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INSPIRE UML-to-GeoPackage encoding rule

Development version

Note: This document must be considered as a development document only endorsed by the authors.

Table of Contents


This document is based on an outcome of Action 2017.2 on alternative encodings for INSPIRE data. Specifically, it is based on the initial template for proposing new encodings and the ongoing work in the INSPIRE UML-to-GeoJSON encoding rule.


A GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for transferring geospatial information within a a SQLite database. The GeoPackage Encoding Standard describes a set of conventions for storing the following within a SQLite database:

  • vector features
  • tile matrix sets of imagery and raster maps at various scales
  • attributes (non-spatial data)
  • extensions

The GeoPackage Encoding Standard has been developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium. The current version is 1.2.1 (2018-09-06). The GeoPackage Encoding Standard standard defines the schema for a GeoPackage, including table definitions, integrity assertions, format limitations, and content constraints. The required and supported content of a GeoPackage is entirely defined in the standard. These capabilities are built on a common base and the extension mechanism provides implementers a way to include additional functionality in their GeoPackages.

Since a GeoPackage is a database container, it supports direct use. This means that the data in a GeoPackage can be accessed and updated in a native storage format without intermediate format translations. GeoPackages that comply with the requirements in the standard and do not implement vendor-specific extensions are interoperable across all enterprise and personal computing environments.

Within INSPIRE, this encoding rule can be used to encode large datasets from several, complex themes without information loss in a single, portable file. Any tool able to access to SQLite database can access and update attribute data within a GeoPackage. ArcGIS, QGIS, FME, GeoTools are desktop and server tools that implement the GeoPackage Encoding Standard and provide access to GeoPackages. GDAL (C/C++/Python) and NGA GeoPackage Libraries (Java/Objective-C/JavaScript) and SDK (Android/iOS/Web) can be used for storing and access data from GeoPackages in Desktop, server and mobile environments.


This sections describes the scope of the INSPIRE UML-to-GeoPackage encoding rule.

This encoding rule has two parts:

  • The Compliance encoding rule, intended for INSPIRE compliance.
  • The Flattened Dataset encoding rule, intended for data usability.

The Compliance encoding rule can be used for:

The Flattened Dataset encoding rule can be used for flattening a dataset encoded with the Compliance encoding rule without loss of relevant information.

Use Cases

The Compliance encoding rule specifically addresses INSPIRE compliance. This rule intended to ease INSPIRE data compliance checking procedures.

The Flattened Dataset encoding rule specifically addresses data usability in desktop client software, such as ArcMap and QGIS. This rule optimizes usage of a INSPIRE dataset for mapping and geoprocessing in such applications.

Coverage of INSPIRE Themes

For each theme to be covered, an empty GeoPackage template is provided. The GeoPackage template is a GeoPackage instantiated with the schema for a specific INSPIRE theme.

These can reside in subfolders in the same repository as this general encoding rule, but can also be maintained in other places.

Technical Issues

This encoding rule addresses specific technical issues that have been problematic when using the default encoding:

  • Most GIS software cannot fully make use of non-simple attributes and nested structures for styling, processing and filtering;
  • Multiple values per (complex) properties cannot be used fully in ArcGIS and other GIS tools;
  • References to other features often cannot be resolved by GIS tools; Properties of referenced features cannot be used in styling or for filtering;
  • Abstract geometry types for an object mean that a wide range of different geometries can be used for any single feature class;
  • Mixed geometry types in a FeatureCollection are usually not supported.

Technical Requirements

The encoding uses the OGC® GeoPackage Encoding Standard - with Corrigendum version 1.2.1 with the following extensions:

Technical Limitations

TIN and 3D geometries are not supported yet, however they can be stored as BLOB.

Raster (native, as tile matrix) and coverage (extension) data support has not been tested yet.

Cross-cutting INSPIRE Requirements for Encoding Rules

The Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010) lays down the following requirements for encoding rules:

Article 7 -- Encoding

  1. Every encoding rule used to encode spatial data shall conform to EN ISO 19118. In particular, it shall specify schema conversion rules for all spatial object types and all attributes and association roles and the output data structure used.
  2. Every encoding rule used to encode spatial data shall be made available.

D2.7 specifies more detailed requirements and recommendations for encoding rules. The following list lists the requirements from that document and shows which ones are also met in this encoding rule:

  • Requirement 12: ... documents shall be required to be encoded using UTF-8 as character encoding.

D2.7 also contains a relevant recommendation:

  • Recommendation 3: Encoding rules should be based on international, preferably open, standards.

Normative References

This section contains references to standards documents and related resources.

Terms and Definitions

Terms and Definitions can be found in the Glossary document.

Compliance Encoding Rule

Schema Conversion Rule

INSPIRE defines the conceptual model using UML. The default encoding rule maps this UML model to XML Schema.

In the GeoPackage encoding rule, we take a two-step approach, where we apply model transformations on the level of the conceptual model to transform INSPIRE constructs into conceptual GeoPackage constructs, and then we materialize these into a GeoPackage template per theme.

Theme-specific GeoPackage Encoding Rules may provide a formal definition of the encoded data structures as normative SQL statements and abstract test suites.

Executable test suites may use these to test the correctness of data elements (tables, columns, or values) and SQL constructs (views, constraints, or triggers).

For GeoPackage, SQL queries to GeoPackage metadata tables (e.g. gpkg_contents, gpkg_spatial_ref_sys) can be used to perform simple validation on GeoPackages.

Application Schemas


A GeoPackage file may encode one or more <<applicationSchema>> packages related to a spatial data theme.

Deriving a GeoPackage file from application schemas implies the creation of SQL statements for feature tables, attribute tables, user-defined mapping tables or views and related metadata.

The application schemas to be encoded may include references to types, enumerations and code lists defined in other packages in attributes and navigable associations, which in turn may include additional references. The process of inclusion of references is recursive and requires a stop criteria. The logical boundary of the encoding of an application schema is defined by the set of <<featureTypes>> defined in other packages that can be reached from items defined in the application schema. This criterium defines a tangible boundary where the GeoPackage file makes sense as transport file of a dataset defined by one or more application schema.

Given a package A with the stereotype <<applicationSchema>>, its encoding as GeoPackage file must include:

  • Concrete spatial object types.
  • Concrete data types.
  • Enumerations and code lists.
  • Types, enumerations and code lists reachable recursively except those that can only be reached through a <<featureType>> defined in an <<applicationSchema>> different from A.

References to <<featureTypes>> in the logical boundary are replaced by the type Identifier. This approach is similar to the role of XLink in the GML specification to implement referencing.

Model transformation rule:

Given a set root of <<applicationSchema>> packages, this rule determines which types are candidates to be encoded in a GeoPackage file.

  1. Let GeoPackage be the set that contains all <<featureType>>, <<dataType>>, <<union>>, <<codeList>> and <<enumeration>> found in packages of root.

  2. Let Boundary be an empty set.

  3. Let Frontier be the set of the types referenced by means of attributes and associations, local or inherited, of elements of the set of GeoPackage not included in the set GeoPackage.

  4. If Frontier is not empty:

    1. Add the elements of the Frontier bearing the stereotype <<featureType>> to Boundary.
    2. Add the remaining elements of Frontier to GeoPackage.
    3. Go to step 3.
  5. For each item in GeoPackage do:

    1. Replace each reference of item to a type in Frontier by the type Identifier.
  6. The set GeoPackage contains the items to be encoded using this rule.


Feature types


The GeoPackage encoding standard mandates in Requirement 30 that feature tables (or views) shall only have a single geometry column. This is advantageous because allowing multiple (or none) geometries per feature table would compromise GeoPackage's position in the GIS application ecosystem. However, there are features types in INSPIRE models with none or multiple geometries.

Therefore, all concrete types that have the stereotype <<featureType>> can be converted to GeoPackage content with the following considerations:

  • Where a class has one attribute with a geometry type and a maximum multiplicity of 1, the class will be mapped to a feature table and the type of this attribute will be mapped to a GeoPackage geometry type (ISO 19107 - Geometry types).
  • Where a class has no geometry attributes (for example Addresses::ThoroughfareName), the class will be mapped to a attribute table (see Data types). A GeoPackage feature table shall have one geometry column.
  • Where a class has several attributes with a geometry type, all with a maximum multiplicity of 1, and only one is not <<voidable>>, the class will be mapped to a feature table, all <<voidable>> geometry attributes are moved to new feature type classes named as the name of the original class plus an underscore (_) plus the name of the attribute (e.g. CadastralParcel_referencePoint, Borehole_downholeGeometry) and an 1:1 association role is added between each new class and the original. [1]
  • Otherwise, i.e. a class has more than one non voidable geometry attribute or the maximum multiplicity is greater than 1, a theme-specific profile has to define which geometry attribute is the default geometry and how to map the additional geometry attributes. A GeoPackage feature table shall have only one explicit geometry column.

Implementation note

[1] Since a GeoPackage is a relational database, it is recommended for associating values relating to the same feature in different feature tables the use of the same row id to link them.

Data Types


All concrete types that have the stereotype <<dataType>> can be converted to GeoPackage content with the following considerations:

  • Where a class has no geometry attributes (for example Addresses::ThoroughfareNameValue), the class will be mapped to a GeoPackage attribute table if, after applying the all the encoding rules, the class is yet used as type in some property, i.e. the class participates in at least one relation table derived from a property.
  • Otherwise, the rules for Feature types must be applied because attribute tables are intended for data that do not have an explicit geometry attribute.
ISO 19103
Basic types

In progress

All property types are transformed to the simple types that GeoPackage knows about. The exact mapping from the UML model to the GeoPackage datatypes is outlined in the following table:

Table: ISO 19103 to GeoPackage datatype mapping.

UML Model property type GeoPackage datatype SQLite storage class Conversion Notes
CharacterString TEXT TEXT Unicode [1]
Boolean BOOLEAN INTEGER 0 for false and 1 for true
Number REAL REAL Alternative encoding [2]
Date DATE TEXT ISO8601 date strings YYYY-MM-DD.
DateTime DATETIME TEXT ISO-8601 date/time in UTC strings YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ
UnitOfMeasure TEXT TEXT Constraint enum [3]

[1] SQLite stores all text as Unicode characters encoded using either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding. The SQLite API contains functions which allow passing and retrieving text using either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding. These functions can be freely mixed and proper conversions are performed transparently when necessary.

[2] Implementers may use TEXT if a dataset needs it; values stored in SQLite as TEXT can be used in SQL CAST expressions to convert them into INTEGER and REAL values. If the text:

  • Looks like an integer and the value is small enough to fit in a 64-bit signed integer, then the result will be INTEGER.
  • Looks like floating point (there is a decimal point and/or an exponent) and can be losslessly converted back and forth between IEEE 754 64-bit float and a 51-bit signed integer, then the result is INTEGER.
  • Any other case yields the closest REAL result.

Any UML Model property whose Integer or Real values may overflow the limits of the respective SQLite storage class (i.e. INTEGER, REAL) should be mapped to TEXT, with specific rules being defined on a case-by-case basis in each theme profile.

[3] The syntax and value space is the same of gml:UomIdentifier. The legal values of the new property are the literals of the data column constraint enum GML_UomIdentifier. This restriction may be enforced by SQL triggers or by code in applications that update GeoPackage data values.

Any other UML Model property type is to be mapped to TEXT, with specific rules being defined on a case-by-case basis in each theme profile.

Properties with a uom attribute


The unit of measurement attribute (uom) on any property x has to be retained.

It is transformed to a new property with the name x_uom that will be mapped to a column of type TEXT with the enum constraint GML_UomIdentifier.

ISO 19107 - Geometry types


ISO 19107 defines a set of Geometry types, which need to be mapped to the types available in GeoPackage.

In a GeoPackage, features are geolocated using a geometry subset of the SQL/MM (ISO 13249-3).

The supported geometry model is as follows:

  • GEOMETRY (abstract) subtypes are POINT, CURVE (abstract), SURFACE (abstract) and GEOMCOLLECTION.
  • SURFACE (abstract) subtype is CURVEPOLYGON.

The correspondence of concepts of this geometry subset with concepts of the geometry model of ISO 19107 are described in ISO 19125-1:2004.

The tables below contain a the mapping of ISO 19107 used in INSPIRE UML models.

Table: ISO 19107 types used in models and its standard GeoPackage datatype mapping.

ISO 19107 type GeoPackage datatype

Table: ISO 19107 types used in models with non standard datatype mapping.

Application Schema ISO 19107 type GeoPackage datatype Conversion Notes
Building 3D GM_Solid BLOB Add the column geometrySolid_content_type. Store the 3D data in the column of type BLOB and specify the format in geometrySolid_content_type. [1]
ElevationTIN GM_Tin BLOB Store the TIN encoded in WKB. [2]
Environmental Monitoring Facility GM_Boundary POLYGON Used as type in EnvironmentalMonitoringActivity.boundingBox
Hydro - Physical Waters, Hydrogeology GM_Primitive GEOMETRY Restricted to POINT, CURVE or SURFACE and their subtypes.

[1] The GeoPackage specification does not support 3D data, but it is a established practice in GeoPackage to store any kind of content along its content type. The proposed mapping may imply the use of an attribute table instead of a feature table if the feature type has no additional geometry columns.

[2] The GeoPackage specification does not mention Triangle (GM_Triangle), PolyhedralSurface (GM_PolyhedralSurface) or TIN (GM_Tin). However the GeoPackage geometry blob format is based on ISO WKB, and hence can represent these geometric objects. It is assumable that a future GeoPackage extension may include them as supported geometry types. The proposed mapping may imply the use of an attribute table instead of a feature table if the feature type has no additional geometry columns.

Implementation note

If a specific dataset requires a geometry type that cannot be mapped to an instantiable type in the GeoPackage geometry model (either the Core model or an extension such as the Non-linear geometry type extension) and a standard encoding for the geometry is available, use the same strategy applied for GM_Solid for such dataset.

In the GeoPackage 1.2.1 specification, Requirement 32 feature table geometry columns shall contains geometries of the type or assignable for the type specified for the column in the gpkg_geometry_columns table. However, it is under consideration for the GeoPackage 1.3 specification (see here) that feature table geometry columns shall contains only geometries of the type specified for the column in the gpkg_geometry_columns table. There will be two exceptions:

  • GEOMETRY, then the feature table geometry column may contain geometries of any allowed geometry type.
  • GEOMETRYCOLLECTION then the feature table geometry column may contain zero or more geometries of any allowed geometry type.

This future change, when officially adopted, may lead to changes in this encoding rule.

ISO 19108 - Temporal types


For types from ISO 19108 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.

ISO 19115 - Metadata types


For types from ISO 19115 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.

Table: ISO 19115 to GeoPackage datatype mapping.

ISO 19115 type Attribute GeoPackage datatype Constraints Conversion Notes
ISO 19139 - Metadata XML implementation types

In progress

Table: ISO 19139 to GeoPackage datatype mapping.

ISO 19139 type Attribute GeoPackage datatype Constraints Conversion Notes
Other types

In progress

Table: Other types to GeoPackage datatype mapping.

Type GeoPackage datatype Constraints Conversion Notes
Flattening of nested structures

MT001 Implemented

The complex structure of model elements are reduced by applying a recursive flattening method. The principle of the flattening is to derive a flat model structure by moving the nested child elements to its parent. The elements are renamed to represent the former element path in the name of the resulting element and to avoid naming conflicts. The cardinality of the derived elements should be calculated from the cardinalities of the former element path. The remaining properties of the original element must be copied to the derived elements.

This model transformation rule does not handle cardinalities greater than 1.

Model transformation rule:

This rule flatten properties with maximum occurrence of 1 which whose type has not been already mapped to a GeoPackage type (e.g. ISO 19107 geometric types), it is not a <<union>>, <<codeList>> or <<enumeration>>, or is the base type Identifer.

Recursively go down through the complex model structure as follows. Given a candidate property x of type B in a class A that can be flattened, it is replaced by the properties of the class B as follows:

  • Each property y of B is copied into class A and then:
    • The new property is renamed to x_y.
    • The minimum multiplicity mew property is the minimum of the minimum multiplicities of x and y.
    • The remaining characteristics of the property x are copied to the new property.
  • Finally, the property x is removed from type A.

This process is performed recursively until the rule can no longer be applied.

Replace abstract types in properties by Identifier


Where an abstract <<featureType>> with multiple concrete sub-types is used as a property type, the property is renamed to provide a hint and the type is replaced by Identifier. This approach is similar to the role of XLink in the GML specification to implement referencing.

Model transformation rule:

This rule modifies properties that references an abstract <<featureType>>.

  • For each property x of A whose type is an abstract <<featureType>> B.
    • The property x type is changed to Identifier.
    • The property x is renamed to x_B.
Union Types


This rule flattens union types.

A union type is structured data type without identity where exactly one of the properties of the type is present in any instance.

The property x in A is replaced with the properties of the union B, i.e the union type B is flattened when:

  • the value type of property x of type A is B.
  • the maximum multiplicity of the property x is 1.

The process is as follows:

  • Each property of type B (i.e. y) is copied into type A and then:
    • Its renamed to x_y.
    • Its minimum multiplicity is set to 0.
    • The remaining characteristics of x are copied to it.
  • Next, the property x is removed from type A.

The restriction that exactly one of the properties of the type is present in any instance may be may be enforced by code in applications that update GeoPackage data values.

Enumerations and Code lists

MT008 Implemented

The use of enumeration values and references to code lists are common in the INSPIRE data specifications. An enumeration is a fixed list of possible values. A code list is a extendable list of possible values. They are represented using properties whose type is the class with the stereotype <<enumeration>> and <<codeList>>.

The schema extension provides a means to describe the columns of tables in a GeoPackage with more detail than can be captured by the SQL table definition directly. The gpkg_data_columns table contains descriptive information about columns in tables. The gpkg_data_column_constraints table contains data to specify restrictions on basic data type column values.

This encoding rule uses the above extension and creates a column enum constraint associated to each list in the conceptual model, records its allowed values as column constraints, provides a link to an external definition, and uses human readable values in property values.

Model transformation rule:

This rule transforms classes with the stereotype <<codeList>> or <<enumeration>> to GeoPackage data column constraints table of type enum.

Given a class with the stereotype <<enumeration>>, a row is added to the gpkg_data_column_constraints for each possible value of the code list. This row contains:

  • In the column constraint_name, the name of the class in lowercase.
  • In the column constraint_type, the string "enum".
  • In the column value, the value.
  • In the column description, a URI that points to a description of the value, usually "<class_name>/<value>".

Given a class with the stereotype <<codeList>>, a row is added to the gpkg_data_column_constraints for each possible value of the code list. This row contains:

  • In the column constraint_name, the name of the class in lowercase.
  • In the column constraint_type, the string "enum".
  • In the column value, the value.
  • In the column description, a URI that points to a description of the value, usually "<class_name>/<value>".

Given a property with maximum cardinality of 1 that references an enumeration or code list.

  • The type of the property is mapped to TEXT.
  • The corresponding row of the gpkg_data_columns that describes the column that implements such property (identified by the coordinates table_name, column_name) has in the column constraint_name the name of the enumeration or the code list in lowercase.

The encoding of higher cardinalities is discussed in extract primitive array.

Implementation note

This rule extends MT008 - Simplified Codelist Reference to enumerations.



If a property has exactly a cardinality of 1 but has the stereotype <<voidable>>, it is mapped to a column that allows null values.

Remaining uses of the stereotype <<voidable>> in properties are ignored.

Authoritative descriptions of the reasons for void values in the INSPIRE Registry (VoidReasonValue code list) are encoded using the metadata extension as follows:

Table: Records in gpkg_metadata.

id md_scope md_standard_uri mime_type metadata
1 attribute text/xml Content of
2 attributeType text/xml Content of
3 attribute text/xml Content of
4 attributeType text/xml Content of

Alternate Structures for specific types or type hierarchies

Simplified Localized Character String


The package Cultural and linguistic adaptability of ISO 19139 is an informative package (i.e. concepts are not implementable as-is) that defines types for representing localized texts (LocalisedChacterString, PT_FreeText, PT_Locale, PT_LocaleContainer).

The GeoJSON encoding rule regarding to ISO 19103 basic types maps LocalisedChacterString value to a string and keeps languageCodeas a separate property.

The GeoPackage encoding rule proposes a simplified way to representing localized texts similar but more expressive with the new <<type>> SimpleLocalisedCharacterString that has two properties:

  • a property that holds the text of type CharacterString.
  • a property named locale of type <<codelist>> Locale.

The value space of Locale is defined by PT_Locale. The recommended syntax is a URI or the string language[_country][.characterEncoding] similar to POSIX locales. characterEncoding should be considered optional and, if used, it should be the same as the encoding of the GeoPackage (UTF-8 or UTF-16).

The new type SimpleLocalisedCharacterString should replace the use of LocalisedChacterString and PT_FreeText. When the new type replaces the use of PT_FreeText in an attribute, the upper bound of the attribute must be set to unbounded, so we can capture the intended purpose of the association textGroup.

Simplified Geographic Name

MT005 Implemented

Geographical Names are re-used throughout more than 20 INSPIRE themes overall. For many existing data sets, the <<data type>> GeographicalName is over specified, with very little information being unique to each instance.

GeographicalName is easy to implement in GeoPackage after applying Flattening of nested structures. However, the one-to-many relationship of GeographicalName and SpellingOfName, where is the key text property, may cause usability problems. SpellingOfName has tree properties, the text which is the way the name is written, the <<voidable>> script which is the set of graphic symbols employed in writing the name, and the <<voidable>> optional transliterationScheme.

GeoPackage uses Unicode for storing text, so the script value is implicitly encoded in the text for most of the cases (see comparison of ISO 15924 script codes and Unicode). The transliterationScheme is only relevant in a linguistic context.

The general transformation rule MT005 Simplified Geographical Name proposes a simplified alternative representation for GeographicalNames when it is used by other INSPIRE themes. This transformation only retains two properties: language and spelling.text.

The simplified geographical name adds minimal information with the new <<datatype>> SimpleGeographicalName that has two properties:

  • spelling_text: CharacterString, which is encoded in Unicode.
  • language: <<voidable>> CharacterString [0..1].

The rationale for adopting for the GeoPackage encoding this model transformation is to ease the use of names.

Model transformation rule:

This rule replaces the uses of the class GeographicalName in application schemas different from Geographical Names.

  • Create the <<dataType>> SimpleGeographicalName in the package Base Types 2.
  • Substitute existing uses of GeographicalName in application schemas different from Geographical Names.

Implementation note

If an implementer requires more information, it may:

  • document defaults in the dataset metadata if it is homogeneous.
  • extend the type SimpleGeographicalName with additional columns mapped to existing properties of the original GeographicalName type if it is heterogeneous.
Simplified Citation

MT007 Implemented

Citations are used in many different places throughout the INSPIRE data specifications. ISO 19115 defines CI_Citation, which has a very deep structure. INSPIRE introduced two base types to simplify citations, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation.

CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation are easy to implement in GeoPackage after applying Flattening of nested structures and Extract primitive array.

The general transformation rule MT007 Simple Citation proposes a simplified alternative representation for CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation.

The rationale of MT007 Simple Citation is the overhead generated by deep structure of the citation structures.

The simplified citation is based on a link to an external publication and adds minimal information as the new <<datatype>> SimpleCitation with five properties:

  • name: CharacterString, the official name of the document
  • type: SimpleCitationType, which is one of CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation and indicates what kind of citation is represented
  • level: LegislationLevelValue [0..1], the level at which the legislative document is adopted
  • date: Date [0..1], date of creation, publication or revision of the document
  • link: URL [0..1], link to an online version of the document

The rationale for adopting for the GeoPackage encoding this model transformation is the unification of the citation structures.

Model transformation rule:

This rule replaces the classes CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation by the class SimpleCitation.

  • Create the <<dataType>> SimpleCitation in the package Base Types 2.
  • Substitute existing uses of CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation by SimpleCitation.

Instance transformation rule:

The type value in an instance must be consistent with the replaced original type.

Implementation note

If an implementer requires more citation information, it may:

  • extend the type SimpleCitation with additional columns mapped to existing properties of the original citation types.
  • implement CI_Citation, LegislationCitation and DocumentCitation and create a relation from the SimpleCitation to the corresponding citation.



If a property has an maximum cardinality of 1, it is mapped to a column. The column name is the same as the property. The column will allow null values if and only if if the minimum cardinality of the property is 0 or it the property is <<voidable>>.

If a property has a cardinality greater than 1, a suitable mapping needs to be found on a case-by-case basis.

If a property represents values from code lists and enumerations the type of the column is TEXT, and the values from the code lists and enumerations are encoded using the literal of the value.

Allowed values are encoded as a GeoPackage data column constraints of type enum.

Example: The example shows the SQL statements that encodes that an AdministrativeBounday has a technicalStatus property with the value notEdgeMatched that is a value of the TechnicalStatusValue enumeration registered in the INSPIRE Enumeration Registry.

INSERT INTO gpkg_data_column_constraints(constraint_name, constraint_type, value, description)
    VALUES ('technicalstatusvalue',
INSERT INTO gpkg_data_columns(table_name, column_name, constraint_name)
    VALUES ('AdministrativeBoundary',
INSERT INTO AdministrativeBoundary(..., technicalStatus)
    VALUES (..., 'notEdgeMatched');
Extract primitive array

MT002 Implemented

The values of a simple high-cardinality property can be encoded by concatenating the values ​​in a string separated by a delimiter.

Model transformation rule:

This rule transforms properties with maximum occurrence greater than 1 that has a known mapping to any GeoPackage data type except BLOB or geometry type.

Given a candidate property x of type B in a class A, it is updated as follows:

  • The type of the property x is updated to TEXT.
  • The maximum multiplicity is updated to 1.
  • Remove of the property x, if exists, any GeoPackage data column constraint associated.
  • The name of the property x is pluralized (e.g. type to types, activity to activities).

Instance transformation rule:

Values are encoded as a JSON array. The SQLite json1 extension allows applications to manage JSON content stored in a GeoPackage.

Implementation note

The pluralization of the name of the property is a marker to remember the expected content.

Content constraints in extracted primitive arrays may be implemented with SQL triggers in Extended GeoPackages.

Association Roles


N:M association roles are implemented as GeoPackage Related Tables. The mapping table of an N:M association role is implemented as a table.

The mapping table of 1:N, N:1 and 1:1 association roles is implemented as a view. The base_id of the mapping table is the id column of the parent member of the association. The related_id of the mapping table is a column of type INTEGER with the name of the child property of the relationship on the child member of the association.

For example:

CREATE VIEW 'AU_AdministrativeBoundary_inspireId' (base_id, related_id) AS
SELECT id, inspireId FROM AU_AdministrativeBoundary;

Creates the mapping table of the 1:1 relationship between AdministrativeBoundary and Inspire.

Naming modification


This rule can be used to modify the names of specific model elements in the application schema.

The name of the feature table is the name of the type (e.g. AdministrativeUnit).

The name of the attribute table is the name of the type (e.g. SpellingOfName).

The name of the constraint enum is the name of the code list or the enumeration (e.g. AdministrativeHierarchyLevel).

The name of the relation table is as follows:

  • If the relation is not mandatory for both sides, the name is the name of one of the types of the relation (e.g. AdministrativeBoundary_upperLevelUnit) plus an underscore (_) plus the name of the role on that side of the relation (admUnit).
  • If the relation is mandatory only for one side, this side provides the name of the relation (e.g Condominium_admUnit).
  • If the relation is mandatory for both sides, the name is the roles of the relation separated by an underscore (_) (e.g. boundary_admUnit).

These names may be prefixed to avoid name collision when multiple application schemas are stored in the same GeoPackage. The prefix is the namespace prefix to be used as short form of the XML namespace of the application schema in uppercase, with hyphens (-) replaced by underscores (_) plus an underscore added at the end (e.g. TN_RO_ is the prefix for contents from the application schema Transport Network Roads because tn-ro is its namespace prefix).

Other entities encoded in the GeoPackage that have an implementation in a well known XML namespace may use a similar strategy (e.g. GMD_ for contents that have an implementation in Geographic MetaData (gmd)) .

Dataset Encoding Rule

This section describes additional rules when a specific dataset is encoded into the model converted to GeoPackage.

Character Encoding


The character encoding of all TEXT encoding in GeoPackage shall be UTF-8 or UTF-16.

SQLite stores all text as Unicode characters encoded using either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding. The SQLite API contains functions which allow passing and retrieving text using either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding. These functions can be freely mixed and proper conversions are performed transparently when necessary.

Coordinate Reference Systems


A GeoPackage shall include a gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table that contains CRS definitions to relate data in user tables to location on the earth. The CRS definitions conforms to:

The gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table contain at a minimum the WGS-84 as defined by EPSG:4326 and two additional reference systems for undefined Cartesian and geographic coordinate reference systems.

The INSPIRE Data Specification on Coordinate Reference Systems – Technical Guidelines D2.8.1 proposes the use of coordinate reference system parameters and identifiers shall be managed in one or several common registers for coordinate reference systems. Only identifiers contained in a common register shall be used for referring to the coordinate reference systems. Additionally, lists in Table 1 a list of coordinate reference systems registered in the EPGS Geodetic Parameter Registry that shall be used for referring to the coordinate reference systems used in a dataset.

The following table explains how to encode default CRS from the Table 1 in the gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table.

Table: Mapping to gpkg_spatial_ref_sys.

Column Name Column Type Column Description Value from Table 1
srs_name TEXT Human readable name of this SRS Text from Short name
srs_id INTEGER Unique identifier for each SRS within a GeoPackage Any value (e.g. EPSG numeric ID)
organization TEXT Case-insensitive name of the defining organization "EPSG"
organization_coordsys_id INTEGER Numeric ID of the SRS assigned by the organization EPSG numeric ID
definition TEXT WKT representation WKT1 representation of the SRS
description TEXT Human readable description of this SRS Text from Coordinate reference system
definition_12_062 TEXT WKT representation WKT2 representation of the SRS

WKT1 and WKT2 representations can be obtained with the use of tools such as gdalsrsinfo.

The gpkg_spatial_ref_sys table of an INSPIRE GeoPackage may contain all the default CRS from the Table 1.

Void values information


Void reason value information may be encoded as metadata and related to specific features in a GeoPackage.

The first component of GeoPackage metadata is the gpkg_metadata table that MAY contain metadata in MIME encodings structured in accordance with any authoritative metadata specification. The GeoPackage interpretation of what constitutes "metadata" is a broad one. We can use the second component of GeoPackage metadata, the gpkg_metadata_reference table, to link metadata in the gpkg_metadata table to columns and row/columns in table.

implementers must provide authoritative descriptions of the reasons of null values in when a correct value may exists as follows:

Table: Records in gpkg_metadata_reference giving a reason and scope.

Reason Scope reference_scope table_name column_name row_id md_file_id
Unknown attribute row/col table name column name row id 1
Unpopulated attributeType column table name column name NULL 2
Unpopulated attributeType table related table name NULL NULL 2
Withheld attribute row/col table name column name row id 3
Withheld attributeType column table name column name NULL 4

Example:. Unpopulated is encoded in gpkg_metadata in the row with id 2. The dataset A does not maintain information about the lifecycle of the feature type AdministrativeBoundary and hence the values of endLifespanVersion columns are null values. As endLifespanVersion is <<voidable>> and optional, we can use gpkg_metadata_reference to state without ambiguity that the dataset A does not contain information about the `endLifespanVersion.

INSERT INTO gpkg_metadata_reference VALUES (

The dataset B maintains information about the lifecycle of the feature type AdministrativeBoundary and hence the values of endLifespanVersion columns are normally not null. As endLifespanVersion is <<voidable>> and optional, we can use gpkg_metadata_reference to state without ambiguity when a null value means that we don't know the end data of the administrative boundary with id 15.

INSERT INTO gpkg_metadata_reference VALUES (

Flattened Dataset Encoding Rule

Note: The content of this section is unstable.

This section describes additional rules that allows to transform a specific dataset encoded with the rules of the previous section into a flattened version.

Unpopulated Features


Feature tables and views with 0 rows must be dropped. The dependent attribute tables and views must be also dropped.

This implies also to remove rows that reference them in gpkg_contents, gpkg_geometry_columns, gpkg_data_columns, gpkg_metadata_reference, gpkgext_relations and gpkg_extensions.

Unpopulated Many-to-many Relations


Table relations tagged in gpkg_metadata_reference as unpopulated at table level must be dropped.

This implies also to remove rows that reference them in gpkg_contents, gpkg_data_columns, gpkg_metadata_reference, gpkgext_relations and gpkg_extensions.

Unpopulated Columns


Columns tagged in gpkg_metadata_reference as unpopulated at column level must be dropped.

This implies also to remove rows that reference them in gpkg_data_columns and gpkg_metadata_reference.

Implicit One-to-one Relations to Data Types


This rule is performed iteratively until no more candidates can be transformed.

The steps are:

  1. Candidates are table relations that in the dataset behaves effectively as a 0:1 or 1:1 relationship instead of 1:N or N:M where one side was a <<dataType>> in the conceptual model and it is a simple table (henceforth, source table).
  2. Source tables are flattened following the Flattening types rule as if the maximum cardinality of the relation is 1. The description of the columns affected in gpkg_data_columns is updated with to reflect the new table_name and new column_name. Content is copied from the columns of source table to the columns target table using the mapping information of the table relation.
  3. Candidates are now table relations that in the dataset behaves effectively as a 0:1 or 1:1 relationship instead of 1:N or N:M where one side was a <<dataType>> in the conceptual model and it is now a simple table after a flattening.
  4. If there are candidates, go to the step 2.
  5. Otherwise, there are no more tables that can be flattened. Next the candidate relations and source tables used during the iterations must be dropped if they only participated in the flattened relations. This implies also to remove rows that reference them in gpkg_contents, gpkg_data_columns, gpkgext_relations and gpkg_extensions.