This is an alternative to installing "Putty", and we now recommend use of MobaXTerm.
If MobaXTerm is not installed, follow the installation instructions.
Download either:
- the Portable edition, and just unzip it
- the Installer edition (may require Adminstrative priviliges)
Find the shortcut, or just run the .exe
Use ssh from the command line just like those Linux or Apple folk:
ssh -i <path/to/mykey.pem> <username>@<>
You will now be logged in to your new server.
- create a new SSH session
- input your ip address "Remote Host", and username ubuntu
- check that it's using port 22
- configure it to use your keypair.pem file
- (configure any other settings relevant to your situation)
- Double-click your saved shortcut
You will now be logged in to your new server