Final project for hz49-junjieg2-youfuq2-cyin9
The code is seperated in the five major catagories:
Data Aquisition: Airport.cpp Airport.h Route.cpp Route.h
Breadth First Search Traversal: bfs.cpp bfs.h
Dijkstra's Algorithm & Betweeness Centrality Algorithm: Dijkstra.cpp Dijkstra.h
Test Cases: test.cpp test.h
Graphic Representation: Projection.cpp Projection.h
In main.cpp we have provided demonstrations of our bfs traversal, Dijkstra's algorithm, Betweeness Centrality algorithm and means of testing for the three main coding goals with easy to read notices
Compile: make -f
Run: ./airports
We showcase all the airports that can be traversed by BFS from a user-specified starting Airport ID
A shortest distance from arbitary source and destination airports
Easier-to-read Betweeness centrality property of the largest connected componet of the given dataset
For the test cases we used scaled down reproducable adjacency matrices as substitute for our large data set. The output traversal/shortest path/centrality value is then compared to the intended output.
For development progress see
For general summery see