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File metadata and controls

50 lines (35 loc) · 2.25 KB



  • just-in-time loading VS lazy loading

Auto download file

      $a = document.createElement('a');
      $a.setAttribute("href", src);   // src is the url of resource
      $a.setAttribute("download", "");

      evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
      evObj.initMouseEvent( 'click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true, false, 0, null);

or open src in a new tab.


  • If you need to observe multiple elements, it is both possible and advised to observe multiple elements using the same IntersectionObserver instance by calling observe() multiple times.
  • rootBounds is the result of calling getBoundingClientRect() on the root element, which is the viewport by default. - boundingClientRect is the result of getBoundingClientRect() called on the observed element.
  • intersectionRect is the intersection of these two rectangles and effectively tells you which part of the observed element is visible.
  • intersectionRatio is closely related, and tells you how much of the element is visible.
  • This means that the call to your provided callback is low priority and will be made by the browser during idle time
  • If an iframe observes one of its elements, both scrolling the iframe as well as scrolling the window containing the iframe will trigger the callback at the appropriate times.
  • The browser support for IntersectionObservers is still fairly slim, so it won’t work everywhere right off the bat just yet.

webpack VS grunt

  • webpack 静态模块打包工具

    • a.js 依赖 b.js, b.js 编译后变为 b'.js, 那么 a'.js 中引用的也要同步更改为 b'.js
    • 基于依赖关系打包
  • grunt 自动化工具

    • 可以做打包,但不限于
    • task 都是基于文件的


  1. js 的 import 和 java 的 import 区别?
  2. grunt run task ['a', 'b', 'c'] 的时候,是同步 or 异步?
  3. js 加 hash 后,webpack 如何更新对应的 html 文件?
  4. webpack 按需加载的实现,好像跟 chunk 有关
  5. webpack 是基于依赖关系打包,对于 es6 有 import 和 export,除此之外,还有什么语法能体现依赖关系?