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Installation (ubuntu debian)

Jordan Knott edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 1 revision

In order to build Taskcafe, you will need

  • Go 15.1+
  • Node 14+
  • Yarn


Clone the repository

First, let's clone the repository:

git clone && cd taskcafe

Install Golang

Next, we will need to make sure Golang is installed.

You can follow the install instructions or run the following:

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.15.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Install NodeJS

NodeJS is used to build the static assets for the front end. We recommend installing it through nvm. Install the latest NodeJS version via nvm

nvm install 14.9.0
nvm use 14.9.0
Install yarn

Install yarn with the following commands:

wget | apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
npm update
npm install -y yarn

Build the backend

Next we need to build the binary. This project uses Mage for its build tool.

To build the final binary, run:

go run cmd/mage/main.go install # installs the NodeJS depedencies
go run cmd/mage/main.go build # runs all the needed build steps

The binary can be found in the dist folder.


Now we need to installl a database & configure Taskcafe.

Install Postgres

To install the Postgres database, run:

apt-get install -y postgres


Next, we need to let Taskcafe know how to connect to the database.

The available configuration methods can be found here.

Once the configuration is filled out, we need to run database migrations next by running

taskcafe migrate

Now you can run the web interface by running taskcafe web.

./taskcafe web

If you're running Taskcafe on your local machine, you should be able to visit it by going to http://localhost:3333/