diff --git a/_bibliography/jlesc.bib b/_bibliography/jlesc.bib index 2ae64dd1..bc608fdc 100644 --- a/_bibliography/jlesc.bib +++ b/_bibliography/jlesc.bib @@ -134,6 +134,22 @@ @article{Ogoke2021 doi = {10.1088/2632-2153/ac1fc9} } +@inproceedings{yoshii2023hardware, + title={Hardware specialization: Estimating Monte Carlo cross-section lookup kernel performance and area}, + author={Yoshii, Kazutomo and Tramm, John and Allen, Bryce and Ueno, Tomohiro and Sano, Kentaro and Siegel, Andrew and Beckman, Pete}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the SC'23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis}, + pages={1274--1278}, + year={2023} +} + +@inproceedings{yoshii2023streaming, + title={Streaming Hardware Compressor Generator Framework}, + author={Yoshii, Kazutomo and Ueno, Tomohiro and Sano, Kentaro and Miceli, Antonino and Cappello, Franck}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the SC'23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis}, + pages={289--297}, + year={2023} +} + @misc{yoshii2021hardware, title={A Hardware Co-design Workflow for Scientific Instruments at the Edge}, author={Kazutomo Yoshii and Rajesh Sankaran and Sebastian Strempfer and Maksim Levental and Mike Hammer and Antonino Miceli},