This Vagrantfile will create an IP Fabric composed of 2 spine and 3 leaf devices with 1 server attached to each leaf. Overall it will spawn 5 instances of VQFX (light) and 3 Ubuntu servers.
The configuration of the Junos devices can be done using Ansible.
- RAM : 7G
- CPU : 2 Core (shared)
- Ansible for provisioning (except for windows)
- Junos module for Ansible
Spine / Leaf topology with
- 2 spine
- 3 leaf
- 3 servers
Ansible is used to preconfigured all VQFX with an IP address on their interfaces Both servers are preconfigured with an IP address and a route to their respective vQFX
If you don't have ansible or if ansible is not working you can start the topology without Ansible
vagrant up --no-provision
Later it's possible deploy all configuration
vagrant provision
Once the topology has been provisioned at least once, Vagrant will create a topology file corresponding to your topology. The project is configured to automatically use this file, it's possible to call any playbook manually.
ansible-playbook pb.conf.all.commit.yaml