Title: Java Cucumber testing Tags: java|java-testing|cucumber Tags: java|ant|java-testing|cucumber Date: 2013-01-16 10:40:49 -0500 Author: Denevell
Make a product directory with bin/ and lib/ directories within.
You need the cucumber-jvm (https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm) libs in the lib/ folder. You need:
* cucumber-core-1.1.1.jar
* cucumber-html-0.2.2.jar
* cucumber-java-1.1.1.jar
* cucumber-junit-1.1.1.jar
* junit-4.11.jar
I got these via Apache Ant. You can use Maven, or the Ant build script that comes with the hello world example in the cucumber-jvm repository.
Next you need to write the features file. Put this in the main directory:
Feature: Hello World
Scenario: Print my shopping list
The list should be printed in alphabetical order of the item names
Given a shopping list:
| name | count |
| Milk | 2 |
| Cocoa | 1 |
| Soap | 5 |
When I print that list
Then it should look like:
1 Cocoa
2 Milk
5 Soap
The lines starting Given, When and Then are parsed by Cucumber. You need to write step definitions for these. Create a file called ShoppingStepdefs.java in your main folder:
import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class ShoppingStepdefs {
private StringBuilder printedList;
private final ShoppingList shoppingList = new ShoppingList();
The above line initialises the class we'll be testing (to be defined later).
public static class ShoppingItem {
private String name;
private Integer count;
This is used for grabbing list data. See below.
@Given("^a shopping list:$")
public void a_shopping_list(List<ShoppingItem> items) throws Throwable {
for (ShoppingItem item : items) {
shoppingList.addItem(item.name, item.count);
This defines the Given line above, the one with 'a shopping list' as its text. The ":" means we'll be taking in an object. "^" and "$" end the definition.
We take in the | Milk | 2 | in the feature file as a List as a parameter. Then in the method we go through each adding it to the shoppingList initialised earlier.
@When("^I print that list$")
public void I_print_that_list() throws Throwable {
printedList = new StringBuilder();
Then we define the 'When' line. This simply takes the output of the shoppingList and puts it the printedList StringBuilder as defined above.
@Then("^it should look like:$")
public void it_should_look_like(String expected) throws Throwable {
assertEquals(expected, printedList.toString());
Then final 'Then' statement takes in a string as a parameter and compares it to the output of the printedList.
Now we need the ShoppingList class. Put it in the root folder:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class ShoppingList {
private SortedMap<String,Integer> items = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
public void addItem(String name, Integer count) {
items.put(name, count);
public void print(Appendable out) throws IOException {
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : items.entrySet()) {
out.append(entry.getValue().toString()).append(" ").append(entry.getKey()).append("\n");
Now you need a build.xml file to run the tests via ant (I've omitted things like clean for clarity):
<project name="java-helloworld" basedir="." default="runcukes">
<property name="jars" value="lib"/>
<target name="classpath">
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="${jars}">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="bin/classes"/>
<target name="compile" depends="classpath">
<mkdir dir="bin/classes"/>
<javac srcdir="." destdir="bin/classes" classpathref="classpath" includeantruntime="false"/>
The above just compiles the java files into classes and sets the classpath.
<target name="runcukes" depends="compile">
<mkdir dir="bin/cucumber-junit-report"/>
<java classname="cucumber.api.cli.Main" fork="true" failonerror="false" resultproperty="cucumber.exitstatus">
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="junit:bin/cucumber-junit-report/allcukes.xml"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="pretty"/>
<arg value="--format"/>
<arg value="html:bin/cucumber-html-report"/>
<arg value="--glue"/>
<arg value=""/>
<arg value="."/>
This runs the cucumber tests via running cucumber.api.cli.Main with various arguements that point to the location of our feature file and sets various reporting and formatting features.
<junitreport todir="bin/cucumber-junit-report">
<fileset dir="bin/cucumber-junit-report">
<include name="allcukes.xml"/>
<report format="frames" todir="bin/cucumber-junit-report"/>
This next part runs junit on the junit that cucumber produced, failing if we have errors. The hello-world sample project has a fail tag here, but I haven't found it to be needed, so I've omitted it here.
Now run 'ant' in the directory and voila:
[java] Feature: Hello World
[java] Scenario: Print my shopping list # helloworld.feature:3
[java] The list should be printed in alphabetical order of the item names
[java] Given a shopping list: # ShoppingStepdefs.a_shopping_list(List<ShoppingStepdefs$ShoppingItem>)
[java] When I print that list # ShoppingStepdefs.I_print_that_list()
[java] Then it should look like: # ShoppingStepdefs.it_should_look_like(String)
[java] """
[java] 1 Cocoa
[java] 2 Milk
[java] 5 Soap
[java] Then it should look like: # ShoppingStepdefs.it_should_look_like(String)
[java] """
[java] 1 Cocoa
[java] 2 Milk
[java] 5 Soap
[java] """
You'll see errors in this output should there be a failure.