A covid-19 web app where you can view data on continents, countries and on Map. The data is presented in a line graph, a bar graph with selector input, and you can click on the Map to get statistics of that country. You also get the latest news on Covid on the news tab.
It is a ReactJS Covid19 web app with multiples API endpoints generating global, continent, country, and news data. This data is representable visually on the front-end. News is generated from Guardian API.
- Live Site URL: Live Website
First, I had two to parse the API using the fetch function. And then, the data are presented visually using JSX and npm libraries on the front end.
- React JS
- react-chartjs-2
- leaflet
I learned how to fetch multiple data using API endpoints.
export const fetchDataChangeable = async (country) => {
let changeableUrl = `${url2}/countries/India`;
if (country) {
changeableUrl = `${url2}/countries/${country}`;
try {
const response = await axios.get(changeableUrl);
const modifiedData = {
confirmed: response.data.cases,
recovered: response.data.recovered,
deaths: response.data.deaths,
todayCases: response.data.todayCases,
country: response.data.country,
return modifiedData;
} catch (error) {}
- LinkedIn - Khaidem Sandip Singha
- Twitter - @KurosakiCoder
I have done this project from scratch by referencing the websites that I mentioned.