- André Teófilo Beck
- Da-Gang Lu
- Jannie Sønderkær Nilsen
- Carmen Andrade
- Jianbing Chen
- Maria Pina Limongelli
- Matthias Schubert
- Sebastian Thöns
- Chris Roth
- Daniel Straub
- João Andre
- Mauricio Sanches Silva
- Raphael Steenbergen
- Robby Caspeele
- Alan O’Connor
- Colin Caprani
- John Dalsgaard Sørensen
- Ton Vrouwenvelder
- Inger Kroon
- Michael Faber
- Jochen Köhler
- Xiaodan Ren (guest)
- Andreas Taras (guest)
- Francesco Ricciardelli (guest)
- Ramon Hingorani (guest)
- Zhao-Hui Lu (guest)
The following ongoing tasks have been discussed during the WP1 meeting:
The document is still under review process. First comments from Robby Caspeele have been received and will be incorporated.
Action: The review process continues and results will be presented at the next meeting. (Andrade, Val)
The core of the task group (O’Connor, Caprani) have been working on a draft version. This draft is about finalisation and will be discussed in the wider task group in January/February. The further developed draft will be presented at the next meeting.
Action: Distribute draft among task group and call for a task group meeting. Further develop draft. (O’Connor, Caprani)
The task leader was not present at the meeting. Reporting continuous at the next meeting.(Honfi)
Xiaodan Ren had a presentation about the status of the work. A task group meeting will be organised and a draft background document will be produced and reported on until the next meeting.
Action: Call for a task group meeting and develop a draft background document. (Chen, Ren)
The activity has not yet started but a task group kick off meeting will be organised in December.
Action: Organise a kick off meeting and report on the initiation of the activity at the next meeting.
The current status of the "AhG Reliability Background" was presented and discussed.
The following invited technical presentation took place during the meeting:
Andreas Taras, ETH Zurich:
Reliability Background for the design of Steel Structures
Francesco Ricciardelli, Università della Campania: