All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.25 (2022-04-08)
- AppView: remove useless home button (b312df9)
- GymForm: add hint at how to create gym maps (3698d74)
- gymMap: allow editing boulder grades and colors (e9a5cbd)
- GymMap: hide vertical scrollbar (0e9dcec)
- icon: replace ionic icon with placeholder (dfc9ac7)
- splashScreen: replace ionic splash screen with placeholder (04895bb)
- GymForm: fix map input field not being clearable (c8aa60a)
- gymMap: fix map not panning correctly when opening popover (ee83521)
0.1.24 (2022-04-05)
- GymMap: hide vertical scrollbar (0e9dcec)
- icon: replace ionic icon with placeholder (dfc9ac7)
- splashScreen: replace ionic splash screen with placeholder (04895bb)
- GymForm: fix map input field not being clearable (c8aa60a)
0.1.23 (2022-04-02)
- ChangePassword: show notification after changing password (6a8c6c6)
- ConfirmEmail: show message after email confirmation (dce296f)
- frontend: add privacy policy view (a2f5660)
- frontend: improve style of messages and notifications (f22fc4c)
- icon: replace ionic icon with placeholder (839a7d2)
- splashScreen: replace ionic splash screen with placeholder (54d5bad)
- GymSearch: fix newly created gyms not appearing in list (848c53a)
- webApp: fix gym search not displaying properly on web (1150aad)
0.1.22 (2022-03-31)
- ChangePassword: show notification after changing password (6a8c6c6)
- ConfirmEmail: show message after email confirmation (dce296f)
- frontend: add privacy policy view (a2f5660)
- frontend: improve style of messages and notifications (f22fc4c)
- GymSearch: fix newly created gyms not appearing in list (848c53a)
- webApp: fix gym search not displaying properly on web (1150aad)
0.1.21 (2022-03-20)
- GymAPI: add support for listing all gym names (07146ab)
- GymSearch: use autocomplete for gym search (30331a9)
- Login: stay logged in if active within 7 days (c2e2ee3)
- GymMap: fix boulder shift problems after refresh (5d84ebe)
- GymMap: reset all filter checkbox when switching gym (41682c8)
0.1.20 (2022-03-16)
- ChangePassword: validate passwords (f9ca3ca)
- CreateColorView: verify filled-in name field (7af8d4b)
- CreateGymView: redirect to gym after gym creation (b5fa5db)
- GymForm: validate form inputs (2ce3508)
- Login: validate form inputs (49ed389)
- Register: validate registration form (1a41814)
- GymMap: fix new boulders disappearing after filtering (3788392)
- GymMap: fix visible filtered boulders after refresh (539c8c7)
- Registration: allow registering again after deleting account (bf8d059)
- UserAPI: delete a user's email address when deleting a user (7f7c1c4)
0.1.19 (2022-03-09)
- GymMap: fix filter resetting after gym refresh (fea3510)
- GymMap: fix new boulders disappearing after filtering (6a8ce76)
0.1.18 (2022-03-08)
- ConfirmEmail: redirect to login page after email confirmation (816656c)
- GymMap: add refresh button to menu (8bb6ce4)
- Login: show login error in alert (7929fad)
- GymMap: fix edit popover opening when clicking creating boulder (2dce7dd)
0.1.17 (2022-03-04)
- add loading animation (bbd47ab)
- GymMap: Make favorite button yellow (0fd377e)
- GymMap: Swap position of edit and filter button (6c73c65)
0.1.16 (2022-03-02)
- Register: Show alert about confirmation email (09943a8)
0.1.15 (2022-03-02)
- Register: Show alert about confirmation email (09943a8)
0.1.14 (2022-02-28)
- make emails case insensitive (abe8deb)
0.1.13 (2022-02-27)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- BoulderAPI: Add support for patch requests (40c83b6)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- GymMap: Allow moving boulders (f2a0033)
- AppView: Hide app drawer entries (4564276)
- GymApi: fix grades not appearing after creating a new gym (6ddb6a7)
- GymMap: fix broken gym map (1e0d0a8)
- GymMap: Fix broken gym map on android (13bc871)
- GymMap: Fix cursor changing to pointer when over boulder (63f97f1)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- BoulderAPI: Add support for patch requests (40c83b6)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- GymMap: Allow moving boulders (f2a0033)
- AppView: Hide app drawer entries (4564276)
- GymApi: fix grades not appearing after creating a new gym (6ddb6a7)
- GymMap: fix broken gym map (1e0d0a8)
- GymMap: Fix broken gym map on android (13bc871)
- GymMap: Fix cursor changing to pointer when over boulder (63f97f1)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- BoulderAPI: Add support for patch requests (40c83b6)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- GymMap: Allow moving boulders (f2a0033)
- AppView: Hide app drawer entries (4564276)
- GymMap: fix broken gym map (1e0d0a8)
- GymMap: Fix broken gym map on android (13bc871)
- GymMap: Fix cursor changing to pointer when over boulder (63f97f1)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- CreateGym: add numbers and title to grades (3a27a08)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- CreateGymView: allow removing gym grades (24bfd86)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- AppView: Hide app drawer entries (4564276)
- GymMap: fix broken gym map (1e0d0a8)
- GymMap: Fix broken gym map on android (bf28624)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- CreateGym: add numbers and title to grades (3a27a08)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- CreateGymView: allow removing gym grades (24bfd86)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- CreateGym: add numbers and title to grades (3a27a08)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- CreateGymView: allow removing gym grades (24bfd86)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- AppView: Collapse Boulder Holder title to home button (c6ddb89)
- CreateGym: add numbers and title to grades (3a27a08)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- CreateGymView: allow removing gym grades (24bfd86)
- GymAPI: Allow updating a gym's grades (3383d09)
- GymForm: Add preview image to map upload (49b5ed8)
- GymMap: Add view for editing gym grades (16af04e)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- AppView: Hide app drawer entries (4564276)
- AppView: Add Favorite Gyms subheader (0422ae4)
- AppView: Move Create Gym entry under Gym Search (fc3079a)
- CreateGym: add numbers and title to grades (3a27a08)
- CreateGym: Move create color link to create gym view (d73f30a)
- CreateGymView: add undefined grade option (8c06327)
- CreateGymView: allow removing gym grades (24bfd86)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- appView: hide app bar nav icon on desktop (9cd8b27)
- bouldernAppIT: fix map click position (0e7a9b2)
- cypress: stop logging vuex events to command line (84cb359)
- AppView: Add Favorite Gyms subheader (0422ae4)
- appView: add profile item to navigation drawer (f5d7c68)
- AppView: Move Create Gym entry under Gym Search (fc3079a)
- CreateGym: Move create color link to create gym view (d73f30a)
- i18n: adjust welcome message (096f5de)
- login: redirect to home view after successfully logging in (c704b07)
- router: add route to profile view (deaeae5)
- serializers: adjust UserSerializer to use for reading (d4a02ef)
- settings: set UserSerializer as rest user details serializer (102dc40)
- store: adjust user to new serializer (13f5db5)
- views: add Profile view (16a9cd7)
- views: allow destroying users via delete (a57a2ae)
- appView: hide app bar nav icon on desktop (9cd8b27)
- bouldernAppIT: fix map click position (0e7a9b2)
- cypress: stop logging vuex events to command line (84cb359)
- functions: wait for login in logInViaLogInLink() (1863e25)
- AppView: Add Favorite Gyms subheader (0422ae4)
- appView: add profile item to navigation drawer (f5d7c68)
- AppView: Move Create Gym entry under Gym Search (fc3079a)
- AppView: truncate long favorite gym names (fc92662)
- CreateGym: Move create color link to create gym view (d73f30a)
- frontend: persist favorite gyms and load them from api (fc02bcd)
- i18n: adjust welcome message (096f5de)
- login: redirect to home view after successfully logging in (c704b07)
- router: add route to profile view (deaeae5)
- serializers: adjust UserSerializer to use for reading (d4a02ef)
- settings: set UserSerializer as rest user details serializer (102dc40)
- store: adjust user to new serializer (13f5db5)
- views: add get logic to gym favorites api (b56b460)
- views: add Profile view (16a9cd7)
- appView: hide app bar nav icon on desktop (9cd8b27)
- bouldernAppIT: fix map click position (0e7a9b2)
- cypress: stop logging vuex events to command line (84cb359)
- frontend: load favorite gyms after login (9ddedcd)
- functions: wait for login in logInViaLogInLink() (1863e25)
- appView: add gym favorites to navigation drawer (35212d9)
- appView: add profile item to navigation drawer (f5d7c68)
- AppView: truncate long favorite gym names (fc92662)
- factories: add favorite gym factory (7da6b4f)
- frontend: persist favorite gyms and load them from api (fc02bcd)
- gymMap: add favorite button (95c1b1c)
- gymMap: increase map move tolerance (dc5afbf)
- gymMap: increase map rotation tolerance (806a2e2)
- i18n: adjust welcome message (096f5de)
- login: redirect to home view after successfully logging in (c704b07)
- models: add age property to boulder model (db75b7f)
- models: add favorite gym model (557b9ad)
- router: add route to profile view (deaeae5)
- serializers: add age field to boulder serializer (04dc16b)
- serializers: add favorite gym serializer (978b551)
- serializers: adjust UserSerializer to use for reading (d4a02ef)
- settings: set UserSerializer as rest user details serializer (102dc40)
- store: add favorite gyms (78dc690)
- store: adjust user to new serializer (13f5db5)
- urls: add favorite gym api to urls (8640d86)
- views: add delete logic to gym favorites api (a112417)
- views: add favorite gym api (a708445)
- views: add get logic to gym favorites api (b56b460)
- views: add Profile view (16a9cd7)
- appView: hide app bar nav icon on desktop (9cd8b27)
- bouldernAppIT: fix map click position (0e7a9b2)
- bouldernAppIT: remove .only (60e6eec)
- cypress: stop logging vuex events to command line (84cb359)
- frontend: load favorite gyms after login (9ddedcd)
- functions: wait for login in logInViaLogInLink() (1863e25)