These are the steps you need to have taken before arriving at the course.
- Make sure that you have an AAF login. Your institution should have more information on its web site. E.g. The University of Sydney's information page
- Go the NeCTAR dashboard page and confirm that you can log in using your AAF credentials. When you do this for the first time, you will activate a new trial project. If you have previous logged onto the dashboard confirm that your trail project is still active, and if not either; 1. [ ] request an extension for this course. To request an extension, go to the Allocations tab of the dashboard and fill in a New Allocation request. Explain that you will be doing this course and give the date on which you will be doing the course. 1. [ ] request to be temporarily added to a specific allocation created for this training.
- You must bring a laptop with you that has a web browser and can support an ssh session. 1. [ ] Install the x2go client for your operating system. 1. [ ] If you are running MS windows, install PuTTY and Xming (the link gives instructions). 1. [ ] If you are running a Mac, install X11 (the link gives instructions).
- If not running Linux, install the correct CyberDuck client that is correct for your laptop.
If you have any problems, or need any help with any of these steps, simply create an issue.