CS 225 Data Structure Team Contract (hz49 – junjieg2 – youfuq2 – cyin9)
- Team Meeting: The expected meeting frequency of our team will be once or twice a week, depends on the schedule of each team member. We will meet once a weekday and once a weekend from 8pm – 9pm via zoom or in person. We will have each member takes turns to take notes via Google docs for each meeting in a time-sequential order. The note taker is also responsible for drafting the weekly development plan, which will be approved by the general team as a whole.
- Team Communication: The team will utilize Wechat, e-mail, and zoom as forms of communication. In spite of emergent situations and other unexpected circumstances, we are committed to respond to messages and offer assistance to teammates within 48 hours.
- Inclusivity and Respect: The team members are committed to establish an inclusive and cooperative working environment in which every team member has the privilege to state opinions about design decisions and any aspect of the final project including coding related problem, algorithms design and debugging suggestions. All decisions will be accepted by simple majority. By signing this document, each member of the team agrees to the procedure of decision-making process even if they might feel personally disagree with some extent of a specific problem.
- Work Distribution: Each week, the whole team will decide the necessary tasks that need to be accomplished and each member should volunteer to work on one or more tasks independently or collaboratively depending on the amount of workload. The team leader, which will be the same as the assigned note taker assign members to work on specific tasks based on their strength. In case of unbalanced workload, adjustments will be made in a case-by-case basis.
- Time Commitment: To ensure an equal distribution of work, each member or paired-programming team should work at least two hours but no more than six hours each week on the machine project. The request for assistance is highly encouraged. If a single task ends up taking more time than expectation in any situation, the rest of the team should pull in to assist with the unforeseen complications, with each member taking an equal share of the workload or programming in pairs. It is the team’s responsibility, not the individual’s responsibility, to make sure a weekly deliverable is finished by the end of the week. However, if a team member is habitually not completing their tasks, they may be asked politely – to explain their circumstances. Based on their explanation, further actions, such as alerting a staff member, may be taken on a case-by-case basis decided by the other team members.
- Conflict Resolution: All conflicts within the team will be decided by team as a whole. By the form of voting, the team will have the right to decide who was right and who was wrong.
Electronic signatures:
- Chaoyang Yin NetID: cyin9;
- Junjie Gao NetID: junjieg2;
- Youfu Qian NetID: youfuq2;
- John Zhang NetID: hz49