diff --git a/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb b/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb index 4c56b531..666b7068 100644 --- a/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb +++ b/examples/colab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":0,"metadata":{"colab":{"name":"NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb","provenance":[],"collapsed_sections":[]},"kernelspec":{"name":"python3","display_name":"Python 3"}},"cells":[{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"zkufh760uvF3"},"source":["\n","\n","[](https://colab.research.google.com/https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/nlu/blob/master/examples/collab/Training/binary_text_classification/NLU_training_sentiment_classifier_demo.ipynb)\n","\n","\n","\n","# Training a Sentiment Analysis Classifier with NLU \n","With the [ClassifierDL model](https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/docs/en/annotators#classifierdl-multi-class-text-classification) from Spark NLP you can achieve State Of the Art results on any multi class text classification problem \n","\n","This notebook showcases the following features : \n","\n","- How to train the deep learning classifier\n","- How to store a pipeline to disk\n","- How to load the pipeline from disk (Enables NLU offline mode)\n","\n"]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"dur2drhW5Rvi"},"source":["# 1. Install Java 8 and NLU"]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"id":"hFGnBCHavltY"},"source":["import os\n","from sklearn.metrics import classification_report\n","! apt-get update -qq > /dev/null \n","# Install java\n","! apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk-headless -qq > /dev/null\n","os.environ[\"JAVA_HOME\"] = \"/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64\"\n","os.environ[\"PATH\"] = os.environ[\"JAVA_HOME\"] + \"/bin:\" + os.environ[\"PATH\"]\n","! pip install nlu pyspark==2.4.7 > /dev/null \n","\n","\n","import nlu"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[]},{"cell_type":"markdown","metadata":{"id":"f4KkTfnR5Ugg"},"source":["# 2. Download Stock Market Sentiment dataset \n","https://www.kaggle.com/yash612/stockmarket-sentiment-dataset"]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"OrVb5ZMvvrQD","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1608771929986,"user_tz":480,"elapsed":2813,"user":{"displayName":"Adam Morgan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gh9F8KQIFyVYLTpwx5Hjc1H-jOwcRnh58ghzE2E8Q=s64","userId":"13394261526394139327"}},"outputId":"968a492a-fed0-4a7b-9eba-ebef9ff9ab47"},"source":["! wget http://ckl-it.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/stock_data.csv\n"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["--2020-12-24 01:05:27-- http://ckl-it.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/stock_data.csv\n","Resolving ckl-it.de (ckl-it.de)..., 2001:8d8:100f:f000::209\n","Connecting to ckl-it.de (ckl-it.de)||:80... connected.\n","HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n","Length: 479973 (469K) [text/csv]\n","Saving to: ‘stock_data.csv.1’\n","\n","stock_data.csv.1 100%[===================>] 468.72K 324KB/s in 1.4s \n","\n","2020-12-24 01:05:29 (324 KB/s) - ‘stock_data.csv.1’ saved [479973/479973]\n","\n"],"name":"stdout"}]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"x-rbTZLm_Uqs","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1608771936564,"user_tz":480,"elapsed":3170,"user":{"displayName":"Adam Morgan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gh9F8KQIFyVYLTpwx5Hjc1H-jOwcRnh58ghzE2E8Q=s64","userId":"13394261526394139327"}},"outputId":"2d69e18e-285e-4337-cb61-372099f47bc3"},"source":["! pip install nlu pyspark==2.4.7"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["Requirement already satisfied: nlu in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (1.0.5)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pyspark==2.4.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (2.4.7)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pandas in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nlu) (1.1.5)\n","Requirement already satisfied: spark-nlp<2.7,>=2.6.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nlu) (2.6.5)\n","Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nlu) (1.19.4)\n","Requirement already satisfied: dataclasses in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nlu) (0.8)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pyarrow>=0.16.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nlu) (2.0.0)\n","Requirement already satisfied: py4j==0.10.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pyspark==2.4.7) (0.10.7)\n","Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas->nlu) (2.8.1)\n","Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas->nlu) (2018.9)\n","Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas->nlu) (1.15.0)\n"],"name":"stdout"}]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"id":"uDGIOASY_fRj","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1608771969641,"user_tz":480,"elapsed":26360,"user":{"displayName":"Adam Morgan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gh9F8KQIFyVYLTpwx5Hjc1H-jOwcRnh58ghzE2E8Q=s64","userId":"13394261526394139327"}},"outputId":"caa60b4b-8819-4046-c0e8-d029434a4155"},"source":["import nlu\r\n","sentiment = nlu.load('sentiment')"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["analyze_sentiment download started this may take some time.\n","Approx size to download 4.9 MB\n","[OK!]\n"],"name":"stdout"}]},{"cell_type":"code","metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":128},"id":"U0ENiuMc_kyb","executionInfo":{"status":"ok","timestamp":1608771986728,"user_tz":480,"elapsed":9983,"user":{"displayName":"Adam Morgan","photoUrl":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14Gh9F8KQIFyVYLTpwx5Hjc1H-jOwcRnh58ghzE2E8Q=s64","userId":"13394261526394139327"}},"outputId":"1b96fe79-8ae8-4ec3-e3fd-8c234ec15322"},"source":["sentiment.predict(\"I'm very very not at all happy\")"],"execution_count":null,"outputs":[{"output_type":"stream","text":["Fitting on empty Dataframe, could not infer correct training method!\n"],"name":"stdout"},{"output_type":"execute_result","data":{"text/html":["
\n"," | sentence | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","checked | \n","sentiment | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","I'm very very not at all happy | \n","0.304300 | \n","[I'm, very, very, not, at, all, happy] | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","positive | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","
5791 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","0.982228 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.006487144622951746, -0.042024899274110794, ... | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.880183 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03017628937959671, -0.0627138689160347, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.837914 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.05556508153676987, -0.016491785645484924, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.905505 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.01097656786441803, -0.02980119362473488, -... | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.532368 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","[0.024849386885762215, 0.04679658263921738, -0... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.785020 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985644310712814, -0.03145354613661766, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.861554 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.794606 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.01210737880319357, -0.02798214927315712, -0... | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.966394 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.0031773506198078394, -0.04296385496854782, ... | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.987555 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.04964913800358772, -0.04634825885295868, -0... | \n","
5791 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.918913 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","0.999146 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.006487144622951746, -0.042024899274110794, ... | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.941052 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03017628937959671, -0.0627138689160347, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.648649 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.05556508153676987, -0.016491785645484924, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.988186 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.01097656786441803, -0.02980119362473488, -... | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.783930 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.024849386885762215, 0.04679658263921738, -0... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.990443 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985644310712814, -0.03145354613661766, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.999385 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.728881 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.01210737880319357, -0.02798214927315712, -0... | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.987245 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.0031773506198078394, -0.04296385496854782, ... | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.999714 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.04964913800358772, -0.04634825885295868, -0... | \n","
5791 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","embed_sentence_bert_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","0.874224 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","[-0.9207571744918823, 0.21013416349887848, 0.1... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.647704 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","[-0.43004727363586426, 0.5101231336593628, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.780586 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","[0.3040030300617218, 0.22862982749938965, -0.5... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.978046 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","[-1.810348391532898, -0.4799138903617859, -0.7... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.961256 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","[-2.4639298915863037, 0.3879590630531311, -0.6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.759879 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","[-0.09503911435604095, 0.6293947696685791, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.759041 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","[-0.1287938952445984, 0.28170245885849, 0.0280... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.750849 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","[-0.3395587205886841, 0.912406325340271, -0.32... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.567143 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","[-0.6081283092498779, 0.2732301354408264, 0.25... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.545603 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","[-0.44862690567970276, 0.43264657258987427, 0.... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","
5791 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","0.974726 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","[-0.07111635059118271, 0.9532930850982666, -1.... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | sentence | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","checked | \n","sentiment | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","I'm very very not at all happy | \n","0.304300 | \n","[I'm, very, very, not, at, all, happy] | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","positive | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","
5791 rows × 2 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","0.982228 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.006487144622951746, -0.042024899274110794, ... | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.880183 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03017628937959671, -0.0627138689160347, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.837914 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.05556508153676987, -0.016491785645484924, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.905505 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.01097656786441803, -0.02980119362473488, -... | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.532368 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","[0.024849386885762215, 0.04679658263921738, -0... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.785020 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985644310712814, -0.03145354613661766, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.861554 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.794606 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.01210737880319357, -0.02798214927315712, -0... | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.966394 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.0031773506198078394, -0.04296385496854782, ... | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.987555 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.04964913800358772, -0.04634825885295868, -0... | \n","
5791 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","0.918913 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
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0 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","0.999146 | \n","Kickers on my watchlist XIDE TIT SOQ PNK CPW B... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.006487144622951746, -0.042024899274110794, ... | \n","
1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.941052 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.03017628937959671, -0.0627138689160347, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.648649 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.05556508153676987, -0.016491785645484924, 0... | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.988186 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[-0.01097656786441803, -0.02980119362473488, -... | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.783930 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.024849386885762215, 0.04679658263921738, -0... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.990443 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.020985644310712814, -0.03145354613661766, -... | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.999385 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","[0.05627664923667908, 0.012842322699725628, -0... | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.728881 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","[0.01210737880319357, -0.02798214927315712, -0... | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.987245 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.0031773506198078394, -0.04296385496854782, ... | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.999714 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","[0.04964913800358772, -0.04634825885295868, -0... | \n","
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1 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","0.647704 | \n","user: AAP MOVIE. 55% return for the FEA/GEED i... | \n","[-0.43004727363586426, 0.5101231336593628, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","0.780586 | \n","user I'd be afraid to short AMZN - they are lo... | \n","[0.3040030300617218, 0.22862982749938965, -0.5... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","0.978046 | \n","MNTA Over 12.00 | \n","[-1.810348391532898, -0.4799138903617859, -0.7... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","0.961256 | \n","OI Over 21.37 | \n","[-2.4639298915863037, 0.3879590630531311, -0.6... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5786 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","0.759879 | \n","Industry body CII said #discoms are likely to ... | \n","[-0.09503911435604095, 0.6293947696685791, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","
5787 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","0.759041 | \n","#Gold prices slip below Rs 46,000 as #investor... | \n","[-0.1287938952445984, 0.28170245885849, 0.0280... | \n","negative | \n","negative | \n","
5788 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","0.750849 | \n","Workers at Bajaj Auto have agreed to a 10% wag... | \n","[-0.3395587205886841, 0.912406325340271, -0.32... | \n","negative | \n","positive | \n","
5789 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","0.567143 | \n","#Sharemarket LIVE: Sensex off day’s high, up 6... | \n","[-0.6081283092498779, 0.2732301354408264, 0.25... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","
5790 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","0.545603 | \n","#Sensex, #Nifty climb off day's highs, still u... | \n","[-0.44862690567970276, 0.43264657258987427, 0.... | \n","neutral | \n","positive | \n","
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0 | \n","0.974726 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","[-0.07111635059118271, 0.9532930850982666, -1.... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2495 | \n","Another great movie by Costa-Gavras. It's a gr... | \n","negative | \n","
2496 | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","positive | \n","
2497 | \n","Handsome and dashing British airline pilot Geo... | \n","positive | \n","
2498 | \n","This film breeches the fine line between satir... | \n","negative | \n","
2499 | \n","Mardi Gras: Made in China provides a wonderful... | \n","positive | \n","
2500 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","[-0.04935329407453537, -0.01034686528146267, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.968638 | \n","positive | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","[0.040489643812179565, -0.054199717938899994, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.990273 | \n","positive | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","[0.026364900171756744, 0.07112795859575272, 0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.957352 | \n","positive | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","[-0.05151151493191719, 0.008207003585994244, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.958503 | \n","negative | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","[0.06880538165569305, 0.019250543788075447, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999108 | \n","positive | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","
5 | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","[0.004764211364090443, 0.027671916410326958, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.993937 | \n","positive | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","
6 | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","[-0.03813941031694412, -0.03322296217083931, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.974884 | \n","positive | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","
7 | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","[0.010670202784240246, -0.04322813078761101, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.721451 | \n","negative | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","
8 | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","[0.010801736265420914, -0.07724311947822571, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.884824 | \n","negative | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","
9 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","[-0.0245585348457098, 0.0005475765210576355, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.850509 | \n","positive | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","
10 | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","[0.023403573781251907, 0.017464609816670418, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.836944 | \n","negative | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","
11 | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","[-0.046517230570316315, -0.025949953123927116,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999218 | \n","negative | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","
12 | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","[0.0032458826899528503, -0.013339877128601074,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999841 | \n","negative | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","
13 | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","[0.044309284538030624, 0.061706289649009705, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.504574 | \n","negative | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","
14 | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","[0.005487383343279362, -0.005359508562833071, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.956110 | \n","positive | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","
15 | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","[0.04357790946960449, -0.034652918577194214, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.990112 | \n","negative | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","
16 | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","[0.006823724135756493, -0.0692802369594574, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.996081 | \n","positive | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","
17 | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","[-0.013747279532253742, -0.0038213622756302357... | \n","negative | \n","0.999338 | \n","negative | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","
18 | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","[-0.005101265385746956, 0.022435873746871948, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.986708 | \n","positive | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","
19 | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","[0.011224010959267616, -0.007102800067514181, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.998881 | \n","negative | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","
20 | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","[0.022048521786928177, -0.020497862249612808, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.650546 | \n","positive | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","
21 | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","[-0.010102338157594204, -0.05102328583598137, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999930 | \n","negative | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","
22 | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","[-0.016428396105766296, 0.007074637804180384, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.981123 | \n","positive | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","
23 | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","[-0.06437410414218903, -0.029181038960814476, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.957470 | \n","negative | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","
24 | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","[0.03901044651865959, 0.06355303525924683, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999471 | \n","negative | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","
25 | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","[-0.021897025406360626, 0.04400184750556946, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.997247 | \n","positive | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","
26 | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","[0.0439823754131794, -0.007468021009117365, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.996351 | \n","positive | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","
27 | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","[-0.004155139438807964, -0.03771881386637688, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.570219 | \n","negative | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","
28 | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","[0.015594013035297394, -0.007509331218898296, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999906 | \n","negative | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","
29 | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","[-0.036022596061229706, -0.006816706154495478,... | \n","negative | \n","0.733068 | \n","positive | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","
30 | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","[0.0312348585575819, -0.04670163244009018, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.995882 | \n","positive | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","
31 | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","[0.060114260762929916, -0.0590929239988327, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999671 | \n","positive | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","
32 | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","[0.013515714555978775, -0.004898980725556612, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999994 | \n","negative | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","
33 | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","[0.022280631586909294, -0.00839739479124546, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.997032 | \n","positive | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","
34 | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","[0.009434111416339874, -0.046402934938669205, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.992625 | \n","negative | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","
35 | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","[0.011683089658617973, -0.047437384724617004, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999485 | \n","negative | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","
36 | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","[-0.0348515659570694, 0.01680166646838188, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.537487 | \n","negative | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","
37 | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","[-0.02899913117289543, 0.0164097361266613, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.998984 | \n","negative | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","
38 | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","[0.002110496163368225, 0.02887572906911373, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.965860 | \n","positive | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","
39 | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","[0.013781447894871235, -0.010363072156906128, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.697232 | \n","negative | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","
40 | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","[0.03799372911453247, -0.038665950298309326, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.998307 | \n","negative | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","
41 | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","[-0.00033091730438172817, -0.05126418545842171... | \n","positive | \n","0.998454 | \n","positive | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","
42 | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","[0.014630819670855999, -0.04907294735312462, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999938 | \n","negative | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","
43 | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","[0.027017194777727127, 0.002088379580527544, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.884466 | \n","negative | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","
44 | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","[-0.0009387845057062805, -0.048219360411167145... | \n","negative | \n","0.969341 | \n","positive | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","
45 | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","[0.0065035647712647915, 0.00230638706125319, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.967124 | \n","positive | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","
46 | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","[0.05113476142287254, 0.04671141505241394, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593109 | \n","negative | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","
47 | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","[0.011419376358389854, -0.0828876867890358, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.991421 | \n","negative | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","
48 | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","[0.024031344801187515, 0.03399205952882767, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.994996 | \n","positive | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","
49 | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","[0.015038557350635529, -0.0037642912939190865,... | \n","positive | \n","0.996770 | \n","negative | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","
\n"," | default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.982375 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","[-0.04935329407453537, -0.01034686528146267, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.966858 | \n","positive | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","[0.040489643812179565, -0.054199717938899994, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.985679 | \n","positive | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","[0.026364900171756744, 0.07112795859575272, 0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.988745 | \n","positive | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","[-0.05151151493191719, 0.008207003585994244, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999291 | \n","negative | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","[0.06880538165569305, 0.019250543788075447, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999684 | \n","positive | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","
5 | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","[0.004764211364090443, 0.027671916410326958, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.996598 | \n","positive | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","
6 | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","[-0.03813941031694412, -0.03322296217083931, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.960203 | \n","positive | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","
7 | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","[0.010670202784240246, -0.04322813078761101, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.753273 | \n","negative | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","
8 | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","[0.010801736265420914, -0.07724311947822571, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.958928 | \n","negative | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","
9 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","[-0.0245585348457098, 0.0005475765210576355, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.536441 | \n","positive | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","
10 | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","[0.023403573781251907, 0.017464609816670418, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.959978 | \n","negative | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","
11 | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","[-0.046517230570316315, -0.025949953123927116,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999949 | \n","negative | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","
12 | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","[0.0032458826899528503, -0.013339877128601074,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999997 | \n","negative | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","
13 | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","[0.044309284538030624, 0.061706289649009705, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.984033 | \n","negative | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","
14 | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","[0.005487383343279362, -0.005359508562833071, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.775998 | \n","positive | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","
15 | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","[0.04357790946960449, -0.034652918577194214, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999683 | \n","negative | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","
16 | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","[0.006823724135756493, -0.0692802369594574, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999245 | \n","positive | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","
17 | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","[-0.013747279532253742, -0.0038213622756302357... | \n","negative | \n","0.999970 | \n","negative | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","
18 | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","[-0.005101265385746956, 0.022435873746871948, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.975574 | \n","positive | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","
19 | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","[0.011224010959267616, -0.007102800067514181, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999990 | \n","negative | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","
20 | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","[0.022048521786928177, -0.020497862249612808, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.951596 | \n","positive | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","
21 | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","[-0.010102338157594204, -0.05102328583598137, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999999 | \n","negative | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","
22 | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","[-0.016428396105766296, 0.007074637804180384, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.931946 | \n","positive | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","
23 | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","[-0.06437410414218903, -0.029181038960814476, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.990350 | \n","negative | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","
24 | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","[0.03901044651865959, 0.06355303525924683, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999986 | \n","negative | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","
25 | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","[-0.021897025406360626, 0.04400184750556946, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999463 | \n","positive | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","
26 | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","[0.0439823754131794, -0.007468021009117365, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.998291 | \n","positive | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","
27 | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","[-0.004155139438807964, -0.03771881386637688, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.865707 | \n","negative | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","
28 | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","[0.015594013035297394, -0.007509331218898296, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999998 | \n","negative | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","
29 | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","[-0.036022596061229706, -0.006816706154495478,... | \n","negative | \n","0.993793 | \n","positive | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","
30 | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","[0.0312348585575819, -0.04670163244009018, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.997460 | \n","positive | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","
31 | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","[0.060114260762929916, -0.0590929239988327, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999880 | \n","positive | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","
32 | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","[0.013515714555978775, -0.004898980725556612, ... | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","negative | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","
33 | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","[0.022280631586909294, -0.00839739479124546, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.999292 | \n","positive | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","
34 | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","[0.009434111416339874, -0.046402934938669205, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999848 | \n","negative | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","
35 | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","[0.011683089658617973, -0.047437384724617004, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999993 | \n","negative | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","
36 | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","[-0.0348515659570694, 0.01680166646838188, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.997690 | \n","negative | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","
37 | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","[-0.02899913117289543, 0.0164097361266613, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999995 | \n","negative | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","
38 | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","[0.002110496163368225, 0.02887572906911373, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.993408 | \n","positive | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","
39 | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","[0.013781447894871235, -0.010363072156906128, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.905860 | \n","negative | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","
40 | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","[0.03799372911453247, -0.038665950298309326, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999892 | \n","negative | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","
41 | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","[-0.00033091730438172817, -0.05126418545842171... | \n","positive | \n","0.999837 | \n","positive | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","
42 | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","[0.014630819670855999, -0.04907294735312462, -... | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","negative | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","
43 | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","[0.027017194777727127, 0.002088379580527544, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.978662 | \n","negative | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","
44 | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","[-0.0009387845057062805, -0.048219360411167145... | \n","negative | \n","0.993965 | \n","positive | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","
45 | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","[0.0065035647712647915, 0.00230638706125319, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999341 | \n","positive | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","
46 | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","[0.05113476142287254, 0.04671141505241394, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.913287 | \n","negative | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","
47 | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","[0.011419376358389854, -0.0828876867890358, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999841 | \n","negative | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","
48 | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","[0.024031344801187515, 0.03399205952882767, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.998516 | \n","positive | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","
49 | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","[0.015038557350635529, -0.0037642912939190865,... | \n","positive | \n","0.995483 | \n","negative | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","
\n"," | sentiment | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","positive | \n","[0.09222018718719482, 0.11720675230026245, 0.1... | \n","0.999543 | \n","It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2495 | \n","Another great movie by Costa-Gavras. It's a gr... | \n","negative | \n","
2496 | \n","Though structured totally different from the b... | \n","positive | \n","
2497 | \n","Handsome and dashing British airline pilot Geo... | \n","positive | \n","
2498 | \n","This film breeches the fine line between satir... | \n","negative | \n","
2499 | \n","Mardi Gras: Made in China provides a wonderful... | \n","positive | \n","
2500 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","[-0.04935329407453537, -0.01034686528146267, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.968638 | \n","positive | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","[0.040489643812179565, -0.054199717938899994, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.990273 | \n","positive | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","[0.026364900171756744, 0.07112795859575272, 0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.957352 | \n","positive | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","[-0.05151151493191719, 0.008207003585994244, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.958503 | \n","negative | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","[0.06880538165569305, 0.019250543788075447, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999108 | \n","positive | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","
5 | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","[0.004764211364090443, 0.027671916410326958, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.993937 | \n","positive | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","
6 | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","[-0.03813941031694412, -0.03322296217083931, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.974884 | \n","positive | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","
7 | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","[0.010670202784240246, -0.04322813078761101, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.721451 | \n","negative | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","
8 | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","[0.010801736265420914, -0.07724311947822571, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.884824 | \n","negative | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","
9 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","[-0.0245585348457098, 0.0005475765210576355, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.850509 | \n","positive | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","
10 | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","[0.023403573781251907, 0.017464609816670418, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.836944 | \n","negative | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","
11 | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","[-0.046517230570316315, -0.025949953123927116,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999218 | \n","negative | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","
12 | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","[0.0032458826899528503, -0.013339877128601074,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999841 | \n","negative | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","
13 | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","[0.044309284538030624, 0.061706289649009705, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.504574 | \n","negative | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","
14 | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","[0.005487383343279362, -0.005359508562833071, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.956110 | \n","positive | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","
15 | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","[0.04357790946960449, -0.034652918577194214, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.990112 | \n","negative | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","
16 | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","[0.006823724135756493, -0.0692802369594574, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.996081 | \n","positive | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","
17 | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","[-0.013747279532253742, -0.0038213622756302357... | \n","negative | \n","0.999338 | \n","negative | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","
18 | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","[-0.005101265385746956, 0.022435873746871948, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.986708 | \n","positive | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","
19 | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","[0.011224010959267616, -0.007102800067514181, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.998881 | \n","negative | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","
20 | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","[0.022048521786928177, -0.020497862249612808, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.650546 | \n","positive | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","
21 | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","[-0.010102338157594204, -0.05102328583598137, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999930 | \n","negative | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","
22 | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","[-0.016428396105766296, 0.007074637804180384, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.981123 | \n","positive | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","
23 | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","[-0.06437410414218903, -0.029181038960814476, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.957470 | \n","negative | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","
24 | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","[0.03901044651865959, 0.06355303525924683, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999471 | \n","negative | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","
25 | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","[-0.021897025406360626, 0.04400184750556946, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.997247 | \n","positive | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","
26 | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","[0.0439823754131794, -0.007468021009117365, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.996351 | \n","positive | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","
27 | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","[-0.004155139438807964, -0.03771881386637688, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.570219 | \n","negative | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","
28 | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","[0.015594013035297394, -0.007509331218898296, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999906 | \n","negative | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","
29 | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","[-0.036022596061229706, -0.006816706154495478,... | \n","negative | \n","0.733068 | \n","positive | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","
30 | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","[0.0312348585575819, -0.04670163244009018, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.995882 | \n","positive | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","
31 | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","[0.060114260762929916, -0.0590929239988327, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999671 | \n","positive | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","
32 | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","[0.013515714555978775, -0.004898980725556612, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999994 | \n","negative | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","
33 | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","[0.022280631586909294, -0.00839739479124546, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.997032 | \n","positive | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","
34 | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","[0.009434111416339874, -0.046402934938669205, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.992625 | \n","negative | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","
35 | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","[0.011683089658617973, -0.047437384724617004, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999485 | \n","negative | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","
36 | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","[-0.0348515659570694, 0.01680166646838188, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.537487 | \n","negative | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","
37 | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","[-0.02899913117289543, 0.0164097361266613, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.998984 | \n","negative | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","
38 | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","[0.002110496163368225, 0.02887572906911373, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.965860 | \n","positive | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","
39 | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","[0.013781447894871235, -0.010363072156906128, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.697232 | \n","negative | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","
40 | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","[0.03799372911453247, -0.038665950298309326, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.998307 | \n","negative | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","
41 | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","[-0.00033091730438172817, -0.05126418545842171... | \n","positive | \n","0.998454 | \n","positive | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","
42 | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","[0.014630819670855999, -0.04907294735312462, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999938 | \n","negative | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","
43 | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","[0.027017194777727127, 0.002088379580527544, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.884466 | \n","negative | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","
44 | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","[-0.0009387845057062805, -0.048219360411167145... | \n","negative | \n","0.969341 | \n","positive | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","
45 | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","[0.0065035647712647915, 0.00230638706125319, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.967124 | \n","positive | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","
46 | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","[0.05113476142287254, 0.04671141505241394, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593109 | \n","negative | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","
47 | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","[0.011419376358389854, -0.0828876867890358, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.991421 | \n","negative | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","
48 | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","[0.024031344801187515, 0.03399205952882767, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.994996 | \n","positive | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","
49 | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","[0.015038557350635529, -0.0037642912939190865,... | \n","positive | \n","0.996770 | \n","negative | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","
\n"," | default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.982375 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","[-0.04935329407453537, -0.01034686528146267, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.966858 | \n","positive | \n","One of the other reviewers has mentioned that ... | \n","
1 | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","[0.040489643812179565, -0.054199717938899994, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.985679 | \n","positive | \n","A wonderful little production. <br /><br />The... | \n","
2 | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","[0.026364900171756744, 0.07112795859575272, 0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.988745 | \n","positive | \n","I thought this was a wonderful way to spend ti... | \n","
3 | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","[-0.05151151493191719, 0.008207003585994244, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999291 | \n","negative | \n","Basically there's a family where a little boy ... | \n","
4 | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","[0.06880538165569305, 0.019250543788075447, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999684 | \n","positive | \n","Petter Mattei's \"Love in the Time of Money\" is... | \n","
5 | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","[0.004764211364090443, 0.027671916410326958, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.996598 | \n","positive | \n","Probably my all-time favorite movie, a story o... | \n","
6 | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","[-0.03813941031694412, -0.03322296217083931, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.960203 | \n","positive | \n","I sure would like to see a resurrection of a u... | \n","
7 | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","[0.010670202784240246, -0.04322813078761101, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.753273 | \n","negative | \n","This show was an amazing, fresh & innovative i... | \n","
8 | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","[0.010801736265420914, -0.07724311947822571, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.958928 | \n","negative | \n","Encouraged by the positive comments about this... | \n","
9 | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","[-0.0245585348457098, 0.0005475765210576355, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.536441 | \n","positive | \n","If you like original gut wrenching laughter yo... | \n","
10 | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","[0.023403573781251907, 0.017464609816670418, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.959978 | \n","negative | \n","Phil the Alien is one of those quirky films wh... | \n","
11 | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","[-0.046517230570316315, -0.025949953123927116,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999949 | \n","negative | \n","I saw this movie when I was about 12 when it c... | \n","
12 | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","[0.0032458826899528503, -0.013339877128601074,... | \n","negative | \n","0.999997 | \n","negative | \n","So im not a big fan of Boll's work but then ag... | \n","
13 | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","[0.044309284538030624, 0.061706289649009705, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.984033 | \n","negative | \n","The cast played Shakespeare.<br /><br />Shakes... | \n","
14 | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","[0.005487383343279362, -0.005359508562833071, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.775998 | \n","positive | \n","This a fantastic movie of three prisoners who ... | \n","
15 | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","[0.04357790946960449, -0.034652918577194214, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999683 | \n","negative | \n","Kind of drawn in by the erotic scenes, only to... | \n","
16 | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","[0.006823724135756493, -0.0692802369594574, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999245 | \n","positive | \n","Some films just simply should not be remade. T... | \n","
17 | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","[-0.013747279532253742, -0.0038213622756302357... | \n","negative | \n","0.999970 | \n","negative | \n","This movie made it into one of my top 10 most ... | \n","
18 | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","[-0.005101265385746956, 0.022435873746871948, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.975574 | \n","positive | \n","I remember this film,it was the first film i h... | \n","
19 | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","[0.011224010959267616, -0.007102800067514181, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999990 | \n","negative | \n","An awful film! It must have been up against so... | \n","
20 | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","[0.022048521786928177, -0.020497862249612808, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.951596 | \n","positive | \n","After the success of Die Hard and it's sequels... | \n","
21 | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","[-0.010102338157594204, -0.05102328583598137, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999999 | \n","negative | \n","I had the terrible misfortune of having to vie... | \n","
22 | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","[-0.016428396105766296, 0.007074637804180384, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.931946 | \n","positive | \n","What an absolutely stunning movie, if you have... | \n","
23 | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","[-0.06437410414218903, -0.029181038960814476, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.990350 | \n","negative | \n","First of all, let's get a few things straight ... | \n","
24 | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","[0.03901044651865959, 0.06355303525924683, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999986 | \n","negative | \n","This was the worst movie I saw at WorldFest an... | \n","
25 | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","[-0.021897025406360626, 0.04400184750556946, 0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999463 | \n","positive | \n","The Karen Carpenter Story shows a little more ... | \n","
26 | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","[0.0439823754131794, -0.007468021009117365, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.998291 | \n","positive | \n","\"The Cell\" is an exotic masterpiece, a dizzyin... | \n","
27 | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","[-0.004155139438807964, -0.03771881386637688, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.865707 | \n","negative | \n","This film tried to be too many things all at o... | \n","
28 | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","[0.015594013035297394, -0.007509331218898296, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999998 | \n","negative | \n","This movie was so frustrating. Everything seem... | \n","
29 | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","[-0.036022596061229706, -0.006816706154495478,... | \n","negative | \n","0.993793 | \n","positive | \n","'War movie' is a Hollywood genre that has been... | \n","
30 | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","[0.0312348585575819, -0.04670163244009018, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.997460 | \n","positive | \n","Taut and organically gripping, Edward Dmytryk'... | \n","
31 | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","[0.060114260762929916, -0.0590929239988327, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.999880 | \n","positive | \n","\"Ardh Satya\" is one of the finest film ever ma... | \n","
32 | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","[0.013515714555978775, -0.004898980725556612, ... | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","negative | \n","My first exposure to the Templarios & not a go... | \n","
33 | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","[0.022280631586909294, -0.00839739479124546, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.999292 | \n","positive | \n","One of the most significant quotes from the en... | \n","
34 | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","[0.009434111416339874, -0.046402934938669205, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999848 | \n","negative | \n","I watched this film not really expecting much,... | \n","
35 | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","[0.011683089658617973, -0.047437384724617004, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.999993 | \n","negative | \n","I bought this film at Blockbuster for $3.00, b... | \n","
36 | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","[-0.0348515659570694, 0.01680166646838188, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.997690 | \n","negative | \n","The plot is about the death of little children... | \n","
37 | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","[-0.02899913117289543, 0.0164097361266613, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.999995 | \n","negative | \n","Ever watched a movie that lost the plot? Well,... | \n","
38 | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","[0.002110496163368225, 0.02887572906911373, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.993408 | \n","positive | \n","Okay, so this series kind of takes the route o... | \n","
39 | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","[0.013781447894871235, -0.010363072156906128, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.905860 | \n","negative | \n","After sitting through this pile of dung, my hu... | \n","
40 | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","[0.03799372911453247, -0.038665950298309326, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.999892 | \n","negative | \n","It had all the clichés of movies of this type ... | \n","
41 | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","[-0.00033091730438172817, -0.05126418545842171... | \n","positive | \n","0.999837 | \n","positive | \n","This movie is based on the book, \"A Many Splen... | \n","
42 | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","[0.014630819670855999, -0.04907294735312462, -... | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","negative | \n","Of all the films I have seen, this one, The Ra... | \n","
43 | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","[0.027017194777727127, 0.002088379580527544, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.978662 | \n","negative | \n","I had heard good things about \"States of Grace... | \n","
44 | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","[-0.0009387845057062805, -0.048219360411167145... | \n","negative | \n","0.993965 | \n","positive | \n","This movie struck home for me. Being 29, I rem... | \n","
45 | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","[0.0065035647712647915, 0.00230638706125319, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999341 | \n","positive | \n","As a disclaimer, I've seen the movie 5-6 times... | \n","
46 | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","[0.05113476142287254, 0.04671141505241394, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.913287 | \n","negative | \n","Protocol is an implausible movie whose only sa... | \n","
47 | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","[0.011419376358389854, -0.0828876867890358, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.999841 | \n","negative | \n","How this film could be classified as Drama, I ... | \n","
48 | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","[0.024031344801187515, 0.03399205952882767, 0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.998516 | \n","positive | \n","Preston Sturgis' THE POWER AND THE GLORY was u... | \n","
49 | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","[0.015038557350635529, -0.0037642912939190865,... | \n","positive | \n","0.995483 | \n","negative | \n","Average (and surprisingly tame) Fulci giallo w... | \n","
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","positive | \n","[0.09222018718719482, 0.11720675230026245, 0.1... | \n","0.999543 | \n","It was one of the best films i have ever watch... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","negative | \n","
283 | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
286 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","text | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","
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1 | \n","0.990570 | \n","negative | \n","[0.019931159913539886, -0.04991159215569496, -... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","0.969844 | \n","negative | \n","[0.01646081730723381, -0.02681073546409607, -0... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","0.996128 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04638500511646271, -0.037105873227119446, -... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","0.959235 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.028623634949326515, 0.03947276994585991, -... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","0.978435 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03778046742081642, 0.03407461196184158, 0.0... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","0.623791 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.013547728769481182, -0.001025827950797975,... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","positive | \n","
283 | \n","0.999104 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0015363194979727268, -0.01644994132220745,... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","0.999854 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0656985342502594, 0.028557728976011276, -0.... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","0.983244 | \n","positive | \n","[0.02311933971941471, 0.05785432830452919, -0.... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
286 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","0.996097 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","
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0 | \n","0.999738 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.01731022447347641, 0.010604134760797024, -... | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","0.937319 | \n","negative | \n","[0.019931159913539886, -0.04991159215569496, -... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","0.974594 | \n","negative | \n","[0.01646081730723381, -0.02681073546409607, -0... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","0.997196 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04638500511646271, -0.037105873227119446, -... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","0.709098 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.028623634949326515, 0.03947276994585991, -... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","0.984257 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03778046742081642, 0.03407461196184158, 0.0... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","0.904880 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.013547728769481182, -0.001025827950797975,... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","negative | \n","
283 | \n","0.995687 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0015363194979727268, -0.01644994132220745,... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","0.998746 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0656985342502594, 0.028557728976011276, -0.... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","0.710708 | \n","positive | \n","[0.02311933971941471, 0.05785432830452919, -0.... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
286 rows × 6 columns
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\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","negative | \n","
283 | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
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1 | \n","0.990570 | \n","negative | \n","[0.019931159913539886, -0.04991159215569496, -... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","0.969844 | \n","negative | \n","[0.01646081730723381, -0.02681073546409607, -0... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","0.996128 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04638500511646271, -0.037105873227119446, -... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","0.959235 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.028623634949326515, 0.03947276994585991, -... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","0.978435 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03778046742081642, 0.03407461196184158, 0.0... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","0.623791 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.013547728769481182, -0.001025827950797975,... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","positive | \n","
283 | \n","0.999104 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0015363194979727268, -0.01644994132220745,... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","0.999854 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0656985342502594, 0.028557728976011276, -0.... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","0.983244 | \n","positive | \n","[0.02311933971941471, 0.05785432830452919, -0.... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
286 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.996097 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","y | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","text | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.999738 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.01731022447347641, 0.010604134760797024, -... | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","@Apple you need to sort your phones out. | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","0.937319 | \n","negative | \n","[0.019931159913539886, -0.04991159215569496, -... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","Wow. Yall needa step it up @Apple RT @heynyla:... | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","0.974594 | \n","negative | \n","[0.01646081730723381, -0.02681073546409607, -0... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","I'm surprised there isn't more talk about what... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","0.997196 | \n","negative | \n","[0.04638500511646271, -0.037105873227119446, -... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","Realised the reason @apple make huge phones is... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","0.709098 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.028623634949326515, 0.03947276994585991, -... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","Apple Inc. CEO Donates $291K To Pennsylvania S... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
281 | \n","0.984257 | \n","negative | \n","[0.03778046742081642, 0.03407461196184158, 0.0... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","@apple so thanks for being greedy assholes who... | \n","negative | \n","
282 | \n","0.904880 | \n","negative | \n","[-0.013547728769481182, -0.001025827950797975,... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","@apple iCal AGAIN!!! it reset all my recurring... | \n","negative | \n","
283 | \n","0.995687 | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0015363194979727268, -0.01644994132220745,... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","Just did my first transaction with @Apple Pay ... | \n","positive | \n","
284 | \n","0.998746 | \n","positive | \n","[0.0656985342502594, 0.028557728976011276, -0.... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","RT @JPDesloges: Kantar Worldpanel: iPhone sale... | \n","positive | \n","
285 | \n","0.710708 | \n","positive | \n","[0.02311933971941471, 0.05785432830452919, -0.... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","Yeeaaayyy....awesome OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 roc... | \n","positive | \n","
286 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | sentiment_confidence | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","document | \n","sentiment | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.974083 | \n","[-0.058236218988895416, -0.3061041235923767, 0... | \n","I hate it | \n","negative | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
4839 | \n","HELSINKI Thomson Financial - Shares in Cargote... | \n","negative | \n","
4840 | \n","LONDON MarketWatch -- Share prices ended lower... | \n","negative | \n","
4842 | \n","Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR ... | \n","negative | \n","
4843 | \n","Net sales of the Paper segment decreased to EU... | \n","negative | \n","
4844 | \n","Sales in Finland decreased by 10.5 % in Januar... | \n","negative | \n","
1967 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","positive | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","[0.002136496128514409, 0.07194118946790695, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","[0.05198746547102928, 0.03577739745378494, -0.... | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","[0.03416536748409271, 0.04053246229887009, -0.... | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","[0.07730763405561447, -0.045694783329963684, -... | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","[0.05603468790650368, 0.04817350581288338, -0.... | \n","
6 | \n","In the third quarter of 2010 , net sales incre... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In the third quarter of 2010 , net sales incre... | \n","[0.037710510194301605, 0.037198420614004135, -... | \n","
7 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 13.1 mn from EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 13.1 mn from EUR ... | \n","[0.04557091370224953, 0.0453636609017849, -0.0... | \n","
8 | \n","Operating profit totalled EUR 21.1 mn , up fro... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit totalled EUR 21.1 mn , up fro... | \n","[0.05191247910261154, 0.059505216777324677, -0... | \n","
9 | \n","TeliaSonera TLSN said the offer is in line wit... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","TeliaSonera TLSN said the offer is in line wit... | \n","[0.07441692799329758, -0.0487477071583271, -0.... | \n","
10 | \n","STORA ENSO , NORSKE SKOG , M-REAL , UPM-KYMMEN... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","STORA ENSO , NORSKE SKOG , M-REAL , UPM-KYMMEN... | \n","[0.03200741112232208, 0.03773287683725357, -0.... | \n","
11 | \n","A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasolin... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasolin... | \n","[0.05590442568063736, 0.041032955050468445, -0... | \n","
12 | \n","Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit ... | \n","[0.06596074998378754, 0.05897102504968643, -0.... | \n","
13 | \n","Clothing retail chain Sepp+Æl+Æ 's sales incre... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Clothing retail chain Sepp+Æl+Æ 's sales incre... | \n","[0.03395465016365051, 0.05171804875135422, 0.0... | \n","
14 | \n","Consolidated net sales increased 16 % to reach... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Consolidated net sales increased 16 % to reach... | \n","[0.060446273535490036, 0.03799470514059067, -0... | \n","
15 | \n","Foundries division reports its sales increased... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Foundries division reports its sales increased... | \n","[0.0494563989341259, 0.05158388614654541, -0.0... | \n","
16 | \n","HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Shares closed higher , led ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Shares closed higher , led ... | \n","[0.0629865899682045, -0.045351240783929825, -0... | \n","
17 | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","[0.05365738272666931, -0.055247869342565536, -... | \n","
18 | \n","Its board of directors will propose a dividend... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Its board of directors will propose a dividend... | \n","[0.0692642331123352, 0.02292279154062271, -0.0... | \n","
19 | \n","Lifetree was founded in 2000 , and its revenue... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Lifetree was founded in 2000 , and its revenue... | \n","[0.0810408890247345, 0.039108917117118835, -0.... | \n","
20 | \n","( Filippova ) A trilateral agreement on invest... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999998 | \n","( Filippova ) A trilateral agreement on invest... | \n","[0.05172618478536606, 0.02967883087694645, -0.... | \n","
21 | \n","MegaFon 's subscriber base increased 16.1 % in... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","MegaFon 's subscriber base increased 16.1 % in... | \n","[0.03825156390666962, 0.001971189398318529, -0... | \n","
22 | \n","Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR ... | \n","[0.05222763866186142, 0.05695151165127754, -0.... | \n","
23 | \n","Net sales increased to EUR193 .3 m from EUR179... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net sales increased to EUR193 .3 m from EUR179... | \n","[0.02272764965891838, 0.016222774982452393, 0.... | \n","
24 | \n","Net sales surged by 18.5 % to EUR167 .8 m. Tel... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net sales surged by 18.5 % to EUR167 .8 m. Tel... | \n","[0.05020830035209656, 0.03307913616299629, -0.... | \n","
25 | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","[0.0497022308409214, 0.023793146014213562, -0.... | \n","
26 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","[0.04339126497507095, 0.024815633893013, -0.02... | \n","
27 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","[0.035663120448589325, 0.03037247434258461, -0... | \n","
28 | \n","Operating profit for the three-month period in... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the three-month period in... | \n","[0.029575243592262268, 0.007764187641441822, -... | \n","
29 | \n","The Brazilian unit of Finnish security solutio... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The Brazilian unit of Finnish security solutio... | \n","[0.047570426017045975, -0.023694489151239395, ... | \n","
30 | \n","The company 's net profit rose 11.4 % on the y... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company 's net profit rose 11.4 % on the y... | \n","[0.06896018236875534, 0.046189870685338974, -0... | \n","
31 | \n","The Lithuanian beer market made up 14.41 milli... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999999 | \n","The Lithuanian beer market made up 14.41 milli... | \n","[0.0020184037275612354, -0.044685497879981995,... | \n","
32 | \n","Viking Line 's cargo revenue increased by 5.4 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Viking Line 's cargo revenue increased by 5.4 ... | \n","[-0.007756179664283991, -0.04868081212043762, ... | \n","
33 | \n","The fair value of the property portfolio doubl... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The fair value of the property portfolio doubl... | \n","[0.06604734063148499, -0.025070184841752052, 0... | \n","
34 | \n","10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanom... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanom... | \n","[0.05996786803007126, 0.03255663812160492, -0.... | \n","
35 | \n","A Helsinki : ELIiV today reported EPS of EUR1 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999999 | \n","A Helsinki : ELIiV today reported EPS of EUR1 ... | \n","[0.051878154277801514, -0.03290269523859024, -... | \n","
36 | \n","Aspo Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 11 , ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Aspo Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 11 , ... | \n","[0.03545805439352989, -0.04956813529133797, -0... | \n","
37 | \n","Commission income increased by 22 % to EUR 4.4... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Commission income increased by 22 % to EUR 4.4... | \n","[0.05664118379354477, 0.004533933009952307, -0... | \n","
38 | \n","In January , traffic , measured in revenue pas... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In January , traffic , measured in revenue pas... | \n","[-0.026962362229824066, 0.010590712539851665, ... | \n","
39 | \n","In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net prof... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net prof... | \n","[0.056088510900735855, 0.0369233600795269, -0.... | \n","
40 | \n","Net income from life insurance rose to EUR 16.... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net income from life insurance rose to EUR 16.... | \n","[0.05793088302016258, 0.06312950700521469, -0.... | \n","
41 | \n","Nyrstar has also agreed to supply to Talvivaar... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Nyrstar has also agreed to supply to Talvivaar... | \n","[0.004785533994436264, 0.004442625679075718, -... | \n","
42 | \n","Sales for both the Department Store Division a... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales for both the Department Store Division a... | \n","[-0.050088364630937576, 0.04885219410061836, 0... | \n","
43 | \n","Sales have risen in other export markets . | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales have risen in other export markets . | \n","[0.058916959911584854, 0.018443405628204346, -... | \n","
44 | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","[0.047733016312122345, 0.010620158165693283, 0... | \n","
45 | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","[0.06433788686990738, 0.027824176475405693, -0... | \n","
46 | \n","The agreement was signed with Biohit Healthcar... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The agreement was signed with Biohit Healthcar... | \n","[0.03612205758690834, 0.038267459720373154, -0... | \n","
47 | \n","The company also estimates the already carried... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company also estimates the already carried... | \n","[0.04304526373744011, 0.023360760882496834, -0... | \n","
48 | \n","The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln eur... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln eur... | \n","[0.036210183054208755, -0.010278576985001564, ... | \n","
49 | \n","The company said that paper demand increased i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company said that paper demand increased i... | \n","[0.06558039039373398, 0.04877239838242531, -0.... | \n","
50 | \n","The world 's second largest stainless steel ma... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The world 's second largest stainless steel ma... | \n","[0.04267223924398422, 0.03184577450156212, -0.... | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","0.999994 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","positive | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","[0.002136496128514409, 0.07194118946790695, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","[0.05198746547102928, 0.03577739745378494, -0.... | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","[0.03416536748409271, 0.04053246229887009, -0.... | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","[0.07730763405561447, -0.045694783329963684, -... | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","[0.05603468790650368, 0.04817350581288338, -0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
116 | \n","Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % ... | \n","[0.01058729737997055, -0.008798183873295784, -... | \n","
117 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR ... | \n","[0.03610285371541977, 0.04256380349397659, -0.... | \n","
118 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 5mn from EUR 2.8 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 5mn from EUR 2.8 ... | \n","[0.04815328121185303, 0.050376053899526596, -0... | \n","
119 | \n","Operating profit was EUR 24.5 mn , up from EUR... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit was EUR 24.5 mn , up from EUR... | \n","[0.048205215483903885, 0.05145161226391792, -0... | \n","
120 | \n","Ramirent 's net sales in the second quarterend... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Ramirent 's net sales in the second quarterend... | \n","[0.0638015866279602, 0.0272374227643013, -0.04... | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","positive | \n","0.999980 | \n","[0.15737222135066986, 0.2598555386066437, 0.85... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
4839 | \n","HELSINKI Thomson Financial - Shares in Cargote... | \n","negative | \n","
4840 | \n","LONDON MarketWatch -- Share prices ended lower... | \n","negative | \n","
4842 | \n","Operating profit fell to EUR 35.4 mn from EUR ... | \n","negative | \n","
4843 | \n","Net sales of the Paper segment decreased to EU... | \n","negative | \n","
4844 | \n","Sales in Finland decreased by 10.5 % in Januar... | \n","negative | \n","
1967 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","positive | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","[0.002136496128514409, 0.07194118946790695, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","[0.05198746547102928, 0.03577739745378494, -0.... | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","[0.03416536748409271, 0.04053246229887009, -0.... | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","[0.07730763405561447, -0.045694783329963684, -... | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","[0.05603468790650368, 0.04817350581288338, -0.... | \n","
6 | \n","In the third quarter of 2010 , net sales incre... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In the third quarter of 2010 , net sales incre... | \n","[0.037710510194301605, 0.037198420614004135, -... | \n","
7 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 13.1 mn from EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 13.1 mn from EUR ... | \n","[0.04557091370224953, 0.0453636609017849, -0.0... | \n","
8 | \n","Operating profit totalled EUR 21.1 mn , up fro... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit totalled EUR 21.1 mn , up fro... | \n","[0.05191247910261154, 0.059505216777324677, -0... | \n","
9 | \n","TeliaSonera TLSN said the offer is in line wit... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","TeliaSonera TLSN said the offer is in line wit... | \n","[0.07441692799329758, -0.0487477071583271, -0.... | \n","
10 | \n","STORA ENSO , NORSKE SKOG , M-REAL , UPM-KYMMEN... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","STORA ENSO , NORSKE SKOG , M-REAL , UPM-KYMMEN... | \n","[0.03200741112232208, 0.03773287683725357, -0.... | \n","
11 | \n","A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasolin... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasolin... | \n","[0.05590442568063736, 0.041032955050468445, -0... | \n","
12 | \n","Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Finnish Talentum reports its operating profit ... | \n","[0.06596074998378754, 0.05897102504968643, -0.... | \n","
13 | \n","Clothing retail chain Sepp+Æl+Æ 's sales incre... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Clothing retail chain Sepp+Æl+Æ 's sales incre... | \n","[0.03395465016365051, 0.05171804875135422, 0.0... | \n","
14 | \n","Consolidated net sales increased 16 % to reach... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Consolidated net sales increased 16 % to reach... | \n","[0.060446273535490036, 0.03799470514059067, -0... | \n","
15 | \n","Foundries division reports its sales increased... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Foundries division reports its sales increased... | \n","[0.0494563989341259, 0.05158388614654541, -0.0... | \n","
16 | \n","HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Shares closed higher , led ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","HELSINKI ( AFX ) - Shares closed higher , led ... | \n","[0.0629865899682045, -0.045351240783929825, -0... | \n","
17 | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd ... | \n","[0.05365738272666931, -0.055247869342565536, -... | \n","
18 | \n","Its board of directors will propose a dividend... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Its board of directors will propose a dividend... | \n","[0.0692642331123352, 0.02292279154062271, -0.0... | \n","
19 | \n","Lifetree was founded in 2000 , and its revenue... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Lifetree was founded in 2000 , and its revenue... | \n","[0.0810408890247345, 0.039108917117118835, -0.... | \n","
20 | \n","( Filippova ) A trilateral agreement on invest... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999998 | \n","( Filippova ) A trilateral agreement on invest... | \n","[0.05172618478536606, 0.02967883087694645, -0.... | \n","
21 | \n","MegaFon 's subscriber base increased 16.1 % in... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","MegaFon 's subscriber base increased 16.1 % in... | \n","[0.03825156390666962, 0.001971189398318529, -0... | \n","
22 | \n","Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR ... | \n","[0.05222763866186142, 0.05695151165127754, -0.... | \n","
23 | \n","Net sales increased to EUR193 .3 m from EUR179... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net sales increased to EUR193 .3 m from EUR179... | \n","[0.02272764965891838, 0.016222774982452393, 0.... | \n","
24 | \n","Net sales surged by 18.5 % to EUR167 .8 m. Tel... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net sales surged by 18.5 % to EUR167 .8 m. Tel... | \n","[0.05020830035209656, 0.03307913616299629, -0.... | \n","
25 | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Nordea Group 's operating profit increased in ... | \n","[0.0497022308409214, 0.023793146014213562, -0.... | \n","
26 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","[0.04339126497507095, 0.024815633893013, -0.02... | \n","
27 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the nine-month period inc... | \n","[0.035663120448589325, 0.03037247434258461, -0... | \n","
28 | \n","Operating profit for the three-month period in... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit for the three-month period in... | \n","[0.029575243592262268, 0.007764187641441822, -... | \n","
29 | \n","The Brazilian unit of Finnish security solutio... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The Brazilian unit of Finnish security solutio... | \n","[0.047570426017045975, -0.023694489151239395, ... | \n","
30 | \n","The company 's net profit rose 11.4 % on the y... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company 's net profit rose 11.4 % on the y... | \n","[0.06896018236875534, 0.046189870685338974, -0... | \n","
31 | \n","The Lithuanian beer market made up 14.41 milli... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999999 | \n","The Lithuanian beer market made up 14.41 milli... | \n","[0.0020184037275612354, -0.044685497879981995,... | \n","
32 | \n","Viking Line 's cargo revenue increased by 5.4 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Viking Line 's cargo revenue increased by 5.4 ... | \n","[-0.007756179664283991, -0.04868081212043762, ... | \n","
33 | \n","The fair value of the property portfolio doubl... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The fair value of the property portfolio doubl... | \n","[0.06604734063148499, -0.025070184841752052, 0... | \n","
34 | \n","10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanom... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanom... | \n","[0.05996786803007126, 0.03255663812160492, -0.... | \n","
35 | \n","A Helsinki : ELIiV today reported EPS of EUR1 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","0.999999 | \n","A Helsinki : ELIiV today reported EPS of EUR1 ... | \n","[0.051878154277801514, -0.03290269523859024, -... | \n","
36 | \n","Aspo Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 11 , ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Aspo Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE February 11 , ... | \n","[0.03545805439352989, -0.04956813529133797, -0... | \n","
37 | \n","Commission income increased by 22 % to EUR 4.4... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Commission income increased by 22 % to EUR 4.4... | \n","[0.05664118379354477, 0.004533933009952307, -0... | \n","
38 | \n","In January , traffic , measured in revenue pas... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In January , traffic , measured in revenue pas... | \n","[-0.026962362229824066, 0.010590712539851665, ... | \n","
39 | \n","In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net prof... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net prof... | \n","[0.056088510900735855, 0.0369233600795269, -0.... | \n","
40 | \n","Net income from life insurance rose to EUR 16.... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Net income from life insurance rose to EUR 16.... | \n","[0.05793088302016258, 0.06312950700521469, -0.... | \n","
41 | \n","Nyrstar has also agreed to supply to Talvivaar... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Nyrstar has also agreed to supply to Talvivaar... | \n","[0.004785533994436264, 0.004442625679075718, -... | \n","
42 | \n","Sales for both the Department Store Division a... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales for both the Department Store Division a... | \n","[-0.050088364630937576, 0.04885219410061836, 0... | \n","
43 | \n","Sales have risen in other export markets . | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales have risen in other export markets . | \n","[0.058916959911584854, 0.018443405628204346, -... | \n","
44 | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sales increased due to growing market rates an... | \n","[0.047733016312122345, 0.010620158165693283, 0... | \n","
45 | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The agreement strengthens our long-term partne... | \n","[0.06433788686990738, 0.027824176475405693, -0... | \n","
46 | \n","The agreement was signed with Biohit Healthcar... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The agreement was signed with Biohit Healthcar... | \n","[0.03612205758690834, 0.038267459720373154, -0... | \n","
47 | \n","The company also estimates the already carried... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company also estimates the already carried... | \n","[0.04304526373744011, 0.023360760882496834, -0... | \n","
48 | \n","The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln eur... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company 's order book stood at 1.5 bln eur... | \n","[0.036210183054208755, -0.010278576985001564, ... | \n","
49 | \n","The company said that paper demand increased i... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The company said that paper demand increased i... | \n","[0.06558039039373398, 0.04877239838242531, -0.... | \n","
50 | \n","The world 's second largest stainless steel ma... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","The world 's second largest stainless steel ma... | \n","[0.04267223924398422, 0.03184577450156212, -0.... | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","positive | \n","0.999994 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","y | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
1 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","positive | \n","negative | \n","1.000000 | \n","The international electronic industry company ... | \n","[0.002136496128514409, 0.07194118946790695, -0... | \n","
2 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","With the new production plant the company woul... | \n","[0.05198746547102928, 0.03577739745378494, -0.... | \n","
3 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","According to the company 's updated strategy f... | \n","[0.03416536748409271, 0.04053246229887009, -0.... | \n","
4 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is ag... | \n","[0.07730763405561447, -0.045694783329963684, -... | \n","
5 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","For the last quarter of 2010 , Componenta 's n... | \n","[0.05603468790650368, 0.04817350581288338, -0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
116 | \n","Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % ... | \n","[0.01058729737997055, -0.008798183873295784, -... | \n","
117 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR ... | \n","[0.03610285371541977, 0.04256380349397659, -0.... | \n","
118 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 5mn from EUR 2.8 ... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit rose to EUR 5mn from EUR 2.8 ... | \n","[0.04815328121185303, 0.050376053899526596, -0... | \n","
119 | \n","Operating profit was EUR 24.5 mn , up from EUR... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Operating profit was EUR 24.5 mn , up from EUR... | \n","[0.048205215483903885, 0.05145161226391792, -0... | \n","
120 | \n","Ramirent 's net sales in the second quarterend... | \n","positive | \n","positive | \n","1.000000 | \n","Ramirent 's net sales in the second quarterend... | \n","[0.0638015866279602, 0.0272374227643013, -0.04... | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","positive | \n","0.999980 | \n","[0.15737222135066986, 0.2598555386066437, 0.85... | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","bangali desh bechne main sabse aage | \n","positive | \n","
596 | \n","national media channels were gaged not cover t... | \n","positive | \n","
597 | \n","been following these threads from the beginni... | \n","negative | \n","
598 | \n","pretty sure this sarcasm satire the news 1500... | \n","positive | \n","
599 | \n","much would love for namo our next hard imagin... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | document | \n","y | \n","text | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","0.632922 | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","neutral | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","0.558096 | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","neutral | \n","[0.03247416764497757, -0.09844464808702469, -0... | \n","0.594104 | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[0.04032062739133835, 0.07666623592376709, -0.... | \n","0.699286 | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","0.615222 | \n","
5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","0.751383 | \n","
6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[0.04602408409118652, -0.025047995150089264, -... | \n","0.663185 | \n","
7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","0.605483 | \n","
8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[-0.006816444452852011, 0.06221264973282814, -... | \n","0.701191 | \n","
9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","0.629745 | \n","
10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","0.756238 | \n","
11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","neutral | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","0.502476 | \n","
12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","0.710366 | \n","
13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","positive | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","0.603606 | \n","
14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","0.631376 | \n","
15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","0.685135 | \n","
16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","0.624959 | \n","
17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","negative | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.026356497779488564, -0.04044198617339134, -... | \n","0.769971 | \n","
18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","0.669384 | \n","
19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.0693160742521286, -0.015458519570529461, -... | \n","0.593471 | \n","
20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[0.016777772456407547, -0.05478338897228241, -... | \n","0.745406 | \n","
21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","positive | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","negative | \n","[0.06856723129749298, -0.019821858033537865, -... | \n","0.694449 | \n","
22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","negative | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","0.623127 | \n","
23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.011690962128341198, -0.024473998695611954,... | \n","0.575394 | \n","
24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","positive | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","0.606252 | \n","
25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","0.736970 | \n","
26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","negative | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","0.760564 | \n","
27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","0.674769 | \n","
28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","0.635538 | \n","
29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","positive | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","0.662819 | \n","
30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","0.713786 | \n","
31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","0.732909 | \n","
32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","0.625969 | \n","
33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","0.510249 | \n","
34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","positive | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","0.552975 | \n","
35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","0.719779 | \n","
36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","negative | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01461736112833023, -0.038017574697732925, -... | \n","0.756800 | \n","
37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.010974399745464325, 0.0033110962249338627, ... | \n","0.655372 | \n","
38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","negative | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","0.752354 | \n","
39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","0.703794 | \n","
40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","0.673459 | \n","
41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","positive | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","0.537965 | \n","
42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","positive | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05780623108148575, -0.06291749328374863, -0... | \n","0.723931 | \n","
43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","negative | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","0.718607 | \n","
44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","negative | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05774841830134392, -0.059567004442214966, -... | \n","0.743616 | \n","
45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","0.760347 | \n","
46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","0.670042 | \n","
47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","0.647296 | \n","
48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","0.711541 | \n","
49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","0.671247 | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","neutral | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","0.524234 | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","y | \n","text | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","0.761194 | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","0.938677 | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","[0.03247416764497757, -0.09844464808702469, -0... | \n","0.954937 | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[0.04032062739133835, 0.07666623592376709, -0.... | \n","0.810980 | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","0.956043 | \n","
5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","0.708917 | \n","
6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[0.04602408409118652, -0.025047995150089264, -... | \n","0.731940 | \n","
7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","0.966494 | \n","
8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[-0.006816444452852011, 0.06221264973282814, -... | \n","0.672320 | \n","
9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","0.604969 | \n","
10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","0.639880 | \n","
11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","0.929136 | \n","
12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","0.546161 | \n","
13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","positive | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","0.883017 | \n","
14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","0.636396 | \n","
15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","0.848566 | \n","
16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","0.819890 | \n","
17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","negative | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.026356497779488564, -0.04044198617339134, -... | \n","0.724538 | \n","
18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","0.732422 | \n","
19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0693160742521286, -0.015458519570529461, -... | \n","0.971349 | \n","
20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[0.016777772456407547, -0.05478338897228241, -... | \n","0.623325 | \n","
21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","positive | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","positive | \n","[0.06856723129749298, -0.019821858033537865, -... | \n","0.736283 | \n","
22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","0.870023 | \n","
23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","[-0.011690962128341198, -0.024473998695611954,... | \n","0.965604 | \n","
24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","positive | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","0.964053 | \n","
25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","0.521402 | \n","
26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","negative | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","0.837552 | \n","
27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","0.541656 | \n","
28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","0.747054 | \n","
29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","positive | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","0.818759 | \n","
30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","0.776765 | \n","
31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","0.630857 | \n","
32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","0.972607 | \n","
33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","0.911020 | \n","
34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","positive | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","0.954440 | \n","
35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","0.767667 | \n","
36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","negative | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01461736112833023, -0.038017574697732925, -... | \n","0.690414 | \n","
37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.010974399745464325, 0.0033110962249338627, ... | \n","0.581476 | \n","
38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","negative | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","0.783217 | \n","
39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","0.764358 | \n","
40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","0.738550 | \n","
41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","positive | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","0.923871 | \n","
42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","positive | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05780623108148575, -0.06291749328374863, -0... | \n","0.985073 | \n","
43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","negative | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","0.796430 | \n","
44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","negative | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05774841830134392, -0.059567004442214966, -... | \n","0.709697 | \n","
45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","0.851523 | \n","
46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","0.966416 | \n","
47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","0.891286 | \n","
48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","0.798072 | \n","
49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","0.858501 | \n","
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\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","bangali desh bechne main sabse aage | \n","positive | \n","
596 | \n","national media channels were gaged not cover t... | \n","positive | \n","
597 | \n","been following these threads from the beginni... | \n","negative | \n","
598 | \n","pretty sure this sarcasm satire the news 1500... | \n","positive | \n","
599 | \n","much would love for namo our next hard imagin... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","0.632922 | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","neutral | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","0.558096 | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","neutral | \n","[0.03247416764497757, -0.09844464808702469, -0... | \n","0.594104 | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[0.04032062739133835, 0.07666623592376709, -0.... | \n","0.699286 | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","0.615222 | \n","
5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","0.751383 | \n","
6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[0.04602408409118652, -0.025047995150089264, -... | \n","0.663185 | \n","
7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","0.605483 | \n","
8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[-0.006816444452852011, 0.06221264973282814, -... | \n","0.701191 | \n","
9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","0.629745 | \n","
10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","0.756238 | \n","
11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","neutral | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","0.502476 | \n","
12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","0.710366 | \n","
13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","positive | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","0.603606 | \n","
14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","0.631376 | \n","
15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","0.685135 | \n","
16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","0.624959 | \n","
17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","negative | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.026356497779488564, -0.04044198617339134, -... | \n","0.769971 | \n","
18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","0.669384 | \n","
19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.0693160742521286, -0.015458519570529461, -... | \n","0.593471 | \n","
20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[0.016777772456407547, -0.05478338897228241, -... | \n","0.745406 | \n","
21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","positive | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","negative | \n","[0.06856723129749298, -0.019821858033537865, -... | \n","0.694449 | \n","
22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","negative | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","0.623127 | \n","
23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.011690962128341198, -0.024473998695611954,... | \n","0.575394 | \n","
24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","positive | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","0.606252 | \n","
25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","0.736970 | \n","
26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","negative | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","0.760564 | \n","
27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","0.674769 | \n","
28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","0.635538 | \n","
29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","positive | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","0.662819 | \n","
30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","0.713786 | \n","
31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","0.732909 | \n","
32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","0.625969 | \n","
33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","0.510249 | \n","
34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","positive | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","0.552975 | \n","
35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","0.719779 | \n","
36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","negative | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01461736112833023, -0.038017574697732925, -... | \n","0.756800 | \n","
37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.010974399745464325, 0.0033110962249338627, ... | \n","0.655372 | \n","
38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","negative | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","0.752354 | \n","
39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","0.703794 | \n","
40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","0.673459 | \n","
41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","positive | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","0.537965 | \n","
42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","positive | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05780623108148575, -0.06291749328374863, -0... | \n","0.723931 | \n","
43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","negative | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","0.718607 | \n","
44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","negative | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05774841830134392, -0.059567004442214966, -... | \n","0.743616 | \n","
45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","0.760347 | \n","
46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","0.670042 | \n","
47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","0.647296 | \n","
48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","0.711541 | \n","
49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","0.671247 | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","neutral | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","0.524234 | \n","
\n"," | document | \n","y | \n","text | \n","sentiment | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","its true they had cut the power what douchebag... | \n","positive | \n","[0.033111296594142914, 0.053994592279195786, -... | \n","0.761194 | \n","
1 | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","fuck giroud better finishing like this month | \n","positive | \n","[0.0678204670548439, 0.01411951333284378, -0.0... | \n","0.938677 | \n","
2 | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","looks shit now but still proud made | \n","positive | \n","[0.03247416764497757, -0.09844464808702469, -0... | \n","0.954937 | \n","
3 | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","pelor the burning hate the best evil god | \n","negative | \n","[0.04032062739133835, 0.07666623592376709, -0.... | \n","0.810980 | \n","
4 | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","can ask what you with something this powerful | \n","positive | \n","[0.015518003143370152, -0.05116305500268936, -... | \n","0.956043 | \n","
5 | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","aapâ shazia ilmi from puram constituency lag... | \n","negative | \n","[0.02478150464594364, -0.06508146971464157, -0... | \n","0.708917 | \n","
6 | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","fuck yeah | \n","negative | \n","[0.04602408409118652, -0.025047995150089264, -... | \n","0.731940 | \n","
7 | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","honestly really surprised alice ranked that lo... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.035716041922569275, -0.04127982258796692, ... | \n","0.966494 | \n","
8 | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","didn care about politics before now hate | \n","negative | \n","[-0.006816444452852011, 0.06221264973282814, -... | \n","0.672320 | \n","
9 | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","hard nips and goosebumps | \n","negative | \n","[-0.02919699251651764, -0.030449824407696724, ... | \n","0.604969 | \n","
10 | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","varadabhai ndtv trying too well dilute bjp tre... | \n","negative | \n","[0.04727796092629433, -0.06792476028203964, -0... | \n","0.639880 | \n","
11 | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","old man has lost his mind | \n","positive | \n","[0.039657335728406906, -0.04277808964252472, -... | \n","0.929136 | \n","
12 | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","negative | \n","why this being downvoted you might ask both mo... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.06581216305494308, -0.06079106032848358, -0... | \n","0.546161 | \n","
13 | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply don... | \n","positive | \n","hasnt changed all apolitical before simply do... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03509754315018654, -0.004639611579477787, -... | \n","0.883017 | \n","
14 | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","for one campaign pretty much just snatched the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.017386479303240776, 0.0443551279604435, -0.... | \n","0.636396 | \n","
15 | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","vajpayee managed forge much broader coalition ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.0372871570289135, -0.051079731434583664, -0... | \n","0.848566 | \n","
16 | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","lol this only proves how desperate they are ge... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05233633145689964, -0.03147873282432556, 0.... | \n","0.819890 | \n","
17 | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example w... | \n","negative | \n","dont hate aap but your questions are example ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.026356497779488564, -0.04044198617339134, -... | \n","0.724538 | \n","
18 | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","what were the other policies you discussed not... | \n","negative | \n","[-0.07521010935306549, 0.008543566800653934, 0... | \n","0.732422 | \n","
19 | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","wow lots favorites this bracket haqua tsukushi... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.0693160742521286, -0.015458519570529461, -... | \n","0.971349 | \n","
20 | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","sorry know this isn what you asked just ventin... | \n","negative | \n","[0.016777772456407547, -0.05478338897228241, -... | \n","0.623325 | \n","
21 | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief mini... | \n","positive | \n","coming out strongly against gujarat chief min... | \n","positive | \n","[0.06856723129749298, -0.019821858033537865, -... | \n","0.736283 | \n","
22 | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","there one tool bjp can use their manifesto whi... | \n","positive | \n","[0.057847339659929276, -0.05365725979208946, -... | \n","0.870023 | \n","
23 | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","jakiro spotted the middle top maybe | \n","positive | \n","[-0.011690962128341198, -0.024473998695611954,... | \n","0.965604 | \n","
24 | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them th... | \n","positive | \n","family mormon have never tried explain them t... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03987010195851326, -0.0009543427731841803, ... | \n","0.964053 | \n","
25 | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","negative | \n","with these results would have grudgingly accep... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.034668292850255966, -0.05392604321241379, -... | \n","0.521402 | \n","
26 | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after e... | \n","negative | \n","tea partier expresses support for namo after ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.032365716993808746, -0.056087080389261246, ... | \n","0.837552 | \n","
27 | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","negative | \n","politically would stupid move take stand right... | \n","neutral | \n","[-0.00040777752292342484, -0.01262842211872339... | \n","0.541656 | \n","
28 | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","wtf why | \n","negative | \n","[0.025807170197367668, -0.07080958038568497, -... | \n","0.747054 | \n","
29 | \n","have actually seen lot users views change duri... | \n","positive | \n","have actually seen lot users views change dur... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.009333955124020576, 0.01388698909431696, -... | \n","0.818759 | \n","
30 | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","truth told there not insignificant percentage ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03927519917488098, -0.05597652122378349, -0... | \n","0.776765 | \n","
31 | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","was anti bjp and neutral cong became anti bjp ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03805134445428848, -0.030298737809062004, -... | \n","0.630857 | \n","
32 | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","most religions have dogmatic orthodox well eso... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03939439728856087, -0.02040349319577217, -0... | \n","0.972607 | \n","
33 | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","laureatte sen said christian schools are perfe... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05267934128642082, 0.05836360529065132, 0.0... | \n","0.911020 | \n","
34 | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch ... | \n","positive | \n","need stop watching the garbage that you watch... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.012382612563669682, 0.01988200470805168, 0... | \n","0.954440 | \n","
35 | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","gandhi mandela hitler mao plato chandragupt ma... | \n","negative | \n","[0.027552243322134018, 0.013075066730380058, 0... | \n","0.767667 | \n","
36 | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the ... | \n","negative | \n","hate aap for the other thread points such the... | \n","negative | \n","[0.01461736112833023, -0.038017574697732925, -... | \n","0.690414 | \n","
37 | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","negative | \n","absolutely agree with you subsidies the worst ... | \n","neutral | \n","[0.010974399745464325, 0.0033110962249338627, ... | \n","0.581476 | \n","
38 | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throug... | \n","negative | \n","are you corrupt mind have you benefited throu... | \n","negative | \n","[0.03834373503923416, -0.06521473079919815, -0... | \n","0.783217 | \n","
39 | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","congress needs bogeyman modi without the bad g... | \n","positive | \n","[0.03138439729809761, -0.06221967190504074, -0... | \n","0.764358 | \n","
40 | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","protip don type uppercase text all caps harder... | \n","negative | \n","[0.044019922614097595, 0.025341013446450233, 0... | \n","0.738550 | \n","
41 | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his will... | \n","positive | \n","brother trog very wrathful indeed but his wil... | \n","positive | \n","[-0.024625714868307114, 0.06193268671631813, 0... | \n","0.923871 | \n","
42 | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this p... | \n","positive | \n","start off saying that the craftsmanship this ... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05780623108148575, -0.06291749328374863, -0... | \n","0.985073 | \n","
43 | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron ho... | \n","negative | \n","have made request unban namoarmy hell moron h... | \n","negative | \n","[0.015555822290480137, -0.012748800218105316, ... | \n","0.796430 | \n","
44 | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and y... | \n","negative | \n","child modi worked his fatherâ tea shop and ... | \n","negative | \n","[0.05774841830134392, -0.059567004442214966, -... | \n","0.709697 | \n","
45 | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","namo tea yuupea horrible rhyme know | \n","negative | \n","[0.025534288957715034, 0.004176765214651823, -... | \n","0.851523 | \n","
46 | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","great agility from akpom cut back and bend | \n","positive | \n","[0.06865684688091278, -0.02164856530725956, -0... | \n","0.966416 | \n","
47 | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","from undecided pro aap they are not perfect bu... | \n","positive | \n","[0.01590304635465145, -0.0683458000421524, -0.... | \n","0.891286 | \n","
48 | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","woah there don insane with pray mean you don w... | \n","negative | \n","[0.050547026097774506, -0.01725909113883972, 0... | \n","0.798072 | \n","
49 | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","porngress wont announce their candidate cuz th... | \n","positive | \n","[0.05935536324977875, -0.051609162241220474, -... | \n","0.858501 | \n","
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0 | \n","[0.15737222135066986, 0.2598555386066437, 0.85... | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","positive | \n","0.638827 | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","perception makes fool some call âforeign inv... | \n","negative | \n","
596 | \n","when will see your tweet for justice for you a... | \n","negative | \n","
597 | \n","haha congress going gaga over this after looti... | \n","positive | \n","
598 | \n","this movie shows the life histiry narendra mod... | \n","negative | \n","
599 | \n","modi left his year old wife and returned her r... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.590739 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[0.05362718179821968, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.577544 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.585589 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.554036 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[0.0737471655011177, 0.006071773823350668, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.595608 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","[0.05888385698199272, -0.0646616593003273, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.583403 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","negative | \n","
6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578272 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","negative | \n","
7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[0.05133155733346939, -0.06789954006671906, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.575918 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","negative | \n","
8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.605829 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.534121 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","negative | \n","
10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.539481 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","negative | \n","
11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.613331 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.587796 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","negative | \n","
13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584601 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584490 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","positive | \n","
15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[0.05342026799917221, -0.003889711806550622, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.574127 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","negative | \n","
16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.602392 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","negative | \n","
17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[0.06601183861494064, -0.020045211538672447, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.606807 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","positive | \n","
18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","[0.04694363474845886, -0.06800008565187454, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.599807 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","positive | \n","
19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.602275 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","negative | \n","
20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.570779 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","negative | \n","
21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.571882 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","negative | \n","
22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.591540 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","negative | \n","
23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[0.023959940299391747, -0.013972461223602295, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.606293 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.609683 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578591 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","negative | \n","
26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[0.05217093601822853, -0.05785880982875824, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.594771 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","negative | \n","
27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[0.04579753428697586, -0.05176748335361481, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.600511 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.533372 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","negative | \n","
29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593740 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","negative | \n","
30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.601758 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","positive | \n","
31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.589971 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.607886 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.612952 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","negative | \n","
34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.621238 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593359 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","negative | \n","
36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.610326 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","positive | \n","
37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","[0.03928006440401077, -0.051466524600982666, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.582484 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","negative | \n","
38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584719 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","negative | \n","
39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","neutral | \n","0.597051 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[0.023108134046196938, -0.027600249275565147, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.618802 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581575 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","negative | \n","
42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.594700 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593749 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","positive | \n","
44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.601453 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[0.01779576763510704, -0.06789527833461761, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.579034 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","negative | \n","
46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.602544 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","negative | \n","
47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.604502 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","positive | \n","
48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[0.01084248349070549, 0.013633836060762405, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.598473 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.621699 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.562996 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","y | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689142 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[0.05362718179821968, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689483 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.707988 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.675382 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[0.0737471655011177, 0.006071773823350668, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.638730 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","[0.05888385698199272, -0.0646616593003273, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.723110 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","negative | \n","
6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.690602 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","negative | \n","
7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[0.05133155733346939, -0.06789954006671906, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.705077 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","negative | \n","
8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.561979 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.746584 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","negative | \n","
10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.768111 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","negative | \n","
11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.511294 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689268 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","negative | \n","
13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.641822 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.651231 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","positive | \n","
15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[0.05342026799917221, -0.003889711806550622, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.706768 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","negative | \n","
16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.607062 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","negative | \n","
17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[0.06601183861494064, -0.020045211538672447, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.628577 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","positive | \n","
18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","[0.04694363474845886, -0.06800008565187454, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.547697 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","positive | \n","
19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.632572 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","negative | \n","
20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.635106 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","negative | \n","
21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.738669 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","negative | \n","
22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.659078 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","negative | \n","
23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[0.023959940299391747, -0.013972461223602295, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.555447 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578395 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.706507 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","negative | \n","
26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[0.05217093601822853, -0.05785880982875824, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.607360 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","negative | \n","
27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[0.04579753428697586, -0.05176748335361481, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.588993 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.753084 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","negative | \n","
29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.615988 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","negative | \n","
30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.555271 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","positive | \n","
31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.631877 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.586682 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.587196 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","negative | \n","
34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.533663 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.672972 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","negative | \n","
36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.510922 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","positive | \n","
37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","[0.03928006440401077, -0.051466524600982666, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.701794 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","negative | \n","
38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","0.714883 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","negative | \n","
39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553189 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[0.023108134046196938, -0.027600249275565147, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.671809 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.709371 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","negative | \n","
42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553482 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","negative | \n","0.609747 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","positive | \n","
44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.513191 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[0.01779576763510704, -0.06789527833461761, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.635148 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","negative | \n","
46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","negative | \n","0.687171 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","negative | \n","
47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.557571 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","positive | \n","
48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[0.01084248349070549, 0.013633836060762405, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.615532 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.604604 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","y | \n","
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
595 | \n","perception makes fool some call âforeign inv... | \n","negative | \n","
596 | \n","when will see your tweet for justice for you a... | \n","negative | \n","
597 | \n","haha congress going gaga over this after looti... | \n","positive | \n","
598 | \n","this movie shows the life histiry narendra mod... | \n","negative | \n","
599 | \n","modi left his year old wife and returned her r... | \n","positive | \n","
600 rows × 2 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.590739 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[0.05362718179821968, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.577544 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.585589 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.554036 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[0.0737471655011177, 0.006071773823350668, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.595608 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","[0.05888385698199272, -0.0646616593003273, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.583403 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","negative | \n","
6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578272 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","negative | \n","
7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[0.05133155733346939, -0.06789954006671906, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.575918 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","negative | \n","
8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.605829 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.534121 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","negative | \n","
10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.539481 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","negative | \n","
11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.613331 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.587796 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","negative | \n","
13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584601 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584490 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","positive | \n","
15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[0.05342026799917221, -0.003889711806550622, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.574127 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","negative | \n","
16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.602392 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","negative | \n","
17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[0.06601183861494064, -0.020045211538672447, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.606807 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","positive | \n","
18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","[0.04694363474845886, -0.06800008565187454, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.599807 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","positive | \n","
19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.602275 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","negative | \n","
20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.570779 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","negative | \n","
21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.571882 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","negative | \n","
22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.591540 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","negative | \n","
23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[0.023959940299391747, -0.013972461223602295, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.606293 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.609683 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578591 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","negative | \n","
26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[0.05217093601822853, -0.05785880982875824, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.594771 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","negative | \n","
27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[0.04579753428697586, -0.05176748335361481, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.600511 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.533372 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","negative | \n","
29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593740 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","negative | \n","
30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.601758 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","positive | \n","
31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.589971 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","positive | \n","0.607886 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.612952 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","negative | \n","
34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.621238 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593359 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","negative | \n","
36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.610326 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","positive | \n","
37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","[0.03928006440401077, -0.051466524600982666, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.582484 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","negative | \n","
38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.584719 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","negative | \n","
39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","neutral | \n","0.597051 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[0.023108134046196938, -0.027600249275565147, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.618802 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.581575 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","negative | \n","
42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.594700 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","neutral | \n","0.593749 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","positive | \n","
44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","positive | \n","0.601453 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[0.01779576763510704, -0.06789527833461761, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.579034 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","negative | \n","
46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","positive | \n","0.602544 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","negative | \n","
47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.604502 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","positive | \n","
48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[0.01084248349070549, 0.013633836060762405, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.598473 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.621699 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","positive | \n","
\n"," | default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.562996 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentiment | \n","sentiment_confidence | \n","document | \n","y | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","[0.060062434524297714, -0.05557167902588844, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689142 | \n","how narendra modi has almost killed the indian... | \n","negative | \n","
1 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","[0.05362718179821968, -0.004547705873847008, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689483 | \n","you think was modi behind that accident | \n","negative | \n","
2 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","[0.07274721562862396, -0.061593908816576004, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.707988 | \n","kamal haasan takes chowkidar modi kamal haasan... | \n","negative | \n","
3 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","[0.06106054410338402, -0.060213156044483185, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.675382 | \n","connected name with surname not bcz religion c... | \n","negative | \n","
4 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","[0.0737471655011177, 0.006071773823350668, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.638730 | \n","anyone better than modi when nehruji expired s... | \n","positive | \n","
5 | \n","\\r\\nmodiji wont tired crying foul\\r\\nmain chow... | \n","[0.05888385698199272, -0.0646616593003273, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.723110 | \n","modiji wont tired crying foul main chowkidar h... | \n","negative | \n","
6 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","[0.058948416262865067, -0.029682165011763573, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.690602 | \n","poor chap modi hasnâ given him anything can ... | \n","negative | \n","
7 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","[0.05133155733346939, -0.06789954006671906, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.705077 | \n","green underwear missing ive been doubting isi ... | \n","negative | \n","
8 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","[0.044129759073257446, -0.06111813709139824, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.561979 | \n","congress years wasnt able complete one rafale ... | \n","positive | \n","
9 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","[0.03665374591946602, -0.03695330768823624, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.746584 | \n","asked learn from how treat minority well does ... | \n","negative | \n","
10 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","[0.07035735249519348, -0.06952506303787231, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.768111 | \n","stop bull shitting worry about criminal vivek ... | \n","negative | \n","
11 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","[0.013958276249468327, -0.030759528279304504, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.511294 | \n","drswamys timesnow last year debate nearly mill... | \n","positive | \n","
12 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","[0.026277026161551476, -0.06238812580704689, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.689268 | \n","asshole bahujan radical marxist grow brain kno... | \n","negative | \n","
13 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","[0.07457270473241806, -0.058670494705438614, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.641822 | \n","from selling dreams 2014 selling tshirts 2019 ... | \n","positive | \n","
14 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","[0.061704088002443314, -0.04553354158997536, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.651231 | \n","very true sir thats why they are against modi ... | \n","positive | \n","
15 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","[0.05342026799917221, -0.003889711806550622, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.706768 | \n","they are giving jobs citizen india what you ar... | \n","negative | \n","
16 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","[0.027197618037462234, -0.036435648798942566, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.607062 | \n","congress has always attempted empower people g... | \n","negative | \n","
17 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","[0.06601183861494064, -0.020045211538672447, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.628577 | \n","have never said that modi succeed yet even als... | \n","positive | \n","
18 | \n","\\r\\nthe foundation for new india 2022 has alre... | \n","[0.04694363474845886, -0.06800008565187454, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.547697 | \n","the foundation for new india 2022 has already ... | \n","positive | \n","
19 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","[0.05615750327706337, -0.002462629694491625, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.632572 | \n","only rahul gandhis politics love can defeat th... | \n","negative | \n","
20 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","[0.030352214351296425, -0.06195472553372383, 0... | \n","negative | \n","0.635106 | \n","one step time navigating thru looteyns when ev... | \n","negative | \n","
21 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","[0.07535804808139801, -0.05643236264586449, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.738669 | \n","why sir mam shabana azami hate much that have ... | \n","negative | \n","
22 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","[0.05986170098185539, -0.0674145296216011, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.659078 | \n","modi will remain for next 510 years and till t... | \n","negative | \n","
23 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","[0.023959940299391747, -0.013972461223602295, ... | \n","neutral | \n","0.555447 | \n","pledge your first vote for modi | \n","positive | \n","
24 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","[0.04451165348291397, -0.06473662704229355, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.578395 | \n","why need modi lead bjp government again 2019 j... | \n","positive | \n","
25 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","[0.06561190634965897, -0.0614917054772377, -0.... | \n","negative | \n","0.706507 | \n","raghuram rajan sent list high profile bank fra... | \n","negative | \n","
26 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","[0.05217093601822853, -0.05785880982875824, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.607360 | \n","modi govts slashing indias education budget cl... | \n","negative | \n","
27 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","[0.04579753428697586, -0.05176748335361481, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.588993 | \n","why are you hell bent manoj tiwari just her ph... | \n","positive | \n","
28 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","[0.047987841069698334, -0.050984784960746765, ... | \n","negative | \n","0.753084 | \n","know going into dirty details nehru family its... | \n","negative | \n","
29 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","[0.04509664326906204, -0.05019481107592583, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.615988 | \n","momota begum will let her state become total s... | \n","negative | \n","
30 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","[0.04315190762281418, -0.04578147828578949, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.555271 | \n","thanks anu sharma will vote and make sure peop... | \n","positive | \n","
31 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","[0.0144237345084548, -0.052222371101379395, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.631877 | \n","those who themselves dont know how many father... | \n","positive | \n","
32 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","[0.02492097206413746, -0.0531931146979332, -0.... | \n","neutral | \n","0.586682 | \n","the star campaigner myth bjp lost more than as... | \n","positive | \n","
33 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","[0.040389616042375565, -0.06375984847545624, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.587196 | \n","modi also live for few years only like you not... | \n","negative | \n","
34 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","[0.06742898374795914, -0.060488566756248474, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.533663 | \n","narendra modi more brainy than all the drswamy... | \n","positive | \n","
35 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","[0.06360629200935364, -0.06786973774433136, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.672972 | \n","have started calling chowkidaar narendra modi ... | \n","negative | \n","
36 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","[0.024233123287558556, -0.05243394151329994, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.510922 | \n","this the difference confident leaders call upo... | \n","positive | \n","
37 | \n","jawans killed the border\\r\\ncrimes against wom... | \n","[0.03928006440401077, -0.051466524600982666, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.701794 | \n","jawans killed the border crimes against women ... | \n","negative | \n","
38 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","[0.05051109194755554, -0.0660049319267273, 0.0... | \n","negative | \n","0.714883 | \n","tag this fast growing youtuber cared abt this ... | \n","negative | \n","
39 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","[-0.010975896380841732, -0.059168506413698196,... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553189 | \n","think hindus should back off and let them suff... | \n","positive | \n","
40 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","[0.023108134046196938, -0.027600249275565147, ... | \n","positive | \n","0.671809 | \n","yes cannot make any knee jerk moves drastic ac... | \n","positive | \n","
41 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","[0.043231260031461716, -0.07101075351238251, -... | \n","negative | \n","0.709371 | \n","why picked chairman the devious aadhaar isnt h... | \n","negative | \n","
42 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","[0.04160398617386818, -0.06572042405605316, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.553482 | \n","due automation and artificial intelligence fur... | \n","positive | \n","
43 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","[-0.00038854932063259184, -0.04599419981241226... | \n","negative | \n","0.609747 | \n","weak state capacity exacerbated excessive acco... | \n","positive | \n","
44 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","[-0.02063656784594059, -0.07548005133867264, -... | \n","neutral | \n","0.513191 | \n","our narendra modi ordered indian air force tak... | \n","positive | \n","
45 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","[0.01779576763510704, -0.06789527833461761, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.635148 | \n","why vote modi dynasty visionary 3no high level... | \n","negative | \n","
46 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","[0.065566785633564, -0.04119298234581947, -0.0... | \n","negative | \n","0.687171 | \n","its modi chor corrupt maha thugbandhan janta w... | \n","negative | \n","
47 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","[0.03988223522901535, -0.04965453967452049, -0... | \n","neutral | \n","0.557571 | \n","before modis arrival 2014 all supported him fo... | \n","positive | \n","
48 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","[0.01084248349070549, 0.013633836060762405, -0... | \n","negative | \n","0.615532 | \n","think you forgot dollar india handled exceptio... | \n","positive | \n","
49 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","[-0.01967957802116871, 0.05570048466324806, -0... | \n","positive | \n","0.604604 | \n","tulsi gabbard rejected interviews with tyt but... | \n","positive | \n","
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2 | \n","Sci/Tech | \n","A company founded by a chemistry researcher a... | \n","
3 | \n","Sci/Tech | \n","It's barely dawn when Mike Fitzpatrick starts... | \n","
4 | \n","Sci/Tech | \n","Southern California's smog fighting agency we... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
7595 | \n","World | \n","Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushch... | \n","
7596 | \n","Sports | \n","With the supply of attractive pitching options... | \n","
7597 | \n","Sports | \n","Like Roger Clemens did almost exactly eight ye... | \n","
7598 | \n","Business | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","
7599 | \n","Business | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","
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... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
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7596 | \n","Sports | \n","[0.005107458680868149, -0.011805553920567036, ... | \n","With the supply of attractive pitching options... | \n",". | \n","2.000000 | \n","Sports | \n","
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7598 | \n","Business | \n","[0.05564942583441734, -0.021285761147737503, -... | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","0.999433 | \n","Business | \n","
7599 | \n","Business | \n","[0.08172684907913208, -0.013251541182398796, -... | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","0.820492 | \n","Business | \n","
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3 | \n","Sci/Tech | \n","It's barely dawn when Mike Fitzpatrick starts... | \n","
4 | \n","Sci/Tech | \n","Southern California's smog fighting agency we... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
7595 | \n","World | \n","Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushch... | \n","
7596 | \n","Sports | \n","With the supply of attractive pitching options... | \n","
7597 | \n","Sports | \n","Like Roger Clemens did almost exactly eight ye... | \n","
7598 | \n","Business | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","
7599 | \n","Business | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","
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... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
7596 | \n","Sports | \n","[0.005107458680868149, -0.011805553920567036, ... | \n","With the supply of attractive pitching options... | \n",". | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sports | \n","
7596 | \n","Sports | \n","[0.005107458680868149, -0.011805553920567036, ... | \n","With the supply of attractive pitching options... | \n",". | \n","2.000000 | \n","Sports | \n","
7597 | \n","Sports | \n","[0.044696468859910965, 0.0015660696662962437, ... | \n","Like Roger Clemens did almost exactly eight ye... | \n","Like Roger Clemens did almost exactly eight ye... | \n","1.000000 | \n","Sports | \n","
7598 | \n","Business | \n","[0.05564942583441734, -0.021285761147737503, -... | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","SINGAPORE : Doctors in the United States have ... | \n","0.999433 | \n","Business | \n","
7599 | \n","Business | \n","[0.08172684907913208, -0.013251541182398796, -... | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","EBay plans to buy the apartment and home renta... | \n","0.820492 | \n","Business | \n","
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\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","100% recomendado | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
1495 | \n","poor | \n","Not happy with this phone. Not able to get but... | \n","
1496 | \n","good | \n","great phablet for all general uses | \n","
1497 | \n","poor | \n","Hate this phone had it for one day | \n","
1498 | \n","good | \n","Great cheap phone. | \n","
1499 | \n","good | \n","Very good | \n","
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0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.030574046075344086, -0.009678893722593784, ... | \n","1.000000 | \n","Opened up the back, made sure it was in right,... | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.023421283811330795, 0.02294657751917839, -0... | \n","2.000000 | \n","It was supposed to be new, but i it was used. | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.06009713560342789, 0.046434734016656876, -0... | \n","3.000000 | \n","Found scratches on cover. | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","average | \n","[0.04893391206860542, -0.010221654549241066, -... | \n","0.631228 | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued. | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
47 | \n","good | \n","Bought for my mom! She loves it! | \n","good | \n","[0.021471485495567322, -0.027823669835925102, ... | \n","0.656713 | \n","Bought for my mom! | \n","
47 | \n","good | \n","Bought for my mom! She loves it! | \n","good | \n","[0.0001737327256705612, -0.014630521647632122,... | \n","1.000000 | \n","She loves it! | \n","
48 | \n","good | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. My friend s... | \n","good | \n","[0.03572574257850647, 0.013357092626392841, -0... | \n","0.701626 | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. | \n","
48 | \n","good | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. My friend s... | \n","good | \n","[0.08371475338935852, -0.01581401191651821, -0... | \n","1.000000 | \n","My friend seems happy with it so far. | \n","
49 | \n","good | \n","Great Product | \n","good | \n","[0.03334435820579529, -0.05353177338838577, -0... | \n","0.593622 | \n","Great Product | \n","
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1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","good | \n","[0.0046275281347334385, 0.012452688068151474, ... | \n","0.396265 | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","100% recomendado | \n","100% recomendado | \n","good | \n","[0.008266163989901543, 0.00396152026951313, -0... | \n","0.773682 | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","poor | \n","[0.05291805788874626, 0.002292224671691656, -0... | \n","0.506015 | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","good | \n","[0.03426238149404526, -0.024366019293665886, -... | \n","0.648859 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","poor | \n","Hola, compramos dos teléfonos y vienieron tot... | \n","Hola, compramos dos teléfonos y vienieron tot... | \n","poor | \n","[0.06324272602796555, -0.06387951225042343, -0... | \n","0.790492 | \n","
96 | \n","good | \n","Excelente | \n","Excelente | \n","good | \n","[0.03246314451098442, -0.01719777286052704, -0... | \n","0.813424 | \n","
97 | \n","poor | \n","the product is good but the English language s... | \n","the product is good but the English language s... | \n","poor | \n","[0.056343767791986465, -0.016822000965476036, ... | \n","0.940151 | \n","
98 | \n","poor | \n","Supposed to be a brand new unlock phone. The p... | \n","Supposed to be a brand new unlock phone. The p... | \n","poor | \n","[0.03210984170436859, 0.018154876306653023, -0... | \n","0.984983 | \n","
99 | \n","average | \n","Minor, very annoying glitch when texting. Not ... | \n","Minor, very annoying glitch when texting. Not ... | \n","poor | \n","[-0.026854539290070534, 0.03769969940185547, 0... | \n","0.969512 | \n","
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\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","100% recomendado | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
1495 | \n","poor | \n","Not happy with this phone. Not able to get but... | \n","
1496 | \n","good | \n","great phablet for all general uses | \n","
1497 | \n","poor | \n","Hate this phone had it for one day | \n","
1498 | \n","good | \n","Great cheap phone. | \n","
1499 | \n","good | \n","Very good | \n","
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0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.030574046075344086, -0.009678893722593784, ... | \n","1.000000 | \n","Opened up the back, made sure it was in right,... | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.023421283811330795, 0.02294657751917839, -0... | \n","2.000000 | \n","It was supposed to be new, but i it was used. | \n","
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","average | \n","[0.06009713560342789, 0.046434734016656876, -0... | \n","3.000000 | \n","Found scratches on cover. | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","average | \n","[0.04893391206860542, -0.010221654549241066, -... | \n","0.631228 | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued. | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
47 | \n","good | \n","Bought for my mom! She loves it! | \n","good | \n","[0.021471485495567322, -0.027823669835925102, ... | \n","0.656713 | \n","Bought for my mom! | \n","
47 | \n","good | \n","Bought for my mom! She loves it! | \n","good | \n","[0.0001737327256705612, -0.014630521647632122,... | \n","1.000000 | \n","She loves it! | \n","
48 | \n","good | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. My friend s... | \n","good | \n","[0.03572574257850647, 0.013357092626392841, -0... | \n","0.701626 | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. | \n","
48 | \n","good | \n","Gave the phone as a birthday gift. My friend s... | \n","good | \n","[0.08371475338935852, -0.01581401191651821, -0... | \n","1.000000 | \n","My friend seems happy with it so far. | \n","
49 | \n","good | \n","Great Product | \n","good | \n","[0.03334435820579529, -0.05353177338838577, -0... | \n","0.593622 | \n","Great Product | \n","
215 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | category | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","category_confidence | \n","sentence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","average | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","0.460187 | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","document | \n","category | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","category_confidence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","poor | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","Bought it, turned it on, did not work. Opened ... | \n","poor | \n","[0.059367865324020386, 0.05043933913111687, -0... | \n","0.952295 | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","Currently it is 2014, the 3gs is discontinued.... | \n","good | \n","[0.0046275281347334385, 0.012452688068151474, ... | \n","0.396265 | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","100% recomendado | \n","100% recomendado | \n","good | \n","[0.008266163989901543, 0.00396152026951313, -0... | \n","0.773682 | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","It's a good phone but if you use it to browse ... | \n","poor | \n","[0.05291805788874626, 0.002292224671691656, -0... | \n","0.506015 | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","It's nice that this phone has LTE and it funct... | \n","good | \n","[0.03426238149404526, -0.024366019293665886, -... | \n","0.648859 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","poor | \n","Hola, compramos dos teléfonos y vienieron tot... | \n","Hola, compramos dos teléfonos y vienieron tot... | \n","poor | \n","[0.06324272602796555, -0.06387951225042343, -0... | \n","0.790492 | \n","
96 | \n","good | \n","Excelente | \n","Excelente | \n","good | \n","[0.03246314451098442, -0.01719777286052704, -0... | \n","0.813424 | \n","
97 | \n","poor | \n","the product is good but the English language s... | \n","the product is good but the English language s... | \n","poor | \n","[0.056343767791986465, -0.016822000965476036, ... | \n","0.940151 | \n","
98 | \n","poor | \n","Supposed to be a brand new unlock phone. The p... | \n","Supposed to be a brand new unlock phone. The p... | \n","poor | \n","[0.03210984170436859, 0.018154876306653023, -0... | \n","0.984983 | \n","
99 | \n","average | \n","Minor, very annoying glitch when texting. Not ... | \n","Minor, very annoying glitch when texting. Not ... | \n","poor | \n","[-0.026854539290070534, 0.03769969940185547, 0... | \n","0.969512 | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | classifier_confidence | \n","document | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","classifier | \n","
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0 | \n","0.950214 | \n","It worked perfectly. | \n","[0.275971919298172, 0.4924655854701996, 0.2755... | \n","good | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","
1 | \n","poor | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","
2 | \n","average | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","
3 | \n","great | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","
4 | \n","poor | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
6547 | \n","great | \n","big bang buck st. charles great new orleans st... | \n","
6548 | \n","great | \n","loved minute, reading reviews hotel bit worrie... | \n","
6549 | \n","great | \n","wonderful, let tell place, 3 friends stayed ap... | \n","
6550 | \n","average | \n","small bathroom clean hmmm ok let stay used tra... | \n","
6551 | \n","poor | \n","vvvv bad went hotel valantine day weekend, hot... | \n","
6552 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","stayed | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","hotel | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","5 | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","nights | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","recommend | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","riu | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","palace | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","macao | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n",", | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
7014 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","is | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
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0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","to | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","the | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","moon | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","! | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
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1 | \n","poor | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","0.498284 | \n","poor | \n","[0.0546528585255146, 0.02160552889108658, -0.0... | \n","
2 | \n","average | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","0.557739 | \n","average | \n","[0.008103911764919758, 0.02573486790060997, 0.... | \n","
3 | \n","great | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","0.418274 | \n","average | \n","[0.05095028877258301, -0.003614993067458272, 0... | \n","
4 | \n","poor | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","0.491956 | \n","average | \n","[0.03620055690407753, 0.010797196999192238, 0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","great | \n","great location spent 7 days castle inn beginni... | \n","great location spent 7 days castle inn beginni... | \n","0.402236 | \n","average | \n","[0.03295842185616493, 0.04682551696896553, 0.0... | \n","
96 | \n","average | \n","great location hard beds really liked hotel si... | \n","great location hard beds really liked hotel si... | \n","0.598560 | \n","average | \n","[0.02258184179663658, 0.0432007722556591, -0.0... | \n","
97 | \n","great | \n","great location location hotel perfect right mi... | \n","great location location hotel perfect right mi... | \n","0.552369 | \n","average | \n","[0.06024744734168053, 0.05366133153438568, -0.... | \n","
98 | \n","great | \n","just starting lose lustre stayed chancellor co... | \n","just starting lose lustre stayed chancellor co... | \n","0.374642 | \n","poor | \n","[0.0255410298705101, 0.0401645191013813, 0.003... | \n","
99 | \n","poor | \n","bittersweet memories glorious past recent stay... | \n","bittersweet memories glorious past recent stay... | \n","0.415380 | \n","poor | \n","[0.03259000554680824, 0.049256037920713425, 0.... | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
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\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","
1 | \n","poor | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","
2 | \n","average | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","
3 | \n","great | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","
4 | \n","poor | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
6547 | \n","great | \n","big bang buck st. charles great new orleans st... | \n","
6548 | \n","great | \n","loved minute, reading reviews hotel bit worrie... | \n","
6549 | \n","great | \n","wonderful, let tell place, 3 friends stayed ap... | \n","
6550 | \n","average | \n","small bathroom clean hmmm ok let stay used tra... | \n","
6551 | \n","poor | \n","vvvv bad went hotel valantine day weekend, hot... | \n","
6552 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","stayed | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","hotel | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","5 | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
0 | \n","great | \n","great stayed hotel 5 nights end august 2005. r... | \n","0.496030 | \n","nights | \n","great | \n","[[0.03609783574938774, 0.05106373876333237, 0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","recommend | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","riu | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","palace | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n","macao | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
49 | \n","poor | \n","kidding, arrived riu palace macao punta cana w... | \n","0.476485 | \n",", | \n","average | \n","[[-0.017401963472366333, 0.04562698304653168, ... | \n","
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0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","is | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","going | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","to | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","the | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","moon | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
0 | \n","0.739900 | \n","! | \n","average | \n","[[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, ... | \n","
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1 | \n","poor | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","watch bait-and-switch room rates, rooms accept... | \n","0.498284 | \n","poor | \n","[0.0546528585255146, 0.02160552889108658, -0.0... | \n","
2 | \n","average | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","good check liked hotel good location friendly ... | \n","0.557739 | \n","average | \n","[0.008103911764919758, 0.02573486790060997, 0.... | \n","
3 | \n","great | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","best location value properties waikiki head ho... | \n","0.418274 | \n","average | \n","[0.05095028877258301, -0.003614993067458272, 0... | \n","
4 | \n","poor | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","botel not recommended little disappointed hone... | \n","0.491956 | \n","average | \n","[0.03620055690407753, 0.010797196999192238, 0.... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","great | \n","great location spent 7 days castle inn beginni... | \n","great location spent 7 days castle inn beginni... | \n","0.402236 | \n","average | \n","[0.03295842185616493, 0.04682551696896553, 0.0... | \n","
96 | \n","average | \n","great location hard beds really liked hotel si... | \n","great location hard beds really liked hotel si... | \n","0.598560 | \n","average | \n","[0.02258184179663658, 0.0432007722556591, -0.0... | \n","
97 | \n","great | \n","great location location hotel perfect right mi... | \n","great location location hotel perfect right mi... | \n","0.552369 | \n","average | \n","[0.06024744734168053, 0.05366133153438568, -0.... | \n","
98 | \n","great | \n","just starting lose lustre stayed chancellor co... | \n","just starting lose lustre stayed chancellor co... | \n","0.374642 | \n","poor | \n","[0.0255410298705101, 0.0401645191013813, 0.003... | \n","
99 | \n","poor | \n","bittersweet memories glorious past recent stay... | \n","bittersweet memories glorious past recent stay... | \n","0.415380 | \n","poor | \n","[0.03259000554680824, 0.049256037920713425, 0.... | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
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\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","good | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. I ... | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","Cheap and good texture rubber that does not ge... | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","These cables are a little thin compared to hos... | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It is a decent cable. It does its job, but it ... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
115 | \n","very poor | \n","It just randomly pops off my bass, it's so sli... | \n","
116 | \n","very good | \n","The primary job of this device is to block the... | \n","
117 | \n","good | \n","The Hosa XLR cables are affordable and very he... | \n","
118 | \n","average | \n","It's a cable, no frills, tangles pretty easy a... | \n","
119 | \n","very poor | \n","It hums, crackles, and I think I'm having prob... | \n","
120 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | category_confidence | \n","text | \n","y | \n","category | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentence | \n","
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0 | \n","1.000000 | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. I ... | \n","good | \n","average | \n","[0.056614313274621964, -0.04707420617341995, -... | \n","I haven't looked up the specifications, but I'... | \n","
1 | \n","0.956961 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.06778458505868912, -0.0052166287787258625, ... | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","
1 | \n","1.000000 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.06371542811393738, -0.022252758964896202, -... | \n","After I bought Monster Cable to hook up my ped... | \n","
1 | \n","2.000000 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.018308864906430244, 0.0024022769648581743, ... | \n","I had been using a high end Planet Waves cable... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
47 | \n","0.841045 | \n","Update: The right angle switched end started d... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[-0.013615701347589493, -0.04160430282354355, ... | \n","I like knowing that. | \n","
47 | \n","0.841045 | \n","Update: The right angle switched end started d... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.02372647449374199, 0.04573449119925499, -0.... | \n","** EDIT: AS STATED ABOVE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE... | \n","
48 | \n","0.997217 | \n","Doe's not stay on to well, moves to much even ... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.08493339270353317, 0.047714825719594955, -0... | \n","Doe's not stay on to well, moves to much even ... | \n","
49 | \n","0.401975 | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","good | \n","very poor | \n","[0.03083745203912258, 0.01701708696782589, -0.... | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","
49 | \n","1.000000 | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","good | \n","very poor | \n","[0.06084448844194412, 0.0020018713548779488, 0... | \n","I've only had one fail and I've bought many of... | \n","
297 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","It was really good | \n","[-0.034663598984479904, 0.3307220935821533, 0.... | \n","0.529977 | \n","very good | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","good | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. I ... | \n","
1 | \n","average | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","Cheap and good texture rubber that does not ge... | \n","
3 | \n","average | \n","These cables are a little thin compared to hos... | \n","
4 | \n","average | \n","It is a decent cable. It does its job, but it ... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
115 | \n","very poor | \n","It just randomly pops off my bass, it's so sli... | \n","
116 | \n","very good | \n","The primary job of this device is to block the... | \n","
117 | \n","good | \n","The Hosa XLR cables are affordable and very he... | \n","
118 | \n","average | \n","It's a cable, no frills, tangles pretty easy a... | \n","
119 | \n","very poor | \n","It hums, crackles, and I think I'm having prob... | \n","
120 rows × 2 columns
\n","\n"," | category_confidence | \n","text | \n","y | \n","category | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","sentence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.304148 | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. I ... | \n","good | \n","average | \n","[0.07208353281021118, 0.028736615553498268, -0... | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. | \n","
0 | \n","1.000000 | \n","Hosa products are a good bang for the buck. I ... | \n","good | \n","average | \n","[0.056614313274621964, -0.04707420617341995, -... | \n","I haven't looked up the specifications, but I'... | \n","
1 | \n","0.956961 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.06778458505868912, -0.0052166287787258625, ... | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","
1 | \n","1.000000 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.06371542811393738, -0.022252758964896202, -... | \n","After I bought Monster Cable to hook up my ped... | \n","
1 | \n","2.000000 | \n","I now use this cable to run from the output of... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.018308864906430244, 0.0024022769648581743, ... | \n","I had been using a high end Planet Waves cable... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
47 | \n","0.841045 | \n","Update: The right angle switched end started d... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[-0.013615701347589493, -0.04160430282354355, ... | \n","I like knowing that. | \n","
47 | \n","0.841045 | \n","Update: The right angle switched end started d... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.02372647449374199, 0.04573449119925499, -0.... | \n","** EDIT: AS STATED ABOVE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE... | \n","
48 | \n","0.997217 | \n","Doe's not stay on to well, moves to much even ... | \n","average | \n","average | \n","[0.08493339270353317, 0.047714825719594955, -0... | \n","Doe's not stay on to well, moves to much even ... | \n","
49 | \n","0.401975 | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","good | \n","very poor | \n","[0.03083745203912258, 0.01701708696782589, -0.... | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","
49 | \n","1.000000 | \n","These are not the greatest but they're cheap a... | \n","good | \n","very poor | \n","[0.06084448844194412, 0.0020018713548779488, 0... | \n","I've only had one fail and I've bought many of... | \n","
297 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","It was really good | \n","[-0.034663598984479904, 0.3307220935821533, 0.... | \n","0.529977 | \n","very good | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","acceptable | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","
1 | \n","best | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","
3 | \n","best | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","
4 | \n","best | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5055 | \n","very good | \n","A classic Napa Valley Chardonnay, this is smoo... | \n","
5056 | \n","very good | \n","The wine from this estate perched high above C... | \n","
5057 | \n","very good | \n","Distinct and delicious aromas of crème brûlÃ... | \n","
5058 | \n","good | \n","Smooth, deep aromas of licorice and blackberry... | \n","
5059 | \n","very good | \n","Wonderfully aromatic fruit rises from the glas... | \n","
5060 rows × 2 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","0.386967 | \n","[-0.00495561771094799, -0.07129219174385071, -... | \n","acceptable | \n","very good | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","
0 | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.06035454571247101, 0.041439250111579895, -0... | \n","acceptable | \n","very good | \n","There's also a cheesy character that is less a... | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","0.454979 | \n","[0.0541062131524086, -0.0517219714820385, -0.0... | \n","best | \n","best | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[-0.026120899245142937, -0.0751243457198143, -... | \n","best | \n","best | \n","Aromas include red fruit, spice and rosemary: ... | \n","
2 | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","0.433734 | \n","[-0.0444738008081913, -0.05501846224069595, 0.... | \n","good | \n","very good | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
48 | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","0.439928 | \n","[-0.001167353126220405, -0.062205277383327484,... | \n","very good | \n","very good | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","
48 | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.001156042329967022, -0.041525647044181824, ... | \n","very good | \n","very good | \n","Bold tannins frame its dense layers of fruit, ... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","0.730394 | \n","[-0.012110762298107147, -0.06961353123188019, ... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.05220193415880203, 0.04676426202058792, -0.... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","It's light, bright and just off dry, with attr... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","2.000000 | \n","[0.09586171805858612, 0.029351763427257538, -0... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","Like it's rosé partner, it is really for apé... | \n","
158 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | category_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","category | \n","sentence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.842125 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","best | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
\n"," | text | \n","document | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","category_confidence | \n","y | \n","category | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","[0.02915436401963234, -0.0378003790974617, -0.... | \n","0.584848 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","[0.019120197743177414, -0.06991834938526154, 0... | \n","0.875611 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
2 | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","[-0.025461390614509583, -0.02650509588420391, ... | \n","0.783311 | \n","good | \n","good | \n","
3 | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","[0.011777156963944435, 0.008188367821276188, -... | \n","0.711578 | \n","best | \n","good | \n","
4 | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","[0.014174058102071285, -0.057778846472501755, ... | \n","0.794139 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","Radiator dust, lees and vanilla cookie aromas ... | \n","Radiator dust, lees and vanilla cookie aromas ... | \n","[-0.009873664006590843, 0.0033919725101441145,... | \n","0.792627 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
96 | \n","You'll detect aromas reminiscent of wood shop ... | \n","You'll detect aromas reminiscent of wood shop ... | \n","[0.03787693753838539, -0.030119985342025757, -... | \n","0.573790 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
97 | \n","The old vines on the steep slopes of the Heili... | \n","The old vines on the steep slopes of the Heili... | \n","[0.020556319504976273, -0.059675734490156174, ... | \n","0.919109 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
98 | \n","This wine takes time to unravel and reveal its... | \n","This wine takes time to unravel and reveal its... | \n","[-0.00832163542509079, -0.029637429863214493, ... | \n","0.485587 | \n","very good | \n","best | \n","
99 | \n","Buttery oak aromas cover up any white-fruit ch... | \n","Buttery oak aromas cover up any white-fruit ch... | \n","[0.02920656092464924, -0.05507100373506546, -0... | \n","0.768109 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | classifier | \n","classifier_confidence | \n","document | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","
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0 | \n","good | \n","0.515783 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","[0.15737222135066986, 0.2598555386066437, 0.85... | \n","
\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","
0 | \n","acceptable | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","
1 | \n","best | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","
2 | \n","good | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","
3 | \n","best | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","
4 | \n","best | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
5055 | \n","very good | \n","A classic Napa Valley Chardonnay, this is smoo... | \n","
5056 | \n","very good | \n","The wine from this estate perched high above C... | \n","
5057 | \n","very good | \n","Distinct and delicious aromas of crème brûlÃ... | \n","
5058 | \n","good | \n","Smooth, deep aromas of licorice and blackberry... | \n","
5059 | \n","very good | \n","Wonderfully aromatic fruit rises from the glas... | \n","
5060 rows × 2 columns
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0 | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.06035454571247101, 0.041439250111579895, -0... | \n","acceptable | \n","very good | \n","There's also a cheesy character that is less a... | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","0.454979 | \n","[0.0541062131524086, -0.0517219714820385, -0.0... | \n","best | \n","best | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[-0.026120899245142937, -0.0751243457198143, -... | \n","best | \n","best | \n","Aromas include red fruit, spice and rosemary: ... | \n","
2 | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","0.433734 | \n","[-0.0444738008081913, -0.05501846224069595, 0.... | \n","good | \n","very good | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
48 | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","0.439928 | \n","[-0.001167353126220405, -0.062205277383327484,... | \n","very good | \n","very good | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","
48 | \n","Bright sparks of red currant, black cherry and... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.001156042329967022, -0.041525647044181824, ... | \n","very good | \n","very good | \n","Bold tannins frame its dense layers of fruit, ... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","0.730394 | \n","[-0.012110762298107147, -0.06961353123188019, ... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","1.000000 | \n","[0.05220193415880203, 0.04676426202058792, -0.... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","It's light, bright and just off dry, with attr... | \n","
49 | \n","Based in the Jura, this producer blends grapes... | \n","2.000000 | \n","[0.09586171805858612, 0.029351763427257538, -0... | \n","acceptable | \n","best | \n","Like it's rosé partner, it is really for apé... | \n","
158 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | category_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","category | \n","sentence | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","0.842125 | \n","[0.06468033790588379, -0.040837567299604416, -... | \n","best | \n","Bitcoin is going to the moon! | \n","
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","This wine is closed, tight and possibly still ... | \n","[0.02915436401963234, -0.0378003790974617, -0.... | \n","0.584848 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
1 | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","This wine shows growing intensity the longer i... | \n","[0.019120197743177414, -0.06991834938526154, 0... | \n","0.875611 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
2 | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","This moderately aromatic wine conveys Red Hots... | \n","[-0.025461390614509583, -0.02650509588420391, ... | \n","0.783311 | \n","good | \n","good | \n","
3 | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","This feels slightly softer in the mouth than t... | \n","[0.011777156963944435, 0.008188367821276188, -... | \n","0.711578 | \n","best | \n","good | \n","
4 | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","A terrific Pinot, and one of the few that abso... | \n","[0.014174058102071285, -0.057778846472501755, ... | \n","0.794139 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
95 | \n","Radiator dust, lees and vanilla cookie aromas ... | \n","Radiator dust, lees and vanilla cookie aromas ... | \n","[-0.009873664006590843, 0.0033919725101441145,... | \n","0.792627 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
96 | \n","You'll detect aromas reminiscent of wood shop ... | \n","You'll detect aromas reminiscent of wood shop ... | \n","[0.03787693753838539, -0.030119985342025757, -... | \n","0.573790 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
97 | \n","The old vines on the steep slopes of the Heili... | \n","The old vines on the steep slopes of the Heili... | \n","[0.020556319504976273, -0.059675734490156174, ... | \n","0.919109 | \n","best | \n","best | \n","
98 | \n","This wine takes time to unravel and reveal its... | \n","This wine takes time to unravel and reveal its... | \n","[-0.00832163542509079, -0.029637429863214493, ... | \n","0.485587 | \n","very good | \n","best | \n","
99 | \n","Buttery oak aromas cover up any white-fruit ch... | \n","Buttery oak aromas cover up any white-fruit ch... | \n","[0.02920656092464924, -0.05507100373506546, -0... | \n","0.768109 | \n","acceptable | \n","good | \n","
100 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | classifier | \n","classifier_confidence | \n","document | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","
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0 | \n","good | \n","0.515783 | \n","Tesla plans to invest 10M into the ML sector | \n","[0.15737222135066986, 0.2598555386066437, 0.85... | \n","
\n"," | Unnamed: 0 | \n","y | \n","text | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","1 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","1 | \n","
2 | \n","2 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","2 | \n","
3 | \n","3 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","3 | \n","
4 | \n","4 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","4 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2995 | \n","2995 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","2995 | \n","
2996 | \n","2996 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","2996 | \n","
2997 | \n","2997 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","2997 | \n","
2998 | \n","2998 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","2998 | \n","
2999 | \n","2999 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","2999 | \n","
3000 rows × 4 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.8555223, 0.99276984, 0.87128675, 0.9852337,... | \n","[0.026563657447695732, -0.058662936091423035, ... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","
1 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.8142674, 0.99920505, 0.93413615, 0.98056525... | \n","[0.040952689945697784, -0.04276810586452484, -... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","
2 | \n","[name[Blue Spice], near[Rainbow Vegetarian Caf... | \n","[0.9966337, 0.9044244, 0.904881, 0.56231284, 0... | \n","[0.03141527622938156, -0.05154882371425629, 0.... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","
3 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.5227911, 0.99917483, 0.9394022, 0.8839797, ... | \n","[0.03584946319460869, -0.036898739635944366, -... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","
4 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Crow... | \n","[0.5985904, 0.7892299, 0.8222753, 0.9378743, 0... | \n","[0.0405426099896431, -0.0243277158588171, 0.00... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2998 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], priceRange[high... | \n","[0.9999982, 0.8146039, 0.99978125, 0.8511795, ... | \n","[0.05956212058663368, 0.019028551876544952, -0... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter has a price range of less than £20,... | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.04296032711863518, -0.0015949805965647101, ... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.023289771750569344, 0.056861914694309235, -... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","It is located in the riverside. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.033101629465818405, 0.06402800232172012, 0.... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","It is near Express by Holiday Inn. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.01677701249718666, 0.04876527190208435, -0.... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","Its customer rating is low. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
5266 rows × 6 columns
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0 | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","0 | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","[0.9740321, 0.99538183, 0.92562413] | \n","[-0.1427491158246994, 0.5036071538925171, 0.07... | \n","
1 | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","1 | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","[0.9950888, 0.9989519, 0.8684354] | \n","[-0.20697341859340668, 0.5286431312561035, 0.2... | \n","
2 | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","2 | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","[0.95310336, 0.9655487, 0.9785502] | \n","[0.005826675333082676, 0.49930453300476074, -0... | \n","
3 | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","3 | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","[0.8858954, 0.931189, 0.9990605] | \n","[0.12191159278154373, 0.37966835498809814, 0.0... | \n","
4 | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","[near[Crowne Plaza Hotel], customer rating[5 o... | \n","4 | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","[0.99912286, 0.7930833, 0.9730882] | \n","[-0.37350592017173767, 0.1885937601327896, 0.1... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2995 | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], customer rating... | \n","2995 | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.9476669, 0.9914391, 0.8395983, 0.98047745, ... | \n","[0.0485222227871418, 0.2381688505411148, 0.227... | \n","
2996 | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2996 | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.94435394, 0.6119035, 0.7891044, 0.9885667, ... | \n","[0.06879807263612747, 0.23580998182296753, 0.1... | \n","
2997 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2997 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.99509084, 0.9424925, 0.7625178, 0.9907007, ... | \n","[-0.12667560577392578, 0.22056235373020172, 0.... | \n","
2998 | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2998 | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.99541605, 0.9715836, 0.87202764, 0.99880993... | \n","[-0.13057495653629303, 0.21937601268291473, 0.... | \n","
2999 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2999 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.98941034, 0.99086845, 0.82358456, 0.985973,... | \n","[-0.10767646133899689, 0.2529870569705963, 0.2... | \n","
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\n"," | Unnamed: 0 | \n","y | \n","text | \n","origin_index | \n","
0 | \n","0 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","0 | \n","
1 | \n","1 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","1 | \n","
2 | \n","2 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","2 | \n","
3 | \n","3 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","3 | \n","
4 | \n","4 | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","4 | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2995 | \n","2995 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","2995 | \n","
2996 | \n","2996 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","2996 | \n","
2997 | \n","2997 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","2997 | \n","
2998 | \n","2998 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","2998 | \n","
2999 | \n","2999 | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","2999 | \n","
3000 rows × 4 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.8555223, 0.99276984, 0.87128675, 0.9852337,... | \n","[0.026563657447695732, -0.058662936091423035, ... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","
1 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.8142674, 0.99920505, 0.93413615, 0.98056525... | \n","[0.040952689945697784, -0.04276810586452484, -... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","
2 | \n","[name[Blue Spice], near[Rainbow Vegetarian Caf... | \n","[0.9966337, 0.9044244, 0.904881, 0.56231284, 0... | \n","[0.03141527622938156, -0.05154882371425629, 0.... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","
3 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Rain... | \n","[0.5227911, 0.99917483, 0.9394022, 0.8839797, ... | \n","[0.03584946319460869, -0.036898739635944366, -... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","
4 | \n","[near[Café Rouge], name[Blue Spice], near[Crow... | \n","[0.5985904, 0.7892299, 0.8222753, 0.9378743, 0... | \n","[0.0405426099896431, -0.0243277158588171, 0.00... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2998 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], priceRange[high... | \n","[0.9999982, 0.8146039, 0.99978125, 0.8511795, ... | \n","[0.05956212058663368, 0.019028551876544952, -0... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter has a price range of less than £20,... | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.04296032711863518, -0.0015949805965647101, ... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.023289771750569344, 0.056861914694309235, -... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","It is located in the riverside. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.033101629465818405, 0.06402800232172012, 0.... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","It is near Express by Holiday Inn. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
2999 | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","[0.99992794, 0.99981034, 0.5099642, 0.9994041,... | \n","[0.01677701249718666, 0.04876527190208435, -0.... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","Its customer rating is low. | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","0 | \n","A coffee shop in the city centre area called B... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","[0.9740321, 0.99538183, 0.92562413] | \n","[-0.1427491158246994, 0.5036071538925171, 0.07... | \n","
1 | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","1 | \n","Blue Spice is a coffee shop in city centre. | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[cit... | \n","[0.9950888, 0.9989519, 0.8684354] | \n","[-0.20697341859340668, 0.5286431312561035, 0.2... | \n","
2 | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","2 | \n","There is a coffee shop Blue Spice in the river... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","[0.95310336, 0.9655487, 0.9785502] | \n","[0.005826675333082676, 0.49930453300476074, -0... | \n","
3 | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","[name[Blue Spice], eatType[coffee shop], area[... | \n","3 | \n","At the riverside, there is a coffee shop calle... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],area[riv... | \n","[0.8858954, 0.931189, 0.9990605] | \n","[0.12191159278154373, 0.37966835498809814, 0.0... | \n","
4 | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","[near[Crowne Plaza Hotel], customer rating[5 o... | \n","4 | \n","The coffee shop Blue Spice is based near Crown... | \n","name[Blue Spice],eatType[coffee shop],customer... | \n","[0.99912286, 0.7930833, 0.9730882] | \n","[-0.37350592017173767, 0.1885937601327896, 0.1... | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
2995 | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], customer rating... | \n","2995 | \n","Near Express by Holiday Inn, in the riverside ... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.9476669, 0.9914391, 0.8395983, 0.98047745, ... | \n","[0.0485222227871418, 0.2381688505411148, 0.227... | \n","
2996 | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2996 | \n","In the riverside area, near Express by Holiday... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.94435394, 0.6119035, 0.7891044, 0.9885667, ... | \n","[0.06879807263612747, 0.23580998182296753, 0.1... | \n","
2997 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2997 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant with Indian food in... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.99509084, 0.9424925, 0.7625178, 0.9907007, ... | \n","[-0.12667560577392578, 0.22056235373020172, 0.... | \n","
2998 | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2998 | \n","The Punter is a low rated restaurant that serv... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.99541605, 0.9715836, 0.87202764, 0.99880993... | \n","[-0.13057495653629303, 0.21937601268291473, 0.... | \n","
2999 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","[near[Express by Holiday Inn], food[Indian], c... | \n","2999 | \n","The Punter is a restaurant providing Indian fo... | \n","name[The Punter],eatType[restaurant],food[Indi... | \n","[0.98941034, 0.99086845, 0.82358456, 0.985973,... | \n","[-0.10767646133899689, 0.2529870569705963, 0.2... | \n","
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13 | \n","34556906 | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","\\r\\nmy code here\\r\\n\\r\\n #include <stdi... | \n","<c++> | \n","2016-01-01 14:20:01 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","
24 | \n","34560768 | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","<p>I'd like my class <em>init()</em> in Swift ... | \n","<swift> | \n","2016-01-01 22:42:24 | \n","HQ | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","
25 | \n","34560942 | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","<p>I'm not sure, if this question is unique, b... | \n","<c#> | \n","2016-01-01 23:06:53 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","
30 | \n","34562551 | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","class City\\r\\n {\\r\\n private:\\r\\n... | \n","<c++> | \n","2016-01-02 04:17:27 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","
48 | \n","34566364 | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","My site Japanese supported. But Portuguese la... | \n","<php> | \n","2016-01-02 13:20:49 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","60458575 | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","<p>I have 5 tables as follows:</p>\\n\\n<ul>\\n<l... | \n","<mysql> | \n","2020-02-28 20:07:09 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","
44993 | \n","60460748 | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","<p>I have a list that i want to compare to aft... | \n","<python> | \n","2020-02-28 23:54:33 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","
44994 | \n","60461193 | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","<p>Before you get confused, I am going to comp... | \n","<python><python-3.x> | \n","2020-02-29 01:25:40 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","
44996 | \n","60461754 | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","<p>I am working on learning Python and was won... | \n","<python> | \n","2020-02-29 03:33:59 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","
44998 | \n","60465318 | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","<p>\"I _____ any questions.\"</p>\\n\\n<p>I want t... | \n","<ios><swift> | \n","2020-02-29 12:50:43 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","
9968 rows × 8 columns
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origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
13 | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[0.04620636999607086, -0.04046135023236275, -0... | \n","[] | \n","
24 | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.86285734, 0.98327714] | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.053270746022462845, -0.00784565694630146, -... | \n","[swift, c] | \n","
25 | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[0.64955217] | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[-0.005682709161192179, -0.023547030985355377,... | \n","[regex] | \n","
30 | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.9755105, 0.77180904, 0.9789763] | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.024628309532999992, -0.015623562969267368, ... | \n","[c++, python-3.x, python] | \n","
48 | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[0.55255216] | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[0.038325726985931396, -0.005848723463714123, ... | \n","[php] | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.6404308, 0.99544823] | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.006962132174521685, -0.03580842167139053, -... | \n","[sql, mysql] | \n","
44993 | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.591653] | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.025995030999183655, 0.001833591377362609, -... | \n","[javascript] | \n","
44994 | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.7427199, 0.99999976, 0.70473063, 0.72811186... | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.018493961542844772, -0.04660267382860184, -... | \n","[html, python, javascript, node.js, php] | \n","
44996 | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.9977689, 0.794142] | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.01413149293512106, -0.02844131551682949, -0... | \n","[python, php] | \n","
44998 | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.9999993] | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.019475314766168594, -0.022571099922060966, ... | \n","[swift] | \n","
10944 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","multi_classifier_confidences | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","document | \n","multi_classifier_classes | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
13 | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","[-0.0598912313580513, 0.429191917181015, -0.25... | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","
24 | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.61310124] | \n","[-0.45358699560165405, 0.1986018270254135, -0.... | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[java] | \n","
25 | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[0.8172003] | \n","[-0.592096209526062, 0.0025841565802693367, -0... | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[c#] | \n","
30 | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.98100495] | \n","[-0.6645137071609497, 0.34700289368629456, 0.1... | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[c++] | \n","
48 | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[] | \n","[-0.30820634961128235, 0.5732622742652893, 0.5... | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[] | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.94582915] | \n","[-0.6759300231933594, 0.1323285549879074, 0.56... | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[mysql] | \n","
44993 | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.71518165] | \n","[-0.7307966947555542, 0.3146328032016754, -0.5... | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[python] | \n","
44994 | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.9938545] | \n","[-0.478365957736969, -0.015336859039962292, 0.... | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[python] | \n","
44996 | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.998447] | \n","[-0.7976136803627014, -0.17537403106689453, 0.... | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[python] | \n","
44998 | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.6266076, 0.9772264] | \n","[-0.4111633598804474, 0.04349775239825249, 0.2... | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[ios, swift] | \n","
9968 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | Id | \n","Title | \n","Body | \n","Tags | \n","CreationDate | \n","Y | \n","y | \n","text | \n","
13 | \n","34556906 | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","\\r\\nmy code here\\r\\n\\r\\n #include <stdi... | \n","<c++> | \n","2016-01-01 14:20:01 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","
24 | \n","34560768 | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","<p>I'd like my class <em>init()</em> in Swift ... | \n","<swift> | \n","2016-01-01 22:42:24 | \n","HQ | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","
25 | \n","34560942 | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","<p>I'm not sure, if this question is unique, b... | \n","<c#> | \n","2016-01-01 23:06:53 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","
30 | \n","34562551 | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","class City\\r\\n {\\r\\n private:\\r\\n... | \n","<c++> | \n","2016-01-02 04:17:27 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","
48 | \n","34566364 | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","My site Japanese supported. But Portuguese la... | \n","<php> | \n","2016-01-02 13:20:49 | \n","LQ_EDIT | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","60458575 | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","<p>I have 5 tables as follows:</p>\\n\\n<ul>\\n<l... | \n","<mysql> | \n","2020-02-28 20:07:09 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","
44993 | \n","60460748 | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","<p>I have a list that i want to compare to aft... | \n","<python> | \n","2020-02-28 23:54:33 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","
44994 | \n","60461193 | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","<p>Before you get confused, I am going to comp... | \n","<python><python-3.x> | \n","2020-02-29 01:25:40 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","
44996 | \n","60461754 | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","<p>I am working on learning Python and was won... | \n","<python> | \n","2020-02-29 03:33:59 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","
44998 | \n","60465318 | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","<p>\"I _____ any questions.\"</p>\\n\\n<p>I want t... | \n","<ios><swift> | \n","2020-02-29 12:50:43 | \n","LQ_CLOSE | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","
9968 rows × 8 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","multi_classifier_confidences | \n","sentence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","multi_classifier_classes | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
13 | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[0.04620636999607086, -0.04046135023236275, -0... | \n","[] | \n","
24 | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.86285734, 0.98327714] | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.053270746022462845, -0.00784565694630146, -... | \n","[swift, c] | \n","
25 | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[0.64955217] | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[-0.005682709161192179, -0.023547030985355377,... | \n","[regex] | \n","
30 | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.9755105, 0.77180904, 0.9789763] | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.024628309532999992, -0.015623562969267368, ... | \n","[c++, python-3.x, python] | \n","
48 | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[0.55255216] | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[0.038325726985931396, -0.005848723463714123, ... | \n","[php] | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.6404308, 0.99544823] | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.006962132174521685, -0.03580842167139053, -... | \n","[sql, mysql] | \n","
44993 | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.591653] | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.025995030999183655, 0.001833591377362609, -... | \n","[javascript] | \n","
44994 | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.7427199, 0.99999976, 0.70473063, 0.72811186... | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.018493961542844772, -0.04660267382860184, -... | \n","[html, python, javascript, node.js, php] | \n","
44996 | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.9977689, 0.794142] | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.01413149293512106, -0.02844131551682949, -0... | \n","[python, php] | \n","
44998 | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.9999993] | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.019475314766168594, -0.022571099922060966, ... | \n","[swift] | \n","
10944 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | y | \n","text | \n","multi_classifier_confidences | \n","en_embed_sentence_small_bert_L12_768_embeddings | \n","document | \n","multi_classifier_classes | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
13 | \n","c++ | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","[-0.0598912313580513, 0.429191917181015, -0.25... | \n","output FILE ,is this a fault? | \n","[] | \n","
24 | \n","swift | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[0.61310124] | \n","[-0.45358699560165405, 0.1986018270254135, -0.... | \n","Can I throw from class init() in Swift with co... | \n","[java] | \n","
25 | \n","c# | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[0.8172003] | \n","[-0.592096209526062, 0.0025841565802693367, -0... | \n","C# - Count a specific word in richTextBox1 and... | \n","[c#] | \n","
30 | \n","c++ | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[0.98100495] | \n","[-0.6645137071609497, 0.34700289368629456, 0.1... | \n","c++ vector type function implemetation | \n","[c++] | \n","
48 | \n","php | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[] | \n","[-0.30820634961128235, 0.5732622742652893, 0.5... | \n","japanese and portuguese language cannot support | \n","[] | \n","
... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","... | \n","
44992 | \n","mysql | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[0.94582915] | \n","[-0.6759300231933594, 0.1323285549879074, 0.56... | \n","MySQL how to query five tables in one SELECT | \n","[mysql] | \n","
44993 | \n","python | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[0.71518165] | \n","[-0.7307966947555542, 0.3146328032016754, -0.5... | \n","Copy value of list not reference | \n","[python] | \n","
44994 | \n","python,python-3.x | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[0.9938545] | \n","[-0.478365957736969, -0.015336859039962292, 0.... | \n","Weird question, but how do I make a python scr... | \n","[python] | \n","
44996 | \n","python | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[0.998447] | \n","[-0.7976136803627014, -0.17537403106689453, 0.... | \n","Does Python execute code from the top or botto... | \n","[python] | \n","
44998 | \n","ios,swift | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[0.6266076, 0.9772264] | \n","[-0.4111633598804474, 0.04349775239825249, 0.2... | \n","how to implement fill in the blank in Swift | \n","[ios, swift] | \n","
9968 rows × 6 columns
\n","\n"," | pos | \n","entities | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","Donald Trump | \n","PER | \n","[0.9993000030517578, 0.9976000189781189, 0.999... | \n","[[-0.5496799945831299, -0.488319993019104, 0.5... | \n","
0 | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","Angela Merkel | \n","PER | \n","[0.9993000030517578, 0.9976000189781189, 0.999... | \n","[[-0.5496799945831299, -0.488319993019104, 0.5... | \n","
\n"," | bert_embeddings | \n","pos | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","entities | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[[-0.447601854801178, 1.0348625183105469, 0.51... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","PER | \n","[0.7784000039100647, 0.9710999727249146, 0.997... | \n","Donald Trump | \n","
0 | \n","[[-0.447601854801178, 1.0348625183105469, 0.51... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","PER | \n","[0.7784000039100647, 0.9710999727249146, 0.997... | \n","Angela Merkel dont | \n","
\n"," | bert_embeddings | \n","pos | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","entities | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[[-0.6870577335357666, 1.1118954420089722, 0.5... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS, IN, ... | \n","PER | \n","[0.7975000143051147, 0.9343000054359436, 0.995... | \n","Donald Trump | \n","
0 | \n","[[-0.6870577335357666, 1.1118954420089722, 0.5... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS, IN, ... | \n","PER | \n","[0.7975000143051147, 0.9343000054359436, 0.995... | \n","Angela Merkel dont | \n","
\n"," | pos | \n","entities | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","default_name_embeddings | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","Donald Trump | \n","PER | \n","[0.9993000030517578, 0.9976000189781189, 0.999... | \n","[[-0.5496799945831299, -0.488319993019104, 0.5... | \n","
0 | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","Angela Merkel | \n","PER | \n","[0.9993000030517578, 0.9976000189781189, 0.999... | \n","[[-0.5496799945831299, -0.488319993019104, 0.5... | \n","
\n"," | bert_embeddings | \n","pos | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","entities | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[[-0.447601854801178, 1.0348625183105469, 0.51... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","PER | \n","[0.7784000039100647, 0.9710999727249146, 0.997... | \n","Donald Trump | \n","
0 | \n","[[-0.447601854801178, 1.0348625183105469, 0.51... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS] | \n","PER | \n","[0.7784000039100647, 0.9710999727249146, 0.997... | \n","Angela Merkel dont | \n","
\n"," | bert_embeddings | \n","pos | \n","entities_confidence | \n","ner_confidence | \n","entities | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","[[-0.6870577335357666, 1.1118954420089722, 0.5... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS, IN, ... | \n","PER | \n","[0.7975000143051147, 0.9343000054359436, 0.995... | \n","Donald Trump | \n","
0 | \n","[[-0.6870577335357666, 1.1118954420089722, 0.5... | \n","[NNP, NNP, CC, NNP, NNP, NN, NN, JJ, NNS, IN, ... | \n","PER | \n","[0.7975000143051147, 0.9343000054359436, 0.995... | \n","Angela Merkel dont | \n","
\n"," | token | \n","pos | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," |
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0 | \n","Trump | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","and | \n","CCONJ | \n","
0 | \n","Angela | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Merkel | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","dont | \n","PRON | \n","
0 | \n","share | \n","VERB | \n","
0 | \n","many | \n","ADJ | \n","
0 | \n","oppinions | \n","NOUN | \n","
\n"," | token | \n","pos | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Donald | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Trump | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","and | \n","CCONJ | \n","
0 | \n","Angela | \n","PROPN | \n","
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0 | \n","laws | \n","VERB | \n","
0 | \n","about | \n","ADV | \n","
0 | \n","cheeseburgers | \n","NOUN | \n","
\n"," | token | \n","pos | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Donald | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Trump | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","and | \n","CCONJ | \n","
0 | \n","Angela | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Merkel | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","dont | \n","PRON | \n","
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0 | \n","oppinions | \n","NOUN | \n","
\n"," | token | \n","pos | \n","
origin_index | \n","\n"," | \n"," |
0 | \n","Donald | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Trump | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","and | \n","CCONJ | \n","
0 | \n","Angela | \n","PROPN | \n","
0 | \n","Merkel | \n","PROPN | \n","
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0 | \n","laws | \n","VERB | \n","
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0 | \n","cheeseburgers | \n","NOUN | \n","