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tgf tool

This library provides a command line tool tgf which takes a TGF file and allows to do several things:

  • run tgf parser REPL UI
  • generate a parser in C++
  • run a parser for a given input string
  • display information about a grammar


tgf <tgf file> [ <command> [ <command options> ] ]

where command can be one of:

repl       runs REPL UI (this is a default command if no command provided)
gen        generate a parser code
parse      parse an input string, file or stdin
grammar    prints grammar

Options for repl command:

tgf <tgf file> [ repl ] [ <options> ]
        --help             -h      detailed information about options
        --start            -s      starting literal
        --grammar          -g      prints grammar
        --print-ambiguity  -a      prints ambiguity info (true by default)
        --print-graphs     -p      prints parsed graph (true by default)
        --error-verbosity  -v      parse error is more verbose
        --tml-facts        -f      prints parsed graph in tml facts
        --tml-rules        -r      prints parsed graph in tml rules
        --evaluate         -e      run REPL command with input to evaluate and quit

Options for gen command:

tgf <tgf file> gen [ <options> ]
        --decoder          -d      decoder function
        --encoder          -e      encoder function
        --help             -h      detailed information about options
        --namespace        -N      namespace to wrap the generated parser
        --name             -n      name of the generated parser struct
        --output-dir       -O      path to a directory to write output file
        --output           -o      output file
        --start            -s      starting literal

For more information about decoder and encoder functions see recoders

Options for parse command:

tgf <tgf file> parse [ <options> ]
        --help             -h      detailed information about options
        --input            -i      parse input from file or STDIN if -
        --input-expression -e      parse input from a provided string
        --start            -s      starting literal
        --grammar          -g      prints grammar
        --print-ambiguity  -a      prints ambiguity info (true by default)
        --print-input      -I      prints input
        --terminals        -t      prints all parsed terminals serialized
        --error-verbosity  -v      parse error is more verbose
        --print-graphs     -p      prints parsed graph (true by default)
        --tml-facts        -f      prints parsed graph in tml facts
        --tml-rules        -r      prints parsed graph in tml rules

Options for grammar command:

tgf <tgf file> grammar [ <options> ]
        --help             -h      detailed information about options
        --start            -s      starting literal
        --grammar          -g      prints grammar (enabled by default)

REPL commands

When running tgf tool without any command or with command repl it will run REPL UI.

It provides several commands which can help to inspect, test and debug TGF grammars.

Multiple commands can be provided in a single input line if using . as a command separator.


quit or q exits the REPL UI.


help or h displays a help message about available commands.

help command or h command displays a detailed help message for the command.


version or v prints actual git commit hash id at the compile time of this tool.


clear or cls clears a terminal.


load "filepath" or l "filepath" loads TGF grammar from a filepath.


load "csv.tgf"
l "csv.tgf"


reload or r reloads the TGF file provided as an argument or the last one loaded by load command.


grammar or g prints content of the loaded TGF file.


internal-grammar or ig or i prints internal grammar loaded into the parser. It prints all reachable productions from a starting symbol set by grammar, settings or it is start by default. If a symbol is provided, this command prints reachable productions from the provided symbol.


# print internal grammar (reachable rules from starting symbol)

# print reachable rules from a symbol
ig expr
i number


unreachable symbol or u symbol prints all productions which are not reachable from the symbol.


unreachable expr   # show rules unreachable from nonterminal expr
u number           # show rules unreachable from nonterminal number
u                  # show rules unreachable from starting symbol (start by default)


start prints what is the current starting symbol.

start symbol - sets a new starting symbol for parsing and for other commands.


start       # prints current start symbol
start expr  # sets expr as a starting symbol


parse source or parse "source" or p is a usable short for parse.

Runs parser with the "source" as an input.


parse 1+1          # runs parser with input string: 1+1
p 3*2              # runs parser with input string: 3*2
p "4*5\n3-2"       # runs parser with input string: 4*5\n3-2

parse file

parse file "filepath" or pf "filepath" or f "filepath" runs parser with the content of the file as an input.


# runs parser with file input.txt content as an input
parse file "input.txt"
pf "input.txt"
f "input.txt"

REPL option commands


get prints all options and their values.

get option prints option and its value.


get                  # get all settings
get status           # get option status and its value
get inline           # get option inline and its values
get error-verbosity  # get option error-verbosity and its values


set option value or set option = value sets an option to contain a value.


set status off
set trim white_space, comment
set inline chars, expr > block > expr
set error-verbosity = detailed


add option value adds a value into a list of values (symbol list, treepath list).


add trim white_space.
add inline expr > block > expr.


del option value deletes a value from a list of values (symbol list, treepath list).


del trim white_space
del inline expr > block > expr.


toggle option toggles boolean option value / flips true to false and false to true.


toggle status


enable option enables a boolean option value / sets value to true.


enable measure-parsing


disable option disables a boolean option value / sets its value to false.


disable colors

REPL options

All options can be accessed by get and set commands.

boolean options

These options can be additionally changed by enable, disable and toggle commands.

  status                 show status                        on/off
  colors                 use term colors                    on/off
  print-ambiguity        prints ambiguous nodes             on/off
  print-terminals        prints parsed terminals            on/off
  print-graphs           prints parsed graphs               on/off
  print-rules            prints parsed forest as TML rules  on/off
  print-facts            prints parsed forest as TML facts  on/off
  measure-parsing        measures parsing time              on/off
  measure-each-pos       measures parsing time of each pos  on/off
  measure-forest         measures forest building time      on/off
  measure-preprocess     measures forest preprocess time    on/off
  trim-terminals         trim terminals                     on/off
  inline-char-classes    inline character classes           on/off

symbol list options

These options can be additionally updated by add and del commands.

  nodisambig-list        list of nodes to keep ambiguous    symbol1, symbol2...
  trim                   list of nodes to trim              symbol1, symbol2...
  trim-children          list of nodes to trim children     symbol1, symbol2...

treepaths list option

This option can be additionally updated by add and del commands.

  inline                 list of tree paths to inline       symbol1 > symbol2.

error verbosity option

  error-verbosity        parse errors verbosity             basic/detailed/root-cause