(v0.0.8) is a python library for extracting data from documents provided as image files.
It provides APIs to extract attributes which can be of types key-value
or key-state
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Text
The library requires python 3.6 and infy_ocr_parser library
For build:
python bdist_wheel
For install:
pipenv install <whl file>
Creates an instance of Text Extractor.
class TextExtractor(get_text_provider:infy_field_extractor.interface.data_service_provider_interface.DataServiceProviderInterface,
Argument | Description |
get_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to get text either word, line or phrases |
search_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to search the text in the image. |
temp_folderpath (str) | Path to temp folder. |
logger (logging.Logger, optional) | Logger object. Defaults to None. |
debug_mode_check (bool, optional) | To get debug info while using the API. Defaults to False. |
API to extract text from an image automatically as key-value pair.
def extract_all_fields(image_path:str,
config_params_dict:{'field_value_pos': 'right',
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
config_params_dict (CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT, optional) | Additional info for min and max radiobutton radius to text height ratio, position of state w.r.t key, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number. Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
API to extract text value for respective given key words or value within given bounding boxes.
def extract_custom_fields(image_path:str,
text_field_data_list:[{'field_key': [''],
'field_key_match': {'method': 'normal',
'similarityScore': 1},
'field_value_bbox': [],
'field_value_pos': 'left'}],
config_params_dict:{'field_value_pos': 'right',
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
text_field_data_list (list, optional) | Info for field_key and its match method, and either field_value_pos w.r.t key or field_value_bbox. Defaults to [TEXT_FIELD_DATA_DICT]. |
config_params_dict (dict, optional) | Additional info for position of value w.r.t key and within_bbox, eliminate_list, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number. Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (list, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
Creates an instance of Checkbox Extractor.
class CheckboxExtractor(get_text_provider:infy_field_extractor.interface.data_service_provider_interface.DataServiceProviderInterface,
Argument | Description |
get_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to get text either word, line or phrases |
search_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to search the text in the image. |
temp_folderpath (str) | Path to temp folder. |
logger (logging.Logger, optional) | Logger object. Defaults to None. |
debug_mode_check (bool, optional) | To get debug info while using the API. Defaults to False. |
API to extract all checkboxes by contour detection automatically
def extract_all_fields(image_path:str,
config_params_dict:{'min_checkbox_text_scale': None,
'max_checkbox_text_scale': None,
'field_state_pos': None,
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
config_params_dict (CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT, optional) | Additional info for min and max checkbox height to text height ratio, position of state w.r.t key, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number. Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
API to extract checkboxes using given repective keys for each checkbox or bbox of checkbox
def extract_custom_fields(image_path:str,
checkbox_field_data_list:[{'field_key': [''],
'field_key_match': {'method': 'normal',
'similarityScore': 1},
'field_state_pos': 'left',
'field_state_bbox': []}],
config_params_dict:{'min_checkbox_text_scale': None,
'max_checkbox_text_scale': None,
'field_state_pos': None,
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
checkbox_field_data_list (CHECKBOX_FIELD_DATA_LIST) | Info for field_key and its match method, or either field_state_pos w.r.t key or field_state_bbox. Defaults to [CHECKBOX_FIELD_DATA_DICT]. |
config_params_dict (CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT, optional) | Additional info for min and max checkbox height to text height ratio, position of state w.r.t key, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number.. Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
Creates an instance of Radio button Extractor.
class RadioButtonExtractor(get_text_provider:infy_field_extractor.interface.data_service_provider_interface.DataServiceProviderInterface,
Argument | Description |
get_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to get text either word, line or phrases |
search_text_provider (DataServiceProviderInterface) | Provider to search the text in the image. |
temp_folderpath (str) | Path to temp folder. |
logger (logging.Logger, optional) | Logger object. Defaults to None. |
debug_mode_check (bool, optional) | To get debug info while using the API. Defaults to False. |
API to extract all radiobuttons by template match automatically
def extract_all_fields(image_path:str,
config_params_dict:{'min_radius_text_scale': None,
'max_radius_text_scale': None,
'field_state_pos': None,
'template_checked_folder': None,
'template_unchecked_folder': None,
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
config_params_dict (CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT, optional) | Additional info for min and max radiobutton radius to text height ratio, position of state w.r.t key, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number. Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
API to extract radiobuttons using given respective keys for each radiobutton or bbox of radiobuttons
def extract_custom_fields(image_path:str,
radiobutton_field_data_list:[{'field_key': [''],
'field_key_match': {'method': 'normal',
'similarityScore': 1},
'field_state_pos': 'left',
'field_state_bbox': []}],
config_params_dict:{'min_radius_text_scale': None,
'max_radius_text_scale': None,
'field_state_pos': None,
'template_checked_folder': None,
'template_unchecked_folder': None,
'page': 1,
'eliminate_list': [],
'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'within_bbox': []}=None,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None):
Argument | Description |
image_path (str) | Path to the image |
radiobutton_field_data_list (RADIOBUTTON_FIELD_DATA_LIST) | Info for field_key and its match method, and either field_state_pos w.r.t key or field_state_bbox. Defaults to [RADIOBUTTON_FIELD_DATA_DICT]. |
config_params_dict (CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT, optional) | Additional info for min and max radiobutton radius to text height ratio, position of state w.r.t key, within_bbox, eliminate_list, scaling_factor and page number Defaults to CONFIG_PARAMS_DICT. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
dict | Dict of extracted info. |
Creates a Tesseract Data Service Provider
class OcrDataServiceProvider(ocr_parser_object:infy_ocr_parser.ocr_parser.OcrParser,
Argument | Description |
ocr_parser_object (ocr_parser.OcrParser) | ocr parser |
logger (logging.Logger, optional) | Logger object. Defaults to None. |
log_level (int, optional) | Logging Level. Defaults to None. |
Method to return the text from the image from the text_bbox as a list of dictionary.
def get_bbox_for(img:<built-in function array>,
text_match_method:{'method': <class 'str'>,
'similarityScore': <class 'float'>,
'maxWordSpace': <class 'str'>},
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None,
additional_info:{'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'pages': <class 'list'>}=None,
temp_folderpath:str=None) -> [{'text': <class 'str'>,
'bbox': <class 'list'>}]:
Argument | Description |
img (np.array) | Read image as np array of the original images |
text (TEXT) | Text |
text_match_method (TEXT_MATCH_METHOD) | Method (normal or regex ) used to match the text. |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. When multiple files are passed, provider has to pick the right file based on the image dimensions or type of file extension. Defaults to None. |
additional_info (ADDITIONAL_INFO, optional) | Additional info. Defaults to None. |
temp_folderpath (str, optional) | Path to temp folder. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
BBOX | list of dict containing text and its bbox. |
Method to return the text from the image from the text_bbox as a list of dictionary.
def get_tokens(token_type_value:int,
img:<built-in function array>,
file_data_list:[{'path': <class 'str'>,
'pages': <class 'list'>}]=None,
additional_info:{'scaling_factor': {'hor': 1,
'ver': 1},
'pages': <class 'list'>}=None,
temp_folderpath:str=None) -> [{'text': <class 'str'>,
'bbox': <class 'list'>}]:
Argument | Description |
token_type_value (int) | Type of text to be returned. |
img (np.array) | Read image as np array of the original image. |
text_bbox (BBOX) | Text bbox |
file_data_list (FILE_DATA_LIST, optional) | List of all file datas. Each file data has the path to supporting document and page numbers, if applicable. When multiple files are passed, provider has to pick the right file based on the image dimensions or type of file extension. Defaults to None. |
additional_info (ADDITIONAL_INFO, optional) | Additional info. Defaults to None. |
temp_folderpath (str, optional) | Path to temp folder. Defaults to None. |
Param | Description |
GET_TOKENS_OUTPUT | list of dict containing text and its bbox. |