- git
- cmake
Clone MapArtist
git clone https://github.com/JueXiuHuang/MapArtist.git
Change directory to MapArtist, execute below command to build MapArtist, it will take a few minutes to run.
cd MapArtist cmake -S . -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles" cmake --build build
Executable file will in
, usemapArtist.exe --help
to see available arguments.
You can write a simple batch file to start up the bot, for example:
IF EXIST log.txt DEL /F log.txt
mapArtist.exe | tee -a log.txt
this script will delete old log file and execute the bot with logging.
- Modify config file
to fit your minecraft environment. - Prepare map art nbt file and put it under
folder. - Before you start the bot, you can only leave shears, axe, pickaxe, shovel and steak in your inventory (including left hand).
- You can start the bot with
, and use commands to control it.
All commands should add "bot" prefix.
For example bot hungry
Check if player is hungry or not.
Stop all players' or specific player's working progress.
Ask specific player or all players start to work.
For example bot start 211
or bot start all
Display working progress bar.
Execute csafe command.
Execute command in minecraft.
For example cmd gamemode survival
is equivalent to /gamemode survival
Define specific player's working column. Default value is 0.
Example: assign chishin 2
Define max worker number. Default value is 1.
Example: worker 3
Display all players' set assign value and worker value.
Reset all players' assign & worker value.
Display current emerald <-> villager ingot exchange rate. Used in mcfallout.
Display player's current channel. Used in mcfallout.
Ask player move to specified position with self defined method.
Ask player move to specified position with botcraft GoTo.