#Project Iteration Milestones
##Iteration 0 (initial customer meetings) [20 points total]
###Part 1 (due 9/29)
Schedule a meeting time with your customer. Please post the meeting time in a private Piazza post tagged #iteration0-1 and #groupN where N is your group number. (Our group number is 11) -
###Part 2 (due 10/6) [10 points] Write a 2-paragraph (max) summary of the main customer need and how the app meets it, including who the stakeholders are. Please submit the summary and stories on Piazza in a post tagged #iteration0-2 and #11. You may either submit photos of your index cards or type them up. Create at least 4 user stories on index cards. These should be in the Connextra format:
Feature: Add a movie to Rotten Potatoes
As a movie fan
So that I can share a movie with other movie fans
I want to add a movie to Rotten Potatoes database
Our client has identified that studnets have the need discover the nexus between their passions and the requirements to gain their coveted degree. Our application will visually help the students create a 4 year blueprint for course selection. Course prequisites, major requirements, time horizon are taken into account while generating possible 4 year plans. The students then have the freedom to select among their preferred classes to further customize their plans.
We feel that the many diverse degrees offered by many universities will not be feasbile for us to process with our appliction. Thus we has decided to isolate our project to L&S CS major at UC Berkeley Our client has requested that we provide a platform that will allow students to generate a 4 year coursework plan that satisfies major requirements with the minimal amount of classes. We can display the coursework as a graph, with constraints between classes, to help the students identify class dependencies and expand their course options as they progress. So our application should have two distinct parts. One of it should be class schedule collection. The app needs to be able to fetch all of class scheduling information from a university's official website. In addition to that, the app needs to have an internal data structure to store user data so that each user has his or her own class schedule.
High Priority
Feature 1: Allow user to select their major and time horizon:
Because: we would like to present the users with and estimate of how many and what classes they need to take every semester to graduate within their time horizon
As a student who intends to major in CS
So that I can graduate within my expected time horizon
I want to create a resonable course plan so that I can take more prerequisite classes and maintain a reasonable
workload throughout my course plan
Feature 2: Allow user to select their preferred classes among the options that fulfill the same requirement and show the classes that fulfill the most major requirments first:
Because: we would like to allow the users to select classes that interest them
As an avid learner
So that I can exprience all sorts of classes while filfulling all my major requirements and personal interests
I want to have a list of classes sorted by the number of requirements it fulfills
Feature 3: Provide a interactive graph representation of the users of their 4 year coursework blueprint
Becuase: we would like the user to visualize their progress and discover dependencies and potential issues with their desired coursework when they decide to make changes
As a L&S CS student
So that I can make sure any changes I make to my potential schedule still satisfy all major and personal requirements
I want to easily visualize and understand my 4 year commitments and identify the relationship between classes.
As a student planning official class schedule
So that I can finalize my cousre plan for comming semesters
I want to interactively experiment with changes of classes on my graph and to immediately see its impact
Medium Priority
Feature 4: Provide a method for students to ask questions and get answers regarding individual courses
Because: we would like students to be able to get any questions about courses answered
user stories:
* ###Part 3 (due 10/13)
[10 points]
>1. Create lo-fi mockups and storyboards corresponding to at least 4 user stories.
>2. Put the initial stories on Pivotal Tracker. We strongly encourage that you make a public Tracker. Make sure that your GSI has been added to your Pivotal Tracker project so that he/she can view it. If your customer is tech-savvy, consider adding them to the Tracker account. The more engaged your customer, the more smoothly the agile process will go!
>3. Create a 2-minute video interview with your customer describing the problem you will be solving and the application you will be building. For students with customers outside of the Bay Area, please submit an online video chat capture with your customer. One piece of software you may use for this is http://www.screenleap.com/. An example of an interview video (you may need to ask different questions because this video was made after the end of the project): http://vimeo.com/46770083
>4. Submit your deliverables to Piazza in a private post tagged #iteration0-3 and #11. Make sure you submit a link to your Pivotal Tracker. Remember to add your GSI to your Tracker if it is private. For the lo-fi mockups and storyboard sketches, scan them and attach them as images to your post. For the video, if the size is beyond Piazza’s limit, please submit it via some file sharing website such as the UC Berkeley Box service: https://berkeley.box.com/login