A new programming language specifically made for scientists and engineers.
Walks like Python, runs like C.
Note: ~5 years ago at MIT
Note: to build complex compiled programs OR to have fast dynamic programs, you have 2 languages involved
- Brain-storm in a dynamic language for algorithm exploration and testing.
- Deliver a performant final-version in a compiled language.
Note: Most compiled programs had a testing stage in a dynamic language
Does a package/library do exactly
what you need?
├── Yes: Great!
├── Dunno: You need to read C/++ code.
└── No: You need to code in C/++.
Note: R, Python, and MATLAB are coded mostly in C/++. Anything that is fast in those languages is coded in C/++.
- Benchmarks
- Solves the two-language problem
is mostly coded inJulia
Note: Julia is mostly coded in Julia!
Note: The algorithm here is the KS-CNAB2 algorithm for numerical integration. Taken from https://github.com/johnfgibson/whyjulia/blob/master/1-whyjulia.ipynb
- Just-in-time compilation (JIT): User-level code is compiled to machine code on-the-fly.
- Meticulous type system: Designed to maximize impact of JIT.
- Multiple dispatch: Function dispatch determined at compile time when possible, run time when not.
Note: JIT compilation times are slow for first run
Looks like Python
but with prettier syntax.
Note: Unicode characters, degree symbol, Greek letters, square root, units. Easy to read and understand, scientists are not programmers.
# rotate coordinate `c` by `θ` radians
julia> ↺(c, θ) = [cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]*c
↺ (generic function with 1 method)
julia> [1,0] ↺ π/2
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
Note: This opens the door to tons of cool syntax.
It took a beetle 36 seconds to walk 25 cm. How many days will it take it to walk 3 km?
using Unitful:uconvert, cm, km, s, d
v = 25cm/36s
t = 3km/v
uconvert(d, t)
5 days
Note: if you use m, cm, feet, degrees, radians, etc
The concept of missing
and NaN
is treated correctly:
julia> NaN + 1 = NaN
julia> missing + 1 = missing
julia> true | NaN ERROR!
julia> true | missing = true
julia> false | missing = missing
julia> true & missing = missing
julia> false & missing = false
Note: Consider that no other language has managed to get this concept of missing data correctly into their code.
Full access to all the libraries and functionalities you already know.
, RCall.jl
, PyCall.jl
, JavaCall.jl
, Mathematica.jl
, and ccall
keyword to call C
(and other languages, like Fortran
and Rust
Note: you can call Julia home without losing all of your furniture in the move.
It is a modern language that makes your life easier.
- QuantEcon: Provide lectures on models including code!
- QuantEcon.jl, a package with most of the functionality that you need, e.g. CompEcon.jl.
- Parameters.jl: Use parameters more comfortably.
- Queryverse.jl: Like R's tidyverse? There is something similar in Julia!
Note: There are many more things as well. DataFrames are nice, Gladfly (Grammer of Graphics), Piping operator |>, etc.
- Macros aka meta programming:
- Want to know how fast your function is? Use
@btime foo()
, it runs your function many times averaging durations. Also information about allocation of memory. - How to make your code faster?
- Want to see the machine code?
- Want to know how fast your function is? Use
Note: It is easier to write good code in Julia
, there is more guidance.
integration: your code and its documentation accessible to everyone.- You can view the code of packages you are using and read it (most likely written in Julia)!
- Makes it easy to contribute yourself. File issues with developers directly, bugs are quickly fixed.
- Discuss your problems with the growing Julia community on discourse.
Note: Sometimes even core developers chime in! Friendly experiences so far.
enjoys growing popularity - also in economics.- The NY FED ported their DSGE model from
and it became a lot faster (up to 10x).- They also wrote a package: DSGE.jl
- Mainly a substitute for Dynare is missing - Dolo.jl is offering some of its functionality.
- Here you can find a speed comparison of different programming languages in economics.
Note: More and more people are using Julia for their econ papers. If you have not invested heavily into MATLAB
yet, you should give Julia a chance.
- Easy to share and collaborate with anyone
- Drives the language forward
- Highly specialized and niche solutions and tools
- Free from hardware requirements
- No "black boxes", everything is within reach
Note: This is true for Python and R, but not MATLAB. Julia got git integration really well.
Mostly it's just too new…
Note: nothing is perfect.
- Ecosystems (e.g. packages, IDEs, debugger) not as mature as in other environments.
- Some of the more specialized libraries are missing.
- Harder to Google for answers.
Note: IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Maybe in 6 months or so the environment will solidify completely. Atom is, however, a really cool tool.
- Loading some packages is still a bit slow.
- Plotting works but hasn't settled yet.
- Data analysis not yet as convienent as in
. - Transitioning into
: Major changes.
Note: Things missing are debuggers, viewers for dataframes, breaking points etc. I also managed so far without.
- Need statistics?
- Need vectorized operations on matrices?
) is more general-purpose → can be harder to find what you're looking for.- But if you can do it all in Julia - that's nice.
Note: apropos statistics, Douglas Bates, the developer of the lme4
(Linear Mixed-Effects Models) R package for GLMMs switched to Julia.
is considered by many one of the best dynamic languages out there.- A number of libraries already far out-perform their equivalents in other languages.
- People come to
because of its speed, but stay for the type-dispatch system ♥ - Suffers from being "too new": might not be suitable for early adopters.
Note: I've started using Julia about two years ago and never looked back.