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163 lines (139 loc) Β· 5.97 KB

File metadata and controls

163 lines (139 loc) Β· 5.97 KB




Server Requirements

  • Webserver running PHP 7+
    • PHP 5.6 should work as also, but is not recommended
  • PHP-GD for captchas
  • Filesystem which supports filelocking flock()

Server Recommendation

  • Webserver which allows URL-Rewriting, for speaking urls
    • Apache
    • NGINX Webserver
  • SSL-Certificate


  1. Get the docker-compose.yml.
  2. Change the configuation parameter, done via environment.
    In most cases these values need to be changed:
    • CONF_site_hosturl, the url where the system can be reached (without / at the end)
    • CONF_site_pagename, the name of this page
    • CONF_site_footercontent some additional text in the footer (Imprint, Terms of Service, etc.)
    • CONF_texts_*, change the texts a user has to check before he can participate or disable them
    • CONF_newpollmailto, give your admin email adress, you will be informed when a poll is created
  3. If you need one: Create a CookieBanner.php and link it into the container.
    Use /core/external/CookieBanner.php as template.
  4. KIMB-Forms-Project should be reachable at the published port.
  5. Update to new versions can be done by pulling a the new image.


  1. Download the latest release here
  2. Unpack the archive on the webserver
    • one may remove the folder /.github/*
    • one may remove all in Markdown files /*.md
    • if not using Apache, the .htaccess can be removed
    • remove the updateLibraries.php
  3. Make sure the follwing directories can not be accessed
    • if using Apache done by the /core/.htaccess, /data/.htaccess provided
    • if using NGINX, see the configuation below ↓ NGINX Configuration
    • /core/*
    • /data/*
  4. Make sure the server can create and write files in
    • /data/*
  5. Set up URL-Rewriting, if desired
    • all Requests have to go to index.php
      • route to /index.php?uri=$, where $ ist the query path
      • or set the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] of PHP
    • files in /load/* and the api.php have to stay accessible
    • if using Apache done by the /.htaccess provided
  6. Set up the Error Documents (HTTP 404 and 403)
    • point the errors to
      • /?task=error404 (/error404 if using URL-Rewriting)
      • /?task=error403 (/error403 if using URL-Rewriting)
    • if using Apache see the /.htaccess provided
  7. Edit the system configuration
    • JSON file at /data/config.json
    • normally one has to edit
      • site.hosturl, the url where the system can be reached (without / at the end)
      • site.pagename, the name of this page
      • site.footercontent some additional text in the footer (Imprint, Terms of Service, etc.)
      • urlrewrite, enable URL-Rewriting if set up
      • texts.*, change the texts a user has to check before he can participate
        • or disable them
      • newpollmailto, give your admin email adress, you will be informed when a poll is created
    • the file:
    "site": {
        "hosturl": "string", // the (base) URL to the system, without / at the end
        "pagename": "string", // the name of the website
        "footercontent": "string, html" // the content of the footer
    "captcha": {
        "poll": true|false, // enable or disable Captchas when submitting answers
        "new": true|false // enable or disable Captchas when creating new polls
    "texts": {
        "enablePoll": true|false, // enable a text the user has to accept before submitting answers
        "enableNew": true|false, // enable a text the user has to accept before creating polls
        "textPoll": "string, html", // the text, submitting polls
        "textNew": "string, html" // the text, creating polls
    "urlrewrite": true|false // enable or disable speaking urls,
    "cookiebanner": true|false // display a custom cookie banner, /core/external/CookieBanner.php has to be edited!
    "newpollmailto": "string, mail address| empty" // notification when new poll is created
  1. Setup done
    • visit the page and try it out


  1. Download the latest release here
  2. Backup the /data/ directory
    • also backup custom .htaccess etc.
    • backup your custom /core/external/CookieBanner.php if you have one
  3. Unpack the new release into the folder
    • can also be done by deleting all files and unpacking the new release
  4. Remove the files translation_de.json and translation_en.json in your backup of /data/
  5. Move your backup back to /data/
    • overwrite existsing files, typically
      • config.json, polls.json and admincodes.json
  6. Normally there are no changes necessary in the configuration and other json files
    • if necessary the release will contain a description what todo
      • e.g. provide an update script

NGINX Configuration

Example for an NGINX Configuration enabling URL-Rewriting and protecting system directories. (Does what the .htaccess do for Apache.)

server {
	# listen on port 80 for http
	listen [::]:80;
	listen 80;  
	# add https support if possible!

	# set the url/ server name here
	server_name forms.<<mydomain.tld>>;

	# folder where kimb-forms is located
	root /var/www/kimb-forms/;

	index index.php index.html;

	# url rewriting error pages
	error_page 404 /index.php?uri=err404;
	error_page 403 /index.php?uri=err403;

	# protect private directories
	location ~ ^/(data|core){
		deny all;
		return 403;

	# first try to serve as file or folder, if no file, pass to php
	location / {
		try_files $uri $uri/ @nofile;

	# pass to php incl. request string
	location @nofile {
		rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?uri=$1 last;

	# normal php handling
	location ~ \.php$ {
		include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
		fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;