The algoritm
The differents steps of the SW Pipeline are the following :
Step 0 : Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.
Step 5 : Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center. Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.
Step 6 : Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.
This part is a generic part (must be not change).
Only a specific part is here present in this generic part:
modification of the differents threshold gradient (-x, -x, -mag, -dir) and threshold colors
modification of the 3 hyperparameters "window" (pixel analyze)
You can find in the other part named is named SW_Pipeline_Advanced_Lane_Finding.ipynb.
He calls for every stages of the SW pipeline the generic fonctionc impemented in the module
The functionnalities "camera calibration" and "distorsion correction" with the chessboards are directly implemented in the for the generic part.
For the specific part, the code is implemented in SW_Pipeline_Advanced_Lane_Finding.ipynb.
The SW design method is very good explains in the code comments.
![Camera Calibration 1]( road/blob/master/output_images/Chessboard/Image2/original2.jpg)
![Camera Calibration 2]( road/blob/master/output_images/Chessboard/Image2/camera_calibration_undistorded2.jpg)
The functionnality "distorsion correction" is generic and directly implemented in the
This module is call in SW_Pipeline_Advanced_Lane_Finding.ipynb.
The input are the raw image. The output is the undistorded image.
![Distorsion Correction 1]( road/blob/master/output_images/ Vehicle_Distorsion_Correction/Image2/orginal2.jpg)
![Distorsion Correction 2]( road/blob/master/output_images/ Vehicle_Distorsion_Correction/Image2/undistorded2.jpg)
The functionnality "color transform and gradient thresholding" is generic and directly implemented in the
The input images are the images after distorsion correction. The output images are the images witht the configured threshold.
A lot of combinaison are possible (colors threshold/gradient-x/gradient-y/gradient direction/gradient magnitude). For this exercice, we used only the x-gradient and the colors transform (L+S Channel,L for the problem of shadow). The others parameters (mag/dir) have not been used.
This step (threshold configuration) costs a long time, because the thresholds are configured manually.
PLease find the 4 images bellow (with x-gradient thresholding alone, with thresholding color (S-Channel) alone, with thresholding color (L-Channel) alone and the combined solution)
![Color Transforms and Gradients 1]( road/blob/master/output_images/Computing_Gradient_Color/Image2/threshold_gradient.jpg) ![Color Transforms and Gradients 2]( road/blob/master/output_images/Computing_Gradient_Color/Image2/threshold_color_l_channel.jpg) ![Color Transforms and Gradients 3]( road/blob/master/output_images/Computing_Gradient_Color/Image2/threshold_color_s_channel.jpg) ![Color Transforms and Gradients 4]( road/blob/master/output_images/Computing_Gradient_Color/Image2/combined_binary.jpg)
The functionnality "perspective transform" is generic and directly implemented in the
The target is to take 4 points (x,y) very far in the image to make a better analyze and to make a perspective transform.
![Perspective_Transform_1]( road/blob/master/output_images/Warped_Perspective_Transform/Image2/combined_binary.jpg)
![Perspective_Transform_2]( road/blob/master/output_images/Warped_Perspective_Transform/Image2/Bird_view.jpg)
2 Steps are here useful :
- the lane-line pixels identification and
- the polynomial curve for every lane (right and left)
Two generics functionalities implemented in are here useful :
- the lane-line pixel indentification and
- the polynomial curve for every line.
For information : Blue and Red are the colors for the lane left and the lane right.
To add the two polynomial, these 2 lines are superposed on the plot with the 2 lanes pixels:
- plt.plot(left_fitx, ploty, color='yellow')
- plt.plot(right_fitx, ploty, color='yellow')
![Lane_line_pixels_and-polynomial_curve]( road/blob/master/output_images/Pixels_found_Polynome_Curve/Image2/Pixel_found_Polynome_Curve.jpg)
Step 5 : Calculation of the radius of curvature of the lane and the position of the vehicle with respect to center
We need 2 generics functionalities implemented in
Step 1 : radius of curvature : The most important point is the transfert from the "pixel world" to the "real world" (in meters)
Step 2 : position of the vehicule
Here you can find the pipeline with the comment (main programm) and the results for every frame :
####"PIPELINE"#### def process_image(image):
#Step 1 = camera calibration + image undistorted
undist =calculation_undistort(image,objpoints,imgpoints)
#Step 2 = Threshold (gradient (-x/-y/-mag/-dir) and color) configuration and threshold combinaison
_, _, _, _, _, combined_binary,_ = image_computing(undist)
#Step 3 = Perspective Transform, the target is to select 4 points very far in the image foe a better analyze
# This function returns Minv, because he will be use in the Step, in the reconstitution step
warped,Minv = warper(combined_binary, src, dst)
#Step 4 : the target is to know the dedicated pixels for the lane right and the lane left
# the standard method named "peak/histogram" is used (convolution mathod not used) with windows configured with hyperparameters
leftx, lefty, rightx, righty,left_lane_inds, right_lane_inds = find_lanes_pixels(warped)
#Step 5a = polynomial fonction for the right and the left curve
left_fit, right_fit, ploty, left_fitx, right_fitx, out_img= fit_polynomial (warped, leftx, lefty, rightx, righty, left_lane_inds, right_lane_inds)
#Step 5b = Diagnostic information 1 : curvature calculation (space conversion : from "pixel" world to "meters" world)
left_radius_curve,right_radius_curve = calculation_curvature (leftx, lefty, rightx, righty)
#Step 5c = Diagnostic information 2 : deviation of the vehicle with the "central line" reference
vehicle_position = calculation_vehicle_position (undist, left_fit, right_fit)
#Step 6 = Vizualization of the image (before processing) with all the informations (diagnostics + lane detection tracking)
result = vizualization(undist, left_fit, right_fit, Minv, left_radius_curve, left_radius_curve, vehicle_position)
return result
![Result1]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_1.jpg) ![Result2]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_2.jpg) ![Result3]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_3.jpg) ![Result4]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_4.jpg) ![Result5]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_5.jpg) ![Result6]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_6.jpg) ![Result7]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_7.jpg) ![Result8]( road/blob/master/output_images/finale_Vizualization/finale_Vizualization_8.jpg)
![video1]( road/blob/master/output_videos/project_video.mp4)