Guide →Json-logic
Sezione Conditional → Advanced Conditions → JSONLogic
The logics in this section are “negated” by default as they act directly
on the property ”hidden” of the field in which they are inserted.
- The result of the inserted logic must be boolean
- Logical map:
- {logic} ==> True → Result = False
- {logic} ==> False → Result = True
Logic section
Field logics are managed only with json logic; it is possible to insert multiple logics, for each logic it is possible to insert multiple actions.
The logics are divided into two specific groups:conditions, actions
The conditions are elements that the configurator identifies with Logic, the actions are elements that the configurator identifies with Action.
In json-logic expressions you can use in "var" the following objects:
form.[Property Name ] → form.rec_name
form.data_value.[Property Name ] → form.data_value.dataOra
As regards the actions, it is possible to manage only the following types of actions: Property or Value
Property → the selected property takes on the value entered in the appropriate field
Value → And It is possible to enhance any property of the field in the following ways:
- with the result of condition if you enter only the name of the property
- with an operation json-logic if it fits field_name=’{“var”:[....]}’