diff --git a/plugins.json b/plugins.json index 1e5c8531..fcfc27e0 100644 --- a/plugins.json +++ b/plugins.json @@ -353,6 +353,21 @@ "creation_date": "2024-01-20", "has_changelog": true }, + "resource_pack_utilities": { + "title": "Resource Pack Utilities", + "icon": "icon.png", + "author": "Ewan Howell", + "description": "A collection of utilities to assist with resource pack creation.", + "tags": ["Minecraft: Java Edition", "Resource Packs", "Utilities"], + "version": "1.0.0", + "min_version": "4.10.0", + "variant": "desktop", + "website": "https://ewanhowell.com/plugins/resource-pack-utilities/", + "repository": "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/tree/main/resource_pack_utilities", + "bug_tracker": "https://github.com/ewanhowell5195/blockbenchPlugins/issues?title=[Resource Pack Utilities]", + "creation_date": "2024-07-01", + "has_changelog": true + }, "threecore_exporter": { "title": "ThreeCore Exporter", "author": "Lucas, Spyeedy", diff --git a/plugins/resource_pack_utilities/about.md b/plugins/resource_pack_utilities/about.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90e5c645 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/resource_pack_utilities/about.md @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +
This plugin contains a collection of utilities to assist with resource pack creation.
+To use this plugin, go Tools > Resource Pack Utilities, then select the utility you would like to use.
+Batch Exporter is a tool that will export every bbmodel file within a folder to an output folder using the selected format.
+CIT Optimiser is a tool that will go through all properties files in an OptiFine CIT folder and optimise them to be as small as possible, removing any unnecessary data.
+JSON Optimiser is a tool that will go through all JSON files in a folder and optimise them to be as small as possible, minifying them and removing any unnecessary data.
+Lang Stripper is a tool that will go through all the language files in an resource pack and remove any entries that have not been modified.
+Pack Cleaner is a tool that will go through all the files in a resource pack and compare them against the vanilla assets, removing them if they are unmodified.
+Pack Creator is a tool that allows you to create template resource packs, as well as get the vanilla textures, models, sounds, etc…
+ width: 450,
+ buttons: ["dialog.ok"],
+ onClose() {
+ const dir = Blockbench.pickDirectory({
+ title: "Select your .minecraft folder",
+ startpath: settings.minecraft_directory.value
+ })
+ if (dir) {
+ settings.minecraft_directory.value = dir
+ Settings.saveLocalStorages()
+ } else {
+ dialog.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }).show()
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ action = new Action({
+ id,
+ name,
+ description,
+ icon,
+ click: () => dialog.show(),
+ condition: () => !Object.keys(utilities).filter(e => storage.favourites.includes(e)).length,
+ })
+ action2 = new Action({
+ id: id + 2,
+ name,
+ description,
+ icon,
+ click: () => dialog.show(),
+ condition: () => Object.keys(utilities).filter(e => storage.favourites.includes(e)).length,
+ children: [
+ {
+ name: "Open",
+ icon: "menu",
+ click: () => dialog.show()
+ },
+ ...Object.entries(utilities).map(([id, data]) => new Action({
+ id,
+ name: data.name,
+ description: data.tagline,
+ icon: data.icon,
+ click() {
+ dialog.show()
+ dialog.content_vue.utility = id
+ },
+ condition: () => storage.favourites.includes(id)
+ }))
+ ]
+ })
+ sortUtilities()
+ MenuBar.addAction(action, "tools")
+ MenuBar.addAction(action2, "tools")
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", copyText)
+ // dialog.show()
+ // dialog.content_vue.utility = "batchExporter"
+ },
+ onunload() {
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", copyText)
+ dialog.close()
+ action.delete()
+ action2.delete()
+ Object.keys(utilities).forEach(e => BarItems[e].delete())
+ styles.delete()
+ document.getElementById(`${id}-processing-styles`)?.remove()
+ }
+ })
+ // Functions
+ function save() {
+ localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(storage))
+ }
+ const getFiles = async function*(dir) {
+ const dirents = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true })
+ for (const dirent of dirents) {
+ const res = path.resolve(dir, dirent.name)
+ if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
+ yield* getFiles(res)
+ } else if (!res.match(/([\/\\]|^)\.git([\/\\]|$)/)) {
+ yield res
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function listFiles(dir) {
+ const files = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true })
+ return files.filter(e => e.isFile()).map(e => e.name)
+ }
+ const sizes = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]
+ function formatBytes(bytes) {
+ if (bytes === 0) return "0 B"
+ const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))
+ return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1)) + " " + sizes[i]
+ }
+ async function loadImage(imagePath) {
+ let imageData
+ if (typeof imagePath === "object") {
+ imageData = imagePath
+ } else {
+ imageData = await fs.promises.readFile(imagePath)
+ }
+ const base64Data = imageData.toString("base64")
+ const img = new Image()
+ img.src = `data:image/png;base64,${base64Data}`
+ await img.decode()
+ return img
+ }
+ function confirm(title, message) {
+ return new Promise(fulfil => Blockbench.showMessageBox({
+ title,
+ message: message + "\n\nThis action cannot be undone!",
+ buttons: ["dialog.confirm", "dialog.cancel"],
+ width: 512
+ }, b => fulfil(!b)))
+ }
+ function showMessage(title, message) {
+ return new Promise(fulfil => {
+ new Dialog({
+ id: `${id}-message`,
+ title,
+ lines: [
+ ``,
+ message
+ ],
+ buttons: ["dialog.ok"],
+ onClose: () => fulfil()
+ }).show()
+ })
+ }
+ function formatPath(path) {
+ return path.replace(/\\/g, "/")
+ }
+ function exists(path) {
+ return new Promise(async fulfil => {
+ try {
+ await fs.promises.access(path)
+ fulfil(true)
+ } catch {
+ fulfil(false)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function copyText(evt) {
+ if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === "c") {
+ const selection = window.getSelection()
+ const text = selection.toString()
+ if (text) {
+ let parent = selection.anchorNode.parentElement
+ while (parent) {
+ if (parent.id === "resource_pack_utilities") {
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
+ break
+ }
+ parent = parent.parentElement
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const td = new TextDecoder
+ function parseZip(zip) {
+ const ua = new Uint8Array(zip)
+ const dv = new DataView(zip)
+ const offEOCD = ua.findLastIndex((e, i, a) => e === 0x50 && a[i+1] === 0x4b && a[i+2] === 0x05 && a[i+3] === 0x06)
+ const offCenDir = dv.getUint32(offEOCD + 16, true)
+ const recordCount = dv.getUint16(offEOCD + 10, true)
+ const parsedZip = {
+ buffer: zip,
+ array: ua,
+ view: dv,
+ eocdOffset: offEOCD,
+ centralDirOffset: offCenDir,
+ fileCount: recordCount,
+ files: {}
+ }
+ for (let i = 0, o = offCenDir; i < recordCount; i++) {
+ const n = dv.getUint16(o + 28, true)
+ const m = dv.getUint16(o + 30, true)
+ const k = dv.getUint16(o + 32, true)
+ const encodedPath = ua.subarray(o + 46, o + 46 + n)
+ const filePath = td.decode(encodedPath)
+ if (!filePath.endsWith("/") && (filePath.startsWith("assets/") || ["pack.mcmeta", "version.json", "pack.png"].includes(filePath)) && !/\.(class|nbt|mcassetsroot)$/.test(filePath)) {
+ const h = dv.getUint32(o + 42, true)
+ const q = dv.getUint16(h + 8, true)
+ const t = dv.getUint16(h + 10, true)
+ const d = dv.getUint16(h + 12, true)
+ const s = dv.getUint32(o + 20, true)
+ const a = dv.getUint32(o + 24, true)
+ const e = dv.getUint16(h + 28, true)
+ parsedZip.files[filePath] = {
+ path: filePath,
+ compressedSize: s,
+ size: a,
+ crc32: dv.getUint32(o + 16, true),
+ timeValue: t,
+ dateValue: d,
+ encodedPath,
+ compressionMethod: q,
+ compressedContent: ua.subarray(h + 30 + n + e, h + 30 + n + e + s)
+ }
+ if (q === 0) {
+ parsedZip.files[filePath].content = parsedZip.files[filePath].compressedContent
+ } else {
+ Object.defineProperty(parsedZip.files[filePath], 'content', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ get() {
+ const c = zlib.inflateRawSync(this.compressedContent)
+ Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', {
+ value: c,
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true
+ })
+ return c
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ o += 46 + n + m + k
+ }
+ return parsedZip
+ }
+ async function cacheDirectory() {
+ if (!await exists(settings.cache_directory.value)) {
+ output.info("Cache directory not found. Please set a new one")
+ return new Promise(fulfil => {
+ new Dialog({
+ title: "The cache directory was not found",
+ lines: ["When prompted, please select a folder to cache downloaded content"],
+ width: 512,
+ buttons: ["dialog.ok"],
+ onClose() {
+ let dir
+ while (!dir) {
+ dir = Blockbench.pickDirectory({
+ title: "Select a folder to cache downloaded content",
+ startpath: settings.cache_directory.value
+ })
+ }
+ settings.cache_directory.value = dir
+ Settings.saveLocalStorages()
+ output.log(`Cache directory set to \`${formatPath(settings.cache_directory.value)}\``)
+ fulfil()
+ }
+ }).show()
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ function getVersion(id) {
+ return manifest.versions.find(e => e.id === id)
+ }
+ async function getVersionData(id) {
+ const version = getVersion(id)
+ if (version.data) {
+ return version.data
+ }
+ const vanillaDataPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "versions", id, id + ".json")
+ if (await exists(vanillaDataPath)) {
+ version.data = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(vanillaDataPath))
+ return version.data
+ }
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ const cacheDataPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, `data_${id}.json`)
+ if (await exists(cacheDataPath)) {
+ version.data = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(cacheDataPath))
+ return version.data
+ }
+ version.data = await fetch(version.url).then(e => e.json())
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(cacheDataPath, JSON.stringify(version.data), "utf-8")
+ return version.data
+ }
+ async function getVersionAssetsIndex(id) {
+ const version = await getVersionData(id)
+ if (version.assetsIndex) {
+ return version.assetsIndex
+ }
+ const vanillaAssetsIndexPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "assets", "indexes", version.assets + ".json")
+ if (await exists(vanillaAssetsIndexPath)) {
+ version.assetsIndex = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(vanillaAssetsIndexPath))
+ return version.assetsIndex
+ }
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ const cacheAssetsIndexPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, `assets_index_${version.assets}.json`)
+ if (await exists(cacheAssetsIndexPath)) {
+ version.assetsIndex = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(cacheAssetsIndexPath))
+ return version.assetsIndex
+ }
+ version.assetsIndex = await fetch(version.assetIndex.url).then(e => e.json())
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(cacheAssetsIndexPath, JSON.stringify(version.assetsIndex), "utf-8")
+ return version.assetsIndex
+ }
+ async function getVersionJar(id) {
+ let jar
+ const jarPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "versions", id, id + ".jar")
+ if (await exists(jarPath)) {
+ jar = parseZip((await fs.promises.readFile(jarPath)).buffer)
+ output.log(`Using downloaded version of \`${id}\``)
+ } else {
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ const jarPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, id + ".jar")
+ if (await exists(jarPath)) {
+ jar = parseZip((await fs.promises.readFile(jarPath)).buffer)
+ output.log(`Using cached version of \`${id}\``)
+ } else {
+ output.log(`\`${id}\` was not found on your computer, downloading…`)
+ const version = await getVersionData(id)
+ const client = await fetch(version.downloads.client.url).then(e => e.arrayBuffer())
+ fs.promises.writeFile(jarPath, new Uint8Array(client))
+ output.log(`\`${id}\` downloaded`)
+ jar = parseZip(client)
+ }
+ }
+ return jar
+ }
+ function objectsEqual(obj1, obj2) {
+ if (obj1 === obj2) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if (obj1 == null || typeof obj1 !== "object" || obj2 == null || typeof obj2 !== "object") {
+ return false
+ }
+ const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1)
+ const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2)
+ if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for (const key of keys1) {
+ if (!(key in obj2) || !objectsEqual(obj1[key], obj2[key])) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ function getRoot(id) {
+ const version = getVersion(id)
+ if (Date.parse(version.releaseTime) >= 1403106748000 || version.data.assets === "1.7.10") {
+ return "assets"
+ }
+ return "assets/minecraft"
+ }
+ function langToJSON(lang) {
+ return Object.fromEntries(lang.split("\n").map(e => e.split(/=(.*)/).filter(e => e)).filter(e => e.length === 2))
+ }
+ function jsonToLang(json) {
+ return Object.entries(json).map(e => e.join("=")).join("\n")
+ }
+ function sortUtilities() {
+ action2.children.sort((a, b) => {
+ if (a.name === "Show all") return -Infinity
+ if (b.name === "Show all") return Infinity
+ return storage.favourites.findIndex(e => e === a.id) - storage.favourites.findIndex(e => e === b.id)
+ })
+ }
+ // Constants
+ const releasePattern = new RegExp("^[\\d\\.]+$")
+ const invalidDirPattern = new RegExp('[\\\\/:*?"<>|`]')
+ const simpleFilePattern = new RegExp("\\.(fsh|vsh|glsl|txt|ogg|zip|icns)$")
+ const batchExporterFormats = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(Formats).filter(([id, format]) => format.codec?.compile && format.codec.extension && format.codec.extension !== "bbmodel").map(e => [e[0], {
+ name: e[1].name,
+ type: e[1].codec?.extension
+ }]))
+ const batchExporterSpecialFormats = ["gltf", "obj", "fbx", "collada"]
+ Object.assign(batchExporterFormats, {
+ gltf: {
+ name: "glTF",
+ type: "gltf"
+ },
+ obj: {
+ name: "OBJ",
+ type: "obj"
+ },
+ fbx: {
+ name: "FBX",
+ type: "fbx"
+ },
+ collada: {
+ name: "Collada (dae)",
+ type: "dae"
+ }
+ })
+ const components = {
+ folderSelector: {
+ props: {
+ value: {},
+ placeholder: {
+ default: "Select Folder"
+ }
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ folder: this.value ?? ""
+ }
+ },
+ watch: {
+ value(newVal) {
+ this.folder = newVal
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ selectFolder(title = "folder") {
+ const dir = Blockbench.pickDirectory({
+ title: `Select ${title}`,
+ startpath: this.folder || path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "resourcepacks")
+ })
+ if (dir) {
+ this.folder = dir
+ this.$emit("input", this.folder)
+ }
+ },
+ input() {
+ this.$emit("input", this.folder)
+ },
+ formatPath
+ },
+ computed: {
+ buttonText() {
+ return this.$slots.default[0].text
+ }
+ },
+ styles: `
+ .folder-selector {
+ display: flex;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ input {
+ flex: 1;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ direction: rtl;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ `,
+ template: `
+ Files and folders that include these terms will
be ignored
, .mcmeta
, .jem
, and .jpm
+ groups
+ rotation
object when angle
is set to 0
property when it is set to false
+ rotation
property when it is set to 0
property when it is set to -1
property when it is set to true
+ interpolate
property when it is set tofalse
property when it is set to1
property when the frames are squareheight
property when the frames are squareframes
+ time
property when it matches the main frametime
array when all the frames are present, in order, and match the main frametime
property to be the main frametime
property, and makes old the main frametime
property into the time
+ animations
array when it is emptytranslation
array when all axes are set to 0
array when all axes are set to 0
property when it is set to 1
\n\nMake a backup first if you would like to keep an un-optimised version of the folder.`)) return
+ outputLog.length = 0
+ this.status.finished = false
+ this.status.processing = true
+ this.done = 0
+ this.total = null
+ this.cancelled = false
+ if (!await exists(this.folder)) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`The folder \`${formatPath(this.folder)}\` was not found`)
+ return
+ }
+ const mcmetaKeys = [ "credit", "animation", "villager", "texture", "pack", "language", "filter", "overlays", "gui" ]
+ const animationKeys = [ "interpolate", "width", "height", "frametime", "frames" ]
+ const jemKeys = [ "credit", "texture", "textureSize", "shadowSize", "models" ]
+ const modelKeys = [ "model", "id", "part", "attach", "scale", "animations" ]
+ const partKeys = [ "id", "texture", "textureSize", "invertAxis", "translate", "rotate", "mirrorTexture", "boxes", "sprites", "submodel", "submodels" ]
+ const boxKeys = [ "textureOffset", "uvDown", "uvUp", "uvNorth", "uvSouth", "uvWest", "uvEast", "coordinates", "sizeAdd" ]
+ const spriteKeys = [ "textureOffset", "coordinates", "sizeAdd" ]
+ const elementKeys = [ "from", "to", "rotation", "faces", "shade" ]
+ const faceKeys = [ "uv", "texture", "cullface", "rotation", "tintindex" ]
+ modelKeys.push(...partKeys)
+ function processPart(part, rootMode) {
+ for (const key in part) {
+ if (!(rootMode ? partKeys.concat(modelKeys) : partKeys).includes(key)) delete part[key]
+ }
+ if (part.translate && part.translate.every(e => !e)) delete part.translate
+ if (part.rotate && part.rotate.every(e => !e)) delete part.rotate
+ if (part.scale === 1) delete part.scale
+ if (part.boxes) {
+ for (const box of part.boxes) {
+ for (const key in box) {
+ if (!boxKeys.includes(key)) delete box[key]
+ }
+ }
+ part.boxes = part.boxes.filter(e => Object.keys(e).length)
+ if (!part.boxes.length) delete part.boxes
+ }
+ if (part.sprites) {
+ for (const sprite of part.sprites) {
+ for (const key in sprite) {
+ if (!spriteKeys.includes(key)) delete sprite[key]
+ }
+ }
+ part.sprites = part.sprites.filter(e => Object.keys(e).length)
+ if (!part.sprites.length) delete part.sprites
+ }
+ if (part.submodel) {
+ processPart(part.submodel)
+ if (!Object.keys(part.submodel).length) delete part.submodel
+ }
+ if (part.submodels) {
+ for (const submodel of part.submodels) {
+ processPart(submodel)
+ }
+ part.submodels = part.submodels.filter(e => Object.keys(e).length)
+ if (!part.submodels.length) delete part.submodels
+ }
+ }
+ const files = []
+ for await (const file of getFiles(this.folder)) {
+ const shortened = formatPath(file.slice(this.folder.length)).replace(/^\//, "")
+ if (
+ (file.endsWith(".json") && !this.types.json) ||
+ (file.endsWith(".mcmeta") && !this.types.mcmeta) ||
+ (file.endsWith(".jem") && !this.types.jem) ||
+ (file.endsWith(".jpm") && !this.types.jpm) ||
+ !(file.endsWith(".json") || file.endsWith(".mcmeta") || file.endsWith(".jem") || file.endsWith(".jpm")) ||
+ this.ignoreList.some(item => shortened.toLowerCase().includes(item))
+ ) continue
+ files.push([file, shortened])
+ }
+ this.total = files.length
+ let beforeTotal = 0
+ let afterTotal = 0
+ for (const [file, shortened] of files) {
+ if (this.cancelled) break
+ const before = (await fs.promises.stat(file)).size
+ beforeTotal += before
+ let data
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse((await fs.promises.readFile(file, "utf-8")).trim())
+ } catch (err) {
+ output.error(`Skipping \`${shortened}\` as it could not be read`)
+ this.done++
+ continue
+ }
+ if (data.credit === "Made with Blockbench") delete data.credit
+ if (this.types.json && file.endsWith(".json")) {
+ delete data.groups
+ if (data.elements) {
+ for (const element of data.elements) {
+ for (const key in element) {
+ if (!elementKeys.includes(key)) delete element[key]
+ }
+ if (element.rotation) {
+ if (element.rotation.angle === 0) delete element.rotation
+ else {
+ if (element.rotation.rescale === false) delete element.rotation.rescale
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.faces) {
+ for (const [key, face] of Object.entries(element.faces)) {
+ for (const key in face) {
+ if (!faceKeys.includes(key)) delete face[key]
+ }
+ if (face.rotation === 0) delete face.rotation
+ if (face.tintindex === -1) delete face.tintindex
+ if (!Object.keys(face).length) delete element.faces[key]
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.shade) delete element.shade
+ }
+ data.elements = data.elements.filter(e => e.faces && Object.keys(e.faces).length)
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.types.mcmeta && file.endsWith(".mcmeta")) {
+ if (file.endsWith(".png.mcmeta")) {
+ if (!fs.existsSync(file.slice(0, -7))) {
+ fs.rmSync(file)
+ output.log(`\`${shortened}\`\nBefore: ${formatBytes(before)}\nAfter: 0 B`)
+ this.done++
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key in data) {
+ if (!mcmetaKeys.includes(key)) delete data[key]
+ }
+ if (data.pack) {
+ for (const key in data.pack) {
+ if (!(key === "pack_format" || key === "supported_formats" || key === "description")) delete data.pack[key]
+ }
+ } else if (data.animation) {
+ for (const key in data.animation) {
+ if (!animationKeys.includes(key)) delete data.animation[key]
+ }
+ if (data.animation.interpolate === false) delete data.animation.interpolate
+ if (data.animation.frametime === 1) delete data.animation.frametime
+ if (data.animation.width && !data.animation.height) {
+ const img = await loadImage(file.slice(0, -7))
+ if (data.animation.width === img.height) delete data.animation.width
+ }
+ if (data.animation.height && !data.animation.width) {
+ const img = await loadImage(file.slice(0, -7))
+ if (data.animation.height === img.width) delete data.animation.height
+ }
+ if (data.animation.frames) {
+ const frametime = data.animation.frametime ?? 1
+ data.animation.frames = data.animation.frames.map(e => {
+ if (e.time === frametime) return e.index
+ return e
+ })
+ if (data.animation.frames.every((e, i) => e === i)) {
+ const img = await loadImage(file.slice(0, -7))
+ if (data.animation.frames.length === img.height / img.width) delete data.animation.frames
+ } else {
+ const times = new Map
+ data.animation.frames.forEach(e => {
+ if (typeof e === "number") {
+ times.set(frametime, (times.get(frametime) ?? 0) + 1)
+ } else {
+ times.set(e.time, (times.get(e.time) ?? 0) + 1)
+ }
+ })
+ const largest = Array.from(times).reduce((a, e) => {
+ if (a[1] > e[1]) return a
+ return e
+ }, [1, 0])
+ if (frametime !== largest[0]) {
+ data.animation.frametime = largest[0]
+ data.animation.frames = data.animation.frames.map(e => {
+ if (typeof e === "number") return {
+ index: e,
+ time: frametime
+ }
+ if (e.time === largest[0]) return e.index
+ return e
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.types.jem && file.endsWith(".jem")) {
+ for (const key in data) {
+ if (!jemKeys.includes(key)) delete data[key]
+ }
+ if (data.models) {
+ for (const model of data.models) {
+ for (const key in model) {
+ if (!modelKeys.includes(key)) delete model[key]
+ }
+ if (!model.animations?.length) delete model.animations
+ processPart(model, true)
+ }
+ data.models = data.models.map(e => {
+ if (e.boxes || e.submodel || e.submodels || e.model || e.sprites) return e
+ return { part: e.part }
+ })
+ if (!data.models.length) {
+ for (const key in data) delete data[key]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.types.jpm && file.endsWith(".jpm")) {
+ processPart(data)
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(file, JSON.stringify(data), "utf-8")
+ const after = (await fs.promises.stat(file)).size
+ afterTotal += after
+ output.log(`\`${shortened}\`\nBefore: ${formatBytes(before)}\nAfter: ${formatBytes(after)}`)
+ this.done++
+ }
+ this.total = this.done
+ output.info(`Compressed ${this.total} files\nBefore: ${formatBytes(beforeTotal)}\nAfter: ${formatBytes(afterTotal)}\nSaved: ${formatBytes(beforeTotal - afterTotal)}`)
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.status.finished = true
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
+ .json
with items
\n\nMake a backup first if you would like to keep an un-optimised version of the folder.`)) return
+ outputLog.length = 0
+ this.status.finished = false
+ this.status.processing = true
+ this.done = 0
+ this.total = null
+ this.cancelled = false
+ if (!await exists(this.folder)) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`The folder \`${formatPath(this.folder)}\` was not found`)
+ return
+ }
+ const files = []
+ for await (const file of getFiles(this.folder)) {
+ const shortened = formatPath(file.slice(this.folder.length)).replace(/^\//, "")
+ if (
+ !file.endsWith(".properties") ||
+ this.ignoreList.some(item => shortened.toLowerCase().includes(item))
+ ) continue
+ files.push([file, shortened])
+ }
+ this.total = files.length
+ let beforeTotal = 0
+ let afterTotal = 0
+ for (const [file, shortened] of files) {
+ if (this.cancelled) break
+ const before = (await fs.promises.stat(file)).size
+ beforeTotal += before
+ let data
+ try {
+ data = (await fs.promises.readFile(file, "utf-8")).trim()
+ } catch (err) {
+ output.error(`Skipping \`${shortened}\` as it could not be read`)
+ this.done++
+ continue
+ }
+ data = data.replace(/(type=item\n?|minecraft:)/g, "")
+ data = data.replace(/matchItems/g, "items")
+ data = data.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n")
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(file, data, "utf-8")
+ const after = (await fs.promises.stat(file)).size
+ afterTotal += after
+ output.log(`\`${shortened}\`\nBefore: ${formatBytes(before)}\nAfter: ${formatBytes(after)}`)
+ this.done++
+ }
+ this.total = this.done
+ output.info(`Compressed ${this.total} files\nBefore: ${formatBytes(beforeTotal)}\nAfter: ${formatBytes(afterTotal)}\nSaved: ${formatBytes(beforeTotal - afterTotal)}`)
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.status.finished = true
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
+ Pack Cleaner
utility to quickly and easily remove all unmodified assets from your pack.")
+ }
+ outputLog.length = 0
+ this.done = 0
+ this.total = null
+ if (invalidDirPattern.test(this.name)) {
+ output.error(`The name cannot include the following characters: \`\\\/:*?"<>|\uE000\``)
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.total = 0
+ return
+ }
+ if (!await exists(this.folder)) {
+ output.error(`The folder \`${formatPath(this.folder)}\` was not found`)
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.total = 0
+ return
+ }
+ const folder = path.join(this.folder, this.name)
+ if (await exists(folder)) {
+ output.error(`The resource pack \`${formatPath(this.folder)}/${this.name}\` already exists`)
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.total = 0
+ return
+ }
+ this.cancelled = false
+ this.status.finished = false
+ this.status.processing = true
+ const jar = await getVersionJar(this.version)
+ if (this.assets) {
+ output.log("Extracting vanilla assets…")
+ const entries = Object.entries(jar.files)
+ let totalAssets = entries.length
+ let objectsEntries
+ if (this.objects) {
+ const assetsIndex = await getVersionAssetsIndex(this.version)
+ objectsEntries = Object.entries(assetsIndex.objects)
+ totalAssets += objectsEntries.length
+ }
+ this.total = totalAssets + Object.values(this.create).filter(e => e).length + 3
+ const paths = new Set
+ for (const [file, data] of entries) {
+ paths.add(path.join(folder, path.dirname(file)))
+ }
+ for (const path of paths) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path, { recursive: true })
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 256) {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ output.info("Cancelled")
+ this.total = this.done
+ return
+ }
+ const files = []
+ for (const [file, data] of entries.slice(i, i + 256)) {
+ if (file === "version.json" || file === "pack.mcmeta") {
+ this.done++
+ continue
+ }
+ files.push(new Promise(async fulfil => {
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(folder, file), data.content)
+ output.log(`Extracted \`${file}\``)
+ this.done++
+ fulfil()
+ }))
+ }
+ await Promise.all(files)
+ }
+ output.log("Extracted vanilla assets")
+ if (this.objects) {
+ output.log("Extracting objects…")
+ const root = await getRoot(this.version)
+ const paths = new Set
+ for (const [file, data] of objectsEntries) {
+ if (file.startsWith("icons/")) continue
+ paths.add(path.join(folder, root, path.dirname(file)))
+ }
+ for (const path of paths) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path, { recursive: true })
+ }
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ for (let i = 0; i < objectsEntries.length; i += 256) {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ output.info("Cancelled")
+ this.total = this.done
+ return
+ }
+ const files = []
+ for (const [file, data] of objectsEntries.slice(i, i + 256)) {
+ if (file === "pack.mcmeta" || file.startsWith("icons/")) {
+ this.done++
+ continue
+ }
+ files.push(new Promise(async fulfil => {
+ const objectPath = `${data.hash.slice(0, 2)}/${data.hash}`
+ const packPath = path.join(this.folder, this.name, root, file)
+ const vanillaObjectPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "assets", "objects", objectPath)
+ if (await exists(vanillaObjectPath)) {
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(vanillaObjectPath, packPath)
+ output.log(`Extracted \`${root}/${file}\``)
+ } else {
+ const cacheObjectPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, "objects", objectPath)
+ if (await exists(cacheObjectPath)) {
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(cacheObjectPath, packPath)
+ output.log(`Extracted \`${root}/${file}\``)
+ } else {
+ const object = new Uint8Array(await fetch(`https://resources.download.minecraft.net/${objectPath}`).then(e => e.arrayBuffer()))
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(cacheObjectPath), { recursive: true })
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(cacheObjectPath, object)
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(packPath, object)
+ output.log(`Downloaded \`${root}/${file}\``)
+ }
+ }
+ this.done++
+ fulfil()
+ }))
+ }
+ await Promise.all(files)
+ }
+ output.log("Extracted objects")
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.total === null) {
+ this.total = Object.values(this.create).filter(e => e).length + 3
+ }
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft"))) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log(`Created pack directory \`${formatPath(folder)}\``)
+ }
+ this.done++
+ if (this.create.blockstates) {
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/blockstates"))) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/blockstates"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log("Created folder `assets/minecraft/blockstates`")
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ if (this.create.models) {
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/models"))) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/models"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log("Created folder `assets/minecraft/models`")
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ if (this.create.optifine) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/optifine"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log("Created folder `assets/minecraft/optifine`")
+ this.done++
+ }
+ if (this.create.textures) {
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/textures"))) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/textures"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log("Created folder `assets/minecraft/textures`")
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ if (this.create.sounds) {
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/sounds"))) {
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/sounds"), { recursive: true })
+ output.log("Created folder `assets/minecraft/sounds`")
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ if (this.create.emissive) {
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(folder, "assets/minecraft/optifine/emissive.properties"), "suffix.emissive=_e", "utf-8")
+ output.log("Created file `assets/minecraft/optifine/emissive.properties`")
+ this.done++
+ }
+ let packFormat
+ if (jar.files["version.json"]) {
+ const data = JSON.parse(jar.files["version.json"].content)
+ if (typeof data.pack_version === "number") {
+ packFormat = data.pack_version
+ } else {
+ packFormat = data.pack_version.resource
+ }
+ } else if (jar.files["pack.mcmeta"]) {
+ packFormat = JSON.parse(jar.files["pack.mcmeta"].content).pack.pack_format
+ } else if (this.version.startsWith("1.9") || this.version.startsWith("1.10") || this.version.startsWith("15w")) {
+ packFormat = 2
+ } else if (this.version.startsWith("1.11") || this.version.startsWith("1.12") || this.version.startsWith("16w") || this.version.startsWith("17w")) {
+ packFormat = 3
+ } else {
+ packFormat = 1
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(folder, "pack.mcmeta"), JSON.stringify({
+ "pack": {
+ "pack_format": packFormat,
+ "description": this.description || "Template Resource Pack"
+ }
+ }, null, 2), "utf-8")
+ output.log("Created file `pack.mcmeta`")
+ this.done++
+ if (!await exists(path.join(folder, "pack.png"))) {
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(folder, "pack.png"), "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAIAAAACACAIAAABMXPacAAAuEklEQVR42sV92bMsyXlX5VZbr2e9+507d+5IMxppPLLxKtsyiwOHieCdV/4CCBy8EPDEA2/wBkE4DJgIQPBgsLEAhU3YAmHZsoSW0Yw0+3aXs3af7q49F77M7HOmb1d3VdZ4IsjpOdHVt7Iy8/t9+5dVhf7p7/868nSTSpVCcim9lVbmPEtKISRCyNvSlPK4hO7eVYNTd8fRtf2YUSylUmq9C8bIU16aV9N5XnKBrjoij/kYPgjpy7o3GCNNeVEI6LVxpvZ33ydhSNfWIlT7WNK01V8CSoa9MPIZMqTbMCIsE5ZDCCWk4cron/3+r2vSSynkhusghISQRVblWaWkgsO1VQkJC9hMkcCn+zvR7igkGIlLfOwV8qKaJ0VWcGXQqsPDfERZNxjgZM5VlvGyXIXBXkGTPggIodjbOFtNRE9tWYjcxER25iGjwzgIN8FACWaEYIRU87T/yX/561xKfbntC4P/RSXztCxybtZWJ/2WqSsvDtnBbrQzDDBGSgHp+cUiz3LueWtwrq8PU+T7mFDkOTd7vaqSWSaqSthFUYqDgDKGLRiXrR2GOunrzf4rAAAwgDTYXwjGjGrau3AP+se/86vOa0Oci3ReZrkQUv/S3ixfKK/f8/fHISCdZKWVJKe+UgEA/T4zZFDIQ45TRQgBDItFFYYUeF/p5qzNPMNbQrj3sZcHAHb64TAKAQDlufYmf/VvPXAkpaGkR32t1aRUwvB/a1+EEEaIV2I+z/OcY4yMXDotKQzo/qg3jCOfUvjB2CeEHBgF2D9POTeKFSE7oiv1FbS2YeqjMoK1wTOThMEoITCuC6OQn/sbtwlARnEz6TXFL8WRUhRGlFIMGMDvDQMhQBgpjDxsBoPunEvdBSOsf9pKem0/RvHeKIYvcEwJCZlPMZFKCWVg2LIezlW6qJJ5xSs9VyFUVQrBpQvwUnl2iUu+wQhaK1MSgmKfxiGjhoZciAwG56IZBoy0XUzykvz0r90qC64XSQkMWR9Ar3mTmaeMhJHuIriFAdVJXyeyJQrneqXYwPC0hKkr0gP7q6cNIyMkYgz+CqVdBk2kK9JjJIQm/WJeVqU0YHxsFQRXZXEFg+5WJ31N47TAoJR2FkKfAOkZxatd0Mcw8DoM9ntS8ousKCpOfuFv3oVjYJOqEIasesAV0rfoMhaQIIQBNAzGPtdJX1/VJQyVNv52hdCZUbI36u2PV0lfb1YaGCAvpG4IIylUllSLWQWrQN4aueowKEwwIaiB9M0wwOkIWdJTn5EtXSwM0sCgZ0VhUMNtmSF9VlTKnvb3/uWXVsWfMhL1GKa4xXDV3SQu85SXOYeruCtQq2+jmO7v9ka9EGMkpdOoGCGpVF5V5xfpxTS3/Og4IpwcxSzu+5WouX8OFsI36p4SBMcuc7WA+ZQwTCupSi5WB10FwAqz/ksp9kNCCIJTXQaBTnipggUwY1EI6NUCg1ri3eszgJxRElIaUGqlwY0cyjqds0U+uciqSiDdWlwy5IFb5Q+Hke+TohJZWXEu250CQ8iA0ThgvvZBZCWEkNLVexQyTau85IyC3Pi+v1zmCgBWxNBTYQZl2A8IbvRnkUVtzRMvZZpoXbzNTVLav8S9vg8fDDBDs3hoLd8Og7JtOaKee8nl9CKdznJuFP02hz3uBeNRGIbMDmdHySsOCsFG+9tIzyjpBSzQCkd3secJJbmQDTAghACqLOd5weGsy7hSXy0yMBgV9Ju/aEm/xc54jBEWENN5M+nrzaxEK9w0qbhhzDXSx33W6/mkpujsV0ZwxFhAYbXrMFwitdHZ9cpKgChMZ5kQ2sKvkj6K2GgUxbEP39e03BKGkmflGgyWJzBwfcg28EQNhto1C55lXNQcxSUMjISBj37jt37Ja2xWvYIoXOYGmkhfn0Shs0mVCRoUIUB6P+4x2mhj7M8+IbGvfZ4rureaJauCipJPphnoJSE1qwYBBdL3egFC66TfBoPtiBGKAhr5DNdIX4eBS4Bh6S2aOYg0483Kzar3GgCNDm8QEkqNN+2eosFISe0gQq/BKGgmfT3Z4lPtehKEaozf4rTkRXV0uggjNh5F8KO7bYdRZ0khhdwZRqitY10aQJvNF6XJMDrF+9hzaxhrMytKyUuhBADnSAutcyRXjGJGiTQRgytyGnUdqpzOkovUsLNu7SMio4vmaVFJTY4kLR19JIw1zOBTnT5KTh4mJ8dJVUnrxLc3ZDxaCeDTEPQ7tYLb2s1BAmB4ghF5mu8JxfDBeOsYy4QdV6IyocSVGFEQI8p8bA6bY295hZaN2kLG4kBHAHC4ETATjklIcU/mmbXGSwMQsuEggr/wfWNfC89iXpyepMmitK4LjO77ZHcv2tuLqPF8Nk4YGdJzIblQq9qsrHiWlwBhc8IG/YN//yu8UoLLNtLXGtIwUFpLGpuzpdCktxSsE5cyrLUZszBsIX2tGRhw7LMoWNfLNoC4AH90lpU1f/TSDvvjYRT6VK3AgLC23mlSnZ4k81lhZWUtBxOGFDAY74T06fKGJQuXitdSBTUYhFfTSAQjrVz/0X/8yzZKBKykUK2kr4NkpcFeXTWQvlYeMTBQQm3g3UR6aGueSeQz+CDd9C+gtYH0ecmRWWhDQBRH/nAQ2mAbYy/P+dmJDuWk1ELWkFcPAwtDRKmJFpUlvarRvgkGOLSo+xTb3BT6h1/RANg580qnriiBE1pIXxdhwjB0ENyg6NYsDMwnfkjgsCbjLTAwooMazsX5RZblFXKzetJ48eAUjQbh5DSbnGdSKEyQy4hSekFADg56o3FYCSnc7Zn1yyuRpIV2KVdEH1+ZcGmSM6LSNtP82KkGIkB+5/MCrmB/ce9bVHKR8LxWTWxdEldyURSLohTKBl9unY2SAfACyiKd5ybWwXUlI/IKwZNShwydK0WlLFJRZIJzdfWjVkFSqDKXlV6IZzkfE8RMNQp5bWZWKs6FEOqpUhzF2KEepOAchFYvyCiixGqVNlfnMjtm/5Qlz00x0vyylfeh06AX7o1j37cqSFcOzs/S09PE1iq29pWKMTzcCXpD39obM5C1IKg1NMmyanaRFwX3vOWc/YBEEaUMob//r3+ZF0JuqnARA0M9I4TQ0jpVlvSbGjP22ZjKFtLXieszRLCFoYH0deb0yoKnWWWkcJPaiYO9cS+6zENcdbQwnJwkpycL+IL1rJ+uyhE0GAeDkU9MyWWVFA0wWJUIPAGkT9NqrQRrxV0nkv/OP/9Ss+BTipmPDEevkl4KIVvljlFCCTa9aqRvMyo+RSYKvuyLlonrdotXiDQrBZf2ELqD4d0dx/048JQGY1vsBhwKonB2mlgYLMl6AwaMzxrrmnUYMEZcyMWsWCwKWyzZagX/7r/4kosKAxgoQ9rhtaR3bqYioS0+fIOPcu9pRZAaacA1A+uSAskqRsnOMB70w3oeYhsMWaZd0uk0YwEe7QZBSGvppxYYAGYIJrRF5LI1AKQuvorleqJDWcFNxOBcRtZRM/NR1GcllxVXXfY4LAuKlOiCgQ1TPeU0qJFuqjwUB6xG/RY/J47Z4fW+JIIyXKO+wxU8wSuVpEYE28nULAG2Cs9QGBE/IFebPoy5a4bBTlrnjiDrGQQ2r6kVV15IIdqUkA3lpFRcQbPWMghtBRQ3k8OqO5gk5/IqxT3o+f0oaK72LNPaYJNn6cU8s0EDpTgKmV67mX837y4XyVyXRloi4d/4zV/SuAlVo6ApvseW9Ppw9eplITKd7auT0p6pg/hePwhDasFYpQ6Al5eyoZqvpJJCwt/1pCxBoYZhc7XAXpwbOYO+a2WsgJFBHMShjxGqmwFiVPZ0nk1mqdUba3njOGKwIq8TDFhPCGCAMnVZbIiEkQ0af+1vP/fsS3uDnZBzu2absdFcH4SW9FsZrcg1DIaUK9P1CZScgPTbpmsUgk7YAhIw4FrOQNppbGl2blFEV9lCf7kK5rf0tRX/0Kd6P2Hw8UY2KxazBGpqaVFyBPhsCRgtDPBX/9ApGaxUnvJkUV1VqKxDwSs5O8vQCz+3E8Ts2Zd27724ywKipAos6bGn2mztsuKTcUBCKZgijnssipgetd3i6RiiKGRZWdgN17tF0TabFMV0mU2SmvTCoa+lXBgwqD8DGECIRVqcTZNaIN20uxQWSAn2ujQLc55pGOALfJJpcXGWVaVAn//lfaWDKTncDV/62WvPv7yHCbJYuW9DK0wkMRjYIKWbruRcpQBhxu0vjs0mxcajwA/oLCn0Ip06r25roJyLeZKrLn2tuOtsUkjtSt2bZZcP37o4fjgvcm5jNA3A1XYdjLxb94ef//nrB7f7Llkdq0zgTBNbI2pSzXSZXHOkxZIvAfKsoYRU26oU+GR/HO8OIoTRPCsm8zyvuEs2SCsfvVjJTfoYd1Eo0hSHh31tSzTFpOSGERxzZRen+et/fnzyaLF3M7qcqAFg9TxRSTj1wct7n/uZw/4oqKpVjVy3eGZvj3paSAMShqQ1FWFdlHWjUgiQ0wY3SUjlU7w7ivZGMWPYLn+Zi06KaWI2u0NryJ2ITfvAlW7NpCcYD3oBRHOE6OEslqoFBpv0JSDfb/3g7M3vn+Yph2TGwa0ITt8MwJKypYDzXvzpwwc/sc98otPZajPp6+3KawyWdrKZ9HWjovKcg4SuZUdsunh3GO3v6P2KcAhtzYmshJwmxcVCd4bDGnhSiBqh22Cw+qoX+YN+wGg9Hl6FQaz9EzUs8sEb0x9952R2llsVFA/YzvVISbUVANNMWp/LvRu9l790/dZzI5Pol7bIxU1l0aWGHEbUXyl+wd92iUf6PyG0RioLYb0XmNSoHx7sxHHEpGzAT8NQVGKS5GAYbPbN8q8QNQepDQY72TBgMHQQ0AYhWSnO6HGsx0wIOnmUvPat46MPFnAIH+svuAJgm62U3X5+DIZhvB9p/cA7WB7rGgEMhCKlebZj/pbLLOEBJYd7PeBBx9q6NW5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", { encoding: "base64" })
+ output.log("Created `pack.png`")
+ }
+ this.done++
+ output.info(`Created template resource pack \`${this.name}\``)
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.status.finished = true
+ },
+ assetsToggle() {
+ if (!this.vanillaAssets) {
+ this.objects = false
+ }
+ },
+ optifineToggle() {
+ if (!this.create.optifine) {
+ this.create.emissive = false
+ }
+ },
+ emissiveToggle() {
+ if (this.create.emissive) {
+ this.create.optifine = true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
+ ${formatPath(this.folder)}
\n\nMake a backup first if you would like to keep an un-altered version of the resource pack.`)) return
+ outputLog.length = 0
+ this.status.finished = false
+ this.status.processing = true
+ this.done = 0
+ this.total = null
+ this.cancelled = false
+ if (!await exists(this.folder)) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`The resource pack \`${formatPath(this.folder)}\` was not found`)
+ return
+ }
+ const jar = await getVersionJar(this.version)
+ const files = []
+ for await (const file of getFiles(this.folder)) {
+ const shortened = formatPath(file.slice(this.folder.length)).replace(/^\//, "")
+ if (
+ shortened === "pack.mcmeta" ||
+ shortened === "pack.png" ||
+ this.ignoreList.some(item => shortened.toLowerCase().includes(item))
+ ) continue
+ files.push([file, shortened])
+ }
+ this.total = files.length
+ let removed = 0
+ async function checkFile(file, shortened, fileBuffer, assetBuffer) {
+ try {
+ let remove
+ if (file.endsWith(".json")) {
+ if (fileBuffer.equals(assetBuffer)) {
+ remove = true
+ } else {
+ const fileData = JSON.parse(fileBuffer)
+ const assetData = JSON.parse(assetBuffer)
+ if (objectsEqual(fileData, assetData)) {
+ remove = true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (file.endsWith(".png.mcmeta")) {
+ if (!await exists(file.slice(0, -7))) {
+ try {
+ await fs.promises.unlink(file)
+ output.log(`Removed \`${shortened}\``)
+ removed++
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ } else if (file.endsWith(".png")) {
+ if (fileBuffer.equals(assetBuffer)) {
+ remove = true
+ } else if (fileBuffer.readUint32BE(16) === assetBuffer.readUint32BE(16) && fileBuffer.readUint32BE(20) === assetBuffer.readUint32BE(20)) {
+ const fileImg = await loadImage(fileBuffer)
+ const assetImg = await loadImage(assetBuffer)
+ const fileCanvas = new CanvasFrame(fileImg.width, fileImg.height)
+ const assetCanvas = new CanvasFrame(assetImg.width, assetImg.height)
+ fileCanvas.ctx.drawImage(fileImg, 0, 0)
+ assetCanvas.ctx.drawImage(assetImg, 0, 0)
+ fileImgData = fileCanvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, fileImg.width, fileImg.height).data
+ assetImgData = assetCanvas.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, assetImg.width, assetImg.height).data
+ let same = true
+ for (let i = fileImgData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ same &&= fileImgData[i] === assetImgData[i]
+ }
+ if (same) {
+ const mcmeta = file + ".mcmeta"
+ const mcmetaShortened = shortened + ".mcmeta"
+ if (await exists(mcmeta)) {
+ if (mcmetaShortened in jar.files) {
+ const mcmetaBuffer = await fs.promises.readFile(mcmeta)
+ let removeMcmeta
+ if (mcmetaBuffer.equals(jar.files[mcmetaShortened].content)) {
+ removeMcmeta = true
+ } else {
+ const mcmetaFile = JSON.parse(mcmetaBuffer)
+ const mcmetaAsset = JSON.parse(jar.files[mcmetaShortened].content)
+ if (objectsEqual(mcmetaFile, mcmetaAsset)) {
+ remove = true
+ removeMcmeta = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (removeMcmeta) {
+ await fs.promises.unlink(mcmeta)
+ output.log(`Removed \`${mcmetaShortened}\``)
+ removed++
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!(mcmetaShortened in jar.files)) {
+ remove = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (simpleFilePattern.test(file) && fileBuffer.equals(assetBuffer)) {
+ remove = true
+ }
+ if (remove) {
+ try {
+ await fs.promises.unlink(file)
+ output.log(`Removed \`${shortened}\``)
+ removed++
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ } catch {
+ output.error(`Failed to process \`${shortened}\`, skipping…`)
+ }
+ }
+ const objectsFiles = {}
+ if (this.objects) {
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ const assetsIndex = await getVersionAssetsIndex(this.version)
+ const entries = Object.entries(assetsIndex.objects)
+ const version = getVersion(this.version)
+ let root
+ if (Date.parse(version.releaseTime) >= 1403106748000 || version.data.assets === "1.7.10") {
+ root = "assets"
+ } else {
+ root = "assets/minecraft"
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 256) {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ output.info("Cancelled")
+ this.total = this.done
+ return
+ }
+ const downloads = []
+ for (const [file, data] of entries.slice(i, i + 256)) {
+ if (file === "pack.mcmeta") continue
+ downloads.push(new Promise(async fulfil => {
+ const objectPath = `${data.hash.slice(0, 2)}/${data.hash}`
+ const assetPath = `${root}/${file}`
+ const vanillaObjectPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "assets", "objects", objectPath)
+ if (await exists(vanillaObjectPath)) {
+ objectsFiles[assetPath] = vanillaObjectPath
+ } else {
+ const cacheObjectPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, "objects", objectPath)
+ if (!await exists(cacheObjectPath)) {
+ const object = new Uint8Array(await fetch(`https://resources.download.minecraft.net/${objectPath}`).then(e => e.arrayBuffer()))
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(cacheObjectPath), { recursive: true })
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(cacheObjectPath, object)
+ output.log(`Downloaded \`${root}/${file}\` to the cache`)
+ }
+ objectsFiles[assetPath] = cacheObjectPath
+ }
+ fulfil()
+ }))
+ }
+ await Promise.all(downloads)
+ }
+ }
+ for (const [file, shortened] of files) {
+ if (this.cancelled) break
+ if (!await exists(file)) continue
+ if (shortened in objectsFiles) {
+ await checkFile(file, shortened, await fs.promises.readFile(file), await fs.promises.readFile(objectsFiles[shortened]))
+ } else if (shortened in jar.files) {
+ await checkFile(file, shortened, await fs.promises.readFile(file), jar.files[shortened].content)
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ const deleteEmptyFolders = async folderPath => {
+ try {
+ const entries = await fs.promises.readdir(folderPath, { withFileTypes: true })
+ for (const entry of entries) {
+ const fullPath = path.join(folderPath, entry.name)
+ if (entry.isDirectory()) {
+ await deleteEmptyFolders(fullPath)
+ if ((await fs.promises.readdir(fullPath)).length === 0) {
+ await fs.promises.rmdir(fullPath)
+ output.log(`Deleted empty folder \`${formatPath(fullPath.slice(this.folder.length)).replace(/^\//, "")}\``)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch {}
+ }
+ await deleteEmptyFolders(this.folder)
+ this.total = this.done
+ output.info(`Removed ${removed} files`)
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.status.finished = true
+ }
+ },
+ template: `
+ ${formatPath(this.folder)}
\n\nMake a backup first if you would like to keep an un-optimised version of the resource pack.`)) return
+ outputLog.length = 0
+ this.status.finished = false
+ this.status.processing = true
+ this.done = 0
+ this.total = null
+ this.cancelled = false
+ if (!await exists(this.folder)) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`The resource pack \`${formatPath(this.folder)}\` was not found`)
+ return
+ }
+ const langPath = path.join(this.folder, "assets", "minecraft", "lang")
+ if (!await exists(langPath)) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error("The `assets/minecraft/lang` folder was not found")
+ return
+ }
+ const removed = []
+ const processFile = async (type, filePath, assetPath, assetBuffer) => {
+ try {
+ const file = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, "utf-8")
+ const asset = assetBuffer.toString()
+ let fileData, assetData
+ if (type === ".json") {
+ fileData = JSON.parse(file)
+ assetData = JSON.parse(asset)
+ } else {
+ fileData = langToJSON(file)
+ assetData = langToJSON(asset)
+ }
+ let changes = 0
+ for (const key in fileData) {
+ if (fileData[key] === assetData[key]) {
+ delete fileData[key]
+ removed.push(`Removed \`${key}\` from \`${assetPath}\``)
+ changes++
+ }
+ }
+ output.log(`Processed \`${assetPath}\`: Stripped \`${removed.length}\` entries`)
+ if (changes) {
+ if (type === ".json") {
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(fileData, null, 2))
+ } else {
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, jsonToLang(fileData))
+ }
+ }
+ } catch {
+ output.error(`Skipping \`${assetPath}\` as it could not be read`)
+ }
+ this.done++
+ }
+ const jar = await getVersionJar(this.version)
+ let langs, assetsIndex, root
+ if (this.mode === "default") {
+ this.total = 1
+ } else {
+ await cacheDirectory()
+ assetsIndex = await getVersionAssetsIndex(this.version)
+ const files = await listFiles(langPath)
+ root = await getRoot(this.version)
+ const extension = path.extname(Object.keys(assetsIndex.objects).find(e => e.startsWith("assets/minecraft/lang/".slice(root.length + 1))))
+ langs = files.filter(e => assetsIndex.objects[`assets/minecraft/lang/${e}`.slice(root.length + 1)] || (e.toLowerCase().startsWith("en_us.") && e.endsWith(extension)))
+ if (langs.length === 0) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`No valid \`${this.version}\` language files were found in \`assets/minecraft/lang\``)
+ return
+ }
+ this.total = langs.length
+ }
+ const enUS = "assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json" in jar.files ? "assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.json" : "assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.lang" in jar.files ? "assets/minecraft/lang/en_us.lang" : "assets/minecraft/lang/en_US.lang"
+ const enUSFile = path.join(this.folder, enUS)
+ if (await exists(enUSFile)) {
+ await processFile(path.extname(enUS), enUSFile, enUS, jar.files[enUS].content)
+ } else if (this.mode === "default") {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ this.total = 0
+ output.error(`The language file \`${enUS}\` was not found`)
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.mode === "all") {
+ async function getLang(lang, langPath) {
+ const data = assetsIndex.objects[langPath.slice(root.length + 1)]
+ const objectPath = `${data.hash.slice(0, 2)}/${data.hash}`
+ const vanillaObjectPath = path.join(settings.minecraft_directory.value, "assets", "objects", objectPath)
+ if (await exists(vanillaObjectPath)) {
+ return fs.promises.readFile(vanillaObjectPath)
+ }
+ const cacheObjectPath = path.join(settings.cache_directory.value, "objects", objectPath)
+ if (await exists(cacheObjectPath)) {
+ return fs.promises.readFile(cacheObjectPath)
+ }
+ const object = Buffer.from(await fetch(`https://resources.download.minecraft.net/${objectPath}`).then(e => e.arrayBuffer()))
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(cacheObjectPath), { recursive: true })
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(cacheObjectPath, object)
+ output.log(`Downloaded \`${langPath}\` to the cache`)
+ return object
+ }
+ for (const lang of langs) {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ output.info("Cancelled")
+ this.total = this.done
+ return
+ }
+ if (lang.toLowerCase().startsWith("en_us.")) continue
+ const langPath = `assets/minecraft/lang/${lang}`
+ await processFile(path.extname(lang), path.join(this.folder, langPath), langPath, await getLang(lang, langPath))
+ }
+ }
+ for (const remove of removed) {
+ output.log(remove)
+ }
+ output.info("Finished")
+ this.status.finished = true
+ this.status.processing = false
+ }
+ },
+ styles: `
+ .component-versionSelector {
+ align-self: flex-start;
+ }
+ `,
+ template: `