- MODEXPW-173 Close FolioExecutionContext if it is opened
- MODEXPW-148 Remove org.json:json, license is not open source
- MODEXPW-145 Preview API upgrading
- MODEXPW-125 Remove dependency to deprecated module
- MODEXPW-119 Improvements for Are you sure form
- MODEXPW-90 Items Content Update API /bulk-edit/{jobId}/items-content-update/upload
- MODEXPW-74 mod-data-export-worker: folio-spring-base v4.1.0 update
- MODEXPW-156 Prepare infrastructure to migrate mod-data-export
- MODEXPW-134 On the update report selected and not affected records
- MODEXPW-127 Update result of User and Item retrieval jobs
- MODEXPW-123 Add additional user identifier types support for bulk edit
- MODEXPW-121 Export eHoldings: Add mod-agreements support
- MODEXPW-120 Export eHoldings: Add mod-notes support
- MODEXPW-116 Download matched records (CSV) returns users instead of items when using Query items (Bulk Edit)
- MODEXPW-109 Update user records with custom fields
- MODEXPW-103 Log error and don't throw exception if order lines were not found
- MODEXPW-102 Improve error handling if provided data from EDIFACT export configuration has incorrect format
- MODEXPW-92 Item Preview API (/bulk-edit/{jobId}/preview/items)
- MODEXPW-86 Saving edited item locations
- MODEXPW-85 Improve user processor logic to support arrays in custom fields
- MODEXPW-80 Retrieve item records based on the provided identifiers
- MODEXPW-155 Incorrect identifier in the error accordion after completing bulk edit
- MODEXPW-149 "Bad request" retrieved during Items bulk edit if the location name contains "/"
- MODEXPW-135 Circulation log export shows another tenant/user's data
- MODEXPW-132 Errors when uploading file with valid "Items former identifiers"
- MODEXPW-131 Downloaded matched records differs from "Preview of matched records" if identifiers return more than one item
- MODEXPW-130 Bulk Edit allows to clear "Patron group" for Users profile by uploading modified records
- MODEXPW-126 The Errors accordion after bulk edit is populated with errors occurred during the matching identifiers
- MODEXPW-115 Download link shouldn't be available for empty file with matched records
- MODEXPW-114 "Download changed records (CSV)" is missing from Actions Menu
- MODEXPW-94 Spring4Shell Morning Glory R2 2022 (CVE-2022-22965)
- MODEXPW-66 mod-data-export-worker: folio-spring-base v3 update
- MODEXPW-32 Copy FTP upload service from mod-invoice into mod-data-export-worker
- MODEXPW-42 Implement export flow Mapping FOLIO orders to EDIFACT order file
- MODEXPW-44 Implement the preview of matched records
- MODEXPW-45 Get matching records based on provided identifiers
- MODEXPW-46 Get matching records based on provided query
- MODEXPW-48 Remove uploaded edit records if user cancel editing
- MODEXPW-51 Records processing errors handling
- MODEXPW-52 Reuse export-common library
- MODEXPW-56 Return the number of records in a file
- MODEXPW-59 Create API to start bulk-edit job execution
- MODEXPW-69 Records processing preview handling
- MODEXPW-71 Uploading file with modified name fails
- MODEXPW-72 Update mod-data-export-worker API documentation
- MODEXPW-28 Tenant deletion failed due to hsql error
- MODEXPW-67 FolioExecutionContext is initialized with wrong tenant id if Spring Batch job launches asynchronously in multi tenant cluster
- MODEXPW-68 Remaining fixes and improvements for FOLIO orders to EDIFACT format mapping
- MODEXPW-70 Name of downloaded file does not adhere to the naming standard
- MODEXPW-76 Download matched records (CSV) does not appear in query search screen
- MODEXPW-79 Errors upon bulk-edit user update
- MODEXPW-38 Saving circulation log with notices "send error" fails
- MODEXPW-35 Dates in CSV export from Circulation log are not in 24-hour time format
- MODEXPW-31 Bursar transfer form cannot specify days outstanding
- MODEXPW-29 mod-data-export-worker: folio-spring-base v2 update
- MODEXPS-24 Kafka topic created with incorrect ENV and tenantId combination
- MODEXPW-27 Can not start an export job for configuration with a lot of records for mapping
- MODEXPW-24 Update audit data schema.json
- MODEXPW-24 Change export Circulation log format
- MODEXPW-25 Enable mutiowner mapping feature
- MODEXPW-23 URI Too Large for feefineactions call
- MODEXPW-22 Bursar export failed for large patron group
- No changes since last release.
- MODEXPW-9 Add standard health check endpoint
- MODEXPW-17 Username and password expressed in plain text in module logs
- MODEXPW-16 Use MinIO client with implicit AWS role authorization
- MODEXPW-16 Use MinIO client with implicit AWS role authorization
- MODEXPS-15 Kafka connection does not start without tenant registration
- MODEXPW-5 Include column headers in .CSV export of Circulation Log
- MODEXPW-6 Enhance fees/fines bursar report settings
- MODEXPW-7 Do not use setting for service point; use 'system' service point
- MODEXPW-8 Add tests to mod-data-export-worker
- MODEXPW-12 Circulation Log export causes error because of non-UUID format of some IDs in the Log
- MODEXPW-13 Headers needed for Circulation Log export
- First module release
- Initial module setup