웹기반 AI 기술을 이용한 반려견 헬스케어 서비스
// Move to the directory where a .jar file exists
$ cd libs
// Run the .jar file
$ java -jar demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# Move to the directory where a .py file exists
$ cd guhaedogML
# Run the .py file
$ python app.py
Frontend | Backend | Database | AI | Cloud |
Thymeleaf |
Spring Boot |
Flask |
Amazon EC2 |
Bootstrap |
Spring Security |
pandas |
Amazon RDS |
scikit-learn |
Kakao Postcode Service API |
Public Data |
Kakao Maps API |
Google Charts API |
🐶 Guhaedog
이다은 | 전현우 | 황승환 |
da-nyee | HyeonWuJeon | workhardslave |
This work is published under Apache-2.0 License.