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Symfony & React meet Docker

Dockerize Symfony5

In previous part of the tutorial we discovered Docker Compose CLI and learned how to run several containers under one stack.

This time we will go step further and try to orchestrate below services:

  • Symfony 5
  • MySql
  • apache2
  • php
  • nodejs

Creating docker-compose.yml with all the components your dev requires have several advantages:

  • you will never hear the phrase 'That is strange - locally this works fine...'

  • docker helps you develop and validate the code in an environment close to production

  • you won't need to install libraries with different versions directly on the host machine

  • any new developer will be able to deploy the project in a minute

  • while developing on Windows machine you can take advantage of Linux container ecosystem

  • and more...

  • Create Symfony 5 project

  • Prepare docker-compose.yml

  • Add mysql service

  • Add apache service

  • Add php service

  • Add nodejs service

  • Run the stack

Create Symfony 5 project

We need a root directory where will be placed our Symfony 5 project:

  1. download and install Symfony CLI from
  2. create new SF5 project with commend symfony new docker-symfony5


  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Prepare docker-compose.yml

  1. create blank docker-compose.yml file inside docker-symfony5
  2. create a new folder named .docker (Dockerfiles and other services elements will be placed here)
  3. create Docker config parameters inside .env file
  4. add initial parameters
###> Docker config ###
###< Docker config ###

By default Compose sets up a single network for the app based on the project name root directory. Using .env setting we can overwrite it and skip 'networks' settings (however if you plan to use some custom networks inside the stack, feel free to add them).

version: '3.8'
#  mysql:
#  apache:
#  php:
#  nodejs:
# This can be skipped as defined in COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME
# networks:
#  web:


  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Add mysql service

Let's set our first MySQL service:

version: '3.8'
+  mysql:
+    image: mysql:8.0
+    ports:
+      - 3306:3306
+    volumes:
+      - ./.docker/mysql/config/mysql-docker.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql-docker.cnf:ro
+      - ./.docker/mysql/config/init-db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-db.sql:ro
+      - ./.docker/mysql/log/:/var/log/mysql:rw
+      - ./.docker/mysql/data/:/var/lib/mysql:rw
+    restart: always
+    environment:
#  apache:
#  php:
#  nodejs:
# This can be skipped as defined in COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME
# networks:
#  web:

Most of params were covered in 'docker-compose' chapter, except environment ones that need to be mapped to the .env configuration as below:

###> Docker config ###
+ MYSQL_DATABASE=my_database
###< Docker config ###

Wow, wait! - what are those volumes. Do we really need it? Well, yes I suppose - not all probably but some for sure, as container not persist the state and data not kept on host side can be vanished. Docker mounts host directories/volumes from the project at target paths inside the container (or creates them on host side if they don’t exist). This is a brilliant way to prepare and load initial configuration directly inside the container.

Mysql custom configuration ./docker/mysql/config/mysql-docker.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/mysql-docker.cnf:ro :ro volume mounted as read-only on container side ATT: on WINDOWS :re files need to be marked as read-only to avoid any issues!

Source: mysql-docker.cnf

Mysql initial query/instructions loaded when service starts ./docker/mysql/dev/init-db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-db.sql:ro :ro volume mounted as read-only on container side ATT: on WINDOWS :re files need to be marked as read-only to avoid any issues!

Source: init-db.sql

Mysql global store - you should have a look inside. This guarantee your data is safe in case container crashes. ./docker/mysql/data/:/var/lib/mysql:rw :rw volume mounted as read-write on container side

Logs ./docker/mysql/log/:/var/log/mysql:rw

We could also define custom networks & container name that was skipped using COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME parameter.

# This can be skipped as defined in COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME
#    container_name: custom_mysql_container_name
#    networks:
#      - web

Our file is ready now, and the time has come to run the magic command:

docker-compose up -d


Try to verify connection between the host machine and MySQL container using .env credentials:





  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Add apache service

Next step will consist of placing an apache server in the stack - we will use a Debian Linux distribution in version 10 to make it happen:

+  apache:
+    build: ./.docker/apache
+    ports:
+      - 8080:80
+    volumes:
+      - ./public:/var/www/html/public:ro
+      - ./.docker/apache/config/vhosts.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf:ro
+    depends_on:
+      - php

build: ./.docker/apache : path where the Docker file will be pulled from to create apache image

Source: Dockerfile

Symfony 5 index.php defines web entry point ./public:/var/www/html/public:ro :ro volume mounted as read-only on container side

Apache configuration ./.docker/apache/vhosts.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf:ro :ro volume mounted as read-only on container side ATT: on WINDOWS :re files need to be marked as read-only to avoid any issues!

Source: vhosts.conf

Wait! Please do not run the magic command. If you look closely, there is also dependency depends_on:. We wil need to setup PHP service first and run it together.


  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Add php service

PHP service will be built on php-7.4-fpm-alpine. This image ships with the default php.ini-development and php.ini-production configuration files. Att: This tutorial defines development stack, and it is strongly advised to define the production config if you wish to run it in production environment.

+  php:
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: ./.docker/php/Dockerfile
+    environment:
+      APP_ENV: ${APP_ENV}
+      MYSQL_HOST: mysql
+      MYSQL_PORT: 3306
+    volumes:
+      - .:/var/www/html:rw
+      - ./.docker/php/logs:/app/var/logs:rw
+    depends_on:
+      - mysql

Dockerfile can be pointed in explicit way build: context: . dockerfile: ./.docker/php/Dockerfile

depends_on: dependency between services and mounting order, however not guarantee that required service is fully running. ENTRYPOINT as part of Dockerfile (discovered in first chapter) helps to solve this issue. Using custom we can listen the service we depend on and proceed only if is fully operational. Environment arguments help to point out the required service - here php waits for mysql:3306. environment: APP_ENV: ${APP_ENV} MYSQL_HOST: mysql MYSQL_PORT: 3306


Att: Working on WINDOWS machine, please replace all end of line characters (CRLF to LF): Click on Search > Replace (or Ctrl + H) Find what: \r\n. Replace with: \n. Search Mode: select Extended.

Dockerfile pulls php image and install all dependencies pointing on to run composer install inside container Skipped: The default config can be customized by copying configuration files into the $PHP_INI_DIR/conf.d/ directory.

Source: Dockerfile

All our services defined till now are fully operational.

docker-compose up -d



  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Add nodejs service

Trying to separate each level of our stack, NodeJs v15 is installed as new service - for now there is no js dependency defined or requirement in project:

+  nodejs:
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: ./.docker/nodejs/Dockerfile
+    environment:
+      PHP_HOST: php
+      PHP_PORT: 9000
+    volumes:
+      - .:/var/www/html:rw
+    depends_on:
+      - php

Environment settings will help NodeJS container to wait until PHP service is ready: environment: PHP_HOST: php PHP_PORT: 9000

Source: Dockerfile Source:



  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Run the stack

Lets run the last time out docker-compose command:

docker-compose up -d

Please visit:



It can happen that something get wrong while running docker-compose command - yeah, this is pure life. If at any point you faced a problem, try to:

  • stop containers
  • delete manually /node_modules, /vendor folders
  • optionally remove images
  • retry docker-compose up -d

Att: .dockerignore file placed in the root directory of the context is verified before the Docker CLI sends the context to the Docker daemon, and prevent sending large/sensitive files/directories to the daemon and potentially adding them to images using ADD or COPY commands. Source: .dockerignore


  • Create Symfony 5 project
  • Prepare docker-compose.yml
  • Add mysql service
  • Add apache service
  • Add php service
  • Add nodejs service
  • Run the stack

Helpful commands:

Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.

  • docker-compose up -d
  • docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build mysql
  • docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build apache
  • docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build php
  • docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build nodejs

Direct access to Container's service:

  • docker-compose exec php bash
  • docker-compose exec php composer install
  • docker-compose exec php php bin/console cache:clear
  • docker-compose run nodejs yarn encore dev --watch