', 'igm');
+ reg_match.lastIndex = this.pos;
+ var reg_array = reg_match.exec(this.input);
+ var end_script = reg_array?reg_array.index:this.input.length; //absolute end of script
+ if(this.pos < end_script) { //get everything in between the script tags
+ content = this.input.substring(this.pos, end_script);
+ this.pos = end_script;
+ }
+ return content;
+ }
+ this.record_tag = function (tag){ //function to record a tag and its parent in this.tags Object
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count']) { //check for the existence of this tag type
+ this.tags[tag + 'count']++;
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']] = this.indent_level; //and record the present indent level
+ }
+ else { //otherwise initialize this tag type
+ this.tags[tag + 'count'] = 1;
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']] = this.indent_level; //and record the present indent level
+ }
+ this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] + 'parent'] = this.tags.parent; //set the parent (i.e. in the case of a div this.tags.div1parent)
+ this.tags.parent = tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']; //and make this the current parent (i.e. in the case of a div 'div1')
+ }
+ this.retrieve_tag = function (tag) { //function to retrieve the opening tag to the corresponding closer
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count']) { //if the openener is not in the Object we ignore it
+ var temp_parent = this.tags.parent; //check to see if it's a closable tag.
+ while (temp_parent) { //till we reach '' (the initial value);
+ if (tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] === temp_parent) { //if this is it use it
+ break;
+ }
+ temp_parent = this.tags[temp_parent + 'parent']; //otherwise keep on climbing up the DOM Tree
+ }
+ if (temp_parent) { //if we caught something
+ this.indent_level = this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']]; //set the indent_level accordingly
+ this.tags.parent = this.tags[temp_parent + 'parent']; //and set the current parent
+ }
+ delete this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count'] + 'parent']; //delete the closed tags parent reference...
+ delete this.tags[tag + this.tags[tag + 'count']]; //...and the tag itself
+ if (this.tags[tag + 'count'] == 1) {
+ delete this.tags[tag + 'count'];
+ }
+ else {
+ this.tags[tag + 'count']--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.get_tag = function () { //function to get a full tag and parse its type
+ var input_char = '',
+ content = [],
+ space = false,
+ tag_start, tag_end;
+ do {
+ if (this.pos >= this.input.length) {
+ return content.length?content.join(''):['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++;
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) { //don't want to insert unnecessary space
+ space = true;
+ this.line_char_count--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (input_char === "'" || input_char === '"') {
+ if (!content[1] || content[1] !== '!') { //if we're in a comment strings don't get treated specially
+ input_char += this.get_unformatted(input_char);
+ space = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (input_char === '=') { //no space before =
+ space = false;
+ }
+ if (content.length && content[content.length-1] !== '=' && input_char !== '>'
+ && space) { //no space after = or before >
+ if (this.line_char_count >= this.max_char) {
+ this.print_newline(false, content);
+ this.line_char_count = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ content.push(' ');
+ this.line_char_count++;
+ }
+ space = false;
+ }
+ if (input_char === '<') {
+ tag_start = this.pos - 1;
+ }
+ content.push(input_char); //inserts character at-a-time (or string)
+ } while (input_char !== '>');
+ var tag_complete = content.join('');
+ var tag_index;
+ if (tag_complete.indexOf(' ') != -1) { //if there's whitespace, thats where the tag name ends
+ tag_index = tag_complete.indexOf(' ');
+ }
+ else { //otherwise go with the tag ending
+ tag_index = tag_complete.indexOf('>');
+ }
+ var tag_check = tag_complete.substring(1, tag_index).toLowerCase();
+ if (tag_complete.charAt(tag_complete.length-2) === '/' ||
+ this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, this.Utils.single_token)) { //if this tag name is a single tag type (either in the list or has a closing /)
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ }
+ else if (tag_check === 'script') { //for later script handling
+ this.record_tag(tag_check);
+ this.tag_type = 'SCRIPT';
+ }
+ else if (tag_check === 'style') { //for future style handling (for now it justs uses get_content)
+ this.record_tag(tag_check);
+ this.tag_type = 'STYLE';
+ }
+ else if (this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, unformatted)) { // do not reformat the "unformatted" tags
+ var comment = this.get_unformatted(''+tag_check+'>', tag_complete); //...delegate to get_unformatted function
+ content.push(comment);
+ // Preserve collapsed whitespace either before or after this tag.
+ if (tag_start > 0 && this.Utils.in_array(this.input.charAt(tag_start - 1), this.Utils.whitespace)){
+ content.splice(0, 0, this.input.charAt(tag_start - 1));
+ }
+ tag_end = this.pos - 1;
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(this.input.charAt(tag_end + 1), this.Utils.whitespace)){
+ content.push(this.input.charAt(tag_end + 1));
+ }
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ }
+ else if (tag_check.charAt(0) === '!') { //peek for so...
+ var comment = this.get_unformatted('-->', tag_complete); //...delegate to get_unformatted
+ content.push(comment);
+ }
+ this.tag_type = 'START';
+ }
+ else if (tag_check.indexOf('[endif') != -1) {//peek for ', tag_complete);
+ content.push(comment);
+ this.tag_type = 'SINGLE';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (tag_check.charAt(0) === '/') { //this tag is a double tag so check for tag-ending
+ this.retrieve_tag(tag_check.substring(1)); //remove it and all ancestors
+ this.tag_type = 'END';
+ }
+ else { //otherwise it's a start-tag
+ this.record_tag(tag_check); //push it on the tag stack
+ this.tag_type = 'START';
+ }
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(tag_check, this.Utils.extra_liners)) { //check if this double needs an extra line
+ this.print_newline(true, this.output);
+ }
+ }
+ return content.join(''); //returns fully formatted tag
+ }
+ this.get_unformatted = function (delimiter, orig_tag) { //function to return unformatted content in its entirety
+ if (orig_tag && orig_tag.indexOf(delimiter) != -1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var input_char = '';
+ var content = '';
+ var space = true;
+ do {
+ if (this.pos >= this.input.length) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ input_char = this.input.charAt(this.pos);
+ this.pos++
+ if (this.Utils.in_array(input_char, this.Utils.whitespace)) {
+ if (!space) {
+ this.line_char_count--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (input_char === '\n' || input_char === '\r') {
+ content += '\n';
+ /* Don't change tab indention for unformatted blocks. If using code for html editing, this will greatly affect tags if they are specified in the 'unformatted array'
+ for (var i=0; i 0) {
+ this.indent_level--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /*_____________________--------------------_____________________*/
+ multi_parser = new Parser(); //wrapping functions Parser
+ multi_parser.printer(html_source, indent_character, indent_size, max_char, brace_style); //initialize starting values
+ while (true) {
+ var t = multi_parser.get_token();
+ multi_parser.token_text = t[0];
+ multi_parser.token_type = t[1];
+ if (multi_parser.token_type === 'TK_EOF') {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (multi_parser.token_type) {
+ case 'TK_TAG_START':
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.indent();
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_STYLE':
+ case 'TK_TAG_SCRIPT':
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_END':
+ //Print new line only if the tag has no content and has child
+ if (multi_parser.last_token === 'TK_CONTENT' && multi_parser.last_text === '') {
+ var tag_name = multi_parser.token_text.match(/\w+/)[0];
+ var tag_extracted_from_last_output = multi_parser.output[multi_parser.output.length -1].match(/<\s*(\w+)/);
+ if (tag_extracted_from_last_output === null || tag_extracted_from_last_output[1] !== tag_name)
+ multi_parser.print_newline(true, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_TAG_SINGLE':
+ // Don't add a newline before elements that should remain unformatted.
+ var tag_check = multi_parser.token_text.match(/^\s*<([a-z]+)/i);
+ if (!tag_check || !multi_parser.Utils.in_array(tag_check[1], unformatted)){
+ multi_parser.print_newline(false, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'CONTENT';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_CONTENT':
+ if (multi_parser.token_text !== '') {
+ multi_parser.print_token(multi_parser.token_text);
+ }
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'TAG';
+ break;
+ case 'TK_STYLE':
+ case 'TK_SCRIPT':
+ if (multi_parser.token_text !== '') {
+ multi_parser.output.push('\n');
+ var text = multi_parser.token_text;
+ if (multi_parser.token_type == 'TK_SCRIPT') {
+ var _beautifier = typeof js_beautify == 'function' && js_beautify;
+ } else if (multi_parser.token_type == 'TK_STYLE') {
+ var _beautifier = typeof css_beautify == 'function' && css_beautify;
+ }
+ if (options.indent_scripts == "keep") {
+ var script_indent_level = 0;
+ } else if (options.indent_scripts == "separate") {
+ var script_indent_level = -multi_parser.indent_level;
+ } else {
+ var script_indent_level = 1;
+ }
+ var indentation = multi_parser.get_full_indent(script_indent_level);
+ if (_beautifier) {
+ // call the Beautifier if avaliable
+ text = _beautifier(text.replace(/^\s*/, indentation), options);
+ } else {
+ // simply indent the string otherwise
+ var white = text.match(/^\s*/)[0];
+ var _level = white.match(/[^\n\r]*$/)[0].split(multi_parser.indent_string).length - 1;
+ var reindent = multi_parser.get_full_indent(script_indent_level -_level);
+ text = text.replace(/^\s*/, indentation)
+ .replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, '\n' + reindent)
+ .replace(/\s*$/, '');
+ }
+ if (text) {
+ multi_parser.print_token(text);
+ multi_parser.print_newline(true, multi_parser.output);
+ }
+ }
+ multi_parser.current_mode = 'TAG';
+ break;
+ }
+ multi_parser.last_token = multi_parser.token_type;
+ multi_parser.last_text = multi_parser.token_text;
+ }
+ return multi_parser.output.join('');
+ }
+ /*
+ CSS Beautifier
+ ---------------
+ Written by Harutyun Amirjanyan, (amirjanyan@gmail.com)
+ Based on code initially developed by: Einar Lielmanis,
+ http://jsbeautifier.org/
+ You are free to use this in any way you want, in case you find this useful or working for you.
+ Usage:
+ css_beautify(source_text);
+ css_beautify(source_text, options);
+ The options are:
+ indent_size (default 4) — indentation size,
+ indent_char (default space) — character to indent with,
+ e.g
+ css_beautify(css_source_text, {
+ 'indent_size': 1,
+ 'indent_char': '\t'
+ });
+ */
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/
+ function css_beautify(source_text, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var indentSize = options.indent_size || 4;
+ var indentCharacter = options.indent_char || ' ';
+ // compatibility
+ if (typeof indentSize == "string")
+ indentSize = parseInt(indentSize);
+ // tokenizer
+ var whiteRe = /^\s+$/;
+ var wordRe = /[\w$\-_]/;
+ var pos = -1, ch;
+ function next() {
+ return ch = source_text.charAt(++pos)
+ }
+ function peek() {
+ return source_text.charAt(pos+1)
+ }
+ function eatString(comma) {
+ var start = pos;
+ while(next()){
+ if (ch=="\\"){
+ next();
+ next();
+ } else if (ch == comma) {
+ break;
+ } else if (ch == "\n") {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return source_text.substring(start, pos + 1);
+ }
+ function eatWhitespace() {
+ var start = pos;
+ while (whiteRe.test(peek()))
+ pos++;
+ return pos != start;
+ }
+ function skipWhitespace() {
+ var start = pos;
+ do{
+ }while (whiteRe.test(next()))
+ return pos != start + 1;
+ }
+ function eatComment() {
+ var start = pos;
+ next();
+ while (next()) {
+ if (ch == "*" && peek() == "/") {
+ pos ++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return source_text.substring(start, pos + 1);
+ }
+ function lookBack(str, index) {
+ return output.slice(-str.length + (index||0), index).join("").toLowerCase() == str;
+ }
+ // printer
+ var indentString = source_text.match(/^[\r\n]*[\t ]*/)[0];
+ var singleIndent = Array(indentSize + 1).join(indentCharacter);
+ var indentLevel = 0;
+ function indent() {
+ indentLevel++;
+ indentString += singleIndent;
+ }
+ function outdent() {
+ indentLevel--;
+ indentString = indentString.slice(0, -indentSize);
+ }
+ var print = {}
+ print["{"] = function(ch) {
+ print.singleSpace();
+ output.push(ch);
+ print.newLine();
+ }
+ print["}"] = function(ch) {
+ print.newLine();
+ output.push(ch);
+ print.newLine();
+ }
+ print.newLine = function(keepWhitespace) {
+ if (!keepWhitespace)
+ while (whiteRe.test(output[output.length - 1]))
+ output.pop();
+ if (output.length)
+ output.push('\n');
+ if (indentString)
+ output.push(indentString);
+ }
+ print.singleSpace = function() {
+ if (output.length && !whiteRe.test(output[output.length - 1]))
+ output.push(' ');
+ }
+ var output = [];
+ if (indentString)
+ output.push(indentString);
+ /*_____________________--------------------_____________________*/
+ while(true) {
+ var isAfterSpace = skipWhitespace();
+ if (!ch)
+ break;
+ if (ch == '{') {
+ indent();
+ print["{"](ch);
+ } else if (ch == '}') {
+ outdent();
+ print["}"](ch);
+ } else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') {
+ output.push(eatString(ch))
+ } else if (ch == ';') {
+ output.push(ch, '\n', indentString);
+ } else if (ch == '/' && peek() == '*') { // comment
+ print.newLine();
+ output.push(eatComment(), "\n", indentString);
+ } else if (ch == '(') { // may be a url
+ if (lookBack("url", -1)) {
+ output.push(ch);
+ eatWhitespace();
+ if (next()) {
+ if (ch != ')' && ch != '"' && ch != '\'')
+ output.push(eatString(')'));
+ else
+ pos--;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isAfterSpace)
+ print.singleSpace();
+ output.push(ch);
+ eatWhitespace();
+ }
+ } else if (ch == ')') {
+ output.push(ch);
+ } else if (ch == ',') {
+ eatWhitespace();
+ output.push(ch);
+ print.singleSpace();
+ } else if (ch == ']') {
+ output.push(ch);
+ } else if (ch == '[' || ch == '=') { // no whitespace before or after
+ eatWhitespace();
+ output.push(ch);
+ } else {
+ if (isAfterSpace)
+ print.singleSpace();
+ output.push(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ var sweetCode = output.join('').replace(/[\n ]+$/, '');
+ return sweetCode;
+ }
+ if (true)
+ exports.css_beautify = css_beautify;
+ /*jslint onevar: false, plusplus: false */
+ /*jshint curly:true, eqeqeq:true, laxbreak:true, noempty:false */
+ /*
+ JS Beautifier
+ ---------------
+ Written by Einar Lielmanis,
+ http://jsbeautifier.org/
+ Originally converted to javascript by Vital,
+ "End braces on own line" added by Chris J. Shull,
+ You are free to use this in any way you want, in case you find this useful or working for you.
+ Usage:
+ js_beautify(js_source_text);
+ js_beautify(js_source_text, options);
+ The options are:
+ indent_size (default 4) - indentation size,
+ indent_char (default space) - character to indent with,
+ preserve_newlines (default true) - whether existing line breaks should be preserved,
+ max_preserve_newlines (default unlimited) - maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk,
+ jslint_happy (default false) - if true, then jslint-stricter mode is enforced.
+ jslint_happy !jslint_happy
+ ---------------------------------
+ function () function()
+ brace_style (default "collapse") - "collapse" | "expand" | "end-expand" | "expand-strict"
+ put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line.
+ expand-strict: put brace on own line even in such cases:
+ var a =
+ {
+ a: 5,
+ b: 6
+ }
+ This mode may break your scripts - e.g "return { a: 1 }" will be broken into two lines, so beware.
+ space_before_conditional (default true) - should the space before conditional statement be added, "if(true)" vs "if (true)",
+ unescape_strings (default false) - should printable characters in strings encoded in \xNN notation be unescaped, "example" vs "\x65\x78\x61\x6d\x70\x6c\x65"
+ e.g
+ js_beautify(js_source_text, {
+ 'indent_size': 1,
+ 'indent_char': '\t'
+ });
+ */
+ function js_beautify(js_source_text, options) {
+ var input, output, token_text, last_type, last_text, last_last_text, last_word, flags, flag_store, indent_string;
+ var whitespace, wordchar, punct, parser_pos, line_starters, digits;
+ var prefix, token_type, do_block_just_closed;
+ var wanted_newline, just_added_newline, n_newlines;
+ var preindent_string = '';
+ // Some interpreters have unexpected results with foo = baz || bar;
+ options = options ? options : {};
+ var opt_brace_style;
+ // compatibility
+ if (options.space_after_anon_function !== undefined && options.jslint_happy === undefined) {
+ options.jslint_happy = options.space_after_anon_function;
+ }
+ if (options.braces_on_own_line !== undefined) { //graceful handling of deprecated option
+ opt_brace_style = options.braces_on_own_line ? "expand" : "collapse";
+ }
+ opt_brace_style = options.brace_style ? options.brace_style : (opt_brace_style ? opt_brace_style : "collapse");
+ var opt_indent_size = options.indent_size ? options.indent_size : 4,
+ opt_indent_char = options.indent_char ? options.indent_char : ' ',
+ opt_preserve_newlines = typeof options.preserve_newlines === 'undefined' ? true : options.preserve_newlines,
+ opt_break_chained_methods = typeof options.break_chained_methods === 'undefined' ? false : options.break_chained_methods,
+ opt_max_preserve_newlines = typeof options.max_preserve_newlines === 'undefined' ? false : options.max_preserve_newlines,
+ opt_jslint_happy = options.jslint_happy === 'undefined' ? false : options.jslint_happy,
+ opt_keep_array_indentation = typeof options.keep_array_indentation === 'undefined' ? false : options.keep_array_indentation,
+ opt_space_before_conditional = typeof options.space_before_conditional === 'undefined' ? true : options.space_before_conditional,
+ opt_unescape_strings = typeof options.unescape_strings === 'undefined' ? false : options.unescape_strings;
+ just_added_newline = false;
+ // cache the source's length.
+ var input_length = js_source_text.length;
+ function trim_output(eat_newlines) {
+ eat_newlines = typeof eat_newlines === 'undefined' ? false : eat_newlines;
+ while (output.length && (output[output.length - 1] === ' '
+ || output[output.length - 1] === indent_string
+ || output[output.length - 1] === preindent_string
+ || (eat_newlines && (output[output.length - 1] === '\n' || output[output.length - 1] === '\r')))) {
+ output.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ function trim(s) {
+ return s.replace(/^\s\s*|\s\s*$/, '');
+ }
+ // we could use just string.split, but
+ // IE doesn't like returning empty strings
+ function split_newlines(s) {
+ //return s.split(/\x0d\x0a|\x0a/);
+ s = s.replace(/\x0d/g, '');
+ var out = [],
+ idx = s.indexOf("\n");
+ while (idx !== -1) {
+ out.push(s.substring(0, idx));
+ s = s.substring(idx + 1);
+ idx = s.indexOf("\n");
+ }
+ if (s.length) {
+ out.push(s);
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ function force_newline() {
+ var old_keep_array_indentation = opt_keep_array_indentation;
+ opt_keep_array_indentation = false;
+ print_newline();
+ opt_keep_array_indentation = old_keep_array_indentation;
+ }
+ function print_newline(ignore_repeated, reset_statement_flags) {
+ flags.eat_next_space = false;
+ if (opt_keep_array_indentation && is_array(flags.mode)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ignore_repeated = typeof ignore_repeated === 'undefined' ? true : ignore_repeated;
+ reset_statement_flags = typeof reset_statement_flags === 'undefined' ? true : reset_statement_flags;
+ if (reset_statement_flags) {
+ flags.if_line = false;
+ flags.chain_extra_indentation = 0;
+ }
+ trim_output();
+ if (!output.length) {
+ return; // no newline on start of file
+ }
+ if (output[output.length - 1] !== "\n" || !ignore_repeated) {
+ just_added_newline = true;
+ output.push("\n");
+ }
+ if (preindent_string) {
+ output.push(preindent_string);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < flags.indentation_level + flags.chain_extra_indentation; i += 1) {
+ output.push(indent_string);
+ }
+ if (flags.var_line && flags.var_line_reindented) {
+ output.push(indent_string); // skip space-stuffing, if indenting with a tab
+ }
+ }
+ function print_single_space() {
+ if (last_type === 'TK_COMMENT') {
+ return print_newline();
+ }
+ if (flags.eat_next_space) {
+ flags.eat_next_space = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ var last_output = ' ';
+ if (output.length) {
+ last_output = output[output.length - 1];
+ }
+ if (last_output !== ' ' && last_output !== '\n' && last_output !== indent_string) { // prevent occassional duplicate space
+ output.push(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ function print_token() {
+ just_added_newline = false;
+ flags.eat_next_space = false;
+ output.push(token_text);
+ }
+ function indent() {
+ flags.indentation_level += 1;
+ }
+ function remove_indent() {
+ if (output.length && output[output.length - 1] === indent_string) {
+ output.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ function set_mode(mode) {
+ if (flags) {
+ flag_store.push(flags);
+ }
+ flags = {
+ previous_mode: flags ? flags.mode : 'BLOCK',
+ mode: mode,
+ var_line: false,
+ var_line_tainted: false,
+ var_line_reindented: false,
+ in_html_comment: false,
+ if_line: false,
+ chain_extra_indentation: 0,
+ in_case_statement: false, // switch(..){ INSIDE HERE }
+ in_case: false, // we're on the exact line with "case 0:"
+ case_body: false, // the indented case-action block
+ eat_next_space: false,
+ indentation_level: (flags ? flags.indentation_level + ((flags.var_line && flags.var_line_reindented) ? 1 : 0) : 0),
+ ternary_depth: 0
+ };
+ }
+ function is_array(mode) {
+ return mode === '[EXPRESSION]' || mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]';
+ }
+ function is_expression(mode) {
+ return in_array(mode, ['[EXPRESSION]', '(EXPRESSION)', '(FOR-EXPRESSION)', '(COND-EXPRESSION)']);
+ }
+ function restore_mode() {
+ do_block_just_closed = flags.mode === 'DO_BLOCK';
+ if (flag_store.length > 0) {
+ var mode = flags.mode;
+ flags = flag_store.pop();
+ flags.previous_mode = mode;
+ }
+ }
+ function all_lines_start_with(lines, c) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ var line = trim(lines[i]);
+ if (line.charAt(0) !== c) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function is_special_word(word) {
+ return in_array(word, ['case', 'return', 'do', 'if', 'throw', 'else']);
+ }
+ function in_array(what, arr) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
+ if (arr[i] === what) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function look_up(exclude) {
+ var local_pos = parser_pos;
+ var c = input.charAt(local_pos);
+ while (in_array(c, whitespace) && c !== exclude) {
+ local_pos++;
+ if (local_pos >= input_length) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ c = input.charAt(local_pos);
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ function get_next_token() {
+ var i;
+ var resulting_string;
+ n_newlines = 0;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ return ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ wanted_newline = false;
+ var c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ var keep_whitespace = opt_keep_array_indentation && is_array(flags.mode);
+ if (keep_whitespace) {
+ var whitespace_count = 0;
+ while (in_array(c, whitespace)) {
+ if (c === "\n") {
+ trim_output();
+ output.push("\n");
+ just_added_newline = true;
+ whitespace_count = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (c === '\t') {
+ whitespace_count += 4;
+ } else if (c === '\r') {
+ // nothing
+ } else {
+ whitespace_count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ return ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ }
+ if (just_added_newline) {
+ for (i = 0; i < whitespace_count; i++) {
+ output.push(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (in_array(c, whitespace)) {
+ if (c === "\n") {
+ n_newlines += ((opt_max_preserve_newlines) ? (n_newlines <= opt_max_preserve_newlines) ? 1 : 0 : 1);
+ }
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ return ['', 'TK_EOF'];
+ }
+ c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ }
+ if (opt_preserve_newlines) {
+ if (n_newlines > 1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n_newlines; i += 1) {
+ print_newline(i === 0);
+ just_added_newline = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wanted_newline = n_newlines > 0;
+ }
+ if (in_array(c, wordchar)) {
+ if (parser_pos < input_length) {
+ while (in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), wordchar)) {
+ c += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos === input_length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // small and surprisingly unugly hack for 1E-10 representation
+ if (parser_pos !== input_length && c.match(/^[0-9]+[Ee]$/) && (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '-' || input.charAt(parser_pos) === '+')) {
+ var sign = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ var t = get_next_token();
+ c += sign + t[0];
+ return [c, 'TK_WORD'];
+ }
+ if (c === 'in') { // hack for 'in' operator
+ return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR'];
+ }
+ if (wanted_newline && last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR'
+ && last_type !== 'TK_EQUALS'
+ && !flags.if_line && (opt_preserve_newlines || last_text !== 'var')) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ return [c, 'TK_WORD'];
+ }
+ if (c === '(' || c === '[') {
+ return [c, 'TK_START_EXPR'];
+ }
+ if (c === ')' || c === ']') {
+ return [c, 'TK_END_EXPR'];
+ }
+ if (c === '{') {
+ return [c, 'TK_START_BLOCK'];
+ }
+ if (c === '}') {
+ return [c, 'TK_END_BLOCK'];
+ }
+ if (c === ';') {
+ return [c, 'TK_SEMICOLON'];
+ }
+ if (c === '/') {
+ var comment = '';
+ // peek for comment /* ... */
+ var inline_comment = true;
+ if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*') {
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos < input_length) {
+ while (parser_pos < input_length &&
+ ! (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === '/')) {
+ c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ comment += c;
+ if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") {
+ inline_comment = false;
+ }
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parser_pos += 2;
+ if (inline_comment && n_newlines === 0) {
+ return ['/*' + comment + '*/', 'TK_INLINE_COMMENT'];
+ } else {
+ return ['/*' + comment + '*/', 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT'];
+ }
+ }
+ // peek for comment // ...
+ if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '/') {
+ comment = c;
+ while (input.charAt(parser_pos) !== '\r' && input.charAt(parser_pos) !== '\n') {
+ comment += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wanted_newline) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ return [comment, 'TK_COMMENT'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (c === "'" || // string
+ c === '"' || // string
+ (c === '/' &&
+ ((last_type === 'TK_WORD' && is_special_word(last_text)) ||
+ (last_text === ')' && in_array(flags.previous_mode, ['(COND-EXPRESSION)', '(FOR-EXPRESSION)'])) ||
+ (last_type === 'TK_COMMA' || last_type === 'TK_COMMENT' || last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_OPERATOR' || last_type === 'TK_EQUALS' || last_type === 'TK_EOF' || last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON')))) { // regexp
+ var sep = c;
+ var esc = false;
+ var esc1 = 0;
+ var esc2 = 0;
+ resulting_string = c;
+ if (parser_pos < input_length) {
+ if (sep === '/') {
+ //
+ // handle regexp separately...
+ //
+ var in_char_class = false;
+ while (esc || in_char_class || input.charAt(parser_pos) !== sep) {
+ resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ if (!esc) {
+ esc = input.charAt(parser_pos) === '\\';
+ if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '[') {
+ in_char_class = true;
+ } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === ']') {
+ in_char_class = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ esc = false;
+ }
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ // incomplete string/rexp when end-of-file reached.
+ // bail out with what had been received so far.
+ return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING'];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // and handle string also separately
+ //
+ while (esc || input.charAt(parser_pos) !== sep) {
+ resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ if (esc1 && esc1 >= esc2) {
+ esc1 = parseInt(resulting_string.substr(-esc2), 16);
+ if (esc1 && esc1 >= 0x20 && esc1 <= 0x7e) {
+ esc1 = String.fromCharCode(esc1);
+ resulting_string = resulting_string.substr(0, resulting_string.length - esc2 - 2) + (((esc1 === sep) || (esc1 === '\\')) ? '\\' : '') + esc1;
+ }
+ esc1 = 0;
+ }
+ if (esc1) {
+ esc1++;
+ } else if (!esc) {
+ esc = input.charAt(parser_pos) === '\\';
+ } else {
+ esc = false;
+ if (opt_unescape_strings) {
+ if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === 'x') {
+ esc1++;
+ esc2 = 2;
+ } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === 'u') {
+ esc1++;
+ esc2 = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ // incomplete string/rexp when end-of-file reached.
+ // bail out with what had been received so far.
+ return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ resulting_string += sep;
+ if (sep === '/') {
+ // regexps may have modifiers /regexp/MOD , so fetch those, too
+ while (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), wordchar)) {
+ resulting_string += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return [resulting_string, 'TK_STRING'];
+ }
+ if (c === '#') {
+ if (output.length === 0 && input.charAt(parser_pos) === '!') {
+ // shebang
+ resulting_string = c;
+ while (parser_pos < input_length && c !== '\n') {
+ c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ resulting_string += c;
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ }
+ output.push(trim(resulting_string) + '\n');
+ print_newline();
+ return get_next_token();
+ }
+ // Spidermonkey-specific sharp variables for circular references
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Sharp_variables_in_JavaScript
+ // https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/js/src/jsscan.cpp around line 1935
+ var sharp = '#';
+ if (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), digits)) {
+ do {
+ c = input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ sharp += c;
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ } while (parser_pos < input_length && c !== '#' && c !== '=');
+ if (c === '#') {
+ //
+ } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '[' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === ']') {
+ sharp += '[]';
+ parser_pos += 2;
+ } else if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '{' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === '}') {
+ sharp += '{}';
+ parser_pos += 2;
+ }
+ return [sharp, 'TK_WORD'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (c === '<' && input.substring(parser_pos - 1, parser_pos + 3) === '') {
+ flags.in_html_comment = false;
+ parser_pos += 2;
+ if (wanted_newline) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ return ['-->', 'TK_COMMENT'];
+ }
+ if (c === '.') {
+ return [c, 'TK_DOT'];
+ }
+ if (in_array(c, punct)) {
+ while (parser_pos < input_length && in_array(c + input.charAt(parser_pos), punct)) {
+ c += input.charAt(parser_pos);
+ parser_pos += 1;
+ if (parser_pos >= input_length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c === ',') {
+ return [c, 'TK_COMMA'];
+ } else if (c === '=') {
+ return [c, 'TK_EQUALS'];
+ } else {
+ return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR'];
+ }
+ }
+ return [c, 'TK_UNKNOWN'];
+ }
+ //----------------------------------
+ indent_string = '';
+ while (opt_indent_size > 0) {
+ indent_string += opt_indent_char;
+ opt_indent_size -= 1;
+ }
+ while (js_source_text && (js_source_text.charAt(0) === ' ' || js_source_text.charAt(0) === '\t')) {
+ preindent_string += js_source_text.charAt(0);
+ js_source_text = js_source_text.substring(1);
+ }
+ input = js_source_text;
+ last_word = ''; // last 'TK_WORD' passed
+ last_type = 'TK_START_EXPR'; // last token type
+ last_text = ''; // last token text
+ last_last_text = ''; // pre-last token text
+ output = [];
+ do_block_just_closed = false;
+ whitespace = "\n\r\t ".split('');
+ wordchar = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$'.split('');
+ digits = '0123456789'.split('');
+ punct = '+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! !! , : ? ^ ^= |= ::';
+ punct += ' <%= <% %> = ?>'; // try to be a good boy and try not to break the markup language identifiers
+ punct = punct.split(' ');
+ // words which should always start on new line.
+ line_starters = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function'.split(',');
+ // states showing if we are currently in expression (i.e. "if" case) - 'EXPRESSION', or in usual block (like, procedure), 'BLOCK'.
+ // some formatting depends on that.
+ flag_store = [];
+ set_mode('BLOCK');
+ parser_pos = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ var t = get_next_token();
+ token_text = t[0];
+ token_type = t[1];
+ if (token_type === 'TK_EOF') {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (token_type) {
+ case 'TK_START_EXPR':
+ if (token_text === '[') {
+ if (last_type === 'TK_WORD' || last_text === ')') {
+ // this is array index specifier, break immediately
+ // a[x], fn()[x]
+ if (in_array(last_text, line_starters)) {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ set_mode('(EXPRESSION)');
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]' || flags.mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]') {
+ if (last_last_text === ']' && last_text === ',') {
+ // ], [ goes to new line
+ if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]') {
+ flags.mode = '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]';
+ if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ indent();
+ }
+ }
+ set_mode('[EXPRESSION]');
+ if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ } else if (last_text === '[') {
+ if (flags.mode === '[EXPRESSION]') {
+ flags.mode = '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]';
+ if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ indent();
+ }
+ }
+ set_mode('[EXPRESSION]');
+ if (!opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ set_mode('[EXPRESSION]');
+ }
+ } else {
+ set_mode('[EXPRESSION]');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (last_word === 'for') {
+ set_mode('(FOR-EXPRESSION)');
+ } else if (in_array(last_word, ['if', 'while'])) {
+ set_mode('(COND-EXPRESSION)');
+ } else {
+ set_mode('(EXPRESSION)');
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_text === ';' || last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') {
+ print_newline();
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_text === '.') {
+ if (wanted_newline) {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ // do nothing on (( and )( and ][ and ]( and .(
+ } else if (last_type !== 'TK_WORD' && last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR') {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else if (last_word === 'function' || last_word === 'typeof') {
+ // function() vs function ()
+ if (opt_jslint_happy) {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ } else if (in_array(last_text, line_starters) || last_text === 'catch') {
+ if (opt_space_before_conditional) {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_DOT':
+ if (is_special_word(last_text)) {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else if (last_text === ')') {
+ if (opt_break_chained_methods || wanted_newline) {
+ flags.chain_extra_indentation = 1;
+ print_newline(true /* ignore_repeated */, false /* reset_statement_flags */);
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_END_EXPR':
+ if (token_text === ']') {
+ if (opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ if (last_text === '}') {
+ // trim_output();
+ // print_newline(true);
+ remove_indent();
+ print_token();
+ restore_mode();
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (flags.mode === '[INDENTED-EXPRESSION]') {
+ if (last_text === ']') {
+ restore_mode();
+ print_newline();
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ restore_mode();
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_START_BLOCK':
+ if (last_word === 'do') {
+ set_mode('DO_BLOCK');
+ } else {
+ set_mode('BLOCK');
+ }
+ if (opt_brace_style === "expand" || opt_brace_style === "expand-strict") {
+ var empty_braces = false;
+ if (opt_brace_style === "expand-strict") {
+ empty_braces = (look_up() === '}');
+ if (!empty_braces) {
+ print_newline(true);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR') {
+ if (last_text === '=' || (is_special_word(last_text) && last_text !== 'else')) {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ print_newline(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ if (!empty_braces) {
+ indent();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR' && last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR') {
+ if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') {
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (is_array(flags.previous_mode) && last_text === ',') {
+ if (last_last_text === '}') {
+ // }, { in array context
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ print_newline(); // [a, b, c, {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ indent();
+ print_token();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_END_BLOCK':
+ restore_mode();
+ if (opt_brace_style === "expand" || opt_brace_style === "expand-strict") {
+ if (last_text !== '{') {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ print_token();
+ } else {
+ if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') {
+ // nothing
+ if (just_added_newline) {
+ remove_indent();
+ } else {
+ // {}
+ trim_output();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (is_array(flags.mode) && opt_keep_array_indentation) {
+ // we REALLY need a newline here, but newliner would skip that
+ opt_keep_array_indentation = false;
+ print_newline();
+ opt_keep_array_indentation = true;
+ } else {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_WORD':
+ // no, it's not you. even I have problems understanding how this works
+ // and what does what.
+ if (do_block_just_closed) {
+ // do {} ## while ()
+ print_single_space();
+ print_token();
+ print_single_space();
+ do_block_just_closed = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ prefix = 'NONE';
+ if (token_text === 'function') {
+ if (flags.var_line && last_type !== 'TK_EQUALS' ) {
+ flags.var_line_reindented = true;
+ }
+ if ((just_added_newline || last_text === ';') && last_text !== '{'
+ && last_type !== 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT' && last_type !== 'TK_COMMENT') {
+ // make sure there is a nice clean space of at least one blank line
+ // before a new function definition
+ n_newlines = just_added_newline ? n_newlines : 0;
+ if (!opt_preserve_newlines) {
+ n_newlines = 1;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2 - n_newlines; i++) {
+ print_newline(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') {
+ if (last_text === 'get' || last_text === 'set' || last_text === 'new' || last_text === 'return') {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_OPERATOR' || last_text === '=') {
+ // foo = function
+ print_single_space();
+ } else if (is_expression(flags.mode)) {
+ // print nothing
+ } else {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ print_token();
+ last_word = token_text;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token_text === 'case' || (token_text === 'default' && flags.in_case_statement)) {
+ print_newline();
+ if (flags.case_body) {
+ // switch cases following one another
+ flags.indentation_level--;
+ flags.case_body = false;
+ remove_indent();
+ }
+ print_token();
+ flags.in_case = true;
+ flags.in_case_statement = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') {
+ if (!in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ } else {
+ if (opt_brace_style === "expand" || opt_brace_style === "end-expand" || opt_brace_style === "expand-strict") {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ } else {
+ prefix = 'SPACE';
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && (flags.mode === 'BLOCK' || flags.mode === 'DO_BLOCK')) {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON' && is_expression(flags.mode)) {
+ prefix = 'SPACE';
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_STRING') {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') {
+ if (last_text === 'else') {
+ // eat newlines between ...else *** some_op...
+ // won't preserve extra newlines in this place (if any), but don't care that much
+ trim_output(true);
+ }
+ prefix = 'SPACE';
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') {
+ print_single_space();
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ }
+ if (in_array(token_text, line_starters) && last_text !== ')') {
+ if (last_text === 'else') {
+ prefix = 'SPACE';
+ } else {
+ prefix = 'NEWLINE';
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags.if_line && last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') {
+ flags.if_line = false;
+ }
+ if (in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) {
+ if (last_type !== 'TK_END_BLOCK' || opt_brace_style === "expand" || opt_brace_style === "end-expand" || opt_brace_style === "expand-strict") {
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ trim_output(true);
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ } else if (prefix === 'NEWLINE') {
+ if (is_special_word(last_text)) {
+ // no newline between 'return nnn'
+ print_single_space();
+ } else if (last_type !== 'TK_END_EXPR') {
+ if ((last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR' || token_text !== 'var') && last_text !== ':') {
+ // no need to force newline on 'var': for (var x = 0...)
+ if (token_text === 'if' && last_word === 'else' && last_text !== '{') {
+ // no newline for } else if {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ flags.var_line = false;
+ flags.var_line_reindented = false;
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (in_array(token_text, line_starters) && last_text !== ')') {
+ flags.var_line = false;
+ flags.var_line_reindented = false;
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ } else if (is_array(flags.mode) && last_text === ',' && last_last_text === '}') {
+ print_newline(); // }, in lists get a newline treatment
+ } else if (prefix === 'SPACE') {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ print_token();
+ last_word = token_text;
+ if (token_text === 'var') {
+ flags.var_line = true;
+ flags.var_line_reindented = false;
+ flags.var_line_tainted = false;
+ }
+ if (token_text === 'if') {
+ flags.if_line = true;
+ }
+ if (token_text === 'else') {
+ flags.if_line = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_SEMICOLON':
+ print_token();
+ flags.var_line = false;
+ flags.var_line_reindented = false;
+ if (flags.mode === 'OBJECT') {
+ // OBJECT mode is weird and doesn't get reset too well.
+ flags.mode = 'BLOCK';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_STRING':
+ if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR' && in_array(flags.previous_mode, ['(COND-EXPRESSION)', '(FOR-EXPRESSION)'])) {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_COMMENT' || last_type === 'TK_STRING' || last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_SEMICOLON') {
+ print_newline();
+ } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ if (opt_preserve_newlines && wanted_newline) {
+ print_newline();
+ output.push(indent_string);
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_EQUALS':
+ if (flags.var_line) {
+ // just got an '=' in a var-line, different formatting/line-breaking, etc will now be done
+ flags.var_line_tainted = true;
+ }
+ print_single_space();
+ print_token();
+ print_single_space();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_COMMA':
+ if (flags.var_line) {
+ if (is_expression(flags.mode) || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' ) {
+ // do not break on comma, for(var a = 1, b = 2)
+ flags.var_line_tainted = false;
+ }
+ if (flags.var_line_tainted) {
+ print_token();
+ flags.var_line_reindented = true;
+ flags.var_line_tainted = false;
+ print_newline();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ flags.var_line_tainted = false;
+ }
+ print_token();
+ print_single_space();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (last_type === 'TK_COMMENT') {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' && flags.mode !== "(EXPRESSION)") {
+ print_token();
+ if (flags.mode === 'OBJECT' && last_text === '}') {
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (flags.mode === 'OBJECT') {
+ print_token();
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ print_token();
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_OPERATOR':
+ var space_before = true;
+ var space_after = true;
+ if (is_special_word(last_text)) {
+ // "return" had a special handling in TK_WORD. Now we need to return the favor
+ print_single_space();
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ // hack for actionscript's import .*;
+ if (token_text === '*' && last_type === 'TK_DOT' && !last_last_text.match(/^\d+$/)) {
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token_text === ':' && flags.in_case) {
+ flags.case_body = true;
+ indent();
+ print_token();
+ print_newline();
+ flags.in_case = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token_text === '::') {
+ // no spaces around exotic namespacing syntax operator
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (in_array(token_text, ['--', '++', '!']) || (in_array(token_text, ['-', '+']) && (in_array(last_type, ['TK_START_BLOCK', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR']) || in_array(last_text, line_starters) || last_text == ','))) {
+ // unary operators (and binary +/- pretending to be unary) special cases
+ space_before = false;
+ space_after = false;
+ if (last_text === ';' && is_expression(flags.mode)) {
+ // for (;; ++i)
+ // ^^^
+ space_before = true;
+ }
+ if (last_type === 'TK_WORD' && in_array(last_text, line_starters)) {
+ space_before = true;
+ }
+ if (flags.mode === 'BLOCK' && (last_text === '{' || last_text === ';')) {
+ // { foo; --i }
+ // foo(); --bar;
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ } else if (token_text === ':') {
+ if (flags.ternary_depth === 0) {
+ if (flags.mode === 'BLOCK') {
+ flags.mode = 'OBJECT';
+ }
+ space_before = false;
+ } else {
+ flags.ternary_depth -= 1;
+ }
+ } else if (token_text === '?') {
+ flags.ternary_depth += 1;
+ }
+ if (space_before) {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ print_token();
+ if (space_after) {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ break;
+ var lines = split_newlines(token_text);
+ var j; // iterator for this case
+ if (all_lines_start_with(lines.slice(1), '*')) {
+ // javadoc: reformat and reindent
+ print_newline();
+ output.push(lines[0]);
+ for (j = 1; j < lines.length; j++) {
+ print_newline();
+ output.push(' ');
+ output.push(trim(lines[j]));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // simple block comment: leave intact
+ if (lines.length > 1) {
+ // multiline comment block starts with a new line
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ // single-line /* comment */ stays where it is
+ if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') {
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
+ output.push(lines[j]);
+ output.push("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (look_up('\n') !== '\n') {
+ print_newline();
+ }
+ break;
+ print_single_space();
+ print_token();
+ if (is_expression(flags.mode)) {
+ print_single_space();
+ } else {
+ force_newline();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'TK_COMMENT':
+ if (last_text === ',' && !wanted_newline) {
+ trim_output(true);
+ }
+ if (last_type !== 'TK_COMMENT') {
+ if (wanted_newline) {
+ print_newline();
+ } else {
+ print_single_space();
+ }
+ }
+ print_token();
+ print_newline();
+ break;
+ case 'TK_UNKNOWN':
+ print_token();
+ break;
+ }
+ last_last_text = last_text;
+ last_type = token_type;
+ last_text = token_text;
+ }
+ var sweet_code = preindent_string + output.join('').replace(/[\r\n ]+$/, '');
+ return sweet_code;
+ }
+ // Add support for CommonJS. Just put this file somewhere on your require.paths
+ // and you will be able to `var js_beautify = require("beautify").js_beautify`.
+ // if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
+ // exports.js_beautify = js_beautify;
+ // }
+ var SimplyBeautiful = function () {
+ var ret = {};
+ ret.js = function(content, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.indent_size = typeof options.indent_size !== 'undefined' ? options.indent_size : 4;
+ options.space_before_conditional = typeof options.space_before_conditional !== 'undefined' ? options.space_before_conditional : true;
+ options.jslint_happy = typeof options.jslint_happy !== 'undefined' ? options.jslint_happy : true;
+ options.max_char = typeof options.max_char !== 'undefined' ? options.max_char : 0;
+ return js_beautify(content, options);
+ }
+ ret.html = function(content, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.indent_size = typeof options.indent_size !== 'undefined' ? options.indent_size : 4;
+ options.max_char = typeof options.max_char !== 'undefined' ? options.max_char : 0;
+ return style_html(content, options);
+ }
+ ret.css = function(content, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.indent_size = typeof options.indent_size !== 'undefined' ? options.indent_size : 4;
+ options.max_char = typeof options.max_char !== 'undefined' ? options.max_char : 0;
+ return css_beautify(content, options);
+ }
+ ret.json = ret.js;
+ ret.javascript = ret.js;
+ return ret;
+ };
+ if (environment == 'browser') {
+ try {
+ window.SimplyBeautiful = SimplyBeautiful;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ // Just return a value to define the module export.
+ // This example returns an object, but the module
+ // can return a function as the exported value.
+ return SimplyBeautiful(); // Enable if using UMD
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/tippy.js/dist/tippy.esm.js":
@@ -41669,12 +43587,16 @@ function getMarkRange($pos, type, attributes = {}) {
let start = $pos.parent.childAfter($pos.parentOffset);
- if ($pos.parentOffset === start.offset && start.offset !== 0) {
+ // If the cursor is at the start of a text node that does not have the mark, look backward
+ if (!start.node || !start.node.marks.some(mark => mark.type === type)) {
start = $pos.parent.childBefore($pos.parentOffset);
- if (!start.node) {
+ // If there is no text node with the mark even backward, return undefined
+ if (!start.node || !start.node.marks.some(mark => mark.type === type)) {
+ // We now know that the cursor is either at the start, middle or end of a text node with the specified mark
+ // so we can look it up on the targeted mark
const mark = findMarkInSet([...start.node.marks], type, attributes);
if (!mark) {
@@ -41964,7 +43886,7 @@ const insertContentAt = (position, value, options) => ({ tr, dispatch, editor })
var _a;
if (dispatch) {
options = {
- parseOptions: {},
+ parseOptions: editor.options.parseOptions,
updateSelection: true,
applyInputRules: false,
applyPasteRules: false,
@@ -41985,7 +43907,9 @@ const insertContentAt = (position, value, options) => ({ tr, dispatch, editor })
error: e,
disableCollaboration: () => {
- console.error('[tiptap error]: Unable to disable collaboration at this point in time');
+ if (editor.storage.collaboration) {
+ editor.storage.collaboration.isDisabled = true;
+ }
return false;
@@ -43964,7 +45888,8 @@ class NodePos {
const children = [];
this.node.content.forEach((node, offset) => {
const isBlock = node.isBlock && !node.isTextblock;
- const targetPos = this.pos + offset + 1;
+ const isNonTextAtom = node.isAtom && !node.isText;
+ const targetPos = this.pos + offset + (isNonTextAtom ? 0 : 1);
const $pos = this.resolvedPos.doc.resolve(targetPos);
if (!isBlock && $pos.depth <= this.depth) {
@@ -44040,9 +45965,12 @@ class NodePos {
return nodes;
setAttribute(attributes) {
- const oldSelection = this.editor.state.selection;
- this.editor.chain().setTextSelection(this.from).updateAttributes(this.node.type.name, attributes).setTextSelection(oldSelection.from)
- .run();
+ const { tr } = this.editor.state;
+ tr.setNodeMarkup(this.from, undefined, {
+ ...this.node.attrs,
+ ...attributes,
+ });
+ this.editor.view.dispatch(tr);
@@ -44294,18 +46222,27 @@ class Editor extends EventEmitter {
* Unregister a ProseMirror plugin.
- * @param nameOrPluginKey The plugins name
+ * @param nameOrPluginKeyToRemove The plugins name
* @returns The new editor state or undefined if the editor is destroyed
- unregisterPlugin(nameOrPluginKey) {
+ unregisterPlugin(nameOrPluginKeyToRemove) {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
return undefined;
- // @ts-ignore
- const name = typeof nameOrPluginKey === 'string' ? `${nameOrPluginKey}$` : nameOrPluginKey.key;
- const state = this.state.reconfigure({
+ const prevPlugins = this.state.plugins;
+ let plugins = prevPlugins;
+ [].concat(nameOrPluginKeyToRemove).forEach(nameOrPluginKey => {
// @ts-ignore
- plugins: this.state.plugins.filter(plugin => !plugin.key.startsWith(name)),
+ const name = typeof nameOrPluginKey === 'string' ? `${nameOrPluginKey}$` : nameOrPluginKey.key;
+ // @ts-ignore
+ plugins = prevPlugins.filter(plugin => !plugin.key.startsWith(name));
+ });
+ if (prevPlugins.length === plugins.length) {
+ // No plugin was removed, so we don’t need to update the state
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const state = this.state.reconfigure({
+ plugins,
return state;
@@ -44368,6 +46305,9 @@ class Editor extends EventEmitter {
editor: this,
error: e,
disableCollaboration: () => {
+ if (this.storage.collaboration) {
+ this.storage.collaboration.isDisabled = true;
+ }
// To avoid syncing back invalid content, reinitialize the extensions without the collaboration extension
this.options.extensions = this.options.extensions.filter(extension => extension.name !== 'collaboration');
// Restart the initialization process by recreating the extension manager with the new set of extensions
@@ -44386,6 +46326,12 @@ class Editor extends EventEmitter {
selection: selection || undefined,
+ // add `role="textbox"` to the editor element
+ this.view.dom.setAttribute('role', 'textbox');
+ // add aria-label to the editor element
+ if (!this.view.dom.getAttribute('aria-label')) {
+ this.view.dom.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Rich-Text Editor');
+ }
// `editor.view` is not yet available at this time.
// Therefore we will add all plugins and node views directly afterwards.
const newState = this.state.reconfigure({
@@ -45319,6 +47265,10 @@ const Bold = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Mark.create({
tag: 'b',
getAttrs: node => node.style.fontWeight !== 'normal' && null,
+ {
+ style: 'font-weight=400',
+ clearMark: mark => mark.type.name === this.name,
+ },
style: 'font-weight',
getAttrs: value => /^(bold(er)?|[5-9]\d{2,})$/.test(value) && null,
@@ -45626,13 +47576,11 @@ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ BulletList),
/* harmony export */ inputRegex: () => (/* binding */ inputRegex)
/* harmony export */ });
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/core */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/index.js");
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_extension_list_item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/extension-list-item */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-list-item/dist/index.js");
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/extension-text-style */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-text-style/dist/index.js");
+/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/core */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/index.js");
+const ListItemName = 'listItem';
+const TextStyleName = 'textStyle';
* Matches a bullet list to a dash or asterisk.
@@ -45643,7 +47591,7 @@ const inputRegex = /^\s*([-+*])\s$/;
* @see https://tiptap.dev/api/nodes/bullet-list
* @see https://tiptap.dev/api/nodes/list-item.
-const BulletList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
+const BulletList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Node.create({
name: 'bulletList',
addOptions() {
return {
@@ -45663,13 +47611,13 @@ const BulletList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
- return ['ul', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0];
+ return ['ul', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0];
addCommands() {
return {
toggleBulletList: () => ({ commands, chain }) => {
if (this.options.keepAttributes) {
- return chain().toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks).updateAttributes(_tiptap_extension_list_item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ListItem.name, this.editor.getAttributes(_tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TextStyle.name)).run();
+ return chain().toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks).updateAttributes(ListItemName, this.editor.getAttributes(TextStyleName)).run();
return commands.toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks);
@@ -45681,17 +47629,17 @@ const BulletList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
addInputRules() {
- let inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.wrappingInputRule)({
+ let inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrappingInputRule)({
find: inputRegex,
type: this.type,
if (this.options.keepMarks || this.options.keepAttributes) {
- inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.wrappingInputRule)({
+ inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrappingInputRule)({
find: inputRegex,
type: this.type,
keepMarks: this.options.keepMarks,
keepAttributes: this.options.keepAttributes,
- getAttributes: () => { return this.editor.getAttributes(_tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TextStyle.name); },
+ getAttributes: () => { return this.editor.getAttributes(TextStyleName); },
editor: this.editor,
@@ -49724,6 +51672,10 @@ const Italic = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Mark.create({
tag: 'i',
getAttrs: node => node.style.fontStyle !== 'normal' && null,
+ {
+ style: 'font-style=normal',
+ clearMark: mark => mark.type.name === this.name,
+ },
style: 'font-style=italic',
@@ -50223,13 +52175,11 @@ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ OrderedList),
/* harmony export */ inputRegex: () => (/* binding */ inputRegex)
/* harmony export */ });
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/core */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/index.js");
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_extension_list_item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/extension-list-item */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-list-item/dist/index.js");
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/extension-text-style */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-text-style/dist/index.js");
+/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/core */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/index.js");
+const ListItemName = 'listItem';
+const TextStyleName = 'textStyle';
* Matches an ordered list to a 1. on input (or any number followed by a dot).
@@ -50240,7 +52190,7 @@ const inputRegex = /^(\d+)\.\s$/;
* @see https://www.tiptap.dev/api/nodes/ordered-list
* @see https://www.tiptap.dev/api/nodes/list-item
-const OrderedList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
+const OrderedList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Node.create({
name: 'orderedList',
addOptions() {
return {
@@ -50280,14 +52230,14 @@ const OrderedList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
const { start, ...attributesWithoutStart } = HTMLAttributes;
return start === 1
- ? ['ol', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, attributesWithoutStart), 0]
- : ['ol', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0];
+ ? ['ol', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, attributesWithoutStart), 0]
+ : ['ol', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0];
addCommands() {
return {
toggleOrderedList: () => ({ commands, chain }) => {
if (this.options.keepAttributes) {
- return chain().toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks).updateAttributes(_tiptap_extension_list_item__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ListItem.name, this.editor.getAttributes(_tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TextStyle.name)).run();
+ return chain().toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks).updateAttributes(ListItemName, this.editor.getAttributes(TextStyleName)).run();
return commands.toggleList(this.name, this.options.itemTypeName, this.options.keepMarks);
@@ -50299,19 +52249,19 @@ const OrderedList = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Node.create({
addInputRules() {
- let inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.wrappingInputRule)({
+ let inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrappingInputRule)({
find: inputRegex,
type: this.type,
getAttributes: match => ({ start: +match[1] }),
joinPredicate: (match, node) => node.childCount + node.attrs.start === +match[1],
if (this.options.keepMarks || this.options.keepAttributes) {
- inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.wrappingInputRule)({
+ inputRule = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.wrappingInputRule)({
find: inputRegex,
type: this.type,
keepMarks: this.options.keepMarks,
keepAttributes: this.options.keepAttributes,
- getAttributes: match => ({ start: +match[1], ...this.editor.getAttributes(_tiptap_extension_text_style__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TextStyle.name) }),
+ getAttributes: match => ({ start: +match[1], ...this.editor.getAttributes(TextStyleName) }),
joinPredicate: (match, node) => node.childCount + node.attrs.start === +match[1],
editor: this.editor,
@@ -50610,7 +52560,7 @@ const TableCell = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Node.create({
parseHTML: element => {
const colwidth = element.getAttribute('colwidth');
const value = colwidth
- ? [parseInt(colwidth, 10)]
+ ? colwidth.split(',').map(width => parseInt(width, 10))
: null;
return value;
@@ -50675,7 +52625,7 @@ const TableHeader = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Node.create({
parseHTML: element => {
const colwidth = element.getAttribute('colwidth');
const value = colwidth
- ? [parseInt(colwidth, 10)]
+ ? colwidth.split(',').map(width => parseInt(width, 10))
: null;
return value;
@@ -51192,71 +53142,6 @@ const TextAlign = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Extension.create({
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
-/***/ }),
-/***/ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-text-style/dist/index.js":
- !*** ./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-text-style/dist/index.js ***!
- \*****************************************************************/
-/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
-"use strict";
-/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
-/* harmony export */ TextStyle: () => (/* binding */ TextStyle),
-/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ TextStyle)
-/* harmony export */ });
-/* harmony import */ var _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @tiptap/core */ "./node_modules/@tiptap/core/dist/index.js");
- * This extension allows you to create text styles. It is required by default
- * for the `textColor` and `backgroundColor` extensions.
- * @see https://www.tiptap.dev/api/marks/text-style
- */
-const TextStyle = _tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Mark.create({
- name: 'textStyle',
- priority: 101,
- addOptions() {
- return {
- HTMLAttributes: {},
- };
- },
- parseHTML() {
- return [
- {
- tag: 'span',
- getAttrs: element => {
- const hasStyles = element.hasAttribute('style');
- if (!hasStyles) {
- return false;
- }
- return {};
- },
- },
- ];
- },
- renderHTML({ HTMLAttributes }) {
- return ['span', (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.mergeAttributes)(this.options.HTMLAttributes, HTMLAttributes), 0];
- },
- addCommands() {
- return {
- removeEmptyTextStyle: () => ({ state, commands }) => {
- const attributes = (0,_tiptap_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.getMarkAttributes)(state, this.type);
- const hasStyles = Object.entries(attributes).some(([, value]) => !!value);
- if (hasStyles) {
- return true;
- }
- return commands.unsetMark(this.name);
- },
- };
- },
-//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/@tiptap/extension-text/dist/index.js":
@@ -52095,22 +53980,8 @@ const EditorContent = (0,vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.defineComponent)({
if (!editor) {
- // destroy nodeviews before vue removes dom element
- if (!editor.isDestroyed) {
- editor.view.setProps({
- nodeViews: {},
- });
- }
editor.contentComponent = null;
editor.appContext = null;
- if (!editor.options.element.firstChild) {
- return;
- }
- const newElement = document.createElement('div');
- newElement.append(...editor.options.element.childNodes);
- editor.setOptions({
- element: newElement,
- });
return { rootEl };
@@ -120872,28 +122743,41 @@ function splitBlockAs(splitNode) {
return true;
- if (!$from.parent.isBlock)
+ if (!$from.depth)
return false;
- let atEnd = $to.parentOffset == $to.parent.content.size;
+ let types = [];
+ let splitDepth, deflt, atEnd = false, atStart = false;
+ for (let d = $from.depth;; d--) {
+ let node = $from.node(d);
+ if (node.isBlock) {
+ atEnd = $from.end(d) == $from.pos + ($from.depth - d);
+ atStart = $from.start(d) == $from.pos - ($from.depth - d);
+ deflt = defaultBlockAt($from.node(d - 1).contentMatchAt($from.indexAfter(d - 1)));
+ let splitType = splitNode && splitNode($to.parent, atEnd, $from);
+ types.unshift(splitType || (atEnd && deflt ? { type: deflt } : null));
+ splitDepth = d;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (d == 1)
+ return false;
+ types.unshift(null);
+ }
+ }
let tr = state.tr;
if (state.selection instanceof prosemirror_state__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.TextSelection || state.selection instanceof prosemirror_state__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.AllSelection)
- let deflt = $from.depth == 0 ? null : defaultBlockAt($from.node(-1).contentMatchAt($from.indexAfter(-1)));
- let splitType = splitNode && splitNode($to.parent, atEnd, $from);
- let types = splitType ? [splitType] : atEnd && deflt ? [{ type: deflt }] : undefined;
- let can = (0,prosemirror_transform__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.canSplit)(tr.doc, tr.mapping.map($from.pos), 1, types);
- if (!types && !can && (0,prosemirror_transform__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.canSplit)(tr.doc, tr.mapping.map($from.pos), 1, deflt ? [{ type: deflt }] : undefined)) {
- if (deflt)
- types = [{ type: deflt }];
- can = true;
- }
- if (!can)
- return false;
- tr.split(tr.mapping.map($from.pos), 1, types);
- if (!atEnd && !$from.parentOffset && $from.parent.type != deflt) {
- let first = tr.mapping.map($from.before()), $first = tr.doc.resolve(first);
- if (deflt && $from.node(-1).canReplaceWith($first.index(), $first.index() + 1, deflt))
- tr.setNodeMarkup(tr.mapping.map($from.before()), deflt);
+ let splitPos = tr.mapping.map($from.pos);
+ let can = (0,prosemirror_transform__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.canSplit)(tr.doc, splitPos, types.length, types);
+ if (!can) {
+ types[0] = deflt ? { type: deflt } : null;
+ can = (0,prosemirror_transform__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.canSplit)(tr.doc, splitPos, types.length, types);
+ }
+ tr.split(splitPos, types.length, types);
+ if (!atEnd && atStart && $from.node(splitDepth).type != deflt) {
+ let first = tr.mapping.map($from.before(splitDepth)), $first = tr.doc.resolve(first);
+ if (deflt && $from.node(splitDepth - 1).canReplaceWith($first.index(), $first.index() + 1, deflt))
+ tr.setNodeMarkup(tr.mapping.map($from.before(splitDepth)), deflt);
if (dispatch)
@@ -127963,7 +129847,7 @@ function drawCellSelection(state) {
return prosemirror_view__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DecorationSet.create(state.doc, cells);
function isCellBoundarySelection({ $from, $to }) {
- if ($from.pos == $to.pos || $from.pos < $from.pos - 6)
+ if ($from.pos == $to.pos || $from.pos < $to.pos - 6)
return false;
let afterFrom = $from.pos;
let beforeTo = $to.pos;
@@ -129192,28 +131076,37 @@ function cellUnderMouse(view, event) {
// src/tableview.ts
var TableView = class {
- constructor(node, cellMinWidth) {
+ constructor(node, defaultCellMinWidth) {
this.node = node;
- this.cellMinWidth = cellMinWidth;
+ this.defaultCellMinWidth = defaultCellMinWidth;
this.dom = document.createElement("div");
this.dom.className = "tableWrapper";
this.table = this.dom.appendChild(document.createElement("table"));
+ this.table.style.setProperty(
+ "--default-cell-min-width",
+ `${defaultCellMinWidth}px`
+ );
this.colgroup = this.table.appendChild(document.createElement("colgroup"));
- updateColumnsOnResize(node, this.colgroup, this.table, cellMinWidth);
+ updateColumnsOnResize(node, this.colgroup, this.table, defaultCellMinWidth);
this.contentDOM = this.table.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody"));
update(node) {
if (node.type != this.node.type)
return false;
this.node = node;
- updateColumnsOnResize(node, this.colgroup, this.table, this.cellMinWidth);
+ updateColumnsOnResize(
+ node,
+ this.colgroup,
+ this.table,
+ this.defaultCellMinWidth
+ );
return true;
ignoreMutation(record) {
return record.type == "attributes" && (record.target == this.table || this.colgroup.contains(record.target));
-function updateColumnsOnResize(node, colgroup, table, cellMinWidth, overrideCol, overrideValue) {
+function updateColumnsOnResize(node, colgroup, table, defaultCellMinWidth, overrideCol, overrideValue) {
var _a;
let totalWidth = 0;
let fixedWidth = true;
@@ -129226,14 +131119,17 @@ function updateColumnsOnResize(node, colgroup, table, cellMinWidth, overrideCol,
for (let j = 0; j < colspan; j++, col++) {
const hasWidth = overrideCol == col ? overrideValue : colwidth && colwidth[j];
const cssWidth = hasWidth ? hasWidth + "px" : "";
- totalWidth += hasWidth || cellMinWidth;
+ totalWidth += hasWidth || defaultCellMinWidth;
if (!hasWidth)
fixedWidth = false;
if (!nextDOM) {
- colgroup.appendChild(document.createElement("col")).style.width = cssWidth;
+ const col2 = document.createElement("col");
+ col2.style.width = cssWidth;
+ colgroup.appendChild(col2);
} else {
- if (nextDOM.style.width != cssWidth)
+ if (nextDOM.style.width != cssWidth) {
nextDOM.style.width = cssWidth;
+ }
nextDOM = nextDOM.nextSibling;
@@ -129259,6 +131155,7 @@ var columnResizingPluginKey = new prosemirror_state__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__
function columnResizing({
handleWidth = 5,
cellMinWidth = 25,
+ defaultCellMinWidth = 100,
View = TableView,
lastColumnResizable = true
} = {}) {
@@ -129271,7 +131168,7 @@ function columnResizing({
const tableName = tableNodeTypes(state.schema).table.name;
if (View && nodeViews) {
nodeViews[tableName] = (node, view) => {
- return new View(node, cellMinWidth, view);
+ return new View(node, defaultCellMinWidth, view);
return new ResizeState(-1, false);
@@ -129287,19 +131184,13 @@ function columnResizing({
handleDOMEvents: {
mousemove: (view, event) => {
- handleMouseMove(
- view,
- event,
- handleWidth,
- cellMinWidth,
- lastColumnResizable
- );
+ handleMouseMove(view, event, handleWidth, lastColumnResizable);
mouseleave: (view) => {
mousedown: (view, event) => {
- handleMouseDown2(view, event, cellMinWidth);
+ handleMouseDown2(view, event, cellMinWidth, defaultCellMinWidth);
decorations: (state) => {
@@ -129335,7 +131226,7 @@ var ResizeState = class _ResizeState {
return state;
-function handleMouseMove(view, event, handleWidth, cellMinWidth, lastColumnResizable) {
+function handleMouseMove(view, event, handleWidth, lastColumnResizable) {
const pluginState = columnResizingPluginKey.getState(view.state);
if (!pluginState)
@@ -129369,7 +131260,7 @@ function handleMouseLeave(view) {
if (pluginState && pluginState.activeHandle > -1 && !pluginState.dragging)
updateHandle(view, -1);
-function handleMouseDown2(view, event, cellMinWidth) {
+function handleMouseDown2(view, event, cellMinWidth, defaultCellMinWidth) {
var _a;
const win = (_a = view.dom.ownerDocument.defaultView) != null ? _a : window;
const pluginState = columnResizingPluginKey.getState(view.state);
@@ -129405,9 +131296,20 @@ function handleMouseDown2(view, event, cellMinWidth) {
if (pluginState2.dragging) {
const dragged = draggedWidth(pluginState2.dragging, event2, cellMinWidth);
- displayColumnWidth(view, pluginState2.activeHandle, dragged, cellMinWidth);
+ displayColumnWidth(
+ view,
+ pluginState2.activeHandle,
+ dragged,
+ defaultCellMinWidth
+ );
+ displayColumnWidth(
+ view,
+ pluginState.activeHandle,
+ width,
+ defaultCellMinWidth
+ );
win.addEventListener("mouseup", finish);
win.addEventListener("mousemove", move);
@@ -129452,9 +131354,9 @@ function edgeCell(view, event, side, handleWidth) {
const index = map.map.indexOf($cell.pos - start);
return index % map.width == 0 ? -1 : start + map.map[index - 1];
-function draggedWidth(dragging, event, cellMinWidth) {
+function draggedWidth(dragging, event, resizeMinWidth) {
const offset = event.clientX - dragging.startX;
- return Math.max(cellMinWidth, dragging.startWidth + offset);
+ return Math.max(resizeMinWidth, dragging.startWidth + offset);
function updateHandle(view, value) {
@@ -129482,7 +131384,7 @@ function updateColumnWidth(view, cell, width) {
if (tr.docChanged)
-function displayColumnWidth(view, cell, width, cellMinWidth) {
+function displayColumnWidth(view, cell, width, defaultCellMinWidth) {
const $cell = view.state.doc.resolve(cell);
const table = $cell.node(-1), start = $cell.start(-1);
const col = TableMap.get(table).colCount($cell.pos - start) + $cell.nodeAfter.attrs.colspan - 1;
@@ -129496,7 +131398,7 @@ function displayColumnWidth(view, cell, width, cellMinWidth) {
- cellMinWidth,
+ defaultCellMinWidth,
@@ -129505,6 +131407,7 @@ function zeroes(n) {
return Array(n).fill(0);
function handleDecorations(state, cell) {
+ var _a;
const decorations = [];
const $cell = state.doc.resolve(cell);
const table = $cell.node(-1);
@@ -129521,6 +131424,17 @@ function handleDecorations(state, cell) {
const pos = start + cellPos + table.nodeAt(cellPos).nodeSize - 1;
const dom = document.createElement("div");
dom.className = "column-resize-handle";
+ if ((_a = columnResizingPluginKey.getState(state)) == null ? void 0 : _a.dragging) {
+ decorations.push(
+ prosemirror_view__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Decoration.node(
+ start + cellPos,
+ start + cellPos + table.nodeAt(cellPos).nodeSize,
+ {
+ class: "column-resize-dragging"
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ }
decorations.push(prosemirror_view__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Decoration.widget(pos, dom));
@@ -132976,16 +134890,17 @@ class CompositionViewDesc extends ViewDesc {
// some cases they will be split more often than would appear
// necessary.
class MarkViewDesc extends ViewDesc {
- constructor(parent, mark, dom, contentDOM) {
+ constructor(parent, mark, dom, contentDOM, spec) {
super(parent, [], dom, contentDOM);
this.mark = mark;
+ this.spec = spec;
static create(parent, mark, inline, view) {
let custom = view.nodeViews[mark.type.name];
let spec = custom && custom(mark, view, inline);
if (!spec || !spec.dom)
spec = prosemirror_model__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.DOMSerializer.renderSpec(document, mark.type.spec.toDOM(mark, inline), null, mark.attrs);
- return new MarkViewDesc(parent, mark, spec.dom, spec.contentDOM || spec.dom);
+ return new MarkViewDesc(parent, mark, spec.dom, spec.contentDOM || spec.dom, spec);
parseRule() {
if ((this.dirty & NODE_DIRTY) || this.mark.type.spec.reparseInView)
@@ -133017,6 +134932,11 @@ class MarkViewDesc extends ViewDesc {
copy.children = nodes;
return copy;
+ destroy() {
+ if (this.spec.destroy)
+ this.spec.destroy();
+ super.destroy();
+ }
// Node view descs are the main, most common type of view desc, and
// correspond to an actual node in the document. Unlike mark descs,
@@ -133336,7 +135256,7 @@ class CustomNodeViewDesc extends NodeViewDesc {
update(node, outerDeco, innerDeco, view) {
if (this.dirty == NODE_DIRTY)
return false;
- if (this.spec.update) {
+ if (this.spec.update && (this.node.type == node.type || this.spec.multiType)) {
let result = this.spec.update(node, outerDeco, innerDeco);
if (result)
this.updateInner(node, outerDeco, innerDeco, view);
@@ -134737,6 +136657,7 @@ let _detachedDoc = null;
function detachedDoc() {
return _detachedDoc || (_detachedDoc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("title"));
+let _policy = null;
function maybeWrapTrusted(html) {
let trustedTypes = window.trustedTypes;
if (!trustedTypes)
@@ -134744,7 +136665,9 @@ function maybeWrapTrusted(html) {
// With the require-trusted-types-for CSP, Chrome will block
// innerHTML, even on a detached document. This wraps the string in
// a way that makes the browser allow us to use its parser again.
- return trustedTypes.createPolicy("detachedDocument", { createHTML: (s) => s }).createHTML(html);
+ if (!_policy)
+ _policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("ProseMirrorClipboard", { createHTML: (s) => s });
+ return _policy.createHTML(html);
function readHTML(html) {
let metas = /^(\s*]*>)*/.exec(html);
@@ -134895,9 +136818,7 @@ editHandlers.keydown = (view, _event) => {
// and handling them eagerly tends to corrupt the input.
if (android && chrome && event.keyCode == 13)
- if (view.domObserver.selectionChanged(view.domSelectionRange()))
- view.domObserver.flush();
- else if (event.keyCode != 229)
+ if (event.keyCode != 229)
// On iOS, if we preventDefault enter key presses, the virtual
// keyboard gets confused. So the hack here is to set a flag that
@@ -136420,9 +138341,6 @@ class DOMObserver {
return this.queue;
- selectionChanged(sel) {
- return !this.suppressingSelectionUpdates && !this.currentSelection.eq(sel) && hasFocusAndSelection(this.view) && !this.ignoreSelectionChange(sel);
- }
flush() {
let { view } = this;
if (!view.docView || this.flushingSoon > -1)
@@ -136430,7 +138348,8 @@ class DOMObserver {
let mutations = this.pendingRecords();
if (mutations.length)
this.queue = [];
- let sel = view.domSelectionRange(), newSel = this.selectionChanged(sel);
+ let sel = view.domSelectionRange();
+ let newSel = !this.suppressingSelectionUpdates && !this.currentSelection.eq(sel) && hasFocusAndSelection(view) && !this.ignoreSelectionChange(sel);
let from = -1, to = -1, typeOver = false, added = [];
if (view.editable) {
for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
@@ -142952,7 +144871,7 @@ const asap = typeof queueMicrotask !== 'undefined' ?
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
-/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 0af3da4..b36d431 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
"@tiptap/starter-kit": "^2.4.0",
"@tiptap/vue-3": "^2.4.0",
"buffer": "^6.0.3",
- "html-format": "^1.1.7",
"laravel-nova-ui": "^0.4.12",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"lowlight": "^3.1.0",
+ "simply-beautiful": "^1.0.1",
"tippy.js": "^6.3.7",
"tiptap-extension-upload-image": "^1.0.1",
"vue3-sticky-directive": "^0.0.2"
diff --git a/resources/js/components/FormField.vue b/resources/js/components/FormField.vue
index 1110d01..49490ba 100644
--- a/resources/js/components/FormField.vue
+++ b/resources/js/components/FormField.vue
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@