║Hyde-cli: Manual Page ║
Usage: Hyde [Function] [options]
[man] ↪️ Show Manual
[version] ↪️ Hyde-cli version
[systeminfo] ↪️ System information
[check] ↪️ Information about Hyde and its components
[Config] ↪️ [*] Hyde Config File & Directory status
[--mismatch] ↪️ Diff mismatched dotfiles
[--preserve] ↪️ Diff preserved dotfiles
[--less] ↪️ Pipes STDOUT to less
[Package] ↪️ Hyde core Package status
[control] ↪️ Interactive control file
[Config] ↪️ Manage users restore control list
[branch] ↪️ Set preavailable Hyde branch
[update] ↪️ Pull updates from Hyde repository
[upgrade] ↪️ Upgrades dots from the repository
[restore] ↪️ Restore dots
[Config] ↪️ Only restores dots from default '/home/khing/.cache/hyde/Hyde-Clone/Configs'
[Clone] ↪️ Restores dots from a clone repository
💡 Provide ~/path/to/clone/directory
[BackUp] ↪️ Restores dots from previous backup
!! Files might not be complete
💡 You can cherry pick a file/dir from a backup
[Link] ↪️ Links a clone directory. Useful if you want to change your CloneDir
[backup] ↪️ Backing up commands
[all] ↪️ Backs up the current configuration
[revert] ↪️ Revert to a previous backup run by 'Hyde backup all'.
💡 different from 'Hyde restore Backup', this command will restore the explicit backups like a snapshot
[list] ↪️ List the backup
[clean] ↪️ Clear some storage by deleting old backups
[override] ↪️ Overwrite current dots from the preferred user dir
💡 see upstream for more info
💡 add 'userPrefsDir=path/to/user/pref/directory' in
'/home/khing/.config/hyde/hyde.conf' for custom user path
[cache] ↪️ Manages Hyde's cache
[reload] ↪️ Reload wallpaper cache
[rebuild] ↪️ Force rebuild cache
[cursor] ↪️ Cursor setting
[theme] ↪️ Set cursor theme
[size] ↪️ Set cursor size
[reload] ↪️ Reload cursors
[info] ↪️ Check active cursor status (only gsettings)
[theme] ↪️ Theme commands
[set] ↪️ Set theme
[next] ↪️ Next theme
[prev] ↪️ Previous theme
[select] ↪️ Theme selector
[patch] ↪️
[import] ↪️ [*] Import a theme from different repository.
💡Invoking without args will launch a menu from Hyde-gallery DB
[ <PATH>] ↪️
[wallpaper] ↪️ Wallpaper commands
[set] ↪️ [*] Set /Path/to/Wallpaper
[ <PATH>] ↪️
[next] ↪️ Next wallppaer
[prev] ↪️ Previous wallpaper
[select] ↪️ Wallpaper selector
[variety] ↪️ [*] Use variety package to manage wallpapers
💡Add 'exec-once=Hyde wallpaper variety' in ./userprfs.conf
[--reset] ↪️ reset hyde profile
[wallbash] ↪️ Toggle to use wallpaper accent themes
[toggle] ↪️ Cycles wallbash [0] off [1] auto [2] dark [3] light
[mode] ↪️ [*] Set wallbash mode. [0] [1] [2] [3]
💡no args spawns a menu
[0] ↪️ wallbash disabled
[1] ↪️ wallbash auto
[2] ↪️ wallbash dark mode
[3] ↪️ wallbash light mode
[waybar] ↪️ Waybar commands
[control] ↪️ Edit waybar control file
[next] ↪️ Next waybar layout
[prev] ↪️ Previous waybar layout
[reload] ↪️ Reloads waybar
[size] ↪️ [*] Set waybar size
💡e.g 'waybar size 30' (range 1-100)
[ --all] ↪️ Change all the pre-set sizes
[sddm] ↪️ Sddm commands
[install] ↪️ Install and set sddm theme from HyDE clone Repo
[list] ↪️ List all local sddm themes
[select] ↪️ Select Sddm theme from the list
[set] ↪️ Set Sddm theme
[unset] ↪️ Unset a theme set by 'set' command
[test] ↪️ Test a theme
[info] ↪️ Check sddm theme status
[shell] ↪️ Shell commands
[select] ↪️ Shell selector
[power] ↪️ Power Options
[reset] ↪️ Reset changes
[save] ↪️ [*] Save power by disabling features
[--animations] ↪️ Disable animations
[--borderangle] ↪️ Disable border angle animation
[--blur] ↪️ Disable blur
[--opacity] ↪️ Disable tranparency
[--all ] ↪️ Disable all to save more power
[on ] ↪️ Disable all fancy things to save more power
[off ] ↪️ Disables the power saving mode
[toggle] ↪️ Toggle 💡 Set/unset current changes'
[unset] ↪️ [*] Unset specific changes
[--animations] ↪️ Default animations
[--borderangle] ↪️ Default border angle animation
[--blur] ↪️ Default blur
[--opacity] ↪️ Default tranparency
[--all] ↪️ Remove power saving mode
[game] ↪️ Toggle game mode
[code] ↪️ Code editor related commands
[theme] ↪️ set the code theme
[show] ↪️ Useful GUI util
[binds] ↪️ [*] Show keybind hints
💡 Click to execute
[-j] ↪️ Show the JSON format
[-p] ↪️ Show the pretty format
[-d] ↪️ Add custom delimiter symbol (default '>')
[-f <PATH>] ↪️ Add custom .conf file
[-h] ↪️ Display this help message
[bookmarks] ↪️ [*] Bookmark selector
💡append 'bookmark_file=("/path/to/bookmarks.lst")' line inside '/home/khing/.config/hyde/hyde.conf'
[--browser <PACKAGE>] ↪️ Set Browser can also set 'BROWSER' env
[--no-custom] ↪️ run without custom '.lst' bookmark files
[--persist ] ↪️ Saves bookmark file list to ~/.cache.So no re-caching after reboot
[--rasi <PATH>] ↪️ set rofi configuration
[--rebuild] ↪️ force rebuild cached bookmark paths
[ --deps] ↪️ check and resolve dependencies
[calc] ↪️ [*] Calculator (libqalculate)
[--rasi <PATH>] ↪️ set rofi configuration
[--reset] ↪️ Reset cache
[ --deps] ↪️ check and resolve dependencies
[emoji] ↪️ [*] Emoji selector
💡Add 'emoji_style=2'
1 = list
2 = grid
[--style] ↪️ use style [ 1 | 2 ]
[--rasi <PATH>] ↪️ set rofi configuration
[ --deps] ↪️ check and resolve dependencies
[glyph] ↪️ [*] Glyph selector
[--deps] ↪️ check and resolve dependencies
[pastebin] ↪️ [*] Pastebin manager
💡 pass [only once] '--ignore=initialclass' to disable autopaste
[--copy] ↪️ list and copy selected
[--delete] ↪️ list and delete selected
[--wipe] ↪️ wipe database
[--option] ↪️ options
[--deps] ↪️ check and resolve dependencies
[screencap] ↪️ Use rofi to select screenshot options
!! kills another rofi session
[search] ↪️ [*] Web Search
💡supports shorthand e.g 'g: some thing' (this uses google.com to search for 'some thing')
💡':' is use as delimiter
💡Custom search-engines should be in 'search.lst' and be declared inside ./hyde.conf ( e.g search_file="$HOME/.config/hyde/search.lst" )
[--reset] ↪️ Reset cache
[--browser] ↪️ Browser to use
[--site] ↪️ Search engine to use
[--rasi <PATH>] ↪️ set rofi configuration
[run] ↪️ Executable utilities
[airplane_mode] ↪️ Toggle airplane mode
💡Toggles wifi
[audio_idle] ↪️ Inhibits idle when player status: 'Playing
[screencap] ↪️ [*] Screenshot and screenrecord tool
[--print-all] ↪️ Print all outputs
[--record-focus] ↪️ Record focused monitor
[--print-snip] ↪️ Drag to manually snip an area
[--record-snip] ↪️ Drag to manually snip an area to screen record it
[--freeze] ↪️ Frozen screen, drag to manually snip an area
[--print-monitor] ↪️ Print focused monitor
[--scan] ↪️ Use 'tesseract' to scan image then add to clipboard
[--stop] ↪️ Stop every instance of Screencap
[--reset] ↪️ Reinitialize
[--deps] ↪️ Chek and resolve dependencies
[events] ↪️ Watches hyprland events and executes actions
[inject] ↪️ User/Device specific scripts that might be useful
[asus_patch] ↪️ Fixes issues for asus devices
[chaotic_aur] ↪️ [*] Add chaotic aur to you mirror
[--install] ↪️ Setup Chaotic Aur, append [fresh] to run in fresh install mode
[--uninstall] ↪️ Removes Chaotic Aur
[--revert] ↪️ Converts chaotic aur packages to AUR
[flatpak] ↪️ Flatpak setup for HyDE
[reload] ↪️ Just reload
Descriptions with [*] can be expanded to show more information. Append [--help]
Check for dependencies by appending '--deps' flag. eg ' Hyde show pastebin --deps '
Regenerate this 'man' page by appending '--reload' flag. 'Hyde man --reload'
║Hyde-cli: Tools Manual Page ║
Usage: Hyde-tool [Function] [options]
[man] ↪️ Show Manual
[zoom] ↪️ Zoom in/out Hyprland
[in] ↪️ Zoom in
[out] ↪️ Zoom out
[reset] ↪️ Reset Zoom
Descriptions with [*] can be expanded to show more information. Append [--help]
Regenerate this 'man' page by appending '--reload' flag. 'Hyde-tool man --reload'