This script is designed for visualizing the HOdome dataset using Blender.
- 2024/06/06: Upload the code
Download & Install:
Save the SMPL and object parameters as an OBJ file
python scripts/ --root_path "/path/to/your/data" --seq_name "subject01_baseball"
By default, the OBJ files will be saved at
Render the corresponding OBJ file
PATH/WHERE/INSTALL/BLENDER/blender -P scripts/ -b -- --obj_path /nas/nas_10/NeuralDome/Hodome/mocap/subject01_baseball/obj/ --vis_path /nas/nas_10/NeuralDome/Hodome/vis/subject01_baseball/
The script is based on Blender 3.6 and Egoego. Thanks for the authors for their efforts.