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285 lines (225 loc) · 8.21 KB

File metadata and controls

285 lines (225 loc) · 8.21 KB

2018 神盾盃 Writeup

Secret Doc 100



After we open the document, here is a piece of code and encoded string.

public class question {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		String flag="xxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxfxxx4xxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxx";


		public static String encode(String text) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
			byte[] bytearray= new byte[text.length()*2];			
		    for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++){	   
		    char c=text.charAt(i);	
			bytearray[2*i]=(byte) c;
			bytearray[2*i+1]=(byte) 53;	
			final Base64.Encoder encoder=Base64.getEncoder();			
		    final String encodetext=encoder.encodeToString(bytearray);

			return encodetext;



  1. write a script to decrypt all the encoded base64 string
import base64

flags = ['QTVFNUc1STVTNQ==',

print(''.join([base64.b64decode(x).decode("utf-8")  for x in flags]))

output: 'A5E5G5I5S5e53585d575{5158545d535a54585e5d5f5b5354575257565}5152565f5c5054545e585'

  1. The output string format is unlike the official flag. According to the format, we try to aling the order
for i in range(len(flag)):
    if i%2 == 0: f += flag[i]

Alignment the flag

format: xxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxfxxx4xxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxx
  flag: AEGISe38d7{184d3a48edfb347276}126fc044e8

format: xxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxfxxx4xxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxx
  flag: AEGIS{184de38d73a48edfb34126fc044e87276}

format: xxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxfxxx4xxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxx
  flag: AEGIS{184d3a48edfb34126fce38d7044e87276}

format: xxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxfxxx4xxxxxx7xxxxxxxxxx
  flag: AEGIS{184ddfb34126fc3a48ee38d7044e87276} 
  1. flag is AEGIS{184ddfb34126fc3a48ee38d7044e87276}


string alignment game

Misc 300



Seems steg challenge


strings Qha6rLLCiaa8.png| grep -i aegis


Try zsteg

~/nihwk/aegis zsteg Qha6rLLCiaa8.png
b1,r,msb,xy         .. text: "-8x5|:7[V-"
b1,g,lsb,xy         .. text: "}]i?w}0?4O:"
b1,b,msb,xy         .. text: "SLW1U1>QVW4u"
b1,rgb,msb,xy       .. text: "AEGIS{GZBwsh8GAa5FqJPE6E5BuA9pmATUrbLu9UfKrygEpu2etgSTQgJFSw9GaVKsQnYgPKGWkDWFfzWAHd6Er9EKTEbLUZtVpxxBWT}"
b2,b,msb,xy         .. text: "z>8^&Jr;"
b2,rgb,lsb,xy       .. text: "\nFY.|,\\n"
b2,rgb,msb,xy       .. text: "6\"qiNcpr"



Easy as pie......

Steg 200


  1. Use Alpha value we can get first hint.

  1. It say REDLSB?

Got weird text

b1,r,lsb,xy .. text: "Green histogram right"

~/nihwk/aegis zsteg -a 2018AEGIS_onion.bmp
imagedata           .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,xY,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,xY,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b1,r,lsb,xy         .. text: "Green histogram right"
b1,rgb,lsb,xy       .. file: 0420 Alliant virtual executable common library not stripped
b3,bgr,msb,xy       .. file: Targa image data - RGB 2052 x
b4,r,lsb,xy         .. text: "\"\"\"\"\"\"DD\"\"\"\"\" "
b4,r,msb,xy         .. text: "DDDDDD\"\"DDDDD"
b4,g,lsb,xy         .. text: "3DDDUUffUUUUDC33"
b4,rgb,lsb,xy       .. file: TrueType font data
b4,bgr,lsb,xy       .. file: MS Windows icon resource, 256x256, 1 colors
b6,g,lsb,xy         .. text: "UUUUUUQE"
b8,r,msb,xy         .. text: ["H" repeated 8 times]
b8,g,lsb,xy         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,xy       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,xy       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b3,bgr,msb,xy,prime .. file: X11 SNF font data, MSB first
b8,r,lsb,xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,r,msb,xy,prime   .. text: "((((((HHH"
b8,g,lsb,xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,xy,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,xy,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b4,b,lsb,yx         .. text: "\"\"\"\"\"$DE"
b8,g,lsb,yx         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,yx         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,msb,yx         .. text: "HHHHHHHHHHH(((("
b8,rgb,lsb,yx       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,yx       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b2,g,msb,yx,prime   .. file: GLS_BINARY_MSB_FIRST
b8,g,lsb,yx,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,yx,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,yx,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,yx,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,XY         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,XY         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,XY,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,XY,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b4,g,lsb,YX         .. text: "\"334D3333DC\"\"\""
b4,b,lsb,YX         .. text: "\"!333\"\"\""
b8,r,lsb,YX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,YX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,YX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,YX,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,YX,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b1,r,msb,Xy         .. text: "thgir margotsih neerG"
b2,r,msb,Xy         .. text: "TUUUPU@U"
b4,r,lsb,Xy         .. text: "\"\"\"\"\"DD\"\"\"\"\"\""
b4,r,msb,Xy         .. text: "@DDDDD\"\"DDDDDD"
b4,g,lsb,Xy         .. text: "!334DUUUUffUUDDD3!"
b6,g,lsb,Xy         .. text: "UUUUUUYe"
b8,r,lsb,Xy         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,r,msb,Xy         .. text: "HHHHHHHHHHH((((HHHH"
b8,g,lsb,Xy         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,Xy         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,r,lsb,Xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,Xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,Xy,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,Xy,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,Xy,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b4,g,lsb,yX         .. text: "\"\"\"4D3333DC33\" "
b8,r,lsb,yX         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,r,msb,yX         .. text: ["H" repeated 8 times]
b8,g,lsb,yX         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,yX         .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,msb,yX         .. text: ["H" repeated 8 times]
b8,rgb,lsb,yX       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,yX       .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,r,lsb,yX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,g,lsb,yX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,b,lsb,yX,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,yX,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,yX,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b4,b,lsb,Yx         .. text: "TDB\"\"\"\"\""
b4,b,msb,Yx         .. text: "*\"BDDDDD"
b8,b,lsb,Yx,prime   .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,rgb,lsb,Yx,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive
b8,bgr,lsb,Yx,prime .. file: PEX Binary Archive

The hint says that green histogram right. It means that data is hidden in green layer using histogram shift method. This approach will find peak histogram and zero point for data hiding.

However, Peak value is unknown. Therefore, we have to iterate from 0 to 255 and to find hidden data. While i=25: pixel=25 -> 0 pixel=26 -> 1

from PIL import Image
from numpy import *

img ='./2018AEGIS_onion.bmp')
arr = array(img)

def decode(d):
    unbin = ''
    for i in range(0, len(d), 8):
        unbin += chr(int(''.join(d[i:i+8]), base=2))

for i in range(255):
    data = ''
    for x in arr:
        for y in x:
            if y[1] == i:
                data += '0'
            elif y[1] == i+1:
                data += '1'

flag AEGIS{7f9127ed733d948e39871a3b3afo2623}

Arm pwn 100

~/nihwk/aegis file babyarm
babyarm: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0
, BuildID[sha1]=8534a50ff1ca23ab85e1414b0b4b637f0b518451, not stripped

[*] '/home/ynnhoj/nihwk/aegis/babyarm'
    Arch:     aarch64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled

it is arm 64 binary with all security feature enabled.

