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Atlas, a statically-typed programming language

Atlas is a statically-typed programming language that adopts the beat features from TypeScript and Python.

Atlas, like many of my projects, has been primarily built for my use cases. If you wish to extend the base functionality, you're encouraged to fork the package.

Atlas, a statically-typed programming language


This collection of guides should make you familiar with the nuances of the language.


Atlas’s syntax should be familiar to those coming from higher-level languages such as TypeScript or Python. Programs are stored in plain text files that end with a .ats file extension. A simple atlas program looks like the following:

// assign the count variable
var count: Number = 0



The start of the program highlights a line comment. Line comments start with //, but can equally start with a /* and end with a */ :

// assign the count variable

 * assign the count variable


Directly following the comment, we see usage of the var keyword to the declare the count identifier. Keywords in Atlas are words that have been reserved by the programming language. Other notable keywords are class, import, and return.


We can see that the var keyword was used to create to declare the count identifier. Identifiers start with a letter and may contain letters, digits, and underscores.


Type annotations generally sit in-between a colon, :, and an equals sign, =. In our simple example, we can actually leave out the Number type because it is trivially inferred.

var count = 0 // implicitly annotated as Number


The 0 that is assigned to the count variable is an instance of the object Number. Like other class-based languages, every value in Atlas extends from an Object base class.

That covers the basics of syntax.


Atlas has four primitives values that all other objects are composed of.


A boolean represents either a true or a false value.

Unlike other programming languages, there is no concept of “truthy" in Atlas. Instead, values must be explicitly tested during control flow operations.

var bool: Boolean = true

if (bool == true) {
} else {


Numbers in Atlas hold numeric values. These values can be negative and can contain floating points.

var negative: Number = -5
var positive: Number = 5
var float: Number = 5.00


Strings in Atlas are contiguous sequences of characters. String literals are created by wrapping characters in either double quotes, , or single quotes, .

var double: String = "double quote string"
var single: String = "single quote string"


Finally, Atlas has a special null value that indicates the absence of a value.

var nothing: Null = null


Functions in Atlas take an input and return an output. They’re represented using a similar $$f$$ notation that you’d see in math textbooks:

var func: () -> Null = f() {

Annotating functions

While annotations can be inferred for primitive values of String and Number, explicit type annotations are required for functions. A sum function that takes two numbers and returns a number is annotated as follows:

var sum: (Number, Number) -> Number = f(num1, num2) {
	var result = num1 + num2
	return result

Atlas’s TypeChecker will ensure that the actual signature for the function corresponds to the type signature, requiring num1, num2, and result to be of the number type.

Function closures

As you’d expect, functions are closures that can access variables defined outside of their own scope.

var count = 0

var incrementCount: () -> Number = f() {
	count = count + 1
	return count

print(incrementCount()) // 1
print(incrementCount()) // 2


Lists are composite objects that are capable of holding other objects in a sequence. Like many programming languages, lists can be created using square-bracket notation.

var numberList: List[Number] = [1, 2, 3]

Accessing elements

Because lists are complex objects, we primarily interact with them using method calls. To access an element on a list, for example, we use the at method which accepts an integer location.

var numberList: List[Number] = [1, 2, 3]

print( // 1

Adding elements

Adding elements is functionally similar. We use the add method which will add an item to the end of the last. Atlas’ type-checker will validate the type of object being added to make sure that it conforms to the list annotation.

var numberList: List[Number] = [1, 2, 3]


Removing elements

The opposite of the add operation is remove. This removes and returns an element from the end of the list. If there's no element to return, this method returns the null object.

var numberList: List[Number] = [1, 2, 3]



Like lists, records are composite objects that are capable of holding other objects. Whereas lists are indexed by integer position, records are indexed by key. Records expect String keys, but are capable of holding any expression. They're created using the curly-bracket notation, with each entry separated by a comma.

var numberRecord: Record[Number] = {
  "1": 1,
  "2": 2

Accessing elements

To access an element on a record, we invoke the at method and pass the name of the key that we want to look up.

var numberRecord: Record[Number] = {
  "1": 1,
  "2": 2
}"1") // 1

Adding elements

Adding elements is functionally similar. We use the add method with the key-value pair that we want to add. Atlas’ type-checker will validate the type of object being added to make sure that it conforms to the record annotation.

var numberRecord: Record[Number] = {
  "1": 1,
  "2": 2

numberRecord.add("3", 3)

Removing elements

The opposite of the add operation is remove. This removes and returns an element with the specified key. If there's no element to return, this method returns the null object.

var numberRecord: Record[Number] = {
  "1": 1,
  "2": 2



Classes are a central component of how Atlas works. Like many programming languages, Classes help encapsulate behavior and state through the use of class methods and instance fields. and state However, the subtle design decisions made around classes separate Atlas from other programming languages.


Classed are declared using the class keyword, with any initialization work completed inside of an init method.

class Animal {
  name: String

	init: (String) -> Animal = f(name) { = name

The init method is a special method that constructs the class. It implicitly returns a value of the instance being returned, annotated as this.

To construct a class instance, we simply call the class as if it were a factory function:

var dog = Animal("dog")

Declaring a class will create both a value which can be used to create class instances, and a type which can be used for type annotations. For example, we can now create a function that only accepts Animal instances as a parameter.

var getAnimalName: (Animal) -> String = f(animal) {

var dogName = getAnimalName(dog)


Importantly, Atlas does not support class inheritance, instead requiring users to compose complex behavior through composition. To enable support for inheritance-like behavior, Atlas supports the creation and implementation of interfaces.

interface Foo {
  foo: String

interface Bar {
  bar: String

An interface is a specification of the structure that a class should have. Interfaces can be added together using the & operator, allowing for behavior similar to multiple inheritance. We can see this in use with our FooBar class which is required to satisfy the the Foo and Bar interfaces.

class FooBar implements Foo & Bar {
  foo = "foo"
  bar = "bar"

Atlas will raise an error for incorrect implementation. For example, specifying that bar=0 will raise the following error in the console:

20    class FooBar implements Foo & Bar {
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected "Bar", but got "FooBar"
                                        expected "String", but got "Number"

This alerts us that Bar expected a String, but FooBar provided a Number.


We’ve introduced the core object types that Atlas deals with. To support creating strongly-typed programs, Atlas also exposes a number of utility types.

Alias type

An Alias type simply allows us re-alias a type under a different name. This is often useful for code clarity.

type Id = Number

Any type

The Any type is a useful escape hatch when we don’t want to deal with type annotations in places where they are required. For instance, we can use Any when typing functions to declare that a function will work with any type.

var logValue: (Any) -> Any = f(value) {

You should use Any sparingly as it disables the type-checker.

Union type

Union types are created when we use the pipe, |, operator when defining a type. They specify that a type can be one of either type.

type Primitive = String | Number | Boolean | Null

Intersection type

Intersection types are created when we the ampersand, &, operator when defining a type. They specify that a type must satisfy all subtypes.

interface Foo {
  foo: String

interface Bar {
  bar: String

type FooBar = Foo & Bar

Generic type

Finally, Atlas supports Generic types. Generics can be used for types, interfaces, functions, and classes. We enclose generic parameters using the double-bracket notation:

type GenericType[T] = T

interface GenericInterface[T] {
  value: T

var genericFunction: [T](T) -> T = f(value) {
  return value

class GenericClass[T] {
  value: T

To support generic inference, we can constrain generics using the is keyword. The type-checker will use this constraint for annotation purposes inside of the body of a generic.

var genericFunction: [T is Number](T) -> T = f(value) {
  return value * value

Because we’ve constrained T to a number, the type-checker permits use of the multiplication, *, operator.

We can even wrap generics to create higher-order utility objects

class Map[T] {
	record: Record[T] = { }

	add: (String, T) -> T = f(key, value) {
		return this.record.add(key, value)

var stringMap = Map[String]()
stringMap.add("key", "foo")

var numberMap = Map[Number]()
numberMap.add("key", 0)


For larger-sized projects, Atlas supports modularizing code into modules. Each file that ends with an .ats extension is registered as an Atlas module. Unlike other programming languages, Atlas doesn't require to explicitly export code from modules using an export keyword.

Modules can be imported using the import keyword.

Absolute imports

Importing a module using an absolute path will attempt to find that module in an atlas_modules directory. If the module doesn't exist in an atlas_modules directory, Atlas will assume that you're trying to import a module from its standard library.

import Path from "path" // imports from stdlib

var joined = Path.join("foo", "bar")


Relative imports

Importing a module using a relative path will attempt an import relative to the working directory. For example, importing the absolute.ats module is as follows:

import Absolute from "./absolute"




Atlas errors come in various forms.

Syntax errors

Syntax errors come up when your code doesn’t follow the language’s expected syntax:

var foo = + 4 + 4

Atlas will detect this error and report a user-friendly message with the relevant line and column position:

playground/index.ats:1:11 | syntax error: expected left operand

1     var foo = + 4 + 4
                ^ a left-hand side operand was expected

Semantic errors

If the code is syntactically correct, the next error you’re likely to run into is a semantic error. This alerts you to erroneous code that probably won’t work as you expect. = "bar"
playground/index.ats:2:1 | semantic error: prohibited this

2 = "bar"
      ^^^^ this expression was used outside of the context of a class

Type errors

The most frequent source of errors will likely be type errors. Atlas’ type-checker builds up a static representation of your code and errors when there are type mismatches.

var foo: Number = "bar"
playground/index.ats:1:19 | type error: invalid subtype

1     var foo: Number = "bar"
                        ^^^^^ expected "Number", but got "String"

Runtime errors

Errors that the type-checker couldn’t catch are thrown at runtime. This might happen in situations where you specify a type, but fail to give it an initial value.

class Foo {
  func: () -> Null

  init: () -> Foo = f() {
    // this.func = f() {} <- this.func will be null because this code will not run

var foo = Foo()
playground/index.ats:11:1 | runtime error: expected callable

11    foo.func()
      ^^^^^^^^ a function or class was expected

Standard library

Core libraries that expose functionality for creating sophisticated programs. Will be added to over time.





It’s been a long-time goal of mine to develop a personal programming language. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without these fantastic resources:

Dmitry Soshnikov Education

Dmitry Soshnikov’s collection of programming language courses give a concise overview of different topics. His course on building a type-checker was particularly helpful for understanding the main parts of a type-checker.

Crafting Interpreters

Crafting Interpreters is a phenomenal resource that walks you step-by-step in building a full-featured scripting language. Following Robert Nystrom’s lessons helped build a strong foundation for the language, even if I did end up re-writing many parts of how the language operates.

Reconstructing TypeScript, part 0: intro and background

Reconstructing TypeScript goes into detail on various type-checking algorithms and how they’re applied in practice. This was a crucial resource in building the type-checker.

GitHub - DavidTimms/loxdown: A statically-typed variant of Lox, written in TypeScript

While not an educational resources, David Timms’ Loxdown is a statically-typed variant of the language created from Crafting Interpreters. Any time I added a new language feature, I would cross-reference it with David’s work to learn how I could have tackled the problem differently. This proved to be incredibly valuable for the TypeChecker.