Improve definition parse efficiency by using slices more than vectors.
Add useful builtins (especially whitespace, lowercase, uppercase, numbers).
Actually do parser validation.
Improve actual parse efficiency by using slices more than vectors
Merge parser processes that reach the same state, or maybe just declare an ambiguous parse?
Handle ambiguous parse are failed parse. Ideally a failed parse should identify where the parse goes wrong, i.e. how far along parsing stopped.
Calls to
could be memoized, though it is unclear if this would be worth it for most users. -
Nota Bene: With current algorithm, rules can be skipped in final parse tree if surrounding Optional or Many operators consume no tokens. I guess this is ultimately fine, afterall the alternative seems to be letting certain recursive formulae have infinite parse trees: " Expr : Term Expr? "
- We could kinda solve this though if we examined the backtrace in a more principled way, examining every node insteaed of just ancestors of terminals. Maybe we should actually do that. Also, I don't the example I cited was actually problematic.
PS: Here is a C grammar for when we really want to stress test: