Led by Josh Gough
Want to learn how to create Super Mario style "platformer" games that work in your web browser, phone, and tablet? Check out theHTML5 Quintus Game Framework.
This sessions is for students who have been learning JavaScript as a starting block for building HTML5 Quintus games. During this session we will start building the game Tower Man from this free tutorial. To be prepared for this session, make sure you've done one of the following:
- Read and understand the chapters 1 - 5 in the free book Learning JavaScript.
Or, read and understand the following pages from Mozilla's JavaScript guide:
- JavaScript Overview
- Values, Variables, and Literals
- Expressions and Operators
- Statements (Control flow)
- Read about Functions at Learning JavaScript: Functions or Mozilla Guide: Functions
Read Core Quintus Basics (Even though it says Basics, you definitely need to understand everything above, and probably other parts of JavaScript before you will really understand this information. But, don't worry too much. The reason you're in these sessions is to start figuring it out as a group and with our help!)
If you are advanced, there are tons of getting started resources here. You can also find videos on YouTube about Quintus.
During this session, you'll learn how to modify Towerman to add a new level after you complete level one.
Here's a screen capture of an example level:
Learn how to add score keeping to Towerman so that you get points for every dot you gobble up.