Frege is a Haskell for the JVM. It is functional, has strong static type system and lazy evaluations, but Frege compiles to Java and runs on JVM. Also, it can use any Java library and can be used inside any Java project.
Read more at Frege github.
Plugin is available on JetBrains plugin repository.
Features implemented partially or completely:
- Lexer
- Parser
- Syntax highlighting and color schemes
- Gradle-based build system
- Navigation
- Find usages
- Code completion
- Rename refactoring
- File templates
- Index files
- Frege REPL
- 'Add import' quickfix for unresolved references
- Documentation viewer
Features desired:
- Structure view
- Formatter
- More quickfixes
- More refactorings
- Type system
- and more
Below you can see examples of our plugin:
Line markers
Special thanks to Semyon Atamas and Dierk König!