This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 1.x minor versions.
To see the files changed for a given bug, go to where ### is the bug number To get the diff between two versions, go to To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash
1.6 (2015-01-16)
PR: bshaffer#496
- bug 437 - renames CryptoToken to JwtAccessToken / use_crypto_tokens to use_jwt_access_tokens
- bug 447 - Adds a Couchbase storage implementation
- bug 460 - Rename JWT claims to match spec
- bug 470 - order does not matter for multi-valued response types
- bug 471 - Make validateAuthorizeRequest available for POST in addition to GET
- bug 475 - Adds JTI table definitiion
- bug 481 - better randomness for generating access tokens
- bug 480 - Use hash_equals() for signature verification (prevents remote timing attacks)
- bugs 489, 491, 498 - misc other fixes
1.5 (2014-08-27)
PR: bshaffer#446
- bug #399 - Add DynamoDB Support
- bug #404 - renamed error name for malformed/expired tokens
- bug #412 - Openid connect: fixes for claims with more than one scope / Add support for the prompt parameter ('consent' and 'none')
- bug #411 - fixes xml output
- bug #413 - fixes invalid format error
- bug #401 - fixes code standards / whitespace
- bug #354 - bundles PDO SQL with the library
- [BC] bug #397 - refresh tokens should not be encrypted
- bug #423 - makes "scope" optional for refresh token storage
1.4 (2014-06-12)
PR: bshaffer#392
- bug #189 Storage\PDO - allows DSN string in constructor
- bug #233 Bearer Tokens - allows token in request body for PUT requests
- bug #346 Fixes open_basedir warning
- bug #351 Adds OpenID Connect support
- bug #355 Adds php 5.6 and HHVM to testing
- [BC] bug #358 Adds
to the GrantType interface - bug #363 Encryption\JWT - Allows for subclassing JWT Headers
- bug #349 Bearer Tokens - adds requestHasToken method for when access tokens are optional
- bug #301 Encryption\JWT - fixes urlSafeB64Encode(): ensures newlines are replaced as expected
- bug #323 ResourceController - client_id is no longer required to be returned when calling getAccessToken
- bug #367 Storage\PDO - adds Postgres support
- bug #368 Access Tokens - use mcrypt_create_iv or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes to create token string
- bug #376 Request - allows case insensitive headers
- bug #384 Storage\PDO - can pass in PDO options in constructor of PDO storage
- misc fixes #361, #292, #373, #374, #379, #396
1.3 (2014-02-27)
PR: bshaffer#325
- bug #311 adds cassandra storage
- bug #298 fixes response code for user credentials grant type
- bug #318 adds 'use_crypto_tokens' config to Server class for better DX
- [BC] bug #320 pass client_id to getDefaultScope
- bug #324 better feedback when running tests
- bug #335 adds support for non-expiring refresh tokens
- bug #333 fixes Pdo storage for getClientKey
- bug #336 fixes Redis storage for expireAuthorizationCode
1.2 (2014-01-03)
PR: bshaffer#288
- bug #285 changed response header from 200 to 401 when empty token received
- bug #286 adds documentation and links to spec for not including error messages when no token is supplied
- bug #280 ensures PHP warnings do not get thrown as a result of an invalid argument to $jwt->decode()
- bug #279 predis wrong number of arguments
- bug #277 Securing JS WebApp client secret w/ password grant type
1.1 (2013-12-17)
PR: bshaffer#276
- bug #278 adds refresh token configuration to Server class
- bug #274 Supplying a null client_id and client_secret grants API access
- bug #244 [MongoStorage] More detailed implementation info
- bug #268 Implement jti for JWT Bearer tokens to prevent replay attacks.
- bug #266 Removing unused argument to getAccessTokenData
- bug #247 Make Bearer token type consistent
- bug #253 Fixing CryptoToken refresh token lifetime
- bug #246 refactors public key logic to be more intuitive
- bug #245 adds support for JSON crypto tokens
- bug #230 Remove unused columns in oauth_clients
- bug #215 makes Redis Scope Storage obey the same paradigm as PDO
- bug #228 removes scope group
- bug #227 squelches open basedir restriction error
- bug #223 Updated docblocks for RefreshTokenInterface.php
- bug #224 Adds protected properties
- bug #217 Implement ScopeInterface for PDO, Redis
1.0 (2013-08-12)
- bug #203 Add redirect_status_code config param for AuthorizeController
- bug #205 ensures unnecessary ? is not set when ** bug
- bug #204 Fixed call to LogicException
- bug #202 Add explode to checkRestrictedGrant in PDO Storage
- bug #197 adds support for 'false' default scope ** bug
- bug #192 reference errors and adds tests
- bug #194 makes some appropriate properties ** bug
- bug #191 passes config to HttpBasic
- bug #190 validates client credentials before ** bug
- bug #171 Fix wrong redirect following authorization step
- bug #187 client_id is now passed to getDefaultScope().
- bug #176 Require refresh_token in getRefreshToken response
- bug #174 make user_id not required for refresh_token grant
- bug #173 Duplication in JwtBearer Grant
- bug #168 user_id not required for authorization_code grant
- bug #133 hardens default security for user object
- bug #163 allows redirect_uri on authorization_code to be NULL in docs example
- bug #162 adds getToken on ResourceController for convenience
- bug #161 fixes fatal error
- bug #163 Invalid redirect_uri handling
- bug #156 user_id in OAuth2_Storage_AuthorizationCodeInterface::getAuthorizationCode() response
- bug #157 Fix for extending access and refresh tokens
- bug #154 ResponseInterface: getParameter method is used in the library but not defined in the interface
- bug #148 Add more detail to examples in