Releases: HyphaApp/hypha
A big step towards getting the project side of Hypha feature complete. We also update to Python 3.10, some bugfixes and maintenance/dev enhancements.
🚀 Features
- Add PAF whole functionality including reviewer roles, dashboard listing, and set permissions (#2943) @sandeepsajan0
- Send email when saving a submission as a draft for the first time (#2948) @theskumar
⚙️ Enhancements
- Make project approval form similar like ApplicationForms or Reviews Forms (#2966) @sandeepsajan0
- Add correction and amendments link to contracting phase (#2944) @sandeepsajan0
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Remove reviewers from list who opinionated but didn't submit review (#2974) @sandeepsajan0
- Rename Forms to Application forms. (#2961) @frjo
- Add js validation for acceptable file types for all uploads (#2951) @theskumar
- Fix duplicate comments in in-app feed (#2950) @sandeepsajan0
- Fix adaptors * imports, make values of all string (#2945) @theskumar
🔧 Maintenance
- Upgrade to python 3.10. (#2952) @frjo
- Update the can i use db. (#2971) @frjo
- Update the po files. (#2970) @frjo
- Updated the sandbox db. (#2969) @frjo
- Replace stellar with dslr for fast postgres snapshots. (#2962) @frjo
- Improve testing and development experience (#2954) @theskumar
- Upgrade sentry-sdk to v1.9.5 (#2956) @theskumar
- Add vscode launch config to start django debug server (#2953) @theskumar
- Improve sample generator for help_text in factories (#2947) @theskumar
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0 and @theskumar
Time for Wagtail 3, hence the move to version 3.x.
🔧 Maintenance
- Upgrade wagtail to 3.x (#2934) @theskumar
- Refractor/messaging (#2938) @theskumar
Contributors to this release: @frjo and @theskumar
🔧 Maintenance
Contributors to this release: @fourthletter and @frjo
🐛 Bug Fixes
🔧 Maintenance
- Add conf file for DSLR (spiritual successor to Stellar). (#2939) @frjo
- Bump terser from 5.11.0 to 5.14.2 (#2930) @dependabot
- Bump mistune from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (#2937) @dependabot
- Refractor to serve JS locally (#2932) @theskumar
- Fix .editorconfig for Makefile & markdown (#2933) @theskumar
- Add gitignores for VSCode Editor (#2931) @theskumar
Contributors to this release: @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @fourthletter, @frjo and @theskumar
The in-app notifications is a first test version. With feedback from users we can add and adjust the feature to make it a useful as possible.
🚀 Features
- Implementing in-app notification (#2892) @sandeepsajan0
- Re add the stream field form for PAF (#2906) @sandeepsajan0
⚙️ Enhancements
- Give finance and contracting roles access to the submission detail views (#2674) @frjo
- Accessibility improvements to form fields (#2896) @sandeepsajan0
- Align the ordering of the filters with the columns on submission table (#2903) @frjo
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix Section Header field render issue (#2910) @sandeepsajan0
- Remove js-hidden class from wrapped block inside the group fields (#2907) @sandeepsajan0
- Fix Group field's bugs (#2800) @sandeepsajan0
- Check if related page exist before trying to render it. (#2905) @frjo
🔧 Maintenance
- Upgrade Django bleach to 3.x and bleach to 5.x (#2888) @sandeepsajan0
Contributors to this release: @frjo and @sandeepsajan0
Hypha can now send Slack notifications directly! No need for a separate Hubot service.
🚀 Features
- Integrate django-slack for direct slack messaging from hypha (#2867) @sandeepsajan0
A new setting SLACK_TOKEN
will need to be set. It can be copied from the current running Hubot service. The SLACK_DESTINATION_URL
setting is no longer used.
⚙️ Enhancements
- Remove period and add missing link in Slack templates (#2894) @frjo
- Update submit time when applicant submit a submission (#2861) @sandeepsajan0
🔧 Maintenance
Contributors to this release: @frjo and @sandeepsajan0
The two main changes are:
- The ability to assign separate review forms for internal (staff) and external reviewers. It is optional to set the external review forms. If non are set everyone will get the internal ones, just how it used to work.
- Improvement to the 2FA workflow. It always worked but but was a bit clunky. Hopefully this makes it a more streamlined experience for users. This is especially important for organisations that make use of the ENFORCE_TWO_FACTOR function introduced in v2.5.0.
🚀 Features
- Add External Review Form block to fund, for external reviewers (#2851) @sandeepsajan0
⚙️ Enhancements
- Improve 2FA workflow usability (#2865) @sandeepsajan0
- Add EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX settings to email subject (#2890) @sandeepsajan0
- Update notifications to applicants (#2773) @frjo
- Add a extra sass file for easy variable override (#2885) @frjo
- Improve the text on the password reset form (#2872) @frjo
- Exclude draft submissions from API calls (#2857) @sandeepsajan0
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Make the form help link text translateble. (#2879) @frjo
- Fix e-mail variables that got mangled during the translation push (#2863) @frjo
- Move npm install command to entrypoint script. (#2860) @frjo
- Install npm global so not replaced with volume mount. (#2859) @frjo
- Fix TypeError for MessageInline View (#2856) @sandeepsajan0
🔧 Maintenance
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0 and @sks444
⚙️ Enhancements
- Implement setting GIVE_STAFF_LEAD_PERMS so staff can be given permiss… (#2845) @frjo
- Add a feature in wagtail admin to reset 2fa for a user (#2843) @sandeepsajan0
- Populate Determination message from Detemination message template (#2844) @sandeepsajan0
- Add 'External Reviewer' picklist option to the batch action (#2831) @sandeepsajan0
- Add env variable to turn hijack/become feature on/off (#2833) @sks444
🐛 Bug Fixes
🔧 Maintenance
Contributors to this release: @frjo, @sandeepsajan0 and @sks444