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Support for non-English (non-Lating) keyboard input sources #950

Answered by lippfi
thezvff asked this question in Q&A
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I can see two ways, actually:

  1. The good old map й q
    It is possible to write a small script to do all the necessary mappings according to your layout. Here is the code:
let russianLayout = 'йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбю.'
let colemakDHLayout = 'qwfpbjluy;[]arstgmneio'xcdvzkh,./'
let i = 0
while i < len(russianLayout)
    let fromKey = russianLayout[i]
    let toKey = colemakDHLayout[i]
    execute 'map ' . fromKey . ' ' . toKey
    let i += 1
  1. There is

P.S. The script I wrote should work, but you should be cautious when writing your own scripts—as not all Vim Script language functions are supported in IdeaVim

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