This sample workflow installs apache on an EC2 instance on AWS. The workflow provisions the EC2 instance with a security group to AWS with terraform, the terraform state will be stored in a S3 bucket.
Before you run the workflow, make sure you have access to the following:
- An AWS account that has the privilege to create a S3 bucket, an EC2 instance and a security group An AWS VPC where u want to deploy your setup A SSH key to connect to the EC2 instance (create or upload it to AWS)
Follow these steps to run the workflow:
Add your AWS account to the workflow as a secret.
Click Edit > Secrets.
Click Define new secret and use the following values:
- KEY: credentials
- VALUE: Enter your base64 encoded AWS account
aws_access_key_id = RANDOMKEY
aws_secret_access_key = RANDOMKEYEncode with base64: W2RlZmF1bHRdCmF3c19hY2Nlc3Nfa2V5X2lkID0gUkFORE9NS0VZCmF3c19zZWNyZXRfYWNjZXNzX2tleSA9IFJBTkRPTUtFWQ==
Add your ssh key for bolt as a secret.
Click Edit > Secrets.
Click Define new secret and use the following values:
- KEY: id_rsa
- VALUE: Enter your private key content
Configure your workflow parameters.
- Click Run and enter the following parameters:
- git_repository: Enter the git repository where files are located
- aws_region: Enter the AWS region you want to use
- ssh_key_name: Enter the AWS ssh key name can be found in the AWS console and is set when you create/upload your key to AWS
- terraform_state_bucket: The name of the S3 Storage bucket where Terraform stores its state. The name must be globally unique.
- vpc_id: Enter the AWS vpc id where you want to provision your EC2 instance
- Click Run and enter the following parameters:
Click Run workflow and wait for the workflow run page to appear.
To find the URL for your webserver:
- From the nebula console, click logs tab and select the provision-ec2-with-terraform step to see your EC2 ip.
- Copy the ip and paste into a browser.
Congratulations! You've installed apache to an EC2 using Puppet Bolt and Terraform.