Check out our book sharing website.
To check out the app, please clone this repository.
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm i
Run start
npm run devStart
We want to create a web application which displays books for people in Founders & Coders to share.
As a member of Founders & Coders who has a book I would like to share...
- I can add a book to the database
As a member of Founders & Coders who is interested in borrowing a book...
- I can browse for available books
- I can reserve a book for certain dates
- I can unreserve a book
Suggested additional requirements / stretch goals:
- I can rate the book after I've read it
- Books can simultaneously be reserved by multiple users but for different dates
id | book_name | author | users_id | img_url |
1 | Harry Potter | J.K Rowling | 1 | img.jpg |
id | name | surname |
1 | Katia | Ashkar |
id | book_id | users_id | due_date |
1 | 1 | 1 | 15 Aug 2017 |
id | book_id | rating |
1 | 1 | 5 |
- CamelCase for variable names
- Comments for code clarification
- Sole use of arrow-functions on backend
- Use of QuerySelector to grab elements from html to js
- Wireframe & Architecture
- Create schemas
- Research sql injections
- Create skeleton files
- Create database
- Create back-end server
- Create front-end client
- Establish Heroku