The events below are available out of the box as direct queries. In all other cases you could use the on()
data-query to subscribe to an event.
// mouse events
'click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover mousemove mouseout';
// keyboard events
'keydown keypress keyup';
// form events
'select, change, submit, reset, focus, blur';
And here is an example of using the click event:
// the event passed to the handler is normalized like a jQuery event
//, e.relatedTarget, e.pageX, e.pageY, e.which, e.metaKey are normalized
clicked: function (e) {
// this points to the model
this.clickCount(this.clickCount() + 1);
clickCount: blocks.observable(0)
<button data-query="click(clicked)">Click me</button>
<span>The button have been clicked {{clickCount}} times.</span>
Use the on()
query when you need an event that is not available out of the box.
<a data-query="on('touchend', mobileClick)"></a>