Releases: Inist-CNRS/lodex
Releases · Inist-CNRS/lodex
- Chargement de données par text libre @AlasDiablo #1820
- Routines pour des pré-calculs de type id, value @touv #1842
- Augmentation et option de paramétrage des timeouts @touv #1848
- Correction de l'export cvs (ou tsv) @touv #1837
- Correction et améliorations des pré-calculs @touv #1839
- Correction du graphiques de Coordonnées parallèles @AlasDiablo #1836
- Amélioration du journal d’exécution des pré-calculs @arimet #1834
- Correction de liens dans le catalogues des webservices @leogail #1743
- Affichage d'une erreur si les données envoyées aux pré-calculs ne sont pas conformes @touv #1835
- Mise à jour et corrections des labels et traductions @touv #1847 #1846
- Correction du graphique à barres groupés @AlasDiablo #1841
- Corrections et améliorations des thèmes @AlasDiablo @touv #1444 #1843
- Amélioration dans la construction de l'image docker @touv #1838
Full Changelog: v14.0.33...v14.0.34
- Add json format by @AlasDiablo in #1802
- Use width to calculate height to avoid feedback loop by @AlasDiablo in #1829
- Feat(tenant): Handle deleted tenant by @arimet in #1830
- fix: avoid empty pages for corrupted fields used on display by @touv in #1831
- use iframe to be more compliant by @touv in #1824
- Store big precomputed objects by @JulienMattiussi in #1828
- Fix(static): Handle css for custom route by @arimet in #1832
Full Changelog: v14.0.32...v14.0.33
- LDA Chart and Routine by @AlasDiablo in #1797
- some optimizations for precomputed by @touv in #1816
- Use parse int and also get the value and not the html element by @AlasDiablo in #1815
- fix(precomputed): Fix field setting when precomputed data doesn't exists by @JulienMattiussi in #1823
- fix(toast): Adapt to error message size by @JulienMattiussi in #1825
- Fix(crash): Handle progress when restart server by @arimet in #1827
Full Changelog: v14.0.31...v14.0.32
- fix(precomputed): Add direct timer on precomputed progress display by @JulienMattiussi in #1818
- fix(precomputed): Don't export or import data and status fields of precomputed by @JulienMattiussi in #1817
- Fix(precomputed): Add log for testing by @arimet in #1819
Full Changelog: v14.0.28...v14.0.29
- introduce [dedupe] in all loaders by @touv in #1803
- Feat(precomputed): Export precomputed as part of model by @arimet in #1807
- Feat(precomputed): Display toast if precomputed without data is selected for field by @arimet in #1814
- Use routine to filter precomputed data by @JulienMattiussi in #1810
- Fix missing and bad width on vega and vega-lite by @AlasDiablo in #1808
- Fixes sorting and filtering issue for all formats that use source/tar… by @touv in #1809
- Feat(global): Add an script to migrate old db to new tenant system by @arimet in #1804
- Fix(config): Save btn update when trigger change by @arimet in #1813
- Fix(enrichment): progress for enrichment with precomputed by @arimet in #1812
- Fix(global): Handle Static file by @arimet in #1811
- Fix(global): Disable run buton on click for enrichment and precomputed by @arimet in #1806
- Feat(global): Add uniq name for precompted and enrchiment by @arimet in #1805
Full Changelog: v14.0.27...v14.0.28
- Feat(precomputed): Display time since precomputed start by @arimet in #1796
- Dynamic theme system by @AlasDiablo in #1768
- Fix covering placeholder in routine field by @JulienMattiussi in #1794
- Fix(precomputed): Cancel precomputed block on wehbhook retrieve by @arimet in #1795
- fix: pass environment variables to server by @touv in #1798
- To avoid sending an unauthorized header to by @touv in #1799
- Fix(precomputed): Handle logs and reception from webhook by @arimet in #1801
- fix: ensure BATCH_SIZE is a Number by @touv in #1800
Full Changelog: v14.0.26...v14.0.27
- Feat(enrichment): Add run button to List by @arimet in #1791
- feat(precomputed): precomputed param in model by @JulienMattiussi in #1753
- feat(precomputed): get data in publication by @JulienMattiussi in #1790
- Add dynamic variable to vega and vega lite charts by @AlasDiablo in #1783
- Feat(root): Set instance link on name and not button anymore by @arimet in #1789
- change domain to by @touv in #1787
- Fix precompute when ws is failure by @JulienMattiussi in #1784
- Fix(drag): Re-render when update order fields by @arimet in #1786
- Fix(breadcrumb): External links + jiggle save by @arimet in #1788
- Fix/preview precomputer by @arimet in #1792
Full Changelog: v14.0.25...v14.0.26