I, @meenzen hereby commit to keeping the Apache 2 license of AwesomeAssertions intact so that you may depend on in as a drop-in replacement without having to fear any license violations by accidentally upgrading.
If you are using Renovate Bot, you can automatically replace FluentAssertions with AwesomeAssertions by adding the
following rule to your renovate.json
"packageRules": [
"matchPackageNames": ["FluentAssertions"],
"replacementName": "AwesomeAssertions",
"replacementVersion": "7.0.0"
Renovate will then open PRs to replace FluentAssertions with AwesomeAssertions where applicable.
This was made possible by the hard work and dedication of the original authors and more than 200 contributors of FluentAssertions. We are extremely grateful for their efforts.