The Rust implementation of the IDSCP2 transport layer.
The IDSCP protocol establishes a secure peer-to-peer connection that provides mutual remote attestation and guarantees confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and perfect forward secrecy. It is designed to be very modular and thus flexible regarding the underlying communication channels and mechanisms for remote attestation.
The IDSCP2 transport layer protocol and its Rust implementation is still in early stages of development and should not be used in production.
This branch provides the asynchronous Rust implementation. It is more efficient in runtime and memory but more experimental than the multithreaded version. See the respective branch for the multithreaded version.
Install the latest stable release of the rust toolchain (it is recommended to install it via
Install Linux dependencies
apt install libssl-dev protobuf-compiler
In the root directory run
cargo build
to download dependencies and build the librarycargo test -- --nocapture
to run the testsRUST_LOG=debug cargo test -- --nocapture
to see log output of the idscp library (for more log configuration options see
Fraunhofer AISEC is developing multiple "drivers" for different remote attestation mechanisms (based on TPM, Intel SGX, AMD SEV) which are currently not licensed as open source. If you want to use our implementations, please get in touch.