- enhancement: Computing HRV as exponentially weighted moving average (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_smoothing).
- enhancement: Accepting Decathlon HR sensor (thanks S73ph4n).
- enhancement: Relaxed Python version constraints.
- enhancement: Bumped PySide6 to version 6.8.
- enhancement: Bumped Python to version 3.12.
- bugfix: Improved sensor UUID validation (thanks Mirkan Çalışkan (mirkancal)).
- enhancement: Added docs on building macOS with PyInstaller in order to deal with Bluetooth permissions (thanks cyclemaxwell).
- enhancement: Show version in GUI.
- enhancement: Removed PyQtGraph and NumPy dependencies.
- enhancement: Bumped PySide6 to version 6.7.0.
- enhancement: Bumped Python to version 3.11.
- enhancement: Removed recording of Redis channels (removed Redis dependency).
- enhancement: Handling Bluetooth connection with QtBluetooth instead of bleak (removed bleak dependency).
- enhancement: Improved Bluetooth connection (thanks Marc Schlaich (schlamar)).
- bugfix: No more connection attempt with empty address menu.
- enhancement: Local HRV is now averaged over a fixed window of 15 seconds. Removed slider for HRV mean window size.
- enhancement: Status messages on application state are now displayed in the GUI.
- enhancement: Added recording- and Redis interface features (undocumented at time of release).
- enhancement: Rejecting some artifacts in inter-beat-intervals as well as local HRV.
- bugfix: Made validation of sensor addresses platform-specific (thanks Alexander Weuthen (alexweuthen)).
- enhancement: Visibility of breathing pacer can be toggled.
- enhancement: Made range of breathing pacer rates more granular (step size .5 instead of 1).
- enhancement: Initial release.