call(vexInstance)
- }
- // Apply styling to the body
- document.body.classList.add(baseClassNames.open)
- // Return the created vex instance
- return vexInstance
- },
- // A top-level vex.close function to close dialogs by reference or id
- close: function close (vexOrId) {
- var id
- if (vexOrId.id) {
- id = vexOrId.id
- } else if (typeof vexOrId === 'string') {
- id = vexOrId
- } else {
- throw new TypeError('close requires a vex object or id string')
- }
- if (!vexes[id]) {
- return false
- }
- return vexes[id].close()
- },
- // Close the most recently created/opened vex
- closeTop: function closeTop () {
- var ids = Object.keys(vexes)
- if (!ids.length) {
- return false
- }
- return vexes[ids[ids.length - 1]].close()
- },
- // Close every vex!
- closeAll: function closeAll () {
- for (var id in vexes) {
- this.close(id)
- }
- return true
- },
- // A getter for the internal lookup table
- getAll: function getAll () {
- return vexes
- },
- // A getter for the internal lookup table
- getById: function getById (id) {
- return vexes[id]
- }
-// Close top vex on escape
-window.addEventListener('keyup', function vexKeyupListener (e) {
- if (e.keyCode === 27) {
- isEscapeActive = true
- vex.closeTop()
- isEscapeActive = false
- }
-// Close all vexes on history pop state (useful in single page apps)
-window.addEventListener('popstate', function(){
- if(vex.defaultOptions.closeAllOnPopState){
- vex.closeAll.call(vex);
- }
-vex.defaultOptions = {
- content: '',
- showCloseButton: true,
- escapeButtonCloses: true,
- overlayClosesOnClick: true,
- appendLocation: 'body',
- className: '',
- overlayClassName: '',
- contentClassName: '',
- closeClassName: '',
- closeAllOnPopState:true
-// TODO Loading symbols?
-// Include escapeHtml function on the library object
-Object.defineProperty(vex, '_escapeHtml', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: escapeHtml
-// Plugin system!
-vex.registerPlugin = function registerPlugin (pluginFn, name) {
- var plugin = pluginFn(vex)
- var pluginName = name || plugin.name
- if (vex[pluginName]) {
- throw new Error('Plugin ' + name + ' is already registered.')
- }
- vex[pluginName] = plugin
-module.exports = vex
+// classList polyfill for old browsers
+// Object.assign polyfill
+// String to DOM function
+var domify = require('domify')
+// Use the DOM's HTML parsing to escape any dangerous strings
+var escapeHtml = function escapeHtml (str) {
+ if (typeof str !== 'undefined') {
+ var div = document.createElement('div')
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str))
+ return div.innerHTML
+ } else {
+ return ''
+ }
+// Utility function to add space-delimited class strings to a DOM element's classList
+var addClasses = function addClasses (el, classStr) {
+ if (typeof classStr !== 'string' || classStr.length === 0) {
+ return
+ }
+ var classes = classStr.split(' ')
+ for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+ var className = classes[i]
+ if (className.length) {
+ el.classList.add(className)
+ }
+ }
+// Detect CSS Animation End Support
+// https://github.com/limonte/sweetalert2/blob/99bd539f85e15ac170f69d35001d12e092ef0054/src/utils/dom.js#L194
+var animationEndEvent = (function detectAnimationEndEvent () {
+ var el = document.createElement('div')
+ var eventNames = {
+ 'WebkitAnimation': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
+ 'MozAnimation': 'animationend',
+ 'OAnimation': 'oanimationend',
+ 'msAnimation': 'MSAnimationEnd',
+ 'animation': 'animationend'
+ }
+ for (var i in eventNames) {
+ if (el.style[i] !== undefined) {
+ return eventNames[i]
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// vex base CSS classes
+var baseClassNames = {
+ vex: 'vex',
+ content: 'vex-content',
+ overlay: 'vex-overlay',
+ close: 'vex-close',
+ closing: 'vex-closing',
+ open: 'vex-open'
+// Private lookup table of all open vex objects, keyed by id
+var vexes = {}
+var globalId = 1
+// Private boolean to assist the escapeButtonCloses option
+var isEscapeActive = false
+// vex itself is an object that exposes a simple API to open and close vex objects in various ways
+var vex = {
+ open: function open (opts) {
+ // Check for usage of deprecated options, and log a warning
+ var warnDeprecated = function warnDeprecated (prop) {
+ console.warn('The "' + prop + '" property is deprecated in vex 3. Use CSS classes and the appropriate "ClassName" options, instead.')
+ console.warn('See http://github.hubspot.com/vex/api/advanced/#options')
+ }
+ if (opts.css) {
+ warnDeprecated('css')
+ }
+ if (opts.overlayCSS) {
+ warnDeprecated('overlayCSS')
+ }
+ if (opts.contentCSS) {
+ warnDeprecated('contentCSS')
+ }
+ if (opts.closeCSS) {
+ warnDeprecated('closeCSS')
+ }
+ // The dialog instance
+ var vexInstance = {}
+ // Set id
+ vexInstance.id = globalId++
+ // Store internally
+ vexes[vexInstance.id] = vexInstance
+ // Set state
+ vexInstance.isOpen = true
+ // Close function on the vex instance
+ // This is how all API functions should close individual vexes
+ vexInstance.close = function instanceClose () {
+ // Check state
+ if (!this.isOpen) {
+ return true
+ }
+ var options = this.options
+ // escapeButtonCloses is checked first
+ if (isEscapeActive && !options.escapeButtonCloses) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Allow the user to validate any info or abort the close with the beforeClose callback
+ var shouldClose = (function shouldClose () {
+ // Call before close callback
+ if (options.beforeClose) {
+ return options.beforeClose.call(this)
+ }
+ // Otherwise indicate that it's ok to continue with close
+ return true
+ }.bind(this)())
+ // If beforeClose() fails, abort the close
+ if (shouldClose === false) {
+ return false
+ }
+ // Update state
+ this.isOpen = false
+ // Detect if the content el has any CSS animations defined
+ var style = window.getComputedStyle(this.contentEl)
+ function hasAnimationPre (prefix) {
+ return style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-name') !== 'none' && style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-duration') !== '0s'
+ }
+ var hasAnimation = hasAnimationPre('') || hasAnimationPre('-webkit-') || hasAnimationPre('-moz-') || hasAnimationPre('-o-')
+ // Define the function that will actually close the instance
+ var close = function close () {
+ if (!this.rootEl.parentNode) {
+ return
+ }
+ // Run once
+ this.rootEl.removeEventListener(animationEndEvent, close)
+ // Remove from lookup table (prevent memory leaks)
+ delete vexes[this.id]
+ // Remove the dialog from the DOM
+ this.rootEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.rootEl)
+ // Call after close callback
+ if (options.afterClose) {
+ options.afterClose.call(this)
+ }
+ // Remove styling from the body, if no more vexes are open
+ if (Object.keys(vexes).length === 0) {
+ document.body.classList.remove(baseClassNames.open)
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ // Close the vex
+ if (animationEndEvent && hasAnimation) {
+ // Setup the end event listener, to remove the el from the DOM
+ this.rootEl.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, close)
+ // Add the closing class to the dialog, showing the close animation
+ this.rootEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.closing)
+ } else {
+ close()
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ // Allow strings as content
+ if (typeof opts === 'string') {
+ opts = {
+ content: opts
+ }
+ }
+ // `content` is unsafe internally, so translate
+ // safe default: HTML-escape the content before passing it through
+ if (opts.unsafeContent && !opts.content) {
+ opts.content = opts.unsafeContent
+ } else if (opts.content) {
+ opts.content = escapeHtml(opts.content)
+ }
+ // Store options on instance for future reference
+ var options = vexInstance.options = Object.assign({}, vex.defaultOptions, opts)
+ // vex root
+ var rootEl = vexInstance.rootEl = document.createElement('div')
+ rootEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.vex)
+ addClasses(rootEl, options.className)
+ // Overlay
+ var overlayEl = vexInstance.overlayEl = document.createElement('div')
+ overlayEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.overlay)
+ addClasses(overlayEl, options.overlayClassName)
+ if (options.overlayClosesOnClick) {
+ overlayEl.addEventListener('click', function overlayClickListener (e) {
+ if (e.target === overlayEl) {
+ vexInstance.close()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ rootEl.appendChild(overlayEl)
+ // Content
+ var contentEl = vexInstance.contentEl = document.createElement('div')
+ contentEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.content)
+ addClasses(contentEl, options.contentClassName)
+ contentEl.appendChild(options.content instanceof window.Node ? options.content : domify(options.content))
+ rootEl.appendChild(contentEl)
+ // Close button
+ if (options.showCloseButton) {
+ var closeEl = vexInstance.closeEl = document.createElement('div')
+ closeEl.classList.add(baseClassNames.close)
+ addClasses(closeEl, options.closeClassName)
+ closeEl.addEventListener('click', vexInstance.close.bind(vexInstance))
+ contentEl.appendChild(closeEl)
+ }
+ // Add to DOM
+ document.querySelector(options.appendLocation).appendChild(rootEl)
+ // Call after open callback
+ if (options.afterOpen) {
+ options.afterOpen.call(vexInstance)
+ }
+ // Apply styling to the body
+ document.body.classList.add(baseClassNames.open)
+ // Return the created vex instance
+ return vexInstance
+ },
+ // A top-level vex.close function to close dialogs by reference or id
+ close: function close (vexOrId) {
+ var id
+ if (vexOrId.id) {
+ id = vexOrId.id
+ } else if (typeof vexOrId === 'string') {
+ id = vexOrId
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('close requires a vex object or id string')
+ }
+ if (!vexes[id]) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return vexes[id].close()
+ },
+ // Close the most recently created/opened vex
+ closeTop: function closeTop () {
+ var ids = Object.keys(vexes)
+ if (!ids.length) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return vexes[ids[ids.length - 1]].close()
+ },
+ // Close every vex!
+ closeAll: function closeAll () {
+ for (var id in vexes) {
+ this.close(id)
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+ // A getter for the internal lookup table
+ getAll: function getAll () {
+ return vexes
+ },
+ // A getter for the internal lookup table
+ getById: function getById (id) {
+ return vexes[id]
+ }
+// Close top vex on escape
+window.addEventListener('keyup', function vexKeyupListener (e) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 27) {
+ isEscapeActive = true
+ vex.closeTop()
+ isEscapeActive = false
+ }
+// Close all vexes on history pop state (useful in single page apps)
+window.addEventListener('popstate', function () {
+ if (vex.defaultOptions.closeAllOnPopState) {
+ vex.closeAll()
+ }
+vex.defaultOptions = {
+ content: '',
+ showCloseButton: true,
+ escapeButtonCloses: true,
+ overlayClosesOnClick: true,
+ appendLocation: 'body',
+ className: '',
+ overlayClassName: '',
+ contentClassName: '',
+ closeClassName: '',
+ closeAllOnPopState: true
+// TODO Loading symbols?
+// Include escapeHtml function on the library object
+Object.defineProperty(vex, '_escapeHtml', {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: false,
+ value: escapeHtml
+// Plugin system!
+vex.registerPlugin = function registerPlugin (pluginFn, name) {
+ var plugin = pluginFn(vex)
+ var pluginName = name || plugin.name
+ if (vex[pluginName]) {
+ throw new Error('Plugin ' + name + ' is already registered.')
+ }
+ vex[pluginName] = plugin
+module.exports = vex
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist/js/vex.combined.min.js b/dist/js/vex.combined.min.js
index ef3b9a1..84ffe19 100644
--- a/dist/js/vex.combined.min.js
+++ b/dist/js/vex.combined.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-/*! vex.combined.js: vex 3.0.0, vex-dialog 1.0.6 */
-!function(a){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=a();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],a);else{var b;b="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,b.vex=a()}}(function(){var a;return function b(a,c,d){function e(g,h){if(!c[g]){if(!a[g]){var i="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!h&&i)return i(g,!0);if(f)return f(g,!0);var j=new Error("Cannot find module '"+g+"'");throw j.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",j}var k=c[g]={exports:{}};a[g][0].call(k.exports,function(b){var c=a[g][1][b];return e(c?c:b)},k,k.exports,b,a,c,d)}return c[g].exports}for(var f="function"==typeof require&&require,g=0;g