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89 lines (61 loc) · 2.73 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (61 loc) · 2.73 KB



  • many apps rely on Unsafe to deal with final or private fields via reflection in a ninja style
  • This is wrong and must be addressed properly (raising incididents for librarty maintainers to open their API)
  • When not possible it must be dealt with using instrumentation
  • unsafe tools provide API which is firendly to static analysis
  • unsafe tools provide a way forward to migrate to new JDK APIS (code evolution)
  • unsafe tools provide an extremely compatible API (HotSport 5-21, J9, Android, GraalVM native images)
  • unsafe tools provide a helper to run instrumentation




Duck Typing and mimicking get parameter names



Naming conventions

tools.unsafe.reflection.method.voidresult.oneparam.resolved.ResolvedVoidDynamicOneParamMethodRef<C, P1> implements GenericVoidDynamicOneParamMethodRef<C, P1>

voidresult.oneparam.resolved.ResolvedVoidDynamicOneParamMethodRef voidresult - result (voidresult / typedresult / genericresult) oneparam - arguments (oneparam, twoparams, threeparams, fourparams, multipleparams) resolved - resolved / unresolved

ResolvedVoidDynamicOneParamMethodRef resolved - resolved / unresolved void - void / typedresult / genericresult

ResolvedInstanceVoidOneParamMethodRef resolved - resolved / unresolved instance - instance / static / dynamic void - void / types / generic oneparam - oneparam, twoparams, threeparams, fourparams, multipleparams

Class names

Instance* - non-static members (fields and methods) with a reference to particular object Static* - static members (fields and methods) NonStatic* - non-static members (fields and methods) without a reference to particular object; require passing an object when working with them

Unresolved* - unresolved references which might (or might not) throw an UnresolvedRefException when working with them in case say class or methog were not found

Fluent API

function $ does the magic depending on context - i.e. creates ClassRef or ObjectRef instances for given Class, class name or arbitrary object, or creates a new ObjectRef instance for the given object and field name.

It is not the most stongly types API but might be

class Bar {
    private final int baz;

    private Bar(int baz) {
        this.baz = baz;

class Foo {
    private final static Bar STATIC_BAR_REFERENCE = new Bar(7);
    private final Bar bar;

    private Foo(int baz) {
        bar = new Bar(baz);

    Foo foo = new Foo(42);
