v2 ui can be found in the app/javascript
- Npm - js/css package management
- Babel - JS es6 compiler
- Webpack/Webpacker - Module Bundler
- React - JS UI library
- Redux - State management
- Immutablejs - Immutable persistent data collections for js
- React Router - React router
- Material UI - React material design components
*** We need to keep the final build small as possible. Please get approval before adding any new npm packages***
- github/airbnb/javascript - JS style guide eslint uses
- github/airbnb/javascript/react - React style guide eslint uses
- Prettier - JS code formatter
- ReactPatterns - React pattern guides
- React Conditional Rendering React rendering patterns
Use functional components for all components. Use the effect hook if lifecycle methods are needed. Don't use the state hook. Redux should manage state. Using the Effect Hook
Use async/await for working with promises
Selectors should be named getXXX example:
Use immutable records when possible
Define css in external css files
Try to keep logic and conditionals out of jsx
Take a look at
for an example of how to structure/name components. Notice how we have:|=> layouts | |- app-layout.jsx | |- app-layout.unit.test.js | |- auth-layout.jsx | |- auth-layout.unit.test.js | |- styles.css |=> case-list | |- action-creators.js | |- actions.js | |- index.js | |- component.jsx | |- container.jsx | |- namespace.js | |- reducer.js | |- services.js | |- selectors.js | |- styles.css
- Directories that contains a single component/container use the filename of
- Directories and filenames should be
- Use
for react files and.js
for js files. - Use an
to export multiple files in a directory
- Directories that contains a single component/container use the filename of
Material UI: now supports code splitting so either way of importing is fine.
import Button from "@material-ui/core/Button"; import Container from "@material-ui/core/Container"; # or import { Button, Container } from "@material-ui/core";
Lodash: don't group import exports
# use import isArray from 'lodash/isArray' # instead of import { isArray } from 'lodash'
// styles.css
.welcome {
color: $(theme.primero.colors.blue);
span {
color: $(theme.palette.primary.light);
// component.js
import styles from "./styles.css";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/styles";
const TODO = () => {
const css = makeStyles(styles)();
return (
<div className={css.welcome}>Hello <span>Josh</span></div>
import PropTypes from "prop_types";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
import { getName } from "./selectors";
import { fetchName } from "./actions";
// Using es6 parameter destructuring to get properties from props
const SayHello = ({ name }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const getName = useSelector(state => getName(state))
// Equivalent to componentDidMount in class components
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div>Hello {name}</div>
SayHello.displayName = "SayHello";
SayHello.PropTypes = {
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired
export default SayHello;
Async/Await - documentation
const testFunc = async options => {
const response = fetch('/', options);
const json = await response.json();
// Do something with json....
return json;
Command | Desc |
npm run test:all |
Runs all test |
npm run test $FILE |
Run single test file |
npm run test:inspect $FILE |
Runs test in debug mode. You should be able to add debugger; on a line as a breakpoint and open Chrome Dev Tools to debug. This will also stop execution immediatly, so you will have to continue to get to your breakpoint. |
npm run test:coverage |
Outputs code coverage results |
npm run lint |
Run eslint on all js/jsx files except unit test, This will not auto correct files. |
npm run lint:test |
Run eslint on all unit test, This will not auto correct files. |
- chai
- chai-immutable
- enzyme
- mocha
- sinon
- require-hacker
- jsdom
- react-test-renderer
- material-ui/testing : Material iu has testing helpers simular to enzyme's methods.
There are also some helpers and setup in the javascript/test
dir. The helpers in javascript/test/unit-test-helpers.js
wrap components in the needed providers to mount components. Take a look at files with the name of *.unit.test.js for examples. Test should reside aside their component.
- Redux-devtools are enabled in development. Install the chrome extention for use
- Most modern ides have extentions for prettier/eslint. It might be a good idea to install and use.
Before submitting a pull request, the following are required:
- No functionality is broken due to your changes
- No new errors in browser console
- Eslint and unit test pass
- Unit test should be added/modified when changes are made or functionality is deprecated.